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The RA 10963

How has 2018 treated your wallet so far? Ever since the government passed the Tax Reform for
Inclusion and Acceleration (TRAIN) package into law, we've all had to make adjustments to our
budgets, especially when buying cars and fuel. Some have had to make bigger adjustments than
others. Not only for big products, but also to the small retail products. Everything began to
change, everything starts to increase, and everyone pays. Lets call this as the EAT Tax, means
Everyone are Involved To pay. Even a young infant is paying tax today, Isn't that ridiculous? No
one is excuse for this type of scam tax. Yah let's call it scam tax, a tax that will put our society
fall and suffer. A free tax that we give to the government, a tax of no choice , but to follow.

Excise Tax!. The tax were all people dont deserved, the tax that will bring Filipinos to hunger.
The tax that all obliged to pay and to take responsibility. That are the real things happening
today. We cannot deny the fact that all the things I've said is really happening and it getting
worse. As what Senator Aquino said- "It is our duty to ensure all reforms benefit our
countrymen and do not make life more difficult for Filipino families". that's the right thing, we
should think outside the box, think what should the possible things that we must do in order to
bring back the real economy. TRAIN law will not be the root of our economy's development,
but it is the one will put our Society in doom.

We should act and be aware of the laws implemented by the government. If this tax reform law
will not be stop, we can expect that Philippines will come to the point that all Filipino residents
will suffer hunger and severe poverty.


12 GAS - A

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