Directive 024 Face Coverings

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DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY DIRECTIVE 024 WHEREAS, in ate 2019, he United States Centes for Disease Contol and Prevention began. smonitoting an outbreak of respitory illness cated by « novel coronavirus Sst identied in Wuhan, Hubei Province, Chiaa and WHEREAS, on February 11,2020, the Intemational Commitee on Taxonomy of Viruses named this novel coronavias “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavinss 2 SARS-CoV-2)" and WHEREAS, on Febrosy 11, 202, the World Health Organization named the diate caused by SARS-CoV-2, "COVID-I WHEREAS, the World Health Organization advises thatthe novel coronavirus that cases COVID- 19 virus i highly contagious, and spreads through sespizatory taasmision, and direct and indzect contact with infected persons and surfices; and WHEREAS, the World Health Organization advises that respitory transmission occurs through ‘both droplet nd srbome transmission, where droplet transmission occurs whea a penn is within & feet of someone who bas respiratory eymptoms lke coughing or seezing, and aichorne transmission may occur when aerosolized particles remain suspeaded inthe air and is nhaled and WHEREAS, the World Health Organization advises that contact transmission occurs by dect ‘contact with infected people or indizect contact with surfaces contaminated by the aovel coronavius; and WHEREAS, some persons with COVID-19 may exhibit no symptoms but remain high infectious; aad WHEREAS, on March 5, 2020, Clack County and Washoe County both reported the Gest known ‘eases of COVID-19 in the State of Nevada and WHEREAS, on Match 11, 2020, the Woeld Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic; sad WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, 1, Steve Sisolk, Governor of the State of Nevada issued a Declaration of Emergency to facitae the Sates response to the COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, on Masch 13, 2020, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States declared a aationwide emergency pursuant to Sec. S01(b) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Acy, 42 USC. 5121-5207 (he “Stafford Act"); and WHEREAS, on March 14,202, | formed a medical advisory team to provide medial guidance and sciensifcally bused recommendations on measures Nevads could implement to better contain and ‘mitigate the spresd of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, infecious disease and public healh experts advised that miainizing coatact slows the sate at which the disease spreads and is necessary to avoid overwhelming healthcare tystems, commonly refered 0 a8 "fattening the curve"; and WHEREAS, since the Masch 12, 2020 Declaration of Emergency, I have issued 23 Directives ‘pursuant ro that order to provide for the safey, wellbeing, and public health of Nevadant and the ‘minitation of the State of Nevada; and WHEREAS, these Dsectives were promulgated to reduce interpersonal contact and promote social distancing to Gates the curve; and WHEREAS, data showed that Nevada was one ofthe top fve states in the United States for socal distancing: and WHEREAS, Nevada's medical expees indicate that the rte at which COVID-19 is spreading inthe State of Nevada as effectively slowed to level that doesnot jeopardize the state's healtheare system de, in pat, to Nevadane following sit soil distancing meseutes individually and pussuant to Directive Iisued puruaat tothe Mach 12, 2020, Dedlasaion of Emergency and WHEREAS, snough the danger to Nevadans fom the COVID-19 disease hes abated, the disease has aot been eliminated and measures tht protect sefery, wellbeing, and public health of Nevadens ‘must remain in effect and WHIBREAS, on April 21, 2020, the National Govemors Assocation iewed guidance for a staged reopening that protects the public's health while lying a suong foundation for longtesm economic recovery: and WHEREAS, on April 30,2020, introduced the Nesde Unit Roadmap to Reser plan tha outlined «phased approach to reopening Nevada businesses and industy; and WHEREAS, the Nevada Unita: Roadnap 1» Ruse plan set forth a colabortive partnership between state and lol governments that included the formation of the Local Empowerment Advisory Panel (CLEAP") to serve asa resource to local govemments and local commits; and WHEREAS, on May 9,202, the State of Nevada entered Phase One of the Neds Unit: Reaingp 4 Reoey plan and WHEREAS, on May 29,2120, the Sate of Nevada entered Phase Two ofthe Nowe Unind Raat? se Rasy plas ad. WHEREAS, psio: to entering Phase Two, Nevada experienced consistent and sustainable downward tjecory in the percentage of posisve COVID-19 eates, + decrease in the trend of COVID-19 hotpitazations, and a decline in our cumulative test positivity ate fom a maximum sate (0 122% on Api 24, 2020 to 6.3% on May 27,2020 wih «33-day downward trend and WHEREAS, 1s of June 2, 2020, the seven-day average of dally new COVID-19 cases inthe Usted States has increased over 30 percent versus one week prior; and WHEREAS, the State of Nevada is expesiencing an increase in both its cumulative test positivity sate snd it seven-day moving average of daly sew COVID-19 eases; and WHEREAS, the State of Nevada i expesiencing an increasing wend of hospitalizations for confimed COVID-19 cases since May 31,2020; and WHEREAS, infection dizeases scientists and experts advise that “masks indisputably protect individuals against aicborne tansmission of respiratory diseases" and WHEREAS, infection diseases scientists and experts advise chat “universal masking at 80% adoption {) flatens che curve sigiScanly more then mainning strict lock-down,” and “masking 2 only 50% adoption []s ot sufficient to prevent continued spread” of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, the Governor's COVID-19 Medical Adesory Team advises that "s mouth-and-nose lockdown i far more stainable than 2 fll: body lockdowa" and WHEREAS, NRS 414.060 outlines powers sd duties delegated tothe Governor during the existence of a state of emergency, including without limitztion, drecing and contaling the conduct of the {general public and the movement and cessation of movement of pedestans and vehicular traffic ‘uring, before and after exercises or an emergency or disaster, public meesings or gatherings: and WHEREAS, NRS 414.070 outlines addtional powers delegated to the Governor duing the existence of a etate of emergency, including without limitation, enforcing all lwe and regulations relating to emergency management and assuming dict opesational contol of aay of all forces, including, ‘without limitation, volunteers and auxary staf for emergency management inthe State; providing orand compelling the evacuation of all oe put ofthe populatioa from any stricken os thecatened area for areas within the Sate and to take sich steps as are necessary for the receipt and care of those perrons; and performing sad exercising such other functions, powers and duties as are necessary 0 romote and secure the safety and protection of the clin population; and WHEREAS, the Nevada Attorney General opined in Opinion Number 95-03 tht in times of emergency when the Governor's authority under Nevada Revised Statates Chapter 414i n effet, ‘he powers of poliel subdivisions to contrel business activity is imited; and WHEREAS, NRS 414.060(3)(9 provides that che adminsuative authosiy vested to the Governor ia times of emergency may be delegated and WHEREAS, Arle 5, Section 1 of the Nevada Constcation provides: “The supreme executive power of this State, shall be vested in a Chief Magistrate who shall be Governor of the State of Nevada" and NOW THEREFORE, by the authority vested in me as Governor by the Consiation and the laws Of the State of Nevada and che United States, and pursuant to the March 12, 2020, Emergency Declastion, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: SECTION 1: SECTION 2: SECTION 5: SECTION 4: SECTION 5: SECTION 6 SECTION 7: ‘To the extent this Directive conficts with eatiee Directives or regulations promulgeted pursuant to the March 12, 2020 Declacation of Emergency, the provisions ofthis Directive shall preva. Provisions of all oer effective Ditecives ‘ot in conic with this Dizecve shal remain ia effect Consistent with the Neda Unie Roadmap t» Rewer plan fora federally supported, state managed, and locally executed seopening approsch, county govesnments and local municipalities are herchy delegated the authority to impose addiional COVID- 19 related restrictions on businesses and public activites, Restctons imposed by county government or local municipalities may exceed the standards imposed by Declaration of Emergency Directives or set forth under the LEAP guidelines, but in ‘ao ease shall county guidelines be mote permisive than the provisions of this Directive ‘Sssineses may adopt pracces thet exceed the standards imposed by Declaration of Emergency Ditectives, guidlines promulgated by the Nevada State Occupational Safery and Health Adminiscasion (NV OSHA) of LEAP guidelines, bot inno cate tall business practices be mote permissive than the provsioas ofthis Dtective ot those imposed by NV OSHA and the LEAP. For the purposes ofthis Directive, “face covering” is defined as covering that flly covers 2 petson’s nose and mouth, including without limitation, loth face mask, surgical masks, towels, scarves, and bandanas, This Directive shall not be construed to requze the publicto wear medical grade masks, including mad rated NOS, KN9S, snd their equialen ot beter. Individuals not exempted by thie Directive or guidance iesued by the Nevada Health Response sal be equized to cover their aose and mouth with a matkorfce covering ‘when in a public space, whether publicly owned or privately owned where the public bas accor by sight or invitation, express or implied, whether by payment of money oF Businesses opening duting Phase Two ofthe Nesads Uni Roading to Rey plan shall ensure that all patrons, customers, patents, or clients utlize face coverings, subject to the guidelines that hall be promulgated pursuant to this Diectiv, including prohibiting persons withos fce covering fom entering the premises, ‘The mandatory provisions ofthis Dsecive shall not apply to SECTION & SECTION 9: SECTION 10: W) Children who are nine yeas of age, of younger. Children who are two to nine eats of age ae stongly encouraged to wear face coretings in public spaces (2) _Tndividuale experiencing homelessness. Such individuals ste encouraged t take ptotective measures the greatest extent practicable (8) Individuals who cannot wear a fice eovesig due to 2 medical condition or lsabilry, or who are unable to remove a mask without assistance. Persons exempted under this provision should wear a non-zstitveatematve, such at ‘face shield. Persons exempted under his provision shall not be required 0 produce documentation vetting the condition. (@) Individuals for whom wearing «face covering would cxeate atk tothe person related to their work, as determined by local, state, or federal regulators or workplace safety guideline. (@) Individuals who ate obcrining «service invalving the nose o face for which the temporary removal of the face covering is necessary to perform that service. (6) Individuals who ae seated ata restaurant or other establishment that offers food for beverage services, while they are eating or diinking, provided tha dhey are ble to iantain «distance of a least si fet away ftom pessons who are not members of the same household or residence. (©) Tadividuale who ate engaged in outdoor work or recreation such as swimming, walking, hiking, bicyeing, o sunning, when alone of with household ‘members, and when they ate she to maintain a distance of atleast sx fet from other. (©) Individuals who ae incarcerated, Prisons and ul, as part of thet mitigation ans, wll have sprife guidance on the weaing of face coverings or masks for woth inmates and sal [NV OSHA shall enforce all violitions of is guidelines, protocols, and regulations promulgated parmuant to thie Direcve. State lcensing boards are hereby directed to ‘enforce all provisions ofthis Diecive against leensees and establishments within their purview and impose discipinary measures aginst licensees who violate this Disectve ‘Any individual who does aot comply with Section § of this Dzecive, afte receiving notice from lnw enforcement, may be subject to criminal prosecution and civil penalties under NRS 199.280, NRS 202430, and aay other applicable waste, {eglation, or ordinance. Al law enforcement agencies in the Sate of Nevada ate suthoried to enforce this Directive. The Office of the Attomey General is given ‘concurrent jisdicton to prosecute violations ofthis Dteciv. Pursuant to NRS 414060()(9, I hereby authorize all loca, ciy, and county governments, nd state agencies to enforce this Ditecve and regulations promulgated thereunder, including but not limited to, suspending license, evoking leases, ot issuing penaes for violting business, professional, iquos, tobacco, or gaming Heeases sued by the local jussdiction fo actions that jeopardize the heath, safer, oF ‘welfare of the public; conduct which may ijuriously affect the public heath fey, for welfare; conduct that may be detzmental tothe publc peace, helt, ot moral ot ‘ny other applicable ordinance or requirement fr auch «lense. SECTION 11: The Sute of Nevada shall rei all authority vested inthe Governor pursuant to NRS Chapter 414 ‘SECTION 12: This Directive is effective at 11:59 pam. on Thursday, June 25,2020 and shall main in effect unt terminated by a subsequent Dizecsve promulgated pursuant to the March 12, 2020 Declaration of Emergency to ficitate the State's response £0 the COVID-19 pandemic. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Nevada to be affixed at the State (Capitol in Catson City, this 24° day of June, in the yest two thousend twenty. Governor gf theSeQof Nevada woke Secretary of State Deputy Secu of Sate

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