Fungal Ecology Beyond Boundaries From

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Fungal ecology beyond boundaries: From

communities to the globe

This special issue is based upon an eponymous sympo- potentials of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal spores over
sium, “Fungal ecology beyond boundaries: from communities 1 yr, and total fungal propagules over 16 months, respectively.
to the globe”, that took place at the 2013 annual Mycological These studies are among the first to explicitly test the dispersal
Society of America meeting in Austin, Texas. My motivation limitations of fungi by air in natural environments, relate
for organizing this symposium was to bring together fungal fungal aerobiota to neighboring soil fungal communities and,
ecologists working at different biological and spatial scales in the case of Kivlin et al., link soil fungal community structure
in the hope of increasing communication and continuity to specific abiotic conditions. While the studies of Egan et al.
across the field. Equally important, I wanted to bring more and Kivlin et al. assess the diversity of soil fungi across conti-
awareness to the way in which scale affects the type informa- nental and regional scales, the study by Chaudhary et al. ex-
tion we can infer about the ecology of fungi. This special issue amines the diversity of AM fungi in arid soils at relatively
highlights the complementary (and sometimes contradictory) smaller spatial scales (0.0001e5 000 ha). Together, these three
ecological information that can be obtained across spatial papers demonstrate how different spatial and temporal scales
scales spanning communities of fungi carried on the beaks and the choice of diversity assessment tools can result in
of hummingbirds (Belisle et al., 2014), to communities of mixed messages about the ecology of a given group of fungi.
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi across continents (Egan et al., Egan et al.’s paper examines AM fungal dispersal by air
2014), and biological scales from the detection of an individual across six biomes stretching across North America and finds
and rare fungus in Alaskan boreal forests (Glass et al., 2014), to that, except for Glomus spp. in arid regions, AM fungi generally
the recovery of thousands of airborne fungi in coastal south- do not aerially disperse. In soils across all ecoregions, Glomus
ern California (Kivlin et al., 2014). While the outcomes of spp. were the most abundant, but there was no correlation be-
the symposium and this special issue highlight new and tween their abundance in the air and in the soil of a given
intriguing patterns of fungal biogeography and ecology habitat. Similarly, Chaudhary et al. found that Rhizophagus
(Hayward and Hynson 2014; Huggins et al., 2014), they also irregularis (Glomus intraradices) was the most common AM fun-
call for further integration, and perhaps standardization gus isolated from soils of arid habitats. Together, these studies
among researchers working across levels of biological organi- indicate that Glomus spp. may have the widest geographical
zation, space, and time (Chagnon et al., 2014; Chaudhary et al., ranges and ecological niches of any of the AM fungi. In terms
2014). Issues of scale dependency are not unique to the study of changes in fungal diversity across space, the findings of Kiv-
of fungal ecology (Chase and Knight, 2013), but this field lin et al. dovetail those of Chaudhary et al.’s where both
currently stands at a crossroads. We have the opportunity to studies found significant differences in soil fungal commu-
overcome the disjoint among researchers working at different nities at the site scale (0.01e1 ha). However, the AM fungal
scales by standardizing approaches from next generation mo- communities from Chaudhary et al.’s study were also distinct
lecular methods and combining these efforts with intensive at the regional scale (5 000 ha) where Kivlin et al. found no sig-
studies of fungal autecology (Peay, 2014). However, accom- nificant differences in fungal diversity for all groups of soil
plishing this task means marrying the skills of alpha taxono- fungi across an area of 300 000 ha. The discrepancies between
mists, ecologists and computational biologists to revise and these three studies are likely due to: (1) the more general
in some cases, reinvent the characterization of fungi. assessment of all fungal groups executed by Kivlin et al.; (2)
While our basic understanding of the interactions of fungi the size of the sampling area; (3) the timing of soil sampling;
with their environments have grown substantially, especially and (4) the methods used for assessing fungal diversity in
over the last 20 years (Peay et al., 2008), fundamental questions Kivlin et al. versus Chaudhary et al. and Egan et al. However,
regarding the ecology of fungi remain. Some of these ques- all three studies concur that AM fungi are relatively dispersal
tions are addressed throughout this issue. For instance, the ar- limited compared to other groups of fungi, which the authors
ticles by Egan et al. and Kivlin et al. examine the dispersal attribute to their specific life history strategy.
2 Editorial

The life history strategies and adaptations of mycorrhizal sentiments of others in the scientific community who are call-
fungi are further highlighted in the contribution by Huggins ing for a resurgence of the practice of natural history among
et al. who found that some of the ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi biologists and ecologists (Tewksbury et al., 2014). However,
associated with Alnus host species are far more tolerant of Peay argues that in the specific context of fungal ecology this
high nitrate and acidic growth conditions than a suite of practice must be integrated with the tools of molecular bio-
non-Alnus-associated EM fungi. Also, the response of Alnus logyetwo fields that have been slow (or even resistant at times)
and non-Alnus EM fungi to either high nitrate or acidity to unite. Along with Peay, the commentary by Chagnon et al.
tended to be species specific. However, the overall greater describes clear and necessary steps to achieve synergy be-
tolerance of Alnus EM fungi to high nitrate and acidity indi- tween the complementary approaches of extensive data gen-
cates that some fungi can adapt to the environments shaped eration and an intensive understanding of the fundamental
by their host, and in this case, their hosts’ interactions with properties of organisms in their environments. These recom-
other symbionts such as nitrogen fixing bacteria. The work mendations include more investment in determining the biotic
of Belisle et al. also touches upon multi-partner direct and in- and abiotic determinants of community patterns and less
direct symbiotic interactions by examining how environ- emphasis on describing community membership (i.e., opera-
ment and time affect the community composition of tional taxonomic units). While the returns on this type of in-
microfungi associated with bird and bat pollinators. While vestment for the individual researcher are uncertain, they
previous research had established that the identity of these will certainly propel the field as a whole forward in a more uni-
microfungi significantly affects plantepollinator interactions fied direction. The collective results of such efforts may in-turn
(Vannette et al., 2013; Good et al., 2014), this study was one of ask that current ecological theory based primarily on the study
the first to examine how these communities vary between of macroorganisms also move beyond its current bounds.
pollinators and over time. In contrast to the findings of
Egan et al. on AM fungi, Belisle et al. found that pollinator-
dispersed microfungal communities varied more with time
rather than habitat and found no indication of dispersal lim- Acknowledgments
itation among this group of fungi across an area of 4,300 Ha.
These conclusions stand in contrast to other recent studies of I would like to thank Elsevier Publishing and the New Phytol-
microbial community assembly processes (reviewed in ogist Trust, and Lynne Boddy for their support of the original
Hanson et al., 2012) and stress the need for consistency in symposium upon which this issue is based. Also, I would
methodological approaches and data interpretation among like to thank the speakers and authors who have contributed
researchers, as well as additional studies of long distance to these efforts. Finally, I would like to thank ASA and ARA for
fungal dispersal. helpful comments on a previous version of this editorial.
One prime example of historical long distance dispersal by
fungi is included in this issue: Hayward & Hynson report on
their recent discovery of EM fungi associated with a host
tree endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Due to these islands
extreme isolation, Hawaii was previously thought to lack
Belisle, M., Mendenhall, C.D., Oviedo Brenes, F., Fukami, T., 2014.
any native or naturalized EM symbioses. However, based on
Temporal variation in fungal communities associated with
the authors’ findings, we now know that Pisonia sandwicensis tropical hummingbirds and nectarivorous bats. Fungal Ecology.
(Nyctaginaceae) hosts a handful of taxonomically and ecolog-
ically diverse EM fungal species. In fact, this study may be the Chagnon, P.-L., Bradley, R.L., Klironomos, J.N., 2014. Plant-fungal
first to fully characterize a native EM fungal community from symbioses as ecological networks: the need to characterize
an entire region, providing an exciting new study system to more than just interaction patterns. Fungal Ecology. http:
examine fungal biogeography. The article by Glass et al. also
Chase, J.M., Knight, T.M., 2013. Scale-dependent effect sizes of
features new information on the ecology of a novel fungal
ecological drivers on biodiversity: why standardised sampling
taxon (NS1) associated with white spruce in Alaskan boreal is not enough. Ecology Letters 16 (Supp1. 1), 17e26.
forests, but known only from environmental DNA sequencing. Chaudhard, V.B., O’Dell, T., Rillig, M.C., Johnson, N.C., 2014. Mu-
Based on repeated, spatially-explicit field sampling and DNA litscale patterns of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance
sequence analysis the authors found that this fungus has a and diversity in semiarid shrublands. Fungal Ecology. http:
clumped distribution and can persist for at least 6 yr. They //
Glass, D.J., Taylor, A.D., Herriott, I.C., Ruess, R.W., Taylor, D.L.,
go on to argue that “patterns of occurrence of DNA sequences
2014. Habitat preferences, distribution, and temporal persis-
in environmental samples can reveal valuable information tence of a novel fungal taxon in Alaskan boreal forest soils.
regarding the ecologies of both well-known and unknown or Fungal Ecology.
novel species”. Good, A.P., Gauthier, M.-P.L., Vannette, R.L., Fukami, T., 2014.
Building upon the arguments of Glass et al., this issue in- Honey bees avoid nectar colonized by three bacterial species,
cludes a compelling commentary on the future of modern but not by a yeast species, isolated from the bee gut. PLoS One.
fungal ecology by Kabir Peay. In this essay Peay evaluates the
Hanson, C.A., Fuhrman, J.A., Horner-Devine, M.C., Martiny, J.B.H.,
best way to move the field forward given the unlimited
2012. Beyond biogeographic patterns: processes shaping the
potential for data generation and the increasing participation microbial landscape. Nature Reviews Microbiology 10, 497e506.
of scientists from across disciplines in fungal ecological Hayward, J., Hynson, N.A., 2014. New evidence of ectomycorrhizal
research. In answering this question he echoes the recent fungi in the Hawaiian Islands associated with the endemic
Editorial 3

host Pisonia sanwicensis (Nyctaginaceae). Fungal Ecology. http: Tewksbury, J.J., Anderson, J.G.T., Bakker, J.D., Billo, T.J.,
// Dunwiddie, P.W., Groom, M.J., Hampton, S.E., Herman, S.G.,
Huggins, J.A., Talbot, J., Gardes, M., Kennedy, P.G., 2014. Unlocking Levey, D.J., Machnicki, N.J., del Rio, C.M.n., Power, M.E.,
environmental keys to host specificity: differential tolerance Rowell, K., Salomon, A.K., Stacey, L., Trombulak, S.C.,
of acidity and nitrate by Alnus-associated ectomycorrhizal Wheeler, T.A., 2014. Natural history’s place in science and
fungi. Fungal Ecology. http: society. BioScience.
// Vannette, R.L., Gauthier, M.P.L., Fukami, T., 2013. Nectar bacteria,
Kivlin, S.N., Winston, G.C., Goulden, M.L., Treseder, K.K., 2014. but not yeast, weaken a plantepollinator mutualism. Proceed-
Environmental filtering affects soil fungal community ings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280, 20122601.
composition more than dispersal limitation at regional scales.
Fungal Ecology .
Egan, C., Li, D.-W., Klironomos, J., 2014. Detection of arbuscular Nicole A. Hynson
mycorrhizal fungal spores in the air across different biomes University of Hawaii Manoa, Department of Botany,
and ecoregions. Fungal Ecology. http: 3190 Maile Way, Room 101, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA
// E-mail address:
Peay, K.G., 2014. Back to the future: natural history and the way
forward in modern fungal ecology. Fungal Ecology. http:
Peay, K.G., Kennedy, P.G., Bruns, T.D., 2008. Fungal community 1754-5048/ª 2014 Elsevier Ltd and The British Mycological
ecology: a hybrid beast with a molecular master. BioScience 58, Society. All rights reserved.

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