Kallos Citibike Roosevelt Island Announcement

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IMMEDIATE Josh J. Jamieson

RELEASE: JJamieson@BenKallos.com
June 24, 2020 516-369-2921

Citi Bike Stations Arrive on Roosevelt Island Just in Time for Summer 2020
The Pilot Program is a Result of Years of Collaboration between Council Member Kallos, the
Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation, and Lyft.

Watch the Announcement

Roosevelt Island, NY- Citi Bike is coming to Roosevelt Island with brand new stations. The
first stations are being installed today and throughout the week and will be home to 74 bikes as
the bike share program expands to Roosevelt Island to serve its residents for the first time. In
2014 there were more requests for CitiBike in Roosevelt Island’s zip code than anywhere else in
New York City, with a bikeshare pilot dating back to 2010. This was a campaign promise of
Council Member Ben Kallos who has spent years working with Roosevelt Island Operating
Corporation and Citi Bike now operated by Lyft to finally get wheels down.
This pilot program by Lyft, which operates Citi Bike, is part of an expansion bringing a $100
million investment to improve, strengthen and expand Citi Bike over the coming years --
doubling its current service area by thirty-five square miles and more than tripling its number of
bikes to nearly 40,000. As Lyft expands its physical footprint, it is also expanding its
programming to ensure Citi Bike is equitable and accessible to the communities it serves.
“Citi Bike for Roosevelt Island was one of my first campaign promises,” said Council Member
Ben Kallos, whose Fifth District includes Roosevelt Island. “Now, the years of work to make
this happen are paying off. I am looking forward to riding a Citi Bike on Roosevelt Island after
years of working with RIOC, RIRA, and residents, through multiple owners of Citi Bike, in
pursuit of this expansion. None of this would have been possible without the power of the press
and a commitment to covering this and every issue by the Roosevelt Islander. From Four
Freedoms to Lighthouse Park and destinations in between, Citi Bike is going to make getting
around Roosevelt Island more convenient and more fun.”
This has been a multiple year long collaborative effort. Through it all, Council Member Kallos
has worked with all the key figures in private industry and government to bring Citi Bike to the
12,000 residents who live on the island.
“We are so excited to bring the first Citi Bike stations to Roosevelt Island as we double the Citi
Bike network in the coming years,” said Laura Fox, Lyft's General Manager of Citi Bike.
“Now more than ever, Citi Bike is meeting the needs of this moment, offering New Yorkers a
reliable, affordable, sustainable, fun, and socially distant way to get around. We are grateful to
RIOC and Council Member Kallos for their partnership through this process and look forward to
Roosevelt Island residents incorporating bikeshare into their daily lives.”
“ RIOC is proud to support this pilot program that gives our residents and visitors a convenient,
environmentally responsible way to experience Roosevelt Island,” said Shelton J. Haynes,
RIOC’s Acting President and CEO.
“Delighted to see that Citi Bike is finally coming to Roosevelt island! Access to various transit
options is always important, but is especially welcome now as our city grapples with the
COVID-19 pandemic. I thank Council Member Ben Kallos for his dedication to bringing Citi
Bike to the residents of Roosevelt Island and delivering this highly requested bike sharing
program to our constituents,” said Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney.
“Access to bike sharing will not only provide a green transportation option for Roosevelt Island
residents, but will enhance opportunities for safe exercise and recreation during the current
health emergency and in the long term. A truly successful bike share program must link together
the entire city, and Citi Bike's expansion into Roosevelt Island is an important step toward
ensuring equity across all neighborhoods. Thank you to Commissioner Polly Trottenberg, Lyft,
Councilmember Ben Kallos and my other colleagues in government for their leadership on this
issue,” said State Senator Jose Serrano.
"It is exciting to once again to have Citi Bike further its footprint on New York City by
expanding into new territory," said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. "With
residents looking for new means of travel amidst the COVID-19 crisis, Citi Bike will be a
welcome addition to an island that already has unique transportation needs."
“I commend Council Member Ben Kallos for his cyclist advocacy and commitment to closing
gaps in transportation and to the expansion of transportation alternatives. Roosevelt Islanders
have awaited the expansion of Citi Bike to come to their part of the Manhattan Borough. Now,
more than ever, we need to help people get around outside of the confines of our buses, subways
and tram cars,” said Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright.
Kallos previously worked with Roosevelt Island Residents Association and Manhattan
Community Board 8 to pass resolutions in 2012 in favor of bringing CitiBike to Roosevelt
About RIOC
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC) was created in 1984 by the State of New
York as a public benefit corporation with a mission to plan, design, develop, operate, and
maintain Roosevelt Island. With a focus on innovative and environmentally friendly solutions,
RIOC is committed to providing services that enhance the island's residential community. RIOC
manages the two-mile-long island's roads, parks, buildings, a sports facility, and public
transportation, including the iconic aerial tramway. Additionally, RIOC operates a Public Safety
Department that helps maintain a safe and secure environment for residents, employees, business
owners, and visitors.
About Citi Bike
Citi Bike is New York City's bike-share system, and the largest and most popular in the nation
with more than 90 million rides taken to date across more than 13,000 bikes at nearly 900
stations. Over the coming years, Citi Bike will greatly expand into new neighborhoods as Citi
Bike doubles its service area by 35 square miles and triples the number of bikes in the fleet to
40,000. Annual memberships are $169 for 365 days of unlimited 45-minute rides, and New
Yorkers who live in NYCHA developments or receive SNAP benefits can access Citi Bike for
only $5 a month through Reduced Fare Bike Share, presented by Healthfirst. Citi Bike is now
available in the Lyft app, where customers can find real-time station information and unlock
bikes. Learn more at https://www.citibikenyc.com/.

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