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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 72, No. 7, 2009, Pages 1419–1426

Copyright 䊚, International Association for Food Protection

Effect of Gamma Radiation on the Quality and Shelf Life of

Refrigerated Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fillets

1Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 31587-77871, Karaj, Iran; 2Animal and Nutritional Sciences,
West Virginia University, P.O. Box 6108, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506-6108, USA; 3Department of Environmental and Fishery Sciences,
University of Tehran, 31585-4314, Karaj, Iran; 4Department of Fishery, Azad University, Tehran North Campus, P.O. Box 19737-33583,
Tehran, Iran; 5Iran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, P.O. Box 14155-5983, Tehran, Iran; and 6Departamento de Quı́mica
Analı́tica, Nutrición y Bromatoloxı́a, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, E-27002 Lugo, Galiza, Spain

MS 08-527: Received 18 October 2008/Accepted 1 February 2009

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The effect of gamma radiation (0, 1, 3, and 5 kGy) on the shelf life of farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
fillets that were treated with sodium acetate and vacuum packaged and subsequently stored under refrigeration was studied by
measuring microbiological, chemical, and organoleptic changes. Radiation affected populations of bacteria, namely, H2S-
producing bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae (P ⬍ 0.05). Initial total viable counts of the control samples were ca. 4.41 log
CFU/g, whereas the respective counts in samples irradiated at 1, 3, and 5 kGy were 3.08, 1.46, and ⱕ1 log CFU/g at day 1
of refrigerated storage. The maximum count of Enterobacteriaceae reached 2.29 and 1.45 log CFU/g at the end of storage for
1 and 3 kGy, respectively, but at a 5-kGy dose no growth of Enterobacteriaceae was observed. Of the biochemical indicators,
thiobarbituric acid values for irradiated trout were higher than for nonirradiated fish (P ⬍ 0.05). Sensory evaluation (taste)
showed a reasonable and good correlation with bacterial populations with storage time. The results revealed that radiation at
a high dose (5 kGy) might induce lipid and protein oxidation, although the growth of microorganisms was inhibited. Therefore,
radiation at a low dose (3 kGy) could be used to control the microbial and safety biochemical indices of O. mykiss for up to
4 weeks at refrigerator temperature without adverse effects on quality and acceptability.

The shelf life and safety of refrigerated fish and fish bacteriocins (6)) have been developed for extending the
products are dictated by the presence of food spoilage and shelf life and hygienic quality of fish commodities. Re-
pathogenic microorganisms (38). Spoilage of refrigerated cently, as a result of advances in irradiation technology, use
fish results from microbial growth and/or activity, which of ionizing radiation has been practiced in fish industries
manifests itself as changes in the sensory characteristics (9, 41, 52). Gamma radiation at low doses is a cold process
(production of off-odor and off-taste, slime formation, pro- that has been accepted by several countries for extension
duction of gas, etc.) (19). of shelf life of marine and freshwater fishery products (25,
Fish and shellfish are also known to be carriers of sev- 55). According to the Joint Expert Committee of Food and
eral pathogenic microorganisms that are implicated in food- Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization/Inter-
borne diseases (13). The presence of spoilage and patho- national Atomic Energy Agency (FAO/WHO/IAEA), irra-
genic microorganisms in seafood is a major concern for the diation of any food commodity up to an overall average
fish processing industry, the administration, and consumers. dose of 10 kGy presents no toxicological hazard. There has
Despite improved manufacturing facilities and implemen- been worldwide interest in using this technology for pres-
tation of effective process control procedures such as haz- ervation of various foods, including fishery products (25,
ard analysis and critical control points in the food indus- 56). In addition to the extension of shelf life, this treatment
tries, the number of foodborne illnesses has increased (54). also improves the hygienic quality and safety of the prod-
This risk factor has prompted food scientists worldwide to ucts (32). According to Mendes et al. (41) there is no con-
reassess their techniques of food safety assurance in order
troversy among the experts that food irradiation is an eco-
to preserve or extend the shelf life of various aquatic food
nomical and effective food preservation method that has
products (7).
been validated in at least 39 countries and approved for 49
Many methods, including low-temperature storage
different products. Although irradiation is an effective
(21), reduction of water activity (e.g., smoking (5) and salt-
means for extending the shelf life of fishery products (45),
ing (28)), chemical treatments (e.g., antioxidant treatment
(53)), and novel techniques such as high-pressure treatment indirect effects, including the acceleration of lipid oxida-
(8) and use of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) metabolites (e.g., tion, hydrolysis, and vitamin destruction, still limit its ap-
plication in some food products (14, 46).
* Author for correspondence. Tel: ⫹1-304-906-6268; Fax: ⫹1-304-293- In addition to irradiation, vacuum packaging of fresh
2232; E-mail: fish prior to irradiation was considered essential in order to
1420 MOINI ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 72, No. 7

prevent or delay microbial activity and also chemical Microbiological analysis. At each storage interval, 10 g of
changes during postradiation refrigerated storage (9, 29). sample was aseptically removed and homogenized for 1 min with
Furthermore, several studies have shown that vacuum pack- 90 ml of prechilled (4 ⫾ 0.5⬚C) sterile peptone–physiological sa-
aging in combination with chemical preservatives such as line solution (0.1% neutral peptone–0.85% NaCl; Merck, Darm-
stadt, Germany) in sterile deionized water (pH 7.0 ⫾ 0.05) using
sodium acetate (37) will enhance the shelf life of fish during
a presterilized Stomacher Lab-Blender (Seward type 400, London,
storage. So, the main aim of the present study was to eval- UK) (42). Further decimal serial dilutions were prepared from this
uate the effect of low and medium doses of gamma radia- homogenate in the same chilled sterile diluent. Microbiological
tion (1, 3, and 5 kGy), combined with sodium acetate and data were expressed as log CFU per gram of fillet. All of the
vacuum packaging, on the preservation and shelf life of microbial analyses were performed in triplicate on three subsam-
aquacultured freshwater rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus my- ples of each of the replicates. All media were purchased from
kiss) fillets, using microbiological, chemical, and organo- Oxoid Inc. (London, UK).
leptic analyses during refrigerator storage. In this study, total viable count (TVC) and Pseudomonas
count were determined using plate count agar and Pseudomonas
MATERIALS AND METHODS Agar Base according to the methods of the American Public
Health Association (4) and Mead and Adams (40), respectively.
Preparation of the samples, irradiation, and storage con- H2S-producing organisms were enumerated on iron agar Lyngby
ditions. A total of 84 freshwater rainbow trout (11 to 12 months by a pour-plating method in anaerobic jars with disposable An-

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old with average weight and length of 315 ⫾ 17 g and 264 ⫾ 13 aerocult C bags (Merck) (20). Counts of Enterobacteriaceae and
mm, respectively) were obtained from a local aquaculture farm LAB were determined using violet red bile glucose agar and
located at Noshahr, in the north of Iran. The fish had not been deMan Rogosa Sharpe agar according to the method of the Inter-
starved and were actively feeding on commercial fish feed (from national Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods
the Chineh Company, Tehran, Iran). The fish were killed by im- (26) and the method of González-Rodriguez et al. (16), respec-
mersion in ice-cold water (hypothermia) and then transported to tively.
the laboratory within 45 min in foamed polystyrene self-draining
boxes with a suitable quantity of flaked ice (the ice/fish ratio was Chemical analysis. After the sampling for microbial analy-
⬃3:1, wt/wt). After passing into rigor mortis, the fish were washed sis, for all chemical methods, each side (half) of each fillet in each
with potable water, skinned, and then filleted manually by use of package was homogenized using a kitchen blender through a plate
a sterile scalpel within ⬃2 h. The preparation process was carried (4 mm) for 1 min (SAYA, Model Promeat W-1800, Tehran, Iran)
out in a cold room at a temperature of 7 to 10⬚C. The average and analyzed to determine total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N),
weight of the two fish fillets was 69.4% of the initial average thiobarbituric acid (TBA), and pH, and the other half was used
weight. The fillets were divided into four lots (21 fish in each lot) for sensory assessment. For the chemical analyses, all reagents
and then immersed in separated prechilled (4⬚C) aqueous solution were of analytical grade (Merck).
(2.5%, wt/vol) of sodium acetate for 10 min with a fish-to-dipping In this study, the TVB-N content of experimental fish was
solution ratio of 1:25 (50). After dipping, fillets were allowed to determined according to the method of Goulas and Kontominas
drain for 4 to 5 min on a sterile stainless wire mesh screen at (17) and expressed in milligrams per 100 g of flesh. The TBA
10⬚C. Then, each fillet was placed separately in polyamide bags was determined according to the Kirk and Sawyer (30) method.
(S-gruppen, Vinterbro, Norway), 75 ␮m in thickness with an ox- The color development was measured at 532 nm by using a UV-
ygen transmission rate of 30 cm3/m2/24 h atm (the oxygen trans- visible spectrophotometer (Jenway 6305, Flested, Dunmow, UK).
mission rate was given by the supplier) (temperature, 23⬚C; rel- TBA value was expressed in milligrams of malondialdehyde
ative humidity, 0%), labeled, and vacuum sealed using a BOSS (MDA) per kilogram of fish flesh. The pH of homogeneous mix-
N48 vacuum sealer (Boss GmbH, Bad Hamburg, Germany). tures of fillets and distilled water (1:10, wt/vol) was determined
Packed samples (both experimental and control) were delivered to using a digital pH-Meter (51). Briefly, a 10-g sample was ho-
the radiation plant in insulated polystyrene boxes with ice within mogenized in 100 ml of distilled water for 30 s, and the mixture
12 h of harvesting. was filtered through Whatman no. 42 filter paper (Maidenstone,
Samples (except controls) were irradiated at the Atomic En- England) and maintained at room temperature for 15 min. The pH
ergy Organization of Iran (Tehran) using a 60Co radiation source. value of the filtrate was measured using a digital pH-Meter (Sun-
The strength of the source was 1,772.264 Ci with a dose rate tex Sp-701, Suntex Instrument Co., Taiwan) with an immersed
electrode according to the manufacturer’s instruction manual at
capacity of 0.392 Gy/s, and the Gamma Cell 220 (Point source
ambient temperature.
AECL, IR-79, MDS Nordion International Co. Ltd., Ottawa, On-
tario, Canada) was calibrated by standard Fricke dosimeter. The Sensory assessment. The sensorial attributes of cooked fil-
doses applied in this study were 1, 3, and 5 kGy, and the actual lets were evaluated by a team of five semitrained panelists from
doses were within ⫾2% of the target dose. To minimize variations the Department of Fishery, University of Tehran, Iran. Fish sam-
in the radiation-dose absorption, the boxes were turned 180⬚ half- ples (100 g) were cooked individually in a microwave oven (MC-
way through the irradiation process. During irradiation, the fish 2007TCR, LG, Korea) at 800 W. The samples were cooked on
were in flaked ice. 50% power for 13 min (15) and served to the panelists after being
After irradiation, the fish were transported to the laboratory cooled to ambient temperature (22 to 23⬚C). Each panelist eval-
in ice via insulated polystyrene boxes within 3.5 h and maintained uated approximately 20 g of fish. Panelists were asked to score
in a refrigerator (Yakhsaran, Tehran, Iran) at 4 ⫾ 0.5⬚C for 42 the odor, taste, and texture of fish by using the Torry scale (44).
days for microbiological, chemical, and organoleptic analysis. The Orange juice and water were provided to wash the oral cavity
fillets were sampled on storage days 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42. between treatments. The Torry scale, which is used to evaluate
On each sampling occasion, three randomly chosen packages from the freshness of cooked fillets, is a descriptive 10-point scale de-
every group were evaluated microbiologically, chemically, and veloped at the Torry Research Station. This scale has been de-
sensorially. veloped for lean, medium fat, and fat fish species. Scores are given

FIGURE 1. Effect of gamma radiation on

the total viable counts (A), Pseudomonas
spp. (B), H2S-producing bacteria (C), En-
terobacteriaceae (D), and lactic acid bac-
teria (E) of aquacultured freshwater rain-
bow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) treated
with sodium acetate, vacuum packaged,
and stored under refrigeration at 4⬚C. ⽧,
Nonirradiated; 䡬 , 1-kGy radiation dose;
䉱, 3-kGy radiation dose; 䡵, 5-kGy radi-
ation dose. Values of ⬍1 log CFU/g of fil-
let are omitted, and significant differences
are not shown.

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from 10 (very fresh) to 3 (spoiled), with a rejection level at 5.5. which produce metabolites causing off-odors and conse-
It is considered unnecessary to have descriptions below 3, as the quently cause consumer food rejection (18). However, the
fish is then no longer fit for human consumption (39). specific spoilage organisms are not the same in every case
Statistical analysis. On each sampling occasion, three ran- and the microbial flora isolated from seafoods differs con-
dom, independent samples from each group were subjected to the siderably from one study to another, depending on the spe-
microbiological and chemical analyses and sensory evaluation. All cies of fish, their environment, the mode of capture, and
determinations were performed in triplicate. Descriptive statistics the type of fish product (whole, whole gutted, fillets, or
(means and standard deviations) of analysis results were calculat- slices), as well as the climatic and storage conditions (18).
ed for each treatment. All data were subjected to one-way analysis Nonetheless, Pseudomonas, H2S-producing bacteria, and
of variance to test the effects of irradiation. The data were tested
LAB are generally predominant in spoiled fish flora, while
for homogeneity of variances with levels of significance set at P
values of ⬍0.05, and probability values of less than 0.05 were
different gram-negative bacteria, including Enterobacteri-
considered statistically significant (12). Excel and SPSS version aceae, are frequently present (23). In the present work,
13.5 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) were used for data manipulations changes in the microorganisms of the flesh of O. mykiss
and statistical analysis. were observed for all measured groups during refrigerator
storage, but all of these parameters were significantly lower
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION than those of the control (Fig. 1A through 1F) (arithmetic
Microbiological analyses. Spoilage of fish is caused means ⫾ standard deviation, P ⬍ 0.05).
by the growth and activity of specific spoilage organisms, In the present study, irradiation (at 1, 3, and 5 kGy)
1422 MOINI ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 72, No. 7

showed a significant impact on TVC, as its value was lower the reduction of H2S-producing bacteria in freshwater and
(P ⬍ 0.05) than those of the control samples (Fig. 1A). marine fish (tilapia and Spanish mackerel) by irradiation at
Although it is widely accepted that the initial microbial load a dose of 1.5 kGy (2) and also of sea bream by irradiation
of freshwater fish varies depending on water conditions and at 1 and 3 kGy (9).
temperature, most available literature on different fresh- Enterobacteriaceae were also found to be part of the
water fish species (tilapia, striped bass, rainbow trout, silver spoilage microflora of rainbow trout in salted samples in
perch, and sea bream) reports bacterial counts of 102 to 107 refrigerated storage. This finding is consistent with results
CFU/g (12, 24). Initial total viable counts of the control reported for different fish species, including fresh Atlantic
samples were ca. 4.41 log CFU/g, whereas the respective salmon (3), sea bass (43), sea bream (9), and rainbow trout
counts in samples irradiated at 1, 3, and 5 kGy were 3.08, (10), which showed the presence of Enterobacteriaceae at
1.46, and ⱕ1 log CFU/g at day 1 of refrigerated storage. the end of the storage time of the product under refrigerated
The initial counts indicated an acceptable fish quality, con- condition. The initial count of Enterobacteriaceae was 1.22
sidering the proposed upper limit for aerobic plate counts log CFU/g (day 7), and it reached a maximum count of
of 5 ⫻ 105 CFU/g for fresh fish (26). Chouliara et al. (9) 3.29 log CFU/g for the control sample at the end of the
reported initial counts for control and irradiated (1 and 3 storage period. The maximum count reached 2.29 and 1.45
kGy) sea bream fillets salted with NaCl, vacuum packaged, log CFU/g at the end of storage for 1 and 3 kGy, respec-

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and stored in a refrigerator of ca. 4.2, 2.4, and 1.0 log tively, but for 5 kGy no growth of Enterobacteriaceae was
CFU/g, respectively. Also, Savvaidis et al. (52) reported a observed (Fig. 1D). The presence of Enterobacteriaceae in
slightly higher initial count of 4.6 log CFU/g (day 1) for the microflora of fish and its spoilage potential must be
whole vacuum-packaged O. mykiss stored under refrigera- considered when fish are obtained from polluted water or
tion, whereas Jeevanandam et al. (27) and Lakshmanan et there is a delay in chilling after the catch (35). Furthermore,
al. (32) reported counts of 4.2 and 4.0 log CFU/g for salted the presence of Enterobacteriaceae may occur by cross-
threadfin bream and whole anchovy stored in ice, respec- contamination during postprocessing and the filleting pro-
tively. Total mesophilic counts for the control and irradiated cess. Although this group can grow at low temperatures,
rainbow trout reached an average value of 7 log CFU/g their abundance decreases during ice storage, as they are
with storage, which is close to the upper limit of accept- poor competitors.
ability for freshwater and marine fish as defined by the LAB have received particular attention from the food
International Commission on Microbiological Specifica- industry in recent years due to their potential application
tions for Foods (26) after ca. 14 days (0 kGy) and 35 days as natural preservatives. Short-chain fatty acids such as lac-
(1 kGy), while for 3 and 5 kGy the fish never reached this tic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid produced by LAB
population level after 42 days. Savvaidis et al. (52) reported may help maintain an appropriate pH and protect against
counts of 7 log CFU/g for vacuum-packaged trout after 9, pathological changes in fish during storage. In this study
14, and 24 days for nonirradiated and irradiated samples at the initial LAB count was 1.09 log CFU/g in the control
0.5 and 2 kGy, respectively. samples. A final count of 5.07, however, was reached in
Pseudomonas spp. and H2S-producing bacteria have the control on the 35th day, whereas samples treated with
been reported to be the specific spoilage microorganisms in 1, 3, and 5 kGy reached 4.66, 4.04, and 3.55 log CFU/g,
various fish species, including sea bass (43) and rainbow respectively, at the end of storage. The low LAB count in
trout (10) harvested from different arctic, temperate, and this study was expected since LAB tend to grow slowly at
tropical waters. In this study, of the bacterial groups ex- refrigeration temperatures (22). LAB were found to be the
amined, Pseudomonas spp. had the lowest count in both major spoilage microorganisms in fresh vacuum-packaged
groups (irradiated and nonirradiated O. mykiss fillets) (Fig. Atlantic salmon portions stored at 4⬚C (47).
1B). It is clear that irradiation reduced (P ⬍ 0.05) the pop-
ulations of Pseudomonas, and especially at 3 and 5 kGy Chemical analyses. The approximate composition of
Pseudomonas organisms were totally eliminated. Lewis et the measured edible portions of rainbow trout studied was
al. (34) reported that Pseudomonas spp., like other gram- as follows: moisture, 72.6% ⫾ 1.12%; fat, 5.73% ⫾ 0.31%;
negative bacteria, are known to have a very low resistance protein, 18.9% ⫾ 0.63%; and ash, 1.47% ⫾ 0.03%. The
to irradiation. Therefore, elimination of Pseudomonas by changes in all the biochemical indices measured (TVB-N,
irradiation could be beneficial to the preservation of fish TBA, and pH) observed for the control and the irradiated
products in view of the major role that these species play rainbow trout during the 42-day storage period under re-
in the spoilage of fish (9). Furthermore, one must not forget frigeration are shown in Fig. 2A through 2C (P ⬍ 0.05).
that Pseudomonas spp. are obligate aerobic bacteria and The TVB-N may be considered to be a quality index
their low population in the control group can be related to for unprocessed fishery products. Its increase is related to
the absence (or very low amount) of oxygen in the package. the activity of spoilage bacteria and endogenous enzymes
In addition, the H2S-producing bacteria in the control (49). The function of such enzymes results in the formation
reached a maximum count of 4.89 log CFU/g on day 35 of compounds including ammonia, monoethylamine, and
and H2S-producing bacteria were not observed at dose lev- dimethylamine, as well as trimethylamine, imparting char-
els of 1, 3, and 5 kGy for 7, 21, and 42 days, respectively acteristics of off-flavors to fish. A level of 35 to 40 mg of
(Fig. 1C). This shows that radiation can reduce the popu- TVB-N per 100 g of fish muscle is usually regarded as an
lation of sulfite-reducing bacteria. This is in agreement with indication that the product is spoiled (31). However, various

FIGURE 2. Effect of gamma radiation on

total volatile base nitrogen (A), thiobar-
bituric acid (B), and pH (C) of aquacul-
tured freshwater rainbow trout (Oncorhyn-
chus mykiss) treated with sodium acetate,
vacuum packaged, and stored under re-
frigeration (4⬚C). ⽧, Nonirradiated; 䡬,
1-kGy radiation dose; 䉱, 3-kGy radiation
dose; 䡵, 5-kGy radiation dose.

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authors have reported different acceptability levels for dif- the degree of lipid oxidation. That is an index of lipid ox-
ferent fish species, specific treatments, and processing con- idation measuring MDA content. MDA is formed through
ditions for TVB-N values of 35 to 40 mg/100 g (11), 25 hydroperoxides, which are the initial reaction products of
to 30 mg/100 g (36), and 25 to 35 mg/100 g (1). In the polyunsaturated fatty acids with oxygen. According to Con-
present study, TVB-N values were found to increase grad- nell (11), TBA values of 1 to 2 mg of MDA per kg of fish
ually with storage period in the control and treated samples flesh are usually regarded as the limit beyond which fish
(Fig. 2A). Changes in TVB-N values showed no significant will normally develop an objectionable odor and/or taste.
increase in the control and irradiated samples at 1 and 3 The results of the present study showed that TBA values
kGy until day 14 of storage. TVB-N values (P ⬎ 0.05) of for the control and irradiated rainbow trout samples (Fig.
ca. 17 to 25 mg of N per 100 g of flesh were observed. 2B) increased gradually from initial values of ca. 0.4 to 0.9
After day 14, TVB-N values for control samples increased mg of MDA per kg of flesh to maximum values of ca. 5.29
steadily, attaining a final value of 79.8 mg of N per 100 g (nonirradiation) on day 35, and 6.03, 7.26, and 8.21 mg of
of flesh at day 35, whereas the respective values for irra- MDA per kg of flesh for samples irradiated at 1, 3, and 5
diated samples were 52.2 (1 kGy), 39.4 (3 kGy), and 28.2 kGy, respectively, on day 28 of storage. After this, TBA
(5 kGy) mg of N per 100 g of flesh. Since TVB-N is pro- values for both control and irradiated samples decreased
duced mainly by bacterial decomposition of fish flesh, the gradually to final values of 4.1, 5.53, 5.95, and 6.47 mg of
higher level of TVC of nonirradiated samples throughout MDA per kg of flesh on day 42. It is interesting that the
the period of storage under refrigeration could account for TBA values for samples irradiated at 1, 3, and 5 kGy were
the higher TVB-N values of rainbow trout. The TVB-N higher than those for the control samples throughout the
acceptance limit of 35 to 40 mg of N per 100 g of flesh entire storage period. This may be attributed to a higher
(11) was reached between days 14 and 21 for nonirradiated concentration of free radicals formed in the substrate upon
samples and between days 21 and 28 for samples irradiated irradiation. It is well documented (33) that ionizing radia-
at 1 and 3 kGy. Samples irradiated at 5 kGy never reached tion is the cause of free radical formation in lipids, which
this level. Suppression of TVB-N values following irradi- constitutes the first step of the lipid oxidation chain reaction
ation at 1.5, 2, and 3 kGy has also been reported for other leading to carbonyl compound formation. Thus, the higher
fish species such as salted and vacuum-packaged sea bream, the dose, the higher the degree of oxidation (i.e., higher
refrigerated carp, whole anchovies, and salted threadfin TBA values) is. The decrease in TBA values after 28 days
bream (9, 24, 27, 32). Therefore, low levels of TVB-N in of storage may represent the breakdown of MDA to tertiary
samples were due to either a reduced bacterial population degradation products. Similar behavior of TBA values for
(irradiation) or a decreased capacity of bacteria for oxida- nonirradiated and irradiated sea bream (filleted) and whole
tive deamination of nonprotein nitrogen compounds (vac- anchovy was reported by Chouliara et al. (9) and Laksh-
uum packaging) or both (9). manan et al. (32). The present results are also comparable
TBA is a widely used indicator for the assessment of to those obtained for irradiated Indian fish species (14).
1424 MOINI ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 72, No. 7

FIGURE 3. Effect of gamma radiation on

odor (A), taste (B) and texture (C) score
of aquacultured freshwater rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) treated with sodi-
um acetate and vacuum-packed stored un-
der refrigeration (4⬚C). ⽧, Nonirradiated;
䡺, 1-kGy radiation dose; 䉱, 3-kGy radi-
ation dose; 䡵, 5-kGy radiation dose.

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The pH value of live fish muscle is close to 7.0; how- the time of refrigerated storage as shown in Figure 3A
ever, postmortem pH can vary from 6.0 to 7.0 depending through 3C. A score of 5.5 was taken as the lower limit of
on the season, the species, and other factors. In the present acceptability, which is equivalent to a slight off-odor or off-
study, changes in pH during storage were not statistically taste development (39). Odor (Fig. 3A) and taste (Fig. 3B)
significant (P ⬎ 0.05) between treatments. Values of pH showed a similar pattern of decreasing acceptability. The
for the control and irradiated rainbow trout samples re- lower limit of acceptability of odor and taste was reached
mained between 6.25 and 6.8. Similarly, Chytiri et al. (10) between days 7 and 14 for the control samples and between
found pH values between 6.43 and 6.52 for rainbow trout days 21 and 28 (for doses of 1 and 3 kGy) and between
(filleted) stored in ice and Chouliara et al. (9) reported pH days 28 and 35 (for doses of 5 kGy) for the irradiated
values of between 6.6 and 6.8 for nonirradiated and irra- samples. Texture scores for both control and irradiated rain-
diated sea bream (filleted) treated with sodium acetate, vac- bow trout (Fig. 3C) decreased at a slower rate than odor
uum packaged, and stored refrigerated. An initial slight de- and taste scores. Interestingly, the limit of acceptability for
crease in pH values may be attributed to the dissolution of texture was reached only for the control samples at 42 days.
CO2 in the fish muscle, and a secondary increase in pH In general, the higher texture scores of both control and
may be attributed to the production of volatile base com- irradiated fish samples throughout the entire period of re-
pounds such as ammonia and trimethylamine as well as frigerated storage may be due to salting (treating of fillets
other biogenic amines by fish spoilage bacteria (49). with sodium acetate), which slows down textural changes
Sensorial analysis. Freshness is the single most im- by decreasing the activity of proteolytic enzymes (cathep-
portant attribute when assessing fish quality. Microbiolog- sins) in fish muscle. Jeevanandam et al. (27) reported that
ical, biochemical, and sensory changes are associated with salting of threadfin bream prior to irradiation improved the
deterioration of fish quality during handling and storage. texture of irradiated fish samples. Taste data (Fig. 3B) of
Although a variety of biochemical, physical, and microbi- cooked rainbow trout correlated rather well with the micro-
ological methods have been used to assess fish freshness, biological data (Fig. 1A).
sensory evaluation is still the most satisfactory method of Given that specific spoilage-causing microorganisms
achieving such a goal (48). cannot be detected by organoleptic or chemical testing, it
Acceptability scores for odor, taste, and texture of is useful to conduct microbiological, chemical, and organ-
cooked control and irradiated rainbow trout decreased with oleptic analyses when assessing the quality of fish.

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tained for aquacultured rainbow trout, dipped in sodium packed cold-smoked freshwater fish at the retail level. Food Micro-
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under refrigeration, in comparison to a shelf life of only 2 smoking method on the keeping quality of chub mackerel (Scomber
weeks for the nonirradiated vacuum-packaged and sodium japonicus): biochemical and sensory attributes. Food Chem. 93:511–
acetate–dipped rainbow trout. 520.
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