Mini Assignments Problem Statements - Qualitative

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Title: The Role Of Peer Learning And Motivation In Learning English As

Second Language Among Year 6 Pupils In Labuan’s Primary School.

1. Research Problems

Students in Malaysia faced a lot of difficulties in learning and communicating English

language. This has effect the fluency and accuracy in using the language. We feel that
English language is very important because this language has been widely used in our
education system and career development so it is best to master the language. The focus of
this study is to investigate the role of peer-learning and motivation in learning English as
second language among year 6 pupils in one of Labuan’s primary school.

Nowadays, peer learning strategy has been widely used in schools and even in a higher
education level. Thornton, K. (2015) said that learners who come together in self-access
centres fulfill a myriad of roles, and make lasting contributions which enrich the experience
of those around them. While, motivation in learning plays a huge role in determining one’s
success in every task. This has been proved by numerous previous studies and experiments
either in school or in universities.

This study is very important because numbers of issues faced by teachers in teaching the
English as second language. One of the most popular issue is lack teaching strategies
implemented in class. Hence, they faced a lot disturbing behaviours due to this
circumstance. Pupils also showed disinterest in learning the language as they found out the
language itself is hard and they are demotivated to learn. Dornyei and Schimdt (2001)
motivation does not only effect on selection and conceptualization of learning objection but
selection and direction of activities. These problems leads to ineffective teaching and
learning thus make the language acquisition harder. Through implementing peer learning,
pupils are able to share ideas of learning, giving them opportunities to explain and explore
learning in a community and create their own learning spaces together with their peer.
There is no doubt that this will motivate pupils to learn and acquire the language easily.

Previous studies have shown numerous importance of this issue to be addressed. According
to Philps, Adam and Iwashite (2014) said that in exploring peer interaction context, this

study also let us know the context of language learning that associated with the complexity
of peer interaction and its dynamic contribution into second language acquisition. Boud,
Cohen and Sampson (2013) claimed that peer learning become increasingly important in
many courses as it is formally and informally used in an organizations varied in context and
disciplines in many countries. Informal peer learning occurs in either classroom or learning
spaces as high achiever learners facilitate learning for the under achievers learners.

The findings of this study should address the issue and equip the teachers with necessary
strategy in teaching and learning. Beers (2003) claims that learning can occur when a more
expert person helps a less-experts person. This explains that learning can happen when
there are two or more person interact and collaboratively discuss to come into a solution or
an outcome. Therefore, this study will focused on the relationship between effective peer
learning in increasing pupils motivation in learning English as second language among year
6 pupils in Labuan primary school.

2. Research objectives:

1. To investigate the effectiveness of peer learning in learning English as second

language among year 6 pupils in one of Labuan’s primary school.
2. To investigate the effect of motivation in learning English as second language among
year 6 pupils in one of Labuan’s primary school.
3. To investigate the relationship between peer learning in increasing motivation in
learning English as second language among year 6 pupils in one of Labuan’s primary

In addressing these questions, this chapter will explain the relationship between two
variables accordingly. First, this study will investigate how effective peer learning strategies
that has been implemented in classroom focusing on pupils’ reaction and engagement in
learning. Second, this study will further focus on the effect of motivation towards students’
academic achievement and how far pupils would do in learning if such motivation is given to
them. Lastly, this study will discuss the prominent relationship between these two variables
in learning English as second language.

3. Research Questions:

1. How effective peer learning in learning English as second language among year 6
pupils in one of Labuan’s primary school?

2. How does motivation effect of learning English as second language among year 6
pupils in one of Labuan’s primary school?
3. What is the relationship between peer learning and motivation in learning English as
second language among year 6 pupils in one of Labuan’s primary school?


Beers, G. K. (2013). When Kids Can't Read, what Teachers Can Do: A Guide for Teachers,
6-12. California: Boynton/cook Publ, 2003.

Boud, D., Cohen, R., & Sampson, J. (2013). Peer Learning in Higher Education: Learning
from and with Each Other. New York: Routledge.

Dörnyei, Z., & Schmidt, R. (2001). Motivation and Second Language Acquisition. Hawaii:
National Foreign Language Resource Center.

Philp, J., Adams, R., & Iwashita, N. (2014). Peer Interaction and Second Language
Learning. New York: Taylor & Francis Group.

Thornton, K. (2015). The Crucial Role of Peer-Learning in Language Learning Spaces.

Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 286-287.

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