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10.1 A microscopic interpretation of the behavior of gases

10.2 The empirical gas laws—Boyle’s, Charles’ and Gay-Lussac’s Laws

10.3 Avogadro’s Law

10.4 Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure

10.5 Gas laws and respiratory physiology

10.6 Gas law stoichiometry and the molar volume of a gas at STP

10.7 Gas law stoichiometry and the ideal gas equation

10.8 The solubility of gases in liquids—Henry’s Law

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Our present understanding of the microscopic structure of matter has its

roots in the study of the physical behavior of gases. Beginning with the work of

Robert Boyle in the seventeenth century, chemists studied how gases responded

to temperature, pressure and volume changes. These studies have enabled

chemists to conclude that gases are composed of small particles that are in

constant motion. These particles are atoms for the mono-atomic noble elements

(He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) and molecules for the diatomic gaseous elements (H 2,

N2, and O2, F2 and Cl2) and covalent compounds such as CO2. In this chapter

you will learn how to use the gas laws discovered by the early chemists to predict

how gases change when their temperatures, pressures or volumes are changed.

You will also see how chemists can explain the behavior of matter in terms of

atoms and molecules.

Understanding gases has also proven extremely valuable in many aspects

of our technology. The inventions of the steam engine and the internal

combustion engine depended upon discoveries of the effects of temperature and

pressure on the behavior of gases. The energy of expanding gases makes

steam and internal combustion engines work. The gas laws we discuss in this

chapter explain the source of this energy and how we can convert the chemical

energy of burning fuel to the mechanical energy of an expanding gas.

The gas laws also explain the physiology of respiration. As the rib cage

expands, the volume of the lungs is increased, causing the inhalation of air.

Compression of the rib cage reduces the volume of the lungs, causing air to be

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exhaled. We shall use respiration as an example of the pressure-volume

relationship of gases.


A microscopic description of gases best explains how and why gases

respond to changes in temperature, pressure and volume. In other words, the

microscopic behavior of invisible atoms and molecules explains visible

macroscopic phenomena such as the expansion of heated gases. You will find it

easier to understand the macroscopic behavior of gases by first examining the

microscopic description of gases.

Gases are composed of atoms or molecules moving at extremely high

rates of speed in a large volume of space (Figure 10.1). Most of the volume

occupied by a gas is empty space—the total volume of the gas molecules

themselves is extremely small compared to the volume occupied by the gas. For

example, a sample of hydrogen at 20 oC is composed of hydrogen molecules

occupying about 0.1% of the total space occupied by the gas. These hydrogen

molecules are moving at an average speed of around 4000 miles per hour. We

have the impression that this small volume of molecules occupies such a large

volume because these molecules are moving rapidly, colliding with themselves

and the walls of their container.

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Figure 10.1 Gas molecules move at high rates of speed and are distributed within a large

volume. Compared to a liquid or a solid, the percentage of volume occupied by the gas

molecules themselves is very small. Molecules in the gaseous phase are moving much more

rapidly than molecules in the liquid or solid phases. There are no interactions among molecules

in the gaseous phase. Molecules in the liquid or solid phases, on the other hand, are very close

to one another and strong interact among themselves.

As you might expect, all gas molecules in a sample of gas are not moving

at the same speed. When we refer to the velocity of gas molecules, we are

referring to the average velocity of a extremely large collection of gas molecules

moving at a variety of speeds (Figure 10.2). These molecules are moving

randomly and do not tend to cling together when they collide. Instead, they

bounce off one another like billiard balls on a billiard table.

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Figure 10.2 As you might expect, a large collection of gas molecules consists of molecules

moving at different speeds. As the temperature of a gas increases, the average speed increases.

The molecules of a gas also collide with the walls of the container. The

force of these collisions exerts a pressure on the walls. The pressure exerted by

a gas increases as the frequency of collisions with the wall of the container

increases. Reducing the volume occupied by a given number of molecules

increases the pressure because more collisions with the container occur. In

other words, the smaller the volume occupied by a given number of gas

molecules, the greater the pressure these molecules exert on the inner walls of

the gas’s container (Figure 10.3).

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Figure 10.3 As the volume of a gas is increased, molecules have more room to roam and collide

less frequently with the walls of the container. As the volume of a gas is reduced, the frequency

of collisions of molecules with the walls of the container increases, thus increasing the pressure

exerted by the gas.

We express the pressure exerted by a gas on the walls of its container in

several different kinds of units. The most common units used by chemists are

‘mm Hg’ and ‘atm’. The ‘atm’ or ‘atmosphere’ refers to the quantity of pressure

exerted at sea level by our atmosphere. The column of mercury in a barometer

stands 76 cm (or 760 cm) at sea level and so 1 atm of pressure is defined as

exactly 760 mm Hg (Figure 10.4). Sometimes the expression, torr, is used in

place of mm Hg. Thus 760 torr also equals 1 atm or 760 mm Hg.

In the English system pressure is expressed as ‘psi’ or ‘pounds per square

inch’. We use the English units of psi to describe the pressure in inflated

automobile tires. The conversion between atm and psi is 1 atm = 14.6 psi. Most

tires are filled with about 30 psi, in other words, roughly 2 atm. We use the

conversion factor method to convert between these different units (EX 10.1).

1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 760 torr = 14.6 psi

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Figure 10.4 A mercury barometer is a column of mercury standing 76 cm above the surface of a

dish filled with mercury. The pressure exerted by the atmosphere upon the surface of the

mercury in the dish pushes the mercury 76 cm up the tube against the force of gravity. When

weather changes reduce or increase atmospheric pressure the column of mercury falls or rises.

If the barometer is taken to a higher altitude where the force of the atmosphere is reduced, the

mercury level in the barometer falls.

EX 10.1

a. Convert 30.0 psi to the equivalent pressure in atmospheres.

____ 1 atm
30.0 psi x ( ) = 2.05 atm
____ 14.6 psi

b. Convert 732 mm Hg to the equivalent pressure in atmospheres.

1 atm
(732 mm Hg) x ( ) = 0.963 atm
760 mm Hg

(Three significant figures are in this answer because the conversion between atm

and mm Hg is an exact definition.)

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c. Convert 732 mm Hg to the equivalent pressure in psi.

14.6 psi
(732 mm Hg) x ( ) = 14.1 psi
760 mm Hg

The molecules of a hot gas are moving faster than molecules of a cold

gas. As gases absorb heat and become hotter, the molecules of the gas move

faster, changing the average velocity of the molecules (Figure 10.2). Thus,

energy in the form of heat absorbed by a gas is converted to an increased rate of

molecular motion. The faster molecules are moving, the more frequently

collisions are likely to occur with the walls of the container. Furthermore, faster

molecules hit the walls with more force than slower molecules, further increasing

the pressure on the walls of the container. In summary, a hot gas exerts a

greater pressure on the inner walls of its container than a cold gas because

collisions occur more frequently and with greater force.

As you might imagine, as the number of molecules increases in a gas,

collisions with the walls occur more frequently thus increasing the pressure

exerted by the gas. However, the pressure exerted by large molecules is the

same as the pressure exerted by a similar number of small molecules. Although

large molecules impart a greater force than small molecules in collisions with the

container, larger gas molecules move more slowly than small molecules at any

given temperature. Thus a collection of small molecules collides more frequently

but with less force than a similar collection of large molecules. As a result of this

balance between molecular velocity and force of collision, the pressure exerted

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by a gas only depends upon the number of molecules, not the masses of the

molecules (in other words, not on their molecular weights).

We can summarize the relationship between pressure exerted by a gas

and its volume, temperature and number of particles (in other words, the number

of moles) in several statements.

 The pressure of a gas increases as its volume decreases

 The pressure of a gas increases as its temperature increases

 The pressure of a gas increases with increasing numbers of particles

We shall refer to these statements in our discussion of the gas laws in the

following section. The microscopic description of gases described in this section

explains the macroscopic description of gases summarized by the empirical gas


P 10.1 The pressure exerted by a gas inside a balloon is the same as the

pressure exerted by the air outside a balloon so a balloon is a good example of a

gas under constant pressure. How would a balloon respond to heating? Give a

microscopic explanation for your answer.

P 10.2 How does a balloon respond to adding additional molecules to the

balloon? Give a microscopic explanation for your answer.

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P 10.3 Convert the following given quantities from the given units to the required


a. 8.45 atm = ? mm Hg

_____ mm Hg
(8.45 atm) x ( )=
1 atm

b. 5.41 mm Hg = ? atm

____ atm
(5.41 mm Hg) x ( )=
_____ mm Hg

c. 471 torr = ? atm

(471 torr) x ( )=

d. 471 torr = ? mm Hg

(______) x ( )=

e. 471 torr = ? psi

1 atm 14.6 psi

(471 torr) x( )x( =
___ torr _______

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As the volume of a gas is decreased, the pressure it exerts on the walls of

the container increases. In other words, the pressure exerted by a gas is

inversely proportional to the volume it occupies. When we describe two

variables as being ‘inversely proportional’, we mean that one of these variables

becomes larger as the other becomes smaller. This inverse relationship between

pressure and volume is expressed mathematically as Boyle’s Law (Figure 10.5).

P1 x V1 = P2 x V2

The P1 and V1 represent an initial pressure and volume for a gas. The

symbols, P2 and V2 represent the pressure and volume of the same gas after

either the initial pressure or volume is changed. We use Boyle’s Law to solve for

a new pressure or a new volume from a given initial pressure and volume and a

changed value for either the initial pressure or volume. For example, if we are

given a new pressure, P2, we solve for the new volume, V 2, by rearranging the


P1 xV1
= V2

P1 xV1
V2 =

The Boyle’s Law equation is rearranged by using the ‘Golden Rule’ of

algebra—you can do anything to an equation provided you do it to both sides of

the equation in exactly the same way. In this case, since we want to isolate V2,

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we divide both sides by P2. This leaves our equation expressing V2 in terms of

the three given quantities, V1, P1 and P2.

P1 x V1 = P2 x V2 (original equation)

1 1
x (P1 x V1) = (P2 x V2) x (divide both sides by P2)
P2 P2

(cross cancel P2 on the left)

P1 xV1
= V2 (equation solving for V2)

P1 xV1
V2 = (reverse sides for convenience)

We can also rearrange Boyle’s Law equation to solve for P 2 from a given

V1, P1 and V2.

P1 xV1
P2 =

Boyle’s Law problems always give you an initial volume and pressure (V1

and P1) and either a new pressure, P2, or a new volume, V2. You solve for the

fourth variable in the equation (either V2 or P2) after rearranging the original

Boyle’s Law equation.

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Figure 10.5 As the pressure is increased on a piston, the piston sinks, reducing the volume of

gas inside the cylinder. The greater pressure of gas exerted by the reduced volume of gas offers

an increased resistance to further downward movement of the piston. Boyle summarized his

observations by writing the first empirical gas law.

EX 10.2 A gas occupying 8.6 L exerts a pressure of 515 mm Hg. The volume of

gas is reduced to 7.3 L. What is the new pressure exerted by the gas?

P1 x V1 = P2 x V2 (start with the Boyle’s Law equation)

P1 xV1
P2 = (rearrange to solve for P2)

(515 mm Hg ) x (8.6 L)
P2 = = 610 mm Hg (replace the symbols with values)
7.3 L

(two significant figures in the answer based on the given values)

EX 10.3 A gas occupying 34.4 mL exerts a pressure of 1.05 atm. The pressure

is increased to 2.67 atm. What is the new volume of the gas?

P1 x V1 = P2 x V2 (start with the Boyle’s Law equation)

P1 xV1
V2 = (rearrange to solve for V2)

(1.05 atm) x (34.4 mL)

V2 = = 12.5 mL (replace the symbols with values)
2.67 atm

(three significant figures in the answer based on the given values)

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You might have noticed that Boyle’s Law problems do not mention either

the temperature of the gas or the number of moles of gas. This is because we

assume a constant temperature and quantity of gas in Boyle’s Law problems. As

you will see, empirical gas law problems are most easily solved when we

calculate the change in one variable as a function of a second variable, holding

other variables constant.

P 10.4 A 15.0 L compressible container of H2 gas is under a pressure of 675 mm

Hg. What is the volume does the H2 occupy if the pressure is reduced to 315

mm Hg?

P1 x V1 = P2 x V2 (start with the Boyle’s Law equation)

(____)1 x (____)1
V2 = (rearrange to solve for V2)

(____) x (____)
V2 = = ______L

P 10.5 What pressure is required to change 13.8 mL of air initially at a pressure

of 51.9 psi to a volume of 2.84 mL?

P1 x V1 = P2 x V2

(____)1 x (____)1 (____)

P2 = = P2 x
V2 (____)

(___ mL)
P2 = (_____psi) x ( )
(____ mL)

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P 10.6 If a sample of gas occupies 4.98 L at 818 torr, what is the pressure

exerted by the same gas when it occupies a volume of 854 mL?

(___ mL)
P2 = (_____torr) x ( )
(____ mL)

As we have seen, our microscopic model of gases predicts an increase in

the frequency and force of collisions of molecules with the walls of the container

as a gas is heated. If the gas is not allowed to expand (in other words, constant

volume conditions), we observe an increase in pressure. On the other hand, a

gas maintained at a constant pressure expands when heated. An expanding

volume reduces the increased frequency of collisions of the more rapidly moving

molecules, keeping the pressure of the gas constant.

A balloon is a good example of a gas under constant pressure conditions.

If the flexible bladder containing a gas in a balloon is not expanding or

contracting, the forces exerted on the outside of the bladder from the atmosphere

are exactly balanced by the forces exerted on the inside of the bladder by the

gas in the balloon. In other words, the pressure is equal on the inside and the

outside of a balloon. Thus the behavior of a balloon demonstrates the volume—

temperature relationship of gases. As the temperature of a gas increases at a

constant pressure, its volume increases. This law is called ‘Charles’ Law’.

V1 V2
T1 T2

The Charles’ Law equation states that the ratio of the volume and

temperature of a gas remains constant—as the temperature increases, the

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volume increases proportionally in order that the ratio of the two values does not

change. This kind of relationship between variables is called a direct

proportionality (Figure 10.6).

Figure 12.6 A container containing gas at a constant pressure becomes smaller as it is chilled to

increasingly lower temperatures. Its volume appears to become zero at – 273 oC—not 0 oC. This

is because 0 oC is not an absolute lack of temperature whereas – 273 oC is a temperature of

absolute zero. There is no temperature less than – 273 oC.

When performing calculations with Charles’ Law or indeed any calculation

involving temperature, you must always express temperature in absolute units

called ‘Kelvin’ (K). Temperature is a measure of how fast molecules are moving.

Therefore there should be an ‘absolute zero’ for temperature—a temperature at

which molecules are completely motionless. You cannot have a temperature less

than 0 K because molecules, like everything else, cannot have a velocity less

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than zero. This temperature has been experimentally determined to be

–273.2 oC (Figure 10.6). Temperatures measured as oC are converted to the

equivalent Kelvin temperature measurement by adding 273.2.

K = oC + 273.2
C = K – 273.2

As with Boyle’s Law, we can manipulate the Charles’ Law equation to

solve for either V2 or T2, depending upon which variable is given. If we multiply

both sides of the Charles’ Law equation by T 2, we isolate V2 to give an equation

that calculates a new volume from a given V1, T1 and new temperature, T2.

V1 V2
= (original equation)
T1 T2

V1 V
T2 x ( ) = ( 2 ) x T2 (multiply both sides by T 2)
T1 T2

( ) x T2 = V2 (eliminate T2 from right hand side of equation)

V2 = ( ) x T2 (reverse sides of equation)

To solve for a new temperature, T 2, from a given new volume, V2, we first

invert both sides of the equation and then multiply both sides of the inverted

equation by V2, isolating T2.

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V1 V2
= (original equation)
T1 T2

T1 T2
= (invert both sides of the equation)
V1 V2

T1 T
( ) x V2 = ( 2 ) x V2 (multiply both sides by V2)
V1 V2

( ) x V2 = T2 (eliminate V2 from right hand side of equation)

T2 = ( ) x V2 (reverse sides of equation)

EX 10.4 Calculate the volume of a 4.5 L balloon initially at 35.0 0C after it is

heated to 70.0 oC.

V1 V2
= (start with Charles’ Law equation)
T1 T2

V2 = ( ) x T2 (rearrange to solve for V2)

T1 = 35.0 oC + 273.2 = 308.2 K

T2 = 70.0 oC + 273.2 = 343.2 K (convert oC to K)

4.5 L
V2 = ( ) x 343.2 K (replace symbols with given values)
308.2 K

V2 = 5.0 L

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EX 10.5 Calculate the temperature (in oC) required to make a 75.8 mL balloon

initially at 57.9 oC change its volume to 50.8 mL.

V1 V2
= (start with Charles’ Law equation)
T1 T2

T2 = ( ) x V2 (rearrange to solve for T 2)

T1 = 57.9 oC + 273.2 = 331.1 K (convert oC to K)

331.1 K
T2 = ( ) x 50.8 mL (replace symbols with given values)
75.8 mL

T2 = 222 K (three significant figures based on the given volumes)

T2 = 222 K – 273.2 = – 51 oC

P 10.7 What is the volume of a 10.2 L balloon initially at 25.0 oC after it is heated

to 100.0 oC?

T1 = 25.0 oC + ______ = _____K T2 = ______oC + ______ = ____K

V1 V2 V1 10.2 L
= so V2 = ( ) x T2 = ( ) x (_____) =
T1 T2 T1 _____ K

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P 10.8 To what temperature must a 5.00 L balloon initially at – 50.0 oC be

adjusted to change its volume to 7.50 L?

T1 = _____ + _____ = _____K

V1 V2 T1 V _____
= so T2 = ( ) x V2 = T1 x ( 2 ) = (___K) x ( ) = ___K
T1 T2 V1 V1 _____

T2 = _____K – 273.2 = ____oC

P 10.9 What is the final temperature of a 435 mL balloon initially at 57 oC when it

expands to a volume of 1.45 L?

T1 = _____ + _____ = _____K

V1 V2 _____ _____
= so T2 = ( ) x ___ = ( ) x ___K = ___K
T1 T2 _____ _____

T2 = _____K – 273.2 = ____oC

If we keep volume and the number of moles of a gas constant, we can

examine the relationship between pressure and temperature. A closed tank filled

with gas represents such an experimental situation. We expect the pressure in a

closed tank to increase when we heat it. Microscopically, we can imagine that

increasing the temperature of the gas molecules makes them collide more

frequently and with greater force against the walls of the tank, thus increasing the

pressure. Increasing pressures of gases in closed containers is an important

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property of gases with which most of us are familiar. For example, we do not

throw closed spray cans in a fire because the increasing pressure of any gas left

in the can might cause the can to explode.

The pressure-temperature relationship of a gas is called ‘Gay-Lussac’s

Law’ and is represented by an equation similar to the Charles’ Law equation.

P1 P2
T1 T2

As with Charles’ Law, the values used to express temperature in the Gay-Lussac

equation must be given as Kelvin. Pressure, on the other hand, can be given in

any consistent set of units. The Gay-Lussac equation can be rearranged in the

same way as the Charles’ equation to solve for either P 2 from a given T2 or T2

from a given P2.

P2 = ( ) x T2

T1 P
T2 = ( ) x P2 = T1 x ( 2 )
P1 P1

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EX 10.6 A 25.0 L tank is filled with helium to a pressure of 1.4 atm at a

temperature of 0.0 oC. What is the pressure when the temperature is decreased

to –75.0 oC?

P1 P2
T1 T2

P2 = ( ) x T2

T1 = 0.0 oC + 273.2 = 273.2 K

T2 = – 75.0 oC + 273.2 = 198.2 K

1.4 atm
P2 = ( ) x 198.2 K = 1.0 atm
273.2 K

EX 10.7 Calculate the temperature required to reduce the pressure from 515

mm Hg to 300.0 mm Hg in a 7.5 L tank originally at a temperature of 308 K.

P1 P2
T1 T2

T2 = ( ) x P2

308 K
T2 = ( ) x 300.0 mm Hg = 179 K
515 mm Hg

(Note that neither of these problems require the use of the given volume, because the

volume does not change)

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P 10.10 Algebraically manipulate the Gay-Lussac pressure-temperature

relationship to solve for T2.

P1 P2 ____ ____
= inverting gives =
T1 T2 ____ ____

T2 = ( ) x ____

P 10.11 Calculate the temperature (in oC) required to double the pressure in a

10 L tank of air initially at a temperature of 25 oC and a pressure of 2.4 atm.

P2 = ___ x P1 if P2 is double P1

T1 = 25 oC + _____ = _____K

T2 = ( ) x ____K = _____K

T2 = ____K – 273 = ____oC

P 10.12 Calculate the pressure in a 8 L tank of N2 gas initially at 0.0 oC and 12.8

psi after the temperature is increased to 75.0 oC.

T1 = ____ + _____ = ____K T2 = ____ + _____ = ____K

P2 = ( ) x (____) = _____ psi

We summarize the empirical gas laws with three equations. There are

four variables in each of these equations. We rearrange these equations to solve

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for one of the four variables because the other three variables have been given in

the problem.

Table 10.1

The three empirical gas laws

Boyle’ Law

P1 xV1 P
P1 x V1 = P2 x V2 P2 = or V2 = ( 1 ) x V2
P2 P2

Charles’ Law

V1 V2 V1 V
= V2 = ( ) x T2 or T2 = ( 2 ) x T1
T1 T2 T1 V1

Gay-Lussac’s Law

P1 P2 P1 P
= P2 = ( ) x T2 or T2 = ( 2 ) x T1
T1 T2 T1 P1

The three empirical gas laws can be combined into one law, the combined

gas law. You can think of the combined gas law as a combination of Boyle’s Law

and Charles’ Law.

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P1 x V1 = P2 x V2 Boyle’s Law

V1 V2
= Charles’ Law
T1 T2

P1 xV1 P xV2
= 2 Combined Gas Law
T1 T2

The combined gas law is used when a gas is changed in two ways, for

example, in both its temperature and its pressure. We can solve for one variable

by rearranging the initial equation. For example, if we change the temperature

and pressure of a gas we calculate its new volume. On the other hand, if we

change the volume and temperature, we solve for a new pressure.

P1 xV1 P xV2
= 2 (combined gas law)
T1 T2

T2 P xV
V2 = ( ) x ( 1 1 ) (rearranged to solve for a new volume)
P2 T1

T2 P xV
P2 = ( ) x ( 1 1 ) (rearranged to solve for a new pressure)
V2 T1

T2 = (P2 x V2) x ( ) (rearranged to solve for a new temperature)
P1 xV1

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EX 10.8 Calculate the volume of a 4.87 weather balloon initially at a pressure of

753 mm Hg and a temperature of 21.0 oC after it rises to a height at which the

pressure is 412 mm Hg and the temperature is – 23 oC.

P1 xV1 P x V2
= 2 (combined gas law)
T1 T2

T2 P xV
V2 = ( ) x ( 1 1 ) (rearranged to solve for a new volume)
P2 T1

250 K ) (753 mm Hg ) x (4.87 L)

V2 = ( )( ) (replace symbols)
412 mm Hg 294.2 K

(250 K ) x (753 mm Hg ) x (4.87 L)

V2 = ( )
(412 mm Hg ) x (294.2 K )

(optional rearrangement if you find this more convenient when using your calculator)

V2 = 7.56 L

You only need to remember the combined gas law to solve all empirical

gas law problems. In a problem in which only the pressure or volume varies, the

temperature cancels out of both sides of the combined gas law equation, leaving

Boyle’s Law. A similar strategy holds for Charles’ Law and Gay-Lussac Law


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P1 xV1 P x V2
= 2 (combined gas law)
T1 T2

P1 xV1 P2 xV2
 (Boyle’s Law—T constant) P1 x V1 = P2 x V2
T1 T2

P1 xV1 P2 xV2 V1 V2
 (Charles Law—P constant) 
T1 T2 T1 T2

P1 x V1 P2 xV2 P1 P2
 (Gay-Lussac Law—V constant) 
T1 T2 T1 T2

P 10.13 To what temperature (in oC) must a 5.0 L balloon at an initial

temperature of 23.5 oC and pressure of 884 mm Hg be adjusted if its new volume

is to be 1.54 L and its new pressure 0.956 atm?

V1 = ____ P1 = ____ T1 = _____

V2 = ____ P2 = ____ T2 = ?

P1 xV1 P x V2
= 2
T1 T2

P1 xV1 xT1
T2 =
P2 xV2

(____) x (____) x (____ K )

T2 = = ____K
(____) x (______)

T2 = ____K – ____ = _____oC

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P 10.14 What is the final pressure in a 10 L tank of Ne at a temperature of 44.9

C and a pressure of 4.62 atm after the temperature of the tank is changed to

155 oC?

V1 = ____ P1 = ____ T1 = _____

V2 = ____ P2 = ? T2 = _____

P1 xV1 P x V2
= 2
T1 T2

Since V1 = V2

P2 = ( ) x T2

(____ atm)
P2 = ( ) x ____ K = ___atm
_____ K

P 10.15 If a 23.7 L weather balloon is released at a temperature of – 23 oC and

755 mm Hg, what is its volume when it rises to a height such that the pressure is

255 mm Hg and the temperature is – 67 oC?

V1 = ____ P1 = ____ T1 = _____

V2 = ____ P2 = ? T2 = _____

P1 xV1 P x V2
= 2
T1 T2

P1 xV1 ____
V2 = (( )x( )
T1 ____

(____) x (____) ____

V2 = ( x( ) = ___L
(____) ____

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-28



Our microscopic view of gases also allows us to understand how a sample

of gas responds when more gas molecules are added to the sample. For

example, if more gas is added to a balloon at constant temperature we expect

the balloon to become larger. When additional molecules are added to a balloon

the number of collisions against the inside of the bladder increases. The

resultant increase in pressure causes the balloon to expand until the internal

pressure becomes equal with the external pressure. Thus the balloon’s volume

increases as additional molecules are added to the balloon.

Similarly, if more gas is added to a closed tank at a constant temperature

we expect the pressure in the tank to increase. The increased number of

collisions against the walls of the tank results in an increased pressure that

cannot be relieved by an expansion of the tank. Thus the pressure increases as

the number of molecules increases in a closed tank.

As we saw in our initial discussion of the microscopic structure of gases,

the number of collisions and the force of these collisions do not depend upon the

size of the gas molecules. Although larger molecules have a greater mass, they

are moving slower than smaller molecules. At any given temperature large

molecules with their larger mass exert the same force as smaller molecules

because the larger molecules are moving more slowly than the small molecules.

At any given temperature, therefore the force (and therefore the pressure)

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-29


associated with molecular collisions depends upon the number of collisions and

therefore the number of molecules—not the mass (and therefore kind) of

molecule. This important principle is often called ‘Avogadro’s Law’.

In short, Avogadro’s Law states that the volume of a gas at a constant

pressure and temperature depends upon the number of molecules of gas,

usually expressed as the number of moles of gas. At a constant volume and

temperature, the pressure exerted by the gas depends upon the number of

moles of gas in the sample. We can express these statements algebraically

using equations similar to the Charles’ and Gay-Lussac’s laws.

V1 V2

n1 n2

P1 P2

n1 n2

Like the Charles and Gay-Lussac relationships, Avogadro’s law is a direct

proportionality relationship. In other words, as the number of moles increases in

a sample of gas, so does its volume or pressure. As you will soon see, since

Avogadro’s Law refers to the number of moles, not the mass, of a gas, we can

use the empirical gas laws to solve problems for mixtures of gases as well as

pure gases. In other words, it never matters what kind of gas you have in a

sample when you predict the behavior of the gas. The total number of moles of

the different gases in a mixture is all that matters.

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-30


EX 10.9 A 21.0 L balloon is filled with 0.95 mol of hydrogen gas to a pressure of

at 785 mm Hg. What is the volume of this balloon after an additional 0.15 mol of

H2 is added?

V1 V2

n1 n2

V2 = n2 x ( )

n2 = 0.95 mol H2 + 0.15 mol H2 = 1.10 mol H2

21.0 L
V2 = (1.10 mol) x ( ) = 24 L
0.95 mol

EX 10.10 A 10.0 L tank at 2.56 atm contains 0.55 mol He. What is the pressure

in this tank after 0.21 mol Ne is added?

P1 P2

n1 n2

P2 = n2 x ( )

n2 = 0.55 mol He + 0.21 mol Ne = 0.76 mol gas

2.56 atm
P2 = (0.76 mol) x ( ) = 3.5 atm
0.55 mol


As we have seen, the volume or pressure of a gas depends upon the

number of moles, not the kind of gas. Therefore we can describe a mixture of

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-31


gases in terms of a mole fraction, volume fraction or pressure fraction—all three

fractions are equal to one another. Volume fractions and pressure fractions are

called ‘partial volumes’ and ‘partial pressures’. For example, a mixture of helium

and argon that is 25% by moles helium is also 25% by volume helium and 25%

by pressure helium. Note that this mixture is not 25% by mass helium.

Chemists generally prefer to describe mixtures of gases in terms of partial

pressures rather than partial volumes. Most samples of gases are mixed

together in a closed container and therefore the components of the mixture

occupy the same volume—that of the container. The contribution one

component gas makes to the overall pressure exerted by the mixture of gases is

the partial pressure of that component. The sum of individual partial pressures

equals the total pressure exerted by the mixture. Furthermore, the partial

pressure of each gas is equal to its mole fraction times the total pressure (Figure

10.7). These two statements summarize Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures. We

summarize these two statements in two equations. For a mixture of three

different gases, A, B, and C our equations are as follows.

PT = PA + PB + PC

(The total pressure, PT, exerted by a mixture equals the sum of the individual partial

pressures, PA, PB, and PC)

na n
PA = XA x PT where XA = = a
na  nb  nc nT

(The partial pressure of gas A equals the mole fraction of A, XA, times the total pressure,


Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-32


Figure 10.7 The total pressure inside a container of a mixture of gases equals the sum of

pressures exerted by the individual gases of the mixture. The partial pressure of one gas

depends upon the mole contribution to the mixture made by that gas, in other words, its mole


EX 10.11 What are the mole fractions, XHe, XAr and XCO2, of a mixture of

1.67 mol He, 1.00 mol Ar and 2.40 mol CO2 in a 10 L tank at 25.0 oC?

nT = 1.67 mol He + 1.00 mol Ar + 2.40 mol CO2 = 5.07 mol gases

1.67 mol He
XHe = = 0.329
5.07 mol gases

1.00 mol Ar
XAr = = 0.197
5.07 mol gases

XCO2 = 1.000 – 0.329 – 0.197 = 0.474

2.40 mol CO2

(or XCO2 = = 0.473
5.07 mol gases

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-33


EX 10.12 What are the partial pressures of Ne and Kr in a mixture of 0.0452

mole Ne and 0.129 mole Kr at a total pressure of 615 torr?

nT = 0.0452 mole Ne + 0.129 mole Kr = 0.174 mole gases

0.0452 mol Ne
PNe = XNe x PT = ( ) x 615 torr = 160 torr Ne
0.174 mol gases

PKr = 615 torr – 160 torr = 455 torr Kr

(Note that PNe is a three significant figure answer and the subtraction of 160 torr from 615

torr must have an answer to the nearest one’s.)

Notice that the volume or temperature of a mixture of gases does not

enter into a calculation of partial pressures from a given total pressure and mole

fraction composition of the mixture. As you have seen in previous chapters, you

must pay close attention to the units in which the quantities of gases are

expressed. A description of a mixture expressed in terms of masses of gases

must be converted to a description expressed in terms of moles of gases before

solving partial pressure problems. In the two following examples, gas mixtures

are described as either a mixture of several different masses of gases (EX 10.13)

or a mixture described as a mass percent composition (EX 10.14). In both cases

these mass descriptions are converted to mole fractions before solving for partial


Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-34


EX 10.13 A mixture of 5.00 g of H2 and 5.00 g O2 is placed in a 75 L container at

a total pressure of 2.56 atm. What are the partial pressures of H 2 and O2 in the


___ mol Kr 1 mol H 2

(5.00 g H2) x ( ) = 2.48 mole H2
____ mol ___  ____ mol ____ 2.02 g H 2

1 mol O2
(5.00 g O2) x ( ) = 0.156 mole O2
32.0 g O2

nT = 2.48 mole H2 + 0.156 mole O2 = 2.64 mole gases

2.48 mol H 2
XH2 = = 0.939
2.64 mol gases

PH2 = 0.939 x 2.56 atm = 2.40 atm H2

PO2 = 2.56 atm – 2.40 atm = 0.16 atm O2

0.156 mol O2
(or PO2 = ( ) x 2.56 atm = 0.15 atm O2
2.64 mol gases

EX 10.14 What is the partial pressure of Ar in a 25 % by mass Ar/ Ne mixture at

a total pressure of 815 mm Hg?

A hypothetical mixture of Ar/He weighing 100 g contains 25 g Ar and 75 Ne. Calculate the

mole ratio of Ar in this hypothetical mixture in order to calculate the partial pressure of Ar

in a mixture exerting a total pressure of 815 mm Hg.

1 mol Ar
(25 g Ar) x ( ) = 0.63 mole Ar
40.0 g Ar

1 mol Ne
(75 g Ne) x ( ) = 3.7 mole Ne
20.2 g Ne

0.63 mol Ar
PAr = ( ) x 815 mm Hg = 120 mm Ar
4.3 mol gases

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P 10.16 Calculate the total pressure of a mixture of 1.15 atm H 2, 845 torr He,

and 21.8 psi O2 in a 45.0 L tank.

You must select a consistent set of units for pressure.

PH2 = ______ PHe = ______ and PO2 = _____

PT = ____ + _____ + _____

P 10.17 Calculate the partial pressure of Ar in a mixture of 1.93 mole Ar and

0.56 mole Kr in a tank at a total pressure of 1.84 atm and a temperature of


____ mol ____

XAr = = _____
____ mol___  ____ mol ____

PAr = (____) x (____) = ____ atm

P 10.18 Calculate the mole fraction and the volume fraction of CO 2 in a mixture

of CO2 and O2 if the partial pressure of CO2 is 450 mm Hg and the total pressure

exerted by the mixture is 955 mm Hg.

PCO2 = XCO2 x PT

PCO2 = ______mm Hg and PT = ____ mmHg

XCO2 = = _____

What is the relationship of between the mole fraction, volume fraction and

pressure fraction in a mixture of gases?

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P 10.19 Calculate the partial pressure of Kr in a mixture of 5.00 g He and 5.00 g

Kr present in a 10 L tank at a total pressure of 4.98 atm.

___ mol He
(_____ g He) x( ) = _____mole He
____ g ____

___ mol Kr
(_____ g Kr) x ( ) = _____mole Kr
____ g ____

___ mol Kr
XKr = = ______
____ mol ___  ____ mol ____

PKr = (______) x (______) = _____atm


The gas laws interest physicians and physiologists because of their

importance in respiratory physiology. The acts of inhalation and exhalation are

described in terms of Boyle’s Law of pressure and volume. The mixtures of

gases entering and leaving the lungs are described in terms of partial pressures

of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Anesthesiologists describe the mixtures of

gaseous anesthesia in terms of partial pressures. The gas laws also play an

important role in understanding deep-sea diving physiology.

Lungs are elastic balloon-like structures contained within the thoracic

cavity. Lung tissue consists of a complex network of alveoli—small air-filled sacs

capable of transferring oxygen to the blood while allowing carbon dioxide to leave

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-37


the blood. During inhalation, the lungs expand because the diaphragm and the

muscles of the rib cage pull the ribs down and outwards, making the thoracic

cavity larger. The increased volume of the lungs causes a decrease in air

pressure within the lungs according to Boyle’s Law. The decreased air pressure

in the expanded lungs allows air at a higher pressure outside of the body to pass

into the bronchi and thus the alveoli within the lungs (Figure 10.8).

Figure 10.8 An expanding thoracic cavity causes the lungs to expand, reducing the pressure

within the lungs according to Boyle’s Law. The reduced pressure within the lungs causes air at a

higher pressure outside of the lungs to flow through the bronchi. Expiration is caused by a

compression of the thoracic cavity, increasing the internal pressure within the lungs and thereby

forcing air out of the lungs.

Once the air is inside the lungs, oxygen is absorbed through the cell

membranes of the alveoli, enabling the oxygen to bind to hemoglobin present in

the red blood cells. As oxygen is passing through the alveoli to the red blood

cells, carbon dioxide passes from the blood to the air space within the alveoli

(Figure 10.9). Thus oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide as air flows into the

alveoli due to an increased volume of the lungs during thoracic expansion.

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Figure 10.9 Gaseous exchange occurs within the alveoli, small air-filled sacs within the lung

tissue connected to the outside by small tubes called bronchioles. Oxygen passes from inspired

air to the blood, reducing the partial pressure of oxygen in expired air. Simultaneously, carbon

dioxide passes from the blood to the gases within the alveoli, increasing the partial pressure of

carbon dioxide in expired air.

Once gaseous exchange has occurred within the alveoli, the volume of the

lungs is decreased by thoracic compression. The reduced volume of the lungs

causes an increase in pressure within the lungs according to Boyle’s Law, forcing

air out of the lungs. The lungs only change volume by a small percent and so the

quantity of air exchanged during one respiratory cycle of inhalation and

exhalation is relatively small. The quantity of air exchanged is sufficient to

provide the body with oxygen while clearing the carbon dioxide produced by the

oxidation of sugars, amino acids, and fats.

Respiratory physiologists express the quantity of oxygen and carbon

dioxide in inhaled and exhaled air as partial pressures of these gases. As you

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-39


expect, the partial pressure of oxygen is higher in inspired air and lower in

expired air. Conversely, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is greater in

expired than inspired air (Table 10.2).

Table 10.2

Composition of expired and inspired air (as mm Hg)

Gas Inspired Expired

Oxygen 160.0 116

Carbon dioxide 0.3 28

Water vapor 5.7 47


The ideal gas equation describes how the four parameters describing a

gas—pressure, volume, temperature and number of moles—are related to one

another. This equation describes the relationship between these parameters

under ‘ideal’ conditions—conditions in which there are no interactions among the

molecules of the gas. Molecules of a gas that are moving rapidly and are

separated by great distances are much less likely to interact among themselves

than molecules that are close together and moving slowly. Thus gases of low

density and relatively high temperature behave as ideal gases. All the gases

described in this text are ideal gases.

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-40


We use the ideal gas equation to solve for one of the four parameters

describing a gas when the other three have been given. We use the equation

primarily to either determine the number of moles contained in a given volume of

gas (at a defined temperature and pressure) or to calculate the volume occupied

by a given number of moles of a gas at a given temperature and pressure.

The ideal gas equation looks similar to the combined gas law because it,

like the combined gas law, describes the same kind of relationship between

pressure, volume and temperature. The ideal gas law also includes the

relationship describing Avogadro’s Law—namely that the volume of a gas is

directly proportional to the number of moles of gas.

P1 xV1 P2 xV2
 (combined gas law)
T1 T2

V1 V2
 (Avogadro’s Law)
n1 n2

P1 xV1 P2 xV2
 =R (Combined and Avogadro’s Law)
n1 xT1 n2 xT2

P xV
=R (Ideal Gas Law)
n xT

The R in the ideal gas equation represents a constant called ‘The

Universal Gas Constant’. As its name implies, R is the same value for any gas

under any ideal conditions. Usually, R is given in the units of atmospheres for

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-41


pressure and the units of liters for volume. Temperature, as with the empirical

gas laws, must be given in the units of Kelvin.

R = 0.0821 L atm / mole K

The ideal gas law is generally rearranged from the equation given above

to the following form.


The ideal gas equation can be rearranged to solve for any of the four variables

but for our purposes is usually rearranged to solve for n or V.

P xV
R xT

n x R xT

Since R is given in a specific set of units, a given V must be converted to liters

and a given P must be converted to atm.

The ideal gas equation is most commonly used to convert between the

volume of a gas and the equivalent number of moles of a gas. You have seen in

previous chapters that molar mass converts between the mass of a pure

compound or element and its equivalent number of moles. Similarly, molarity

converts between the volume of a solution and the equivalent number of moles of

solute. In all stoichiometry problems we must convert between a laboratory-

measured quantity and the equivalent number of moles of that substance. Thus

molar mass is our required conversion factor for mass and molarity for the

volume of a solution. The ideal gas equation serves the same purpose for a

laboratory-measured volume of a gas. Unlike molar mass and molarity, however,

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-42


you must specify temperature and pressure if you are to convert the volume of a

gas to an equivalent number of moles of gas.

We often collect gases at a ‘standard’ temperature and pressure of 0.0 oC

and 1.00 atm. These ‘standard’ conditions are called STP conditions. We can

calculate the volume occupied by one mole of a gas at STP conditions by

rearranging the ideal gas equation to solve for the ratio, V / n (volume per mole).

PxV=nxRxT (ideal gas equation)

P xV
=RxT (divide both sides by n)

V R xT
= (divide both sides by P)
n P

L atm
(0.0821 )(273.2 K )
V mol K
1 mol 1.00 atm

V 22.4 L
1 mol mol

(replace symbols with values and calculate molar volume)

We now have a molar volume conversion factor that converts between the

volume of any gas and an equivalent number of moles of the gas at the standard

temperature and pressure conditions of 0.0 oC and 1.00 atm. Note that this

conversion factor only applies to gases at standard conditions. Using this

conversion factor saves time in stoichiometry problems when gases appear at

STP conditions.

22.4 L
(given moles gas) x ( ) = calculated L gas
mol gas

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-43


1 mol gas
(given L gas) x ( ) = calculated moles gas
22.4 L

We often collect gases in the laboratory by the water displacement

method (Figure 10.10). Because the gas displaces water from the collecting

vessel as it is generated, we avoid contaminating the gas with air. The pressure

of gas in the collecting vessel is equal to the barometric pressure and the

temperature of the gas is the same as the temperature of the water in the

collecting vessel and pan. If we collect the gas at STP conditions, we can use

the molar volume of a gas at STP (22.5 L / mole) as a conversion factor in a

stoichiometric calculation (EX 10.17).

Figure 10.10 The gas produced in the reaction tube passes through a gas delivery tube to the

bottom of a collecting vessel filled with water. The gas displaces water in the collecting vessel

and the displaced water accumulates in the pan.

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-44


EX 10.15 Convert 856 mL of Ar at STP to (a) the equivalent number of moles of

Ar and (b) equivalent mass of Ar.

1L 22.4 L Ar
a. (856 mL Ar) x ( )x( ) = 3.82 x 10-2 mole Ar
1000 mL mol Ar

40.0 g Ar
b. (3.82 x 10-2 mole Ar) x ( ) = 1.53 Ar
1 mol Ar

EX 10.16 Convert 4.62 g CO to the equivalent volume of CO at STP conditions.

1 mol CO 22.4 L CO
(4.62 g CO) x ( )x( ) = 3.70 L CO
28.0 g CO 1 mol CO

EX 10.17 Calculate the volume of oxygen collected at STP when 2.45 g HgO is

decomposed to Hg and O2.

2 HgO (s)  2 Hg (l) + O2 (g)

1 mol HgO 1 mol O2 22.4 L O2

(2.45 g HgO) x ( )x( ) x( ) = 0.126 L O2 =
217 g HgO 2 mol HgO 1 mol O2

126 mL O2

(Note that you must start with a balanced equation before solving this stoichiometry

problem. Also note that the volume of the gas collected is at STP conditions.)

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You can also use the molar conversion factor at STP to calculate the

density of a gas from its molar mass, MM. Since 1 mole of any gas occupies

22.4 L at STP and the mass of 1 mole of any gas is the molar mass, MM, of the


1 mole gas = 22.4 L gas = molar mass gas

molar mass gas

D= (STP conditions only)
22.4 L

EX 10.18 Calculate the density of N2 at STP.

molar mass gas 28.0 g N 2

D= = = 1.27 g / L
22.4 L 22.4 L

EX 10.19 Calculate the molar mass of a gas whose density is 1.96 g/L at STP.

22.4 L
(1.97 g / L) x ( ) = 44.1 g / mole
1 mol

(Note that the units L cancel, leaving g / mole—the units of molar mass)

The molar volume at STP is a useful shortcut for calculations involving gases

at STP conditions. Calculations for any other pressure/temperature conditions

require the separate use of the ideal gas equation.

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-46


P 10.20 Calculate the density of Kr at STP conditions.

D= = _____ g / L
22.4 L

P 10.21 Calculate the molar mass of a gas that has a density of 0.90 g/L at STP

conditions. If you were told that this gas were one of the inert gases, which one

is it?

0.90 g 22.4 L g
( )x( ) = ____
L mol mol

Use periodic table to find gas with this molar mass

P 10.22 Calculate the volume of gas you expect to collect at STP upon the

decomposition of 3.75 g KClO3.

2 KClO3 (s)  2 KCl (s) + 3 O2 (g)

1 mol KClO3 ___ mol O2 22.4 L O2

(3.75 g KClO3) x ( )x( )x( )=
_____ g KClO3 ____ mol KClO3 ____ mol O2

_____ L O2

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-47



We saw in Chapter 8 that we cannot predict the degree of solubility of a

solid in a liquid. We can often predict whether or not a substance might dissolve

in a particular solvent but cannot calculate the quantity of substance that

dissolves in the liquid. Solubility curves such as the one presented in Figure 8.1

are determined by experimentation-not calculation. In other words, they are

determined empirically.

We saw that the solubility of a substance depended upon the temperature

of the solution—generally hot solutions can be made more concentrated than

cold solutions. No mention was made of an effect of pressure because the

solubility of a solid in a liquid is not dependent upon the pressure. Gases, on the

other hand, are always less soluble in hot solutions than cold solutions and the

solubility of gases depends upon the partial pressure of the gas over the solution.

Furthermore, there is a direct relationship between the partial pressure of a gas

over a liquid and its solubility in the liquid. This relationship is expressed

algebraically as Henry’s Law.

Henry’s Law describes the solubility, S1 and S2, of a gas at two different

partial pressures, P1 and P2. As with all direct relationships, the ratio of solubility

to pressure must remain constant at any given temperature. If we are given

three of the four variables appearing in Henry’s Law we can calculate the fourth.

S1 S 2

P1 P2

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-48


molar mass S1 x P2 P
S2 = and P2 = ( 1 ) x S2
22.4 L P1 S1

EX 10.20 Calculate the solubility of O2 at 935 torr given that the solubility of

oxygen is 8.75 mg / L at 151 torr.

S1 x P2
S2 = (Henry’s Law rearranged to solve for S2)

(8.75 ) x (935 torr)
S2 = L = 54.2 mg/L
151 torr

(Note that the units of the calculated solubility are the same as those of the given

solubility. The given units of solubility can be any units of solubility.)

EX 10.21 Calculate the partial pressure of oxygen at which the solubility of

oxygen is 6.0 x 10-4 M given that the solubility of oxygen is 3.0 x 10 -4 M at 0.245


P2 = ( ) x S2 (Henry’s Law rearranged to solve for P2)

(0.245 atm)
P2 = ( 4
) x (6.0 x 10-4 M) = 0.490 atm
3.0 x 10 M

(In this example, the solubility at the P2 is twice that of the solubility at P1 and so the P2

must be twice that of P1. Also note that units for S and P are optional provided they are


Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-49


Microscopically, we can understand an increase in gas solubility with

increasing partial pressure. Gas molecules, whether in the gaseous phase or

dissolved in a liquid are moving rapidly. If there are larger numbers of a

particular kind of gas molecule present in the gas over the surface of a liquid, we

expect more frequent collisions of these molecules with the surface of the liquid.

More frequent collisions offer an increased opportunity for the gas to dissolve in

the liquid, thus increasing its solubility (Figure 10.11).

Figure 10.11 As the number of gas molecules increases over the surface of a liquid, the number

of collisions of gas molecules with the surface of the liquid increases. An increased frequency of

collision offers more opportunity for the gas molecules to dissolve, increasing the solubility of the

gas in the liquid.

We can also explain microscopically why gases are less soluble in hot

liquids than cold liquids. In a hot liquid, dissolved gas molecules are moving

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-50


more rapidly, giving them a greater opportunity to escape the liquid and enter the

gaseous phase.

P 10.23 The solubility of Ar in benzene is 1.25 x 10-5 M at 555 torr. Calculate

the partial pressure required to triple the solubility of Ar.

If we triple the solubility we must ______ the partial pressure. Thus the

partial pressure required is _______ torr Ar.

P 10.24 Calculate the solubility of nitrogen at 4.00 atm if the solubility of nitrogen

is 6.2 x 10-4 M at 615 torr.

Convert the two given pressures to consistent units.

(615 torr) x ( ) = _____ atm = P1 and P2 = 4.00 atm

(As with many of these problems, you can also convert both P’s to torr—you only

need the units to be consistent.)

S1 S 2 S1 x P2
 so S2 =
P1 P2 P1

(_____) x (____)
S2 = = _______M

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-51



There are several important equations to remember from this chapter.

These equations and the kinds of problems in which they are used are

summarized in Table 10.3. As you have seen throughout your study of

chemistry, you must take care with the units you use to describe various

measured quantities. Whenever you use any of the equations in Table 10.3, you

must express the temperature as Kelvin—never oC. While you can use any units

of volume and pressure in the combined gas law, you must take care to keep the

units consistent.

We used the ideal gas equation to calculate the volume of gas occupied

by one mole of a gas at STP conditions (0.0 oC and 1.00 atm). The molar

volume of a gas at STP (22.4 L per mole) is a useful conversion factor in

stoichiometry problems involving gases appearing at STP conditions.

The molar volume of a gas can also be used to calculate the density of a

gas at STP conditions directly from its molar mass, MM.

molar mass
22.4 L

Stoichiometry problems involving gases, like all stoichiometry problems,

require conversion ratios to convert between measured quantities and moles.

The conversion ratios used in stoichiometry are summarized in Table 10.4.

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-52


Table 10.3

Gas Law equations discussed in this chapter.

Name Equation

P1 xV1 P x V2
Combined gas law = 2
T1 T2

Ideal gas law PV = nRT

Density of gas at STP D=
22.4 L

Partial Pressure PA = XAPT and P T = PA + P B

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-53


Table 10.4

Conversion factors used in stoichiometry problems


Gases Mass and mole

Liquids Mass and mole

Solids Mass and mole


Solutions Volume of solution and mole


Gases Volume (in Liters) and mole

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-54


End of Chapter Problems

Empirical gas laws describe relationship between two variables—P, T or V

1. Use Boyle’s Law to answer the following questions.

a. What is the final volume of a 5.0 L sample of gas initially at 2.35 atm

after the pressure is increased to 5.75 atm?

b. What is the final volume of a 8.0 mL sample of hydrogen at 85 oC and

555 torr after the pressure is changed to 155 torr?

c. What pressure is required to cause a 75.4 mL sample of oxygen initially

at 814 mm Hg to increase its volume to 1.54 L?

d. What is the final volume of a 3.13 L sample of nitrogen at 90 oC and

8.45 atm after its pressure is increased to 17.93 atm?

e. What change in pressure is required to triple the volume of a sample of

any gas?

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-55


2. Use Charles’ Law to answer the following questions.

a. What is the final temperature of a 8.5 mL sample of gas initially at

–55 oC after is volume doubles to 17.0 mL?

b. What is the volume of a 8.00 L balloon at 1.00 atm and 25.0 oC after its

temperature is increased to 220.0 oC?

c. What is the volume of a 8.00 L balloon at 400 mmHg and 25.0 oC after

its temperature is increased to 220.0 oC?

d. What temperature (as oC) is required to reduce the volume of a 75 mL

balloon at 35 oC to 50 mL?

e. What change in temperature is required to reduce the volume of any

balloon by half?

3. Use the Gay-Lussac Law to answer the following questions.

a. What temperature change is required to double the pressure in a 15 L


b. What is the final pressure in a 50 L tank of hydrogen initially at 75.6 psi

and 35.0 oC after the temperature has been increased to 70.0 oC?

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c. What is the final temperature (in oC) of a 45 L tank at 777 torr and

12.5 oC if the pressure decreases to 315 torr?

d. What is the final pressure of any gas initially at 653 K and 65 torr after

the temperature has increased to 855 K?

e. What is the temperature of any gas initially at 354 K and 85 psi after

the pressure has increased to 155 psi?

4. Use the empirical gas laws to answer the following questions/

a. What is the volume of a 75 L sample of gas at 815 torr if its pressure is

changed to 0.548 atm?

b. What is the final temperature (as oC) of a 7.5 L balloon at 14.6 oC after

its volume is changed to 814 mL?

c. What is the final pressure in a 5.9 L tank of hydrogen at 100.0 oC and

0.115 psi after its temperature is changed to 50.0 oC?

d. If the volume of a 9.15 L tank of gas at 515 torr is changed to 915 mL,

what is the final pressure exerted by the gas?

e. If the pressure of 5.13 L of gas is changed from 8.5 psi to 85 torr, what

is the final volume of the gas?

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Combined gas law predicts changes caused by change of two variables

5. Calculate changes in volume caused by the following temperature, pressure


a. A 5.00 L balloon initially at 85 oC and 1.25 atm changes to 150 oC and

2.00 atm.

b. A 5.00 mL balloon initially at 150 oC and 2.00 atm changes to 85 oC

and 1.25 atm.

c. A 75 mL balloon initially at 50.0 oC and 500.0 torr has its temperature

increased to 100.0 oC and its pressure increased to 1000.0 torr.

d. A 75 mL balloon initially at 50.0 oC and 500.0 torr has its temperature

increased to 100.0 oC and its pressure reduced to 250.0 torr.

e. A 135 mL balloon initially at 25.0 oC and 54 psi has its temperature

changed to 155 K and its pressure changed to 815 torr.

6. Calculate the pressure changes caused by the following changes.

a. A 8.00 L sample of gas at 715 torr and 35.0 oC has its volume changed

to 175 mL and its temperature changed to 70.0 oC.

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b. A 915 mL sample of gas at 12.5 psi and 355 K has its volume changed

to 715 mL without allowing a change in temperature.

c. A 8.05 mL sample of gas at 765 torr and 55.3 oC has its volume

changed to 1.75 mL and its temperature changed to –75.9 oC.

d. A 12.9 L sample of gas at 9.45 psi and 115.9 oC has its temperature

changed to 555.9 oC

e. A 2.86 quart sample of oxygen at 98.9 psi and 25.4 oC has its

temperature changed to 115.9 oC and its volume changed to 3.16 quarts.

7. Calculate the temperature (as oC) required to cause the following changes.

a. Change the volume of 56.9 mL of argon at 112.9 oC and 451 torr to a

volume of 50.8 mL at 718 torr.

b. Change the volume of 115 L of oxygen at –65.9 oC and 1.54 atm to a

volume of 86.0 L at 888 torr.

c. Change the volume of 1.32 m3 of gas at 9.3 oC and 6.53 psi to a

volume of 0.86 m3 and 1.54 atm.

d. Change the volume of 75 mL of gas at 110 oC and 23 psi to 1.54 L at

23 psi.

e. Double the volume of a gas while halving its pressure.

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8. Use the combined gas law to solve the following problems.

a. Calculate the volume of a 8.45 L balloon at 746 torr and 21.7 oC after it

reaches an altitude where the temperature is –66 oC and the pressure is

212 torr.

b. Calculate the temperature required to change the pressure in a 55 L

tank of gas at 25 oC from 666 torr to 111 torr.

c. Calculate the pressure in a 6.94 balloon at 37.5 oC and 1.00 atm after

the temperature increases to 115.4 oC and the volume changes to

8132 mL.

d. Calculate the temperature required to change a 8.45 L balloon at

115 oC and 716 torr to a 10.8 L balloon at 315 torr.

e. Calculate the pressure change required to cause the volume of a

balloon to double while the absolute temperature is reduced to 1/3 of its

original value.

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-60


Avogadro’s Law—Volumes of gases depend upon the number of

moles of gas

9. Use Avogadro’s Law to solve the following problems.

a. What is the volume of a 55 L balloon containing 1.34 moles nitrogen

after adding an additional 1.00 mole of nitrogen?

b. What is the volume of a 12.9 mL balloon containing 1.54 x 10 -2 moles

oxygen after adding 2.83 x 10-2 moles nitrogen?

c. What is the volume of a 75 mL balloon containing 5.4 x 10 -3 moles

oxygen after adding 64 mg of additional oxygen?

d. If 5.9 moles of nitrogen occupy 66 L at a given temperature and

pressure, how many moles of oxygen are in a 132 L balloon at the same

temperature and pressure?

e. What is the effect on the volume of a gas by reducing the number of

moles by ¼ without changing the temperature or pressure?

10. Use Avogadro’s Law to answer the following questions.

a. What is the change in volume of a 55 L balloon containing 4.00 g of

nitrogen upon the addition of 8.00 g nitrogen?

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-61


b. What is the change in volume of a 55 L balloon containing 4.00 g of

nitrogen upon the addition of 8.00 g helium?

c. What is the change in volume of a 6.32 mL balloon containing 12.9 mg

of hydrogen upon the addition of 50.0 mg of hydrogen?

d. What is the change in volume of a 6.32 mL balloon containing 12.9 mg

of hydrogen upon the addition of 50.0 mg of oxygen?

Dalton’ Law of Partial Pressure—PA = XA x PT

11. Calculate the mole fraction of Ar in each of the following mixtures.

a. 1.45 mole Ar mixed with 5.94 mole Kr

b. 5.92 x 10-2 mole Ar mixed with 9.45 x 10-2 mole He and

2.4 x 10-1 mole nitrogen.

c. 2.00 g Ar with 2.00 g He

d. 2.00 g Ar with 2.00 g Kr

e. 5.05 mg Ar with 1.00 mg He and 4.24 mg Kr.

12. Calculate the partial pressure of Ar in each of the following mixtures. The

total pressure exerted by each of these mixtures is 675 torr.

a. 1.00 x 10-2 mole Ar and 1.00 x 10-2 mole Kr

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b. 1.00 x 10-2 mole Ar and 1.00 x 10-2 mole He

c. 1.00 x 10-2 g Ar and 1.00 x 10-2 g Kr

d. 1.00 x 10-2 g Ar and 1.00 x 10-2 g He

e. 0.056 mole Ar with 0.119 mole Kr and 0.084 mole nitrogen

13. Calculate the mole fraction of Kr in each of the following mixtures.

a. A mixture of Kr and He exerting a total pressure of 1.75 atm in which

the partial pressure of Kr is 1.00 atm.

b. A mixture of Kr and He exerting a total pressure of 16.0 psi in which the

partial pressure of He is 3.45 psi.

c. A mixture of Kr, He and oxygen exerting a total pressure of 693 torr in

which the partial pressure of Kr is 0.125 atm

d. A mixture of Kr, nitrogen and oxygen exerting a total pressure of 955

torr in which the partial pressure of nitrogen is 231 torr and the partial

pressure of oxygen is 412 torr.

e. A mixture of Kr, He and Ar exerting a total pressure of 5.55 atm in

which the partial pressure of all three gases are equal.

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-63


The density of gas is proportional to the molar mass, MM, of a gas.

14. Calculate the density of the following gases at STP to three significant


a. He b. Ne c. Ar d. Kr e. Xe

15. Calculate the density of the following gases at STP to two significant figures.

a. nitrogen b. oxygen c. carbon dixoxide d. hydrogen e. CH4

16. Calculate the molar mass of the following gases from the given density at


a. 7.13 g/L b. 1.16 g/L c. 4.29 g/L d. 3.58 g/L e. 1.34 g/L

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The molar volume at STP and stoichiometric calculations.

17. Calculate the number of moles of gas occupied by the given volumes at


a. 84.6 L H2 b. 84.6 L Kr c. 934 mL O2 d. 934 mL N2 e. 2.00 L of a 50% by

mass mixture of He and Kr

18. Calculate the volume occupied by the given quantity of gas at STP.

a. 2.0 mole H2 b. 2.0 g H2 c. 2.0 mole Kr d. 2.0 g Kr

e. 1.75 x 10-3 mole Ar

19. Calculate the volume occupied by the given gas mixtures at STP.

a. 1.00 mole H2 and 5.00 mole O2 b. 1.00 g H2 and 5.00 g O2

c. 3.21 x 10-2 mole He, 8.43 x 10-2 mole CO2 and 6.4 x 10-2 mole CH4

d. 8.43 x 102 mole CO2 and 9.3 x 103 mole He

e. 1.00 mole Xe + 155 g Kr

Fickel/Chemistry for Allied Health 10-65


20. Calculate the volume of gas collected at STP upon the decomposition of

3.67 g KClO3.

2 KClO3 (s)  2 KCl (s) + 3 O2 (g)

21. (a) Calculate the volume of oxygen at STP required to combust 12.5 g

glucose, C6H12O6. (b) Calculate the volume of CO2 at STP produced upon the

combustion of 12.5 g glucose. (c) Calculate the total volume of CO 2 and H2O

vapor produced at STP upon the combustion of 12.5 g glucose.

C6H12O6 (s) + 6 O2 (g)  6 CO2 (g) + 6 H2O (g)

22. Calculate the volume of hydrogen at STP required to convert 2.84 g

propene, C3H6, to propane, C3H8.

C3H6 (g) + H2 (g)  C3H8 (g)

23. Calculate the volume of hydrogen at STP required to convert 3.85 g

propyne, C3H4, to propane, C3H8.

C3H4 (g) + 2 H2 (g)  C3H8 (g)

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24. (a) Calculate the volume of hydrogen at STP required to convert 12.9 L

propyne, C3H4, at STP to propane, C3H8. (b) Calculate the total volume of C3H8

produced in the reaction described in (a). (c) Do the temperature and pressure

conditions affect the calculations in (a) and (b)?

C3H4 (g) + 2 H2 (g)  C3H8 (g)

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