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GRADE 1 to 12


Teaching Date 2nd
and Time: WEEK 5 – Tuesday, 12:30 – 1:30 PM Quarter:
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be
I. OBJECTIVES followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and
competencies. These are using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and
enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards: The learner understands the relationship of a written text and the context in which it was developed.

B. Performance The learner writes a 1000-word critique of a selected text on the basis of its claim/s, context, and properties as a
Standards: written material.

C. Learning Learning Competencies:

Competencies/Objective The learner identifies claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text.
s a. Claim of fact (EN11/12RWS-IIIij- 6.1)
Write the LC Code for b. Claim of value (EN11/12RWS-IIIij- 6.2)
c. Claim of policy (EN11/12RWS-IIIij- 6.3)

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. construct statements of claims based on varied text types
b. present claims using varied performance platforms (radiobroadcasting, podcasting, role playing,
talk show, newscasting)
c. determine the quality of text construction of each claim
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled
in a week or two.
II. CONTENT Types of Claims

Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure
III. LEARNING that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept
RESOURCES development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide CG, page 2
2. Learner’s Materials Reading and Writing Textbook, pages 150-153

3. Textbook Pages Critical Reading and Writing for the Senior High School, pages 91-98
4. Additional Materials Google images
from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Slideshow, FB Messenger Group Chat, Teacher-made activity sheets, video clip, downloaded articles, meme,
Resources FB Post

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by
IV. PROCEDURES demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by
providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions
about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Previous PRELIMINARIES
Lesson or Presenting MOTIVATION:
the New Lesson Listen to a clip from a TBBT episode:

TBBT Season 8 Episode 12 – Space Probe Disintegration

Answer the following:

(1) What claims of fact, value and policy were stated by the characters?
(2) How were these claims stated?
(3) Were the characters able to persuade or influence anyone after stating their claims?
(4) What is the moral of the video clip?

Present objectives for the lesson.

B. Establishing a Purpose Pre-Reading Group Task: Class will be divided into 5 groups. 1. Basic Sight Words – This skill is observed in this
for the Lesson Text 1: Magazine Article (G1) activity because the learners will be reading different
Text 2: News Article (G2) types of texts with varying jargons and levels of
Text 3: Poem (G3) difficulty.
Text 4: FB Post (G4) 2. Using Phonetic Analysis – Each group was
Text 5: Meme (G5) tasked to write down 2 unfamiliar words from each text
and report their parts of speech, definitions and
Word Bank: pronunciations.
(a) Each group will skim the assigned text to choose 2 words. 3. Using Structural Analysis – This skill is observed
(b) Find out the definitions of the chosen words (dictionary and context clue), part of speech, in the vocabulary bank part of the group activity
pronunciations, usage and structure. because the learners will have to slice words to fully
(c) Do a Word Bank Report understand how they used in different contexts.
4. Using Contextual Clues – Students will be finding
out the meaning of the words in the bank based on
how they were used in the sentences in each text
5. Vocabulary Building – Students will be exposed to
a set of new words with their definitions,
pronunciations, usage and structure.

C. Presenting While Reading: Do the activities indicated in Output #2: My Claims, Their Claims, Other’s Claims!
Examples/Instances of Each member will fill out Output #2 based on: 6. Finding the Main Idea – This skill is observed here
the Lesson (1) My Claims (group’s assigned text type) – Write at least one sentence each to support your claims. for the students are tasked to understand each text
type to be able to get a statement for each claim.
D. Discussing New Reading a lot allows us to explore a variety of text types. This will raise our awareness about the claims evident
Concepts and in every text type. Identifying the different claims within a certain text is a future-proof skill in most writing-ridden 7. Finding the Supporting Details – Students would
Practicing New Skills #1 profession. have to look for supporting details to prove why they
favor a certain claim.

E. Discussing New Concepts Varied Text Types:

and Practicing New Skills (1) Non-prose – poetry 8. Classifying and Organizing Facts – This skill is
#2 (2) Prose – stories, plays/dramas, publication articles, most social media posts and memes, observed because the learners need to identify their
sentences to be able to construct claims support
which may range from most important to least
F. Developing Mastery Continuation of While Reading task: important facts.
(Leads to Formative (1) Their Claims (exchange with another group’s text type, part 1)
Assessment 3) (2) Other’s Claims (exchange with another group’s text type, part 2)
(3) After the claims have been completed, each learner will have to choose his/her most
favored/favorite claims and support his/her reasons with details from the text and researched facts.

G. Finding Practical Post Reading 9. Inferring meaning – This skill is used in this part of
Applications of (1) Construct either of the following containing one of each type of claims. the lesson because each learner needs to
Concepts and Skills in a. FB Post comprehend the required text type before he/she can
Daily Living b. FB Comment on a Post construct his/her claims.
c. Meme
d. Comment on a Meme 10. Following directions – The students are to follow
some the instructions to complete the assigned task.

H. Making Generalizations In your scrapbook/lecture notebook, write a claim of fact, value and policy for the importance of
and Abstractions about exploring varied text types.
the Lesson
I. Evaluating Learning Writer’s Mode 11. Using parts of a book – The students are
On a sticky note (any light color), write a claim of value and policy for the following claim of fact. assigned to do research to support the statements of
Research your supporting facts. claims they found in the vicinity.
12. Using the dictionary – This skill is observed
CLAIM OF FACT: because the students are to use dictionaries in
The Monalisa is such a classical painting that the mere idea of it is so antique. researching.
13. Using encyclopedia, almanac and other
references – The students are also tasked to use this
skill to find facts or information for their claims.
J. Additional Activities for Present the text type using the assigned performance platforms:
Application or G1 – Radiobroadcasting
Remediation G2 – Podcasting
G3 – Talk Show
G4 – Role Playing
G5 – Newscasting

VI.REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else
needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons

D. No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
E. No. of learners who
continue to require

F. Which of my teaching Use of Social Media – This is undeniably a very appealing strategy (memes, more so!).
strategies work well? Why
did these work?

G. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

H. What innovations or Teacher-made activity sheets

localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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