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Binding Energy and Mass defect

Particle Relative Electric Charge Relative Mass Mass (kg)

Charge (C) (u)
Electron -1 -1.60 x 10-19 5.485779 x 10-4 9.109390 x 10-31
Proton +1 +1.60 x 10-19 1.007276 1.672623 x 10-27
Neutron 0 0 1.008665 1.674929 x 10-27
1u = 1.6605 x 10-27 kg
1eV = 1.60 x 10-19 Joules
1u is converted into 931.5 MeV


1. a) Mass of component parts m = 2p+2n
= 2(1.672623 x 10-27) + 2(1.674929 x 10-27)
m= 6.6950 x 10 kg
Mass defect = 6.6950 x 10-27kg - 6.6447x 10-27kg
= 5.03 x 10-29kg
b) Binding energy using E =mc2
= [5.03 x 10-29kg] x [3 x 108]2
E = 4.53 x 10-12 Joules
c) Binding energy = 4.53 x 10-12 x 1.60 x 10-19
= 2.83 x 107 eV
[= 28.3 MeV ]
a) 23892U  23490Th + 42α

b) First calculate mass change

238.0508u - (234.0426u + 4.0026u)
mass change = 5.6 x 10-3u
Convert to kg = 5.6 x 10-3u x 1.6605 x 10-27kg
Mass defect = 9.2988 x 10-30
Energy released E=mc2
= 9.2988 x 10-30x (3x108)2
= 8.36892 x 10-13 J
3) Calculate the mass defect and binding energy the nuclide 105B where the mass of 105B atom = 10.0129 u
5B has 5 protons and 5 neutrons
Total mass of nucleons = mass of protons + mass of neutrons
= 5 [1.007276u] + 5 [1.008665u]
= 5.03638u + 5.043325
= 10.079705u
Mass defect = Mass of nucleons - mass of 105B nucleus = 10.079705u - 10.0129 u
= 0.066805
Mass defect in Kg = 1.1093 x 10 -28 Kg
Binding Energy E = mc2
= 1.1093 x 10 -28 x (3 x 108)2
= 9.9836 x 10-12 J
Binding Energy in eV = 9.9836 x 10-12 J / 1.6 x 10-19
= 6.2398 x 107 eV
= 624 MeV

4) O-17 178 O has 8 protons in the nucleus and 9 neutrons

Total mass of nucleons = mass of protons + mass of neutrons
= 8 [1.007276u] + 9 [1.008665u]
= 8.058208u + 9.077985u
= 17.136193u

Mass defect = Mass of nucleons - mass of O17 nucleus

= 17.136193u - 17.00454u
= 0.131653u

Mass defect in Kg = 0. 131653 x 1.6605 x 10-27

= 2.186 x 10 -28 Kg

Binding Energy E = mc2

= 2.186 x 10 -28 x (3 x 108)2
= 1.9675 x 10-11 J

Binding Energy in eV = 1.9675 x 10-11 J / 1.6 x 10-19

= 1.2297 x 108 eV
= 123 MeV
5) Write out the reaction first (words will do here)
Thorium  Radium + alpha particle

Calculate mass of products and reactants in terms of u

Reactants Products
232.038u 228.031 + 4.003
232.038u 232.034

Calculate the difference = 232.038 - 232.034

= 0.004u

Energy released E = mc2

= 0.004 x 1.66 x 10-27 x (3 x 10 8) 2
= 5.976 x 10-13 J

1𝐻 + 31𝐻 → 42𝐻𝑒 + 10𝑛

(b) Calculate mass of products and reactants in Kg

Reactants Products
3.345 x 10-27 + 5.008 x 10-27 Kg -27
6.647 x 10 Kg + mass of neutron
8.353 x 10-27 6.647 x 10 -27 + 1.67493 x 10 -27

Mass difference = 8.353 x 10-27 - 8.321888 x 10-27

= 3.1112 x 10-29
Energy released E = mc2
= 3.1112 x 10-29 x (3x108)2
= 2.80 x 10-12 J
1. (a) Deduct [1] for each error or omission, stop at zero 2 max

Property Effect on rate of decay

increase decrease stays the same
temperature of sample
pressure on sample
amount of sample

4 4
(b) (i) 2 He / 2 α ;
86 Rn ; 2

(ii) mass defect = 5.2 × 10 u;
energy = mc
–3 –27 16
= 5.2 × 10 × 1.661 × 10 × 9.00 × 10 / 1 u = 930 MeV;
= 7.77 × 10 J / 4.86 MeV; 3 max

(c) (i) (linear) momentum must be conserved;

momentum before reaction is zero;
so equal and opposite after (to maintain zero total); 3

(ii) 0 = mv + mRnvRn;

v m 
  Rn 
v Rn  mα 
=– = –55.5; 3
Ignore absence of minus sign.
(iii) kinetic energy of α-particle = ½mv ;
 222   V 
kinetic energy of radon nucleus = 1
2 m α   ;
 4   55.5 
this is 1 / 55.5 of kinetic energy of the α-particle; 3 max
Accept alternative approaches up to [3 max].

(d) eg (-ray) photon energy or radiation; 1

(e) (i) two (light) nuclei;
combine to form a more massive nucleus;
with the release of energy / with greater total binding energy; 3

(ii) high temperature means high kinetic energy for nuclei;

so can overcome (electrostatic) repulsion (between nuclei);
to come close together / collide;
high pressure so that there are many nuclei (per unit volume);
so that chance of two nuclei coming close together is greater; 5

2. (a) (i) fission:
nucleus splits;
into two parts of similar mass;
radioactive decay:
nucleus emits;
a particle of small mass and / or a photon; 4

235 1
(ii) 92 U  0 n ;
90 142
 38 Sr  54 Xe  4 01 n ; 2

Allow ecf for RHS if LHS is incorrect.

(iii) mass number unchanged;
atomic number increases by +1; 2

(b) (i) kinetic energy of neutrons;

and energy of gamma ray photons; 2
Accept other valid possibilities but do not accept “heat”.

(ii) use of Ek = / equivalent;
correct conversion of MeV to joule (1.63 × 10 J);
correct conversion of mass to kilogram (1.50 × 10 kg)
momentum = 2.2 × 10 N s; 4

(iii) total momentum after fission must be zero;

must consider momentum of neutrons (and photons); 2

(iv) xenon not opposite to strontium but deviation < 30°);

arrow shorter / longer; 2

(c) (i) probability of decay / constant in expression = –N;
per unit time / and N explained; 2

ln 2
(ii) = (note: substitution is essential)
(28  365  24  3600)
–10 –1
= 7.85 × 10 s ; 1

N 0 exp( 7.85  10 10 t ) 6

(d) (i) = 1.2 × 10 ;
N 0 exp( 0.462t )
exp(0.462t) = 1.2 × 10 ;
t = 30.3 s; 3

(ii) activity of the strontium will be much greater than that of the xenon;
and extent of health hazard depends on activity; 2

3. (a) the nuclei of different isotopes of an element have the same number of protons;
but different numbers of neutrons; 2
Look for a little more detail than say just “same atomic (proton) number, different mass
(nucleon) number”.

(b) Z for iodine = 53;

+ antineutrino; (accept symbol) 2
Do not accept neutrino or gamma or energy, etc.







0 5.0 10 15 20 25
time / days
shown on graph at least the 0, 8 and 16 day data points;
exponential shape;
scale on y-axis / goes through 24 day point; 3

(d) λ= ; (accept ln 2 for 0.69)
–1 –1 –6 –1
= 0.086 d / 0.87 d / 1.0 × 10 s ; 2

(e) 0.5 = 6.4e ;
6 6
to give t = 30d / 2.6 × 10 s / 29d / 2.5 × 10 s; 2
4. (a) (i) an atom or nucleus that is characterized by the constituents of
its nucleus / a particular type of atom or nucleus / OWTTE;
(in particular) by its proton (atomic) number and its nucleon
number / number of protons and number of neutrons; 2

(ii) nuclides that have the same proton number but different nucleon
number / same number of protons different number of neutrons; 1

(b) (i)
24 24
11 Na  12 Mg β  v
– – 0
 /e / 1 e ;

v; 2
(ii) 5.00216 MeV is equivalent to 0.00537 u;
23.99096 = 23.98504 + 0.00537 + rest mass of particle;
rest mass= 0.00055 u; 3
No credit given for bald correct answer.

(c) sodium-24 has more nucleons;

and more nucleons (usually) means greater (magnitude of) binding energy;
sodium-23 has less nucleons;
and less nucleons (usually) means less (magnitude of) binding energy; 2
5. (a) (i) there is more uranium-238 present than uranium-235;
neutron capture is more likely in U-238 with high energy neutrons;
if the neutrons are slowed they are more likely to produce fission in
U-235 than neutron capture in U-238; 3
(ii) control rate at which reactions take place;
by absorbing neutrons; 2

(b) (i) fuel enrichment means that the amount of uranium-235 present in the
fuel is increased / OWTTE;
this means that more U-235 available for fission;
therefore the reaction can be sustained; 3
(ii) enriched fuel can be used in the manufacture of nuclear weapons;
so possibly threatening World peace; 2

5 5
(c) (i) (energy released) = 2.1895  10  (1.3408 + 0.83749 + 0.0093956)  10 ;
= 181.44  180MeV 1
(ii) kinetic; 1

(d) (i) number of atoms in 1 kg of carbon = and number in
235 1000
1 kg of U-235 = ;

12 4 235 1.8 10 8

energy per kg carbon = keV and per kg U-235 =
therefore ratio = 8.8  10 ; 3
(ii) a much higher energy density implies that uranium will produce more
energy per kg / smaller quantity of uranium needed to produce same
amount of energy / OWTTE; 1

(e) (i) half-life:

time for the activity to decrease by half / OWTTE;
isotopes of elements are chemically identical but have different atomic
masses / OWTTE / same number of protons in the nucleus but different
number of neutrons / OWTTE; 2

92 U 239
93 Np    v
93 Np ;

 ;

v; 3

(iii) advantage:
plutonium is another fissionable element / may be used as nuclear fuel;
and is readily produced in reactors that use uranium as a fuel;
-particles are harmful to living organisms / OWTTE;
and the plutonium lasts for a very long-time / OWTTE; 4

6. (a) (i) fission 1 max
(ii) kinetic energy 1 max

(b) the two neutrons can cause fission in two more uranium nuclei producing
four neutrons so producing eight etc; OWTTE; 1 max

7. (a) (i) activity = ()N;

4.25 10 2
λ  4.78 10 18 s 1 ; 2
8.90 1019
10 1
Allow 1.51  10 yr .

ln 2
(ii) T1  1.45 1017 s ;
2 4.78 10 18
= 4.60  10 years; 2

(b) eg activity would change during analysis to find N / rate of change

of activity is too great to allow N(t) to be determined / OWTTE; 1


1. D

2. D

3. B

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. B

11. A

12. C

13. C

14. B

15. D

16. D

17. C

18. B

19. B

20. A

21. D

22. B

23. C

24. C

25. B

26. C

27. C

28. D

29. A

30. C

31. A


2. D
6. A
11. D
14. B
15. D
19. B
24. A

25. A

38. C [1]

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