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Former BCSO Deputy responds to recent controversy over social media post:

I am writing this letter because I would like to clarify some confusion about my position regarding the
situation which has caused some controversy recently. Anything that I have said, choose to say now, or
may say at any point in the future is my sole opinion and should in no way be misinterpreted as the
opinion or position of the Bradley County Sheriff’s Department.

First of all, the morning after the post, I was summoned to Bradley County Sheriff’s Office, had a brief
conversation, and I chose from the two options given, to tender my resignation, effective immediately.

I, Robert Suits, would like to apologize for any language or references that may have deemed to be
offensive in a recent social media post. The post contained explicit language and was not meant to be
offensive to anyone at all. The post was made in an attempt to express my beliefs, frustrations, and
thoughts on recent happenings in our country. While I acknowledge having the first amendment right of
free speech, in hindsight, I should never have made this post, without having the opportunity to
expound, and for that I am truly sorry. There were some extenuating circumstances involved, but
nevertheless, I do take responsibility for my actions.

During recent times, our nation has experienced civil unrest, violence, disappointment in ourselves and
in the actions of others, and we are still attempting to deal with the obvious destruction, both physically
and mentally, of the America as we know it, and to put it frankly, it is overwhelming. I personally am
tired of hearing about all of the destruction, as well as those behind it.

In my over 38 years of experience as a law enforcement officer, I have spent them serving as a patrol
officer on the street handling almost every conceivable circumstance you can possibly imagine, with
most of them happening on the worst day of someone’s life, and I have never allowed my personal
thoughts or opinion to guide or interfere with the job of protecting and serving the public. I have done
so without regard for a person’s guilt or innocence, race, religion, orientation, affiliations, opinions,
gender, etc. I have done so because we are all human beings and this is the way I strive to live my
personal life as well. As a human being, some of us sometimes allow our emotions to override our
behavior and we might say something in the heat of the moment that perhaps would have been better
left unsaid. Sometimes, the things we say are intentional and sometimes they are unintentional, but
they still hurt or offend others.

Now to clear up a couple of things I said, I am actually sick of hearing about several groups/organizations
in our country that are confused about how to express their opinions lawfully or express themselves
under their constitutional rights, and make any objections known legally. Although I never referenced a
recent horrific murder in our country, that took place in Minneapolis, I am personally outraged. This was
and will forever remain unacceptable and should be handled with the fullest extent of the law. My
thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Mr. Floyd.

In my opinion, the absolute destruction taking place in our country with looting, pillaging, burning
businesses, vandalizing homes, destruction of personal property, unlawful removal or destruction of
monuments, increasing tensions during a pandemic, and injuring or killing other people is in no way
productive. This can only serve to not only erase our history (including mistakes) but increase the
anxiety of normal citizens, and among us all. I believe, like millions of others probably, that the
destruction must end. We are all Americans. We are all blessed to live in the greatest country in the
world, where we have freedoms and opportunities that other people only dream of and imagine. I am
proud to be an American. I want peace in our country and throughout the land, if possible.

Now, I would like to address the three statements that were in the post that seemed to be so upsetting
to some people. First of all, I would like to apologize for the “America hating privileged punks” comment
because it was hastily written and does not explain what I meant, and may have offended some people.
Secondly, I used the word bullshit three different times and I was actually surprised at the response that
was received over this two syllable word in comparison to all of the criminal and violent acts taking place
on the streets of our cities in our country, every single day. It seems that some groups who may or may
not have a legitimate argument or grievance, may be trying to protest peacefully or within reason and in
a legal fashion, while others are invading their protests who may have malicious or nefarious reasons
behind their presence. Thirdly and most importantly, I used the word “White Strike” in my post and I
now understand that may have caused confusion or been misinterpreted to fit the agenda of others.

If you choose to take the time to conduct any research, rather than jumping to conclusions without
investigation of the actual meaning, then you will find that the two words #whitestrike are a reference
or synonym to the words #blueflu and it basically was only a reference to a planned absence of law
enforcement officers on duty, such as the ones referred to in Atlanta using this same terminology very
recently. ( )
This in no way was a reference to anything violent. It was simply a term used to refer to the officers of
every color and ethnicity, who might plan to call in sick at work. In Atlanta, there seems to have been a
knee jerk reaction without proper investigation, in response to a police involved shooting, and the
aftermath of this incident has left the local police officers in a situation where they wonder if they might
end up arrested, tried, condemned, accused, sentenced, etc. just for going in to work daily and doing the
job that society requires of them.

These police officers are brothers, sons, uncles, dads, sisters, daughters, moms, aunts, etc. They are
regular people too and belong to someone’s family. Yet, their future is uncertain every single day they
put that uniform on and make the choice to go to work. I thank every single officer who now serves or
has served in a just and upright manner to fulfill the obligations of what it means to pin on that badge
and serve.

I encourage us all to not only do our research when in doubt about something, but to also take
productive action ahead of time to make a difference. If something bothers us, we should all investigate
ways to make it better or get involved. Perhaps our actions could actually make a difference to better
the lives of other people, if done so in a positive manner.

While I regret the circumstances surrounding my departure, It has been a privilege to serve.


Robert Suits II

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