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June 23, 2020

Information for residents, staff and visitors of Verve Condominiums

615, 6 Ave. S.E., Calgary:

Alberta Health Services (AHS) is investigating an outbreak of COVID-19 within your building.
At this time, there are more than 10 cases which have occurred in people who live in the
building, which is the threshold for public reporting.

COVID-19 is believed to be spread mainly by coughing, sneezing or direct contact with

someone who is sick with COVID-19 or with surfaces they have recently touched.

AHS is working closely with building management to ensure your safety. We will continue to
monitor the site closely for cases and to investigate the source of spread. We are investigating
both direct person-to-person and surface spread as potential modes of transmission.

When an increased number of cases in the building was identified last week, AHS Public Health
inspectors visited the site to inspect both the food establishments and housing areas.
Appropriate measures to reduce transmission were already in place at that time, including
enhanced cleaning practices, and no concerning lapses in procedures were identified.

At this time, you only need to isolate if you have a confirmed case of COVID-19, you have
symptoms of COVID-19, or you have been identified as a direct close contact of a case. You
can reduce your risk and the risk to your neighbours by doing the following:

1) Get tested
 You are eligible for testing even if you do not have any symptoms. People
without symptoms can still spread COVID-19.
 You can also book testing at an assessment centre online by using the Self-
Assessment tool at, or by calling 811.

2) Watch for symptoms and isolate if you develop them

 Symptoms for COVID-19 are similar to those for influenza or other respiratory
illnesses. The most common symptoms include fever and cough but other
symptoms may include: sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, shortness of
breath, diarrhea,
 Complete the COVID-19 Self-Assessment at, or call Health Link at
811 for more information.
 If you need immediate medical attention, call 911.

3) Isolate in your unit if symptomatic or advised to do so by AHS Public Health

 If you are isolating, you must stay in your unit and not use any common areas.
You cannot use the elevators or stairwells to go outside. If your balcony is private
and at least 2 metres away from your closest neighbours, you may go outside on
the balcony.
 For more information on how to isolate, visit
4) Prevent the spread
 Wash your hands often and well
 Avoid touching your face, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
 Practice physical distancing when you do leave home: keep at least 2 metres (6
feet) from others when going out
 Clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched
 When sick, cover your cough and sneezes and then wash your hands
 Wearing a non-medical mask, such as a homemade cloth mask, may be helpful
in protecting others around you. If you choose to wear a non-medical mask or
face covering, ensure your mask is well-fitted and does not gape at the sides. If
you wear a mask, you must wash your hands before putting it on, as well as
before and after taking it off

For further information regarding COVID-19, or to access testing, please

call Health Link at 811, and/or view the Alberta Health Services website for

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