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I. Write what is going to happen or what people are going to do. Use the verbs in brackets.

He going to catch the bus . (catch)

He fly to Paris. (fly)

It going to rain (rain)

They going to go to the cinema. (go)

She going to play tennis. (play)

He going to swim (swim)

They going to get married (get married)

I going to watch TV. (watch)


a. Are you free on Saturday night? 1. Yes, I'm seeing her tomorrow.

b. What are your plans for the winter holidays? 2. No, I'm leaving on Friday morning.

c. What are the arrangements for the trip tomorrow? 3. Not really. I need to study for the

d. Where is Lisa going? I must talk to her. 4. She'll be back in a minute.

e. Are you going to be at the party on Sunday? 5. I'm going to visit my friends.

f. Do you still go out with Helen? 6. We're leaving at 8 a.m.


Look out. The car will crash.

Sorry, I can't wait for you. I'm seeing the doctor today.

Have you heard the weather forecast? It's raining tomorrow.

I've already bought my tickets. I'm leaving tomorrow.

This bag looks heavy. I'm going to help you.


1) Next summer, I am going to (travel) to New York. My sister lives there and she bought me a
plane ticket for my birthday.
2) It´s getting cold. I will (take) my coat!

3) Are you going to the cinema? Wait for me. I will (go) with you!

4) Jane and Tom will not study (not/study) medicine next year. Jane going to study (study) French
and Tom going to take (take) a gap year.

5. Mrs. Simons, those bags seem quite heavy. I will help (help) you carry them.

6. Experts say the Earth will suffer (suffer) seriously if we continue polluting.

7. Look at those black clouds. I think it going to rain (rain).

8. Bye Bye Joe. I will call (phone) you as soon as I arrive home!

9. What (do) tomorrow? I (visit) my grandparents.

10. Anne: "I don't have enough money to pay for my lunch." Peter: " I will (lend) you some."


1. Maybe will (Go) out for dinner to tonight.

2. I think will (take) the dog for a walk now.

3. I have three days off next week. i’m will visit my mother.

4. The clouds are very black. I think will snow.

5. We are doing (Do) the laundry tomorrow.

6. Alexander is taking his driving test next week.

7. The bus arrives (arrive) at 7:30 sharp.

8. Tomorrow is (be) the weekend.

9. Don't get up. Will arrive (arrive) the phone.

10. My plane leaves (leave) at 3:00 pm on Sunday.

1. Answer the following questions using your own words

a. Is the teaching of the English language worth a lot of money?

R/ if it is worth a lot, since the English language is becoming more important and more spoken by

b. According to Bradbury, what is the difference between the English language and Traditional
R/ the difference is that you do not need workers or work, or assembly lines or assembly lines,
without spare parts and very little service, it is used for the most intimate and most public services
everywhere and in the traditional industry all that if needed

Are the following statements true or false?

a. Dr. R. Burchfield is not the Chief Editor of the Oxford English Dictionary currently. T

b. Malcom Bradbury is a novelist that works at an assembly line. F

3. Find a word or phrase in the text which, in context, is similar in meaning to

a. Essentially: basically

b. That can be trusted: most reliable

4. Choose a, b or c in each question below. Only one choice is correct.

1. The English Language

a. is a good source of money for UK and USA.

b . is not a good source of money for UK and USA

2. The English Language

a. has not been accepted in the British colonies.

b. has been accepted in the British colonies.

c. has become obsolete in the British colonies.

3. The English language is an official language

a. in Zambia and Singapore.

b. in Nigeria.

c. in Nigeria and Zambia.

4. Dr. Robert Burchfield

a. is not a novelist.

b. works for the OED.

c. worked for the OED.


1. He is determined to win (win) that race.

2. He lay in bed planning (plan) the days to come.

3. We went running (run) in the morning.

4. Her fear of spiders made travelling (travel) difficult.

5. They don't mind waiting (wait) outside.

6. The problem is getting (get) there on time.

7. I am accustomed to taking care (take care) of myself.

8. I want him to paint (paint) the wall.

9 To be (be), or not to be (not be), that is the question.

10. This guy is known for breaking (break) the rules.

11. Sue enjoys dancing (dance).

12. The advantages of going (go) by train were clearly visible.

13. Your advice to plan (plan) ahead was excellent.

14. Your addiction to drinking (drink) will not serve you well.

15. I am pleased to meet (meet) you.

16. 1. The government encourages recycling (recycle).

17. She is tired of washing (wash) dishes every night.

18. He understood her leaving (leave) so soon.}

19. He went fishing (fish) with his father.

20. He wants to take (take) the test.

21. Kelly offered to take (take) us home.

22. Her reaction to winning (win) the Oscar was a bit odd.

23. They want to play (play) with us.

24. I advised starting (start) the game.

25. Your support enable us to finish (finish)on time

26. He denied taking (take) the car

27. Russell was discouraged by not winning (not win) that match

28. I promised you to take care (take care ) of Jonathan

29. His decision to quit (quit) was very surprising

30. David is starting to work (work) there next week

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