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Assignment No.

Earthquake Engineering

Name: Mar Christian M. Martillano Professor: Engr. George Mariano Soriano

Student No.: 2016190006

1. A spring mass system has a mass of 5 kg and a spring stiffness of 400 N/m. Determine the
a.) Natural Angular Frequency (2 pts.)
b.) Natural Frequency (2 pts.)
c.) Period of the system (2 pts.)
d.) The displacement of the system at 2 seconds if it is initially displaced by 20 mm. (2 pts.)
e.) The displacement of the system if the system has an initial velocity of 5 m/s. (2 pts.)

a. Natural Angular Frequency
m=5000 kg k=400
k rad
ω n=
sec .

b. Natural Frequency
f n= =1.424 Hz

c. Period of the System

T= =0.702 sec.

d. Displacement
t=2.0 sec . v ( 0 ) =20 mm
x ( t )=v (0) cos( ωn t)
x ( t )=( .020 ) cos [ ( 8.944 ) (2 ) ]
x ( t )=11.454 mm

e. Displacement with initial velocity of 5m/s

v (0)
x ( t )=v ( 0 ) cos ( ω n t ) + sin ⁡(ωn t)
x ( t )=(.020)cos [( 8.944 ) ( 2 ) ] + sin ⁡[ ( 8.944 )( 2 ) ]
x ( t )=−446.812 mm

2. A damped water tank is initially at rest. However an impact force caused it to move by 30 cm.
The water tank is around 10,000 kg and has a stiffness of 6000 N/m. The damping ratio is at
5%. Determine the following.
a.) Damped Angular Frequency (2 pts.)
b.) The critical damping coefficient of the water tank (2 pts.)
c.) The damping coefficient of the water tank (2 pts.)
d.) The displacement of the water tank at 2 seconds. (4 pts.)

a. Damped Angular Frequency
x ( 0 )=.300 m m=10000.00m k =6000.00 δ=0.050
k rad
ω n=
√ m
sec .
ω D =ω n √ 1−δ 2=0.774
sec .

b. Critical Damping Coefficient

c c =2 √ km=15491.933
c. Damping Coefficient
δ= , c=δ c c =774.597

d. Displacement after 2 seconds

x ( t )=v (0) e−δ ω t cos(ω D t)

x ( t )=( .30 ) e− ( 0.05) (0.775) (2.0 ) cos [ (.774 ) ( 2.0 ) ] =6.535 mm

3. A 5-meter beam (b=200mm and d=300 mm) is simply supported at both ends. An imposed
mass of 200 kg is placed at the centre of this beam. Assuming a negligible damping coefficient
and beam weight determine the following. The beam material has E=200 GPa.
a.) The maximum initial displacement of the beam. (3 pts.)
b.) The natural frequency of the simply supported beam. (2 pts.)
c.) The displacement of the beam at 3 seconds. ( 5 pts.)
d.) The velocity of the beam at 3 seconds. (5 pts.)
e.) The acceleration of the beam at 3 seconds. (5 pts)

a. Maximum Initial Displacement
b h3 8 4
I= =4.5 x 10 mm E=200000 MPa
m=200 kg W =200∗9.81=1962 N
W L3 1962∗50003
x ( 0 )= = =0.057 mm
48 EI 48 (4.5 x 10 8)(200000)

b. Natural Frequency
k= =34560000
x (0) m
k rad
ω n=
m √
sec .

c. Displacement after 3.0 seconds

x ( t )=v (0) cos( ωn t)
x ( t )=0.057 cos [ ( 415.692 ) (3.0 ) ] =−0.0563 mm

d. Velocity after 3.0 seconds

v ( t )=−v (0)ωn sin(ω n t)
v ( t )=−0.057 (415.692)sin [ ( 415.692 )( 3.0 ) ]=−3.193

e. Acceleration after 3.0 seconds

a ( t )=−v (0)ω2n cos( ωn t)
a ( t )=−0.057 ( 415.692 )2 cos [ ( 415.692 )( 3.0 ) ]=9719.813

4.A rectangular 5-meter beam (b=200mm d=500mm) is fixed on one end. An imposed mass of 200 kg
is placed at the end of this beam. Assume that the material has a damping ratio of 2% and a
beam density of 2800 kg/m3. The beam material has E=75 GPa.
a. The maximum initial displacement of the beam due to the imposed mass and the self-
weight of the beam. (3 pts.)
b. The total damped frequency of the cantilever beam. (10 pts.)
c. The displacement of the beam at 3 seconds. ( 5 pts.)
d. The velocity of the beam at 3 seconds. (5 pts.)

a. Maximum Displacemen
b h3 4
I= =2083333333 mm E=75000 MPa
m=200 kg W =200∗9.81=1962 N
Beam Unit Weight=2800 ( 9.81 )=27468 N /m 3
Beam Linear Weight , w=( 27468 ) ( 0.20 ) (0.50)=2746.8 N /m
W L3
displacement due ¿ imposed mass x m =
( )
3 EI
¿ =0.523 mm
' w L4
displacement due bea m s weight x ( m )=
8 EI
¿ =1.373 mm
Maximum Initial Displacement =0.523 mm+1.373 mm=1.8966 mm

b. Total Damped Frequency

3 EI N
Stiffness due ¿ mass , k m= =3750
L 3
1 k
frequency due ¿ mass , f m =
2π m√ =0.6892 Hz .

frequency due ¿ own weight , f w =0.56

1 1 1

w L4
=16.733 Hz .

¿ equation 2 = 2 + 2 , equivalent frequency , f eq =
f eq f m f w

c. Displacement after 3 seconds

1 1

f 2m f 2w
=0.6886 Hz .

ω n=2 π f eq =4.3265 , δ=0.0 2
ω D =ω √ 1−δ 2=4.3256
displacement , x (t )=v (0) e−δ ω t cos( ω D t)

¿ 1.8966 cos ( 4.3256∗3 )∗e−0.02∗4.3265∗3=1.3415 mm

d. Velocity after 3 seconds

velocity , v ( t )=−v ( 0 ) sin ( ω D t ) ω D e−δ ω t −v ( 0 ) cos (ω D t)δωn e−δ ω t

n n

¿−1.8966 sin ( 4.3256∗3 ) 4.3256 e−0.02∗4.3265∗3

−1.8966 cos ( 4.3256∗3 ) 0.02∗4.3256 e−0.02∗4.3265∗3
¿−2.6410 mm/s

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