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Poblacion Polomolok National High School

Polomolok, South Cotabato

A Research Report Presented Under

Practical Research 1 subject


Clintdell M. Oresco

Kaejie Amor Calonge

Shan Quincy Adams Templonuevo

Rea Celine Molangka

Alyssa Jayme

September, 2018

This paper addresses the use of Modern materials in learning. Under pressure from
the public, which is becoming increasingly conversant with the Senior High School and
also other non-formal types of learning are changing into e-classrooms and e-learning.
Among parents and teachers, too, there is a widespread opinion that e-learning is more
motivating and is more effective. On the other hand, a mass of research shows that e-
materials are more effective only in specific areas, where a multimedia approach is
needed, while everywhere else they are comparable to traditional teaching and
learning in terms of both effectiveness and motivation.As a study grounded in the
concepts of the qualitative research tradition, the research methods employed included
observations, personal interviews of teachers, focus group interviews of students, and
document review. The paper also highlights the strategies and technique that uses
Modern learning Materials of measuring motivation and learning success. Finally it
presents e-material which was created taking into account the results of research in this


To educate is the best opportunity that will come to our life. Education is
the key to success. By the use of modern technologies have also a huge role in
educating students. The modern learning material, which is used in standard
learning system in Senior High School Students. This Technology contributes an
efficient learning process, where student learn, participate in discussions actively
and effortlessly. Instructional materials have been observed as a powerful
strategy to bring about effective teaching and learning. The importance of quality
and adequate instructional materials is teaching and learning can occur through
their effective utilization during classroom teaching. Instructional materials and
modern digital devices were included all the tools that the teachers can use to
make the learning more interesting and memorable.

Using this modern learning materials has also advantages and

disadvantages. The advantages in using this technology are the following: Easy
learning process, visual and conceptual impact for the students, and if can help
the teacher to teach effortless. Using this modern learning materials also have
disadvantages, which are laziness for the students, and distraction on academic

Modern learning materials is important in education. It helps the students

to understand daily lessons and develop their Academical performance through
it. For the teacher, This is a big help in teaching and giving task for the students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the advantages and disadvantages of using

modern learning materials on the Academic Performance of Senior High School
Students to develop and enhance their Academic performance of Poblacion
Polomolok National High School.
It seeks answer to the following question?

I. What are the modern learning materials used on developing the academic
performance for the Senior High School Student in Poblacion Polomolok
National High School?
II. What are the advantages and disadvantages on using the modern
learning materials for the Senior High School students of Poblacion
Polomolok National High School?
III. How does the modern learning materials affects the academical
performance of the senior High Student of Poblacion Polomolok National
High School?
IV. By using the modern technology, what are the additional techniques and
strategies that could efficiently help the development if the academic
performance of Senior High student of Poblacion Polomolok National High

Significance of the Study

The ultimate goal of this research is to enlighten the Senior High School
Students of Poblacion Polomolok National High School about the advantages
and disadvantages of Technology on the Academic performance. To know what
are the modern learning materials and know that this technology has a huge
impact in the academic performance and learning of the students base on their
specialized fields. The development of the SHS students will be increase and
improved by the use of this technologies.

Furthermore, providing students with modern learning materials will help

them to understand easily their everyday lesson, complete their given tasks, and
improve their academic achievements in their specializations.
The development of understanding the perceptions of the students about the
advantages and disadvantages of the modern learning materials may provide
insights that will give the teachers the idea on how to properly use the modern
learning materials. These perception and insight gained from them could give
new impression on using the modern learning materials in schools. This research
may give the teachers an idea that using modern learning materials can be more
efficient in terms in teaching, and they will know that engaging this kind of
techniques will gives more understanding not only for them teachers, but also for
the students who will benefit to these techniques.

Here are the beneficiaries who will benefit for the Objectives of this

For the local government, this research will help them to determine what are
the MLM's that must provide for the Senior High School Students in public

For the school, this research will help them to know and determine the
following advantages and disadvantages of MLM's to the Academic Performance
of the Senior High Students and how will this disadvantages will be given a
proper solutions for making a efficient School Based Learning. So that they will
know the right MLM's that will provide for the students.

For the teachers, specially those millennial teachers who uses MLM's as a
instrument of teaching. This research will help them to know what are the
following strategies and techniques they will apply in helping the student's

For the Senior High Students, this research will help them to open their
minds about the advantages and disadvantages of MLM's in their Academic
Performances. Also develope their skills and performances through new
strategies and techniques that the teacher will use.
For the Researchers, this study will help them in guiding thier future
research. This study will use as a guide in making a new research that is also
fucos on the development of the students Academic Performance through the
use of Modern Learning Materials.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the advantages and

disadvantages of modern learning materials on the performance of the students
in Senior High School in Poblacion Polomolok National High School. Determine
whether the use of modern learning materials has any influence in the teacher in
Academic teaching. To identify what are the modern learning materials, and if it
is more effective and functional in supporting the teachers Academic teachings.

Also determines what are the possible techniques and strategies will
apply, when using this type of technologies. To give solution and serves guide for
the possible disadvantages present in using the modern learning material. How
will the teachers use this technologies in guiding and learning the Senior High
School students.

Scope and Delimitations

This research investigation covers only the technologies used in Academical

teaching and practices. The advantages and disadvantages of modern learning
materials. The possible techniques and strategies that will apply and for
presenting solution for the disadvantages of mlm's in the Senior High School
student. To make the standard learning process for the Senior High Students
efficiently develop in Poblacion Polomolok National High School. This research is
recently conducted for the Grade 11 and 12 Senior High School students and for
the millennial teachers who uses Midern Learning Materials as a instrument of
teaching, under the provision of Practical Research 1 adviser Ms. Lynsdale
Batiancila on the day of August to October 2018.

Literature Review

This study present information to learners in different media

modalities , example information may be presented as illustration , spoken
words , written words , video and animation. This diversity of media is
commonly called multimedia ( churchill , 2014). The presentation of
multimedia which represents as a kind of modern learning tools in
teaching. Senior High students are capable of using this kind of modern
learning materials. According to Richard Mayer's Multimedia Principle,
empirically demonstrate that people learn pattern from words and picture
presented together than from word alone (Mayer, 2001,2009). Educators
continuously seek innovative ways to present quality instruction for a
number of reasons , including to: (a) increase their service for students
learning, (b) fulfill their institutions mission integrating institutions core
concepts into each curriculum, and (c) address student's demographic
needs (Morse, 2013. Nicastro(1989, as cited in feinstein et. al.,2005b)
noted that there was a current trend towards more active involvement by
students to learn at their own education.
Thought students to engage in modern learning technologies are
more active to their education not addressing students through visual
impact learning tools will give them inspiration and motivates them to learn
in focus on their specified tracks not this modern learning materials are
also paired by the modern strategies in teaching , as teachers are also
interfers with technologies.
Use of technology in hospitality teaching is a major instructional trend
because technology maintains students’ attention, increases their
motivation, facilitates presentation of figures and graphs, and provides
more active teaching environments (Barlett & Strough, 2003). Harris and
West (1993) stated that multimedia programs are an efficient and effective
means of training for technical skill and conceptual development. They
indicated that by using multimedia programs, trainers could save time,
increase retention, and increase motivation of learners by involving them
in the learning process. Harris and Cannon (1995) also pointed out that an
instruction format should be reviewed carefully from the perspective of the
individuals being educated, because the format affected their involvement
in the instruction session, and their motivation and commitment to
learning. A significant number of emerging educational
technologies derived changes in the delivery of the entire curriculum.
Kasavana (1993), for example, urged that some portion of hospitality
curricular would be taught with several emerging technologies: distance
learning, virtual reality, simulation, and audio graphics. These
technologies ultimately increased learners’ retention by facilitating more
active learning environments (Astin, 1985, as cited in Feinstein et al.,

Effects of Technology-based Instructional Methods on Students’

Many researchers strive to measure the effects of different types of
instructional techniques on students’ learning. Various instructional
methods include static and animated text, graphics and non-linear
structure (Crosby & Stelovsky, 1995); multimedia based CDROM (Issa et
al., 1999); videotape (Smith & Shillam, 2000); non-interactive computer
assisted instruction—PowerPoint (Susskind, 2005); Web-based
multimedia tutorials (Buzzell, Chamberlain, & Pintauro, 2002); computer
generated animations (McGregor, Fraze, Baker, Haygood, & Kieth, 2003);
interactive CD-ROM (Price, Lukhard, & Postel, 2005); online training
course (Feinstein, Dalbor, & McManus, 2007; Kim & Kim, 2005webquest
(Hassanien, 2006); virtual learning environments (Dale & Lane, 2007); and
podcasting (Dale, 2007)
"Advantages of modern based learning materials and strategies"
By using this multimedia as a learning based instruction for the
students, especially in senior high school. Using this modern model
modalities has a advantages and benefits in learning of the students.
Lectures can be taken any number of times
This specially required at the time of revision when preparing for an
exam. In traditional form of learning if you cannot attend the lecture, then
you have to prepare for that topic on your own, in modern learning you
can attend the lecture whenever you want with ease.
Quick delivery of lessons
modern based learning teaching method has relatively quick in
delivery cycles. This indicates that through modern learning, student can
easily and fast to learn and interpret each lessons that the teacher talked
about, though visual and verbal concepts.
Help in creating and communicating new training, policies, concepts
and ideas. Whether it is for formal education or intertainment , modern
learning is very quick way of learning.
Modern learning enables educators to get a higher degree of
coverage to communicate the message in a consistent way for their
audience. This ensures that all learners to receive the same type of
training with this learning mode.

Modern learning has a positive influence on an organization's
profitability. It makes it easy to grasp the content and i just eat.
 It result in improved scores and certification , test , or other types of
evaluation .
 Higher of number of students achieve pass grade or mastery level.
 Enhance ability to learn and implement the new processes or
knowledge at the workplace.
 Keep in retaining information for a longer time.

This study aims to let the students specially in Senior High School
know how modern learning materials and Technology Based Instruction
methods works for developing each students Academic performances,
and how this methods or strategies give the students a formal, high
advanced, and convenient process of education.
Perry and Perry (1998) surveyed 109 college students enrolled in two
classes: computer information systems and teacher education. They
concluded that students preferred to attend classes using multimedia
presentations and that they found class more interesting and more
enjoyable with multimedia. The authors stated that multimedia could affect
learning in a positive manner. A multimedia opinion survey showed that,
when multimedia materials were utilized: (1) students found more material
was covered, (2) students considered they learned and retained course
material better, and (3) students indicated they understood difficult
concepts better.
Definition of Terms
Here the following terms that is used in this research. The definition of the
following term will help for understanding the meaning of the unfamiliar terms
that are present to this research.
Academic performance - refers to the level at which a student, teacher
or institution has managed to reach their educational goals.
Advantage - something (such as a good position or condition) that helps to make
someone or something better or more likely to succeed than others.
Disadvantage - something that causes difficulty : something that makes
someone or something worse or less likely to succeed than others: a bad or
undesirable quality
Instruction - In this study, instruction was considered as the integration of both
method and media. Samaras, Giouvanakis, Bonsiou, and Tarabanis (2006) stated
that this definition leads to the need for careful consideration of media along
with the instructional methods adopted when designing empirical studies on
multimedia learning effectiveness. With the introduction of new media, the
challenge is to use them effectively and transfer knowledge to the learner.
Instruction materials - are facilities given to students, so that they can
use every opportunity to develop full potential. Instructional materials
include fixtures, equipment, and buildings necessary for the effective and
efficient operation of the program of public education (, 2015).
Multimedia - is the combination of several media sources such as video,
graphics, animation, audio, and text, accessed by a computer and attached
peripherals driven by special programs (Harris, 1993). Another definition (Harris
& West, 1993) stated that multimedia presentations are a combination of
instructional resources controlled by a single operated system, usually
MLM'S (Modern Learning Materials) - a educational equipment use for
educational purposes. Materials used to help students learn and develop their
skill through modern learning. Materials like cellphones, computers,
PowerPoint presentation and etc,.
Modern Learning - educational based system which uses modern technologies in
Strategy - a careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually over a
long period of time. The skill of making or carrying out plans to achieve a goal
Techniques - a way of doing something by using special knowledge or
skill. The way that a person performs basic physical and mental skill to a
certain program.
Technology - the use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful
things or to solve problems. A machine, piece of equipment, method, etc., that is
created by technology and can develop personal skill through a highly advance
Traditional Learning - a educational based system which uses traditional
methods, which is used a the primary learning system mostly by schools.
Visual Aids - Learning materials which are relating to seeing or to the


As it is indicated in the title, this chapter includes the research methodology of the
Study. In more details, in this part the researchers outlines the research strategy, the
research method, the research approach, the methods of data collection, the selection
of the sample, the research process, the type of data analysis, and the research
assumption of the project.


In order to satisfy the objectives of this study, a Qualitative type of research is held.
The main characteristic of qualitative research is that it is mostly appropriate for small
samples, while its outcomes are not measurable and quantifiable. Its basic advantage,
which also constitutes its basic difference with quantitative research, is that it offers a
complete description and analysis of a research subject, without limiting the scope of
the research and the nature of participant’s responses. The aim is a complete, detailed
description, to classify features, count them, and construct statistical models in an
attempt to explain what is observed. Researcher is the data gathering
instrument.Researcher uses tools, such as survey questionnaires . Data is in the form of
words. Subjective – individuals interpretation of events is important , uses participant
observation, in-depth interviews . Objective: seeks precise measurement & analysis of
target concepts uses surveys and questionnaires . Qualitative data is more 'rich', time
consuming, and less able to be generalized.Quantitative data is more efficient, able to
test hypotheses.

Research Design

The researcher chose a survey research design because it best served to answer
the questions and the purposes of the study. The survey research is one in which a
group of people or items is studied by collecting and analyzing data from only a few
people or items considered to be representative of the entire group. In other words,
only a part of the population is studied, and findings from this are expected to be
defines the survey assessing public opinion or individual characteristics by the use of
questionnaire and sampling methods.

Restate purpose and Research questions

The purpose of this study is to determine the advantages and disadvantages

of modern learning materials on the performance of the students in Senior High
School in Poblacion Polomolok National High School. Determine whether the use
of modern learning materials has any influence in the teacher in Academic
teaching. To identify what are the modern learning materials, and if it is more
effective and functional in supporting the teachers Academic teachings.

Also determines what are the possible techniques and strategies will
apply, when using this type of technologies. To give solution and serves guide for
the possible disadvantages present in using the modern learning material. To
know how will the teachers use this technologies in guiding and learning the
Senior High School students.To know the obversation of every participants about the
existence of MLMs to their school and specialization . On how this MLM's affects their
study and selected specialization. To know the advantages and disadvantages of the
Modern Learning Materials for the students and millennial teacher in Poblacion
Polomolok National High School. The data collected by the researchers will be the one
will use to give answer to the following research questions.

The following research question that indicated in this research are stated for the
purpose of the research.

I. What are the modern learning materials used on developing the

academic performance for the Senior High School Student in
Poblacion Polomolok National High School?
II. What are the advantages and disadvantages on using the modern
learning materials for the Senior High School students of Poblacion
Polomolok National High School?
III. How does the modern learning materials affects the academical
performance of the senior High Student of Poblacion Polomolok
National High School?
IV. By using the modern technology, what are the additional techniques
and strategies that could efficiently help the development if the
academic performance of Senior High student of Poblacion Polomolok
National High School?

Population and Sampling

The target population of this study define to include the Senior High School
Students from G-11 to G-12 and some of the millennial teachers of Poblacion
Polomolok National High School. For the Senior High Students with a total population of
940 Students. The researchers use the sampling method, with a sample of 20% From
the total population of the respondents, about 188 respective participants of Senior
High Students. For the millennial teachers the researchers get a 10 sample for a in depth
interview about the existence of MLMs, the strategies they use in teaching method and
the strategies and techniques that use when MLMs present. By using the sampling
method this research data collection is expected to be successfully conducted. The
sample will be a presentation of the whole population of the Senior High School
Students about how the MLMs affects to the development of their Academic
Performance, also how they will interact and participate on their awareness of the
existence of MLM's to their specialization and school.


This method uses in depth interviews and a survey questionnaire to the respective
respondents, which are the Senior High School Students and some of the Millennial
Teachers of Poblacion Polomolok National High School. This research is conducted to
know the opinions of the following participants on how Modern Learning Materials
affects thier study. The main advantage of personal interviews is that they involve
personal and direct contact between interviewers and interviewees, as well as eliminate
non-response rates, but interviewers need to have developed the necessary skills to
successfully carry an interview. As far as data collection tools were concerned, the
conduction of the research involved the use of semi-structured questionnaire, which
was used as an interview guide for the researcher. Some certain questions were
prepared, so as for the researcher to guide the interview towards the satisfaction of
research objectives, but additional questions were made encountered during the

Procedure and Time Frame

The study aims to let the students know and learn that MLMs are useful in their
development of Academic Performances. The procedure takes place as the researchers
come up with a specific observation about Modern Learning Materials.The research
approach that was followed for the purposes of this research was the Inductive one.
According to this approach, researchers begin with specific observation, which are used
to produce generalized theories and conclusions drawn from the research. The reasons
for occupying the inductive approach was that it takes into account the context where
research effort is active, while it is also most appropriate for small samples that produce
qualitative data. The research prepare a letter of permission, which approved by the
Practical Research I Teacher, SHS coordinator , TIC extension campus.

The letter was prepared for the conducted survey and data collection.The
letter will be used to give permission to the reachers to conduct a survey and interview
between the respondents and millennial teachers. Use to let the respondents
participate actively for the conduction of the data collection. The survey began to
start on October 3 and ended on October 5. With a research entitled Be Advance:
The Advantages and Disadvantage of Technology on the Academic Performance
of Senior High School Students of Poblacion Polomolok National High School.

After the survey and all necessary modifications, the questionnaires were
administered directly to the chosen sample for the study. One hundred and Fourthy
copies of the questionnaire given out were successfully completed and returned. The
possibility of retrieving back all the questionnaire was as a result of the researchers
colleagues who offered a helping hand. The opposite could have been the case if the
researcher had taken the lonely task of going round the schools to collect the

Data Analysis Plan

The data collected from the field were analyzed. Statistically weighted mean was
used in answering the research questions. The response options in the instrument are
weighted as shown below:

Awareness of MLMs
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
132 Points 8 Points

The data collected represent that most of the Senior High School Student are aware of
the existence of MLM in their respective specializations. A total sample
of 140 students with a 94 percent of positive responce.

The SHS Students Described that Modern Learning Materials are useful and a has a
big role interms in their Academic porpuses. The MLM's that are commonly used and
seen in their rooms are the Television, Computers, Mobile phones , Projectors,
PowerPoint Presentation, and Pdf files. The common facilities that are present in
PPNHS are the Computer Laboratory and Training center, which used by the students to
make and produce their fulfillment papers and projects. Almost five thirds said that
those MLM's that are present are not enough and are lacking. About one halg of the
respondents said that the MLM's are not distracting and the students cannot focus
because of this learning modern learning resources that are not use in academic
purposes. As the researchers compile and the results. A 140 samples from the total
population of the participants responded strongly agree about the MLM's purpose and
role for the educational base learning. And from the 10 samples of the millennial
teacher that were interviewed all of them respond positively about the MLMs. They also
provide and state some strategies and techniques of teaching. The following teaching
technique were stated are ICT Integration (PPT, Publisher, Video Making, Logical Images
Analysis), Simulation, Online Classroom, and Podcasts. The effectiveness of these
techniques gives the students a formal and modern way of learning. Giving the students
a inspiration and will be encourage to acitively engaged in every class lectures.


Now a days, students are using a modern technology and they are capable and
have the advantage to use this technology. So the learning materials should be
upgraded for the student to get more knowledge and actively engage of the lessons. We
Researcher made an assumption that the Senior High School student of PPNHS are
gaining more knowledge when it comes of Modern Learning Material (MLM). A vision
that MLM is a great help for the student to get more learning and will inspire to engaged
in every activities. It is not distractive to use and the academic performance of the
Senior High School students are not affected especially in dealing with themselves in
every school activities. We assumed that the negative effects of Modern Learning
Materials will be given a solution by the local government and the school for the Senior
High School students of PPNHS. Lacking of MLM's must need a proper revision to make
these materials properly distributed to the following respondents. Because of the
lacking MLM's that provided by the school and the Local government, this negative
effects arises, students with lack of MLM's are not actively encouraged and persevered
to focus on their studies. So many students cant use this materials and some facilities.
Student are experiencing incomplete learning process to some lessons and activities.
Like experimenting on the science laboratory and doing some research on the internet.
A presumption that the students are more comfortable and effective to use this Modern
Learning Materials if its efficiently distributed and provided by the school and
government. Modern learning will be more effective than the traditional way.
Postulating the good factors of Modern Learning Material is effective to use for the


This chapter, findings are presented in four major sections that align with the four
research questions presented in Chapter One; What are the modern learning
materials used on developing the academic performance for the Senior High
School Student, What are the advantages and disadvantages on using the
modern learning materials for the Senior High School students, How does the
modern learning materials affects the academical performance of the senior
High Student, and By using the modern technology, what are the additional
techniques and strategies that could efficiently help the development of the
academic performance of Senior High student of Poblacion Polomolok National
High School?

 The first section examines the existence of the MLMs in collection of quantitative
and qualitative data.
 The second section presents the perceptions of the subjects to the advantages
and disadvantages of MLMs.
 The third section further discusses of the effects of MLMs in their Academic
 The fourth section discusses the additional strategies and techniques that
teacher use in teaching.

It must be noted that the researcher has made a concerted effort to present the data
with as little comment as possible in order to paint the clearest picture. The quantitative
data has been added in each section in order to strengthen the subjects’ assertions.

Results and Findings

This chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of the research
findings. The findings relate to the research questions that guided the study. Data were
analyzed to identify, and describe the advantages and disadvantages of Modern
Learning Materials to the Senior High Students. Data were obtained by a semi structural
survey questionnaire and through in-depth interview. A 140 sample from the total
population, a survey was conducted for the completion of the study. The provided
questionnaires was efficiently provided and completely retrieved from the conducted

The researchers evaluate and interpret the following results and constructed some
findings from the data collected.

 Most of the students were found more attentive while learning through MLMs.
 Students were happy with the innovative style and got more involved in learning
due to use of MLMs.
 Students had the time to learn fast due to MLMs, they can catch up the previous
lesson without hesitation.
 Most of the students that uses MLMs conclude that it is useful for their study
and help them to learn in the easiest and fastest way.
 MLMs gives the Student a efficient way of learning were visual and graphics
present. Learning with modern resources has a big difference that the common

The the data that collected from one on one interview between the researchers and the
choosen millennial teachers also analyzed and recorded:

 Teacher are commonly aware of the existence of MLMs.

 Teachers generally uses ICT Integration and some Simulation strategies in
teaching for the students.
 Teachers prefer Modern Learning with the use of MLMs than the traditional
learning. Although this both learning is useful, but they mostly prefer using
modern learnings techniques.


It is easy to obtain different teaching and learning resources which can be used in
the teaching process today. We are reminded of this fact primarily by the textbooks
brimming with various teaching and learning resources. However, a quality teaching
process is not always determined by the usage of numerous modern teaching and
learning resources, but also by a teacher’s success in using the aforementioned
resources to encourage the students to gain knowledge, profile different skills, and
accept and adopt positive values and attitudes. In order to achieve the potential tasks of
teaching and learning resources successfully, it is extremely important the teacher know
how to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of said resources and abide by the
rules of their adequate usage. Although determining the stage of working with teaching
and learning resources can seem like unifying and uniformed the teaching process, this
paper presents them as necessary, bearing in mind the fact that teaching is a complex
and often unpredictable process which depends on numerous factors, use of modern
learning resources and success of which is primarily ensured by setting the basic rules
for all of its segments.


The principle aim of the present study was to identify the effects of Modern
Learning Materials.The objectives were to know the advantages and disadvantages of
Modern Learning Materials on the Academic Performance of he Senior High Students of
Poblacion Polomolok National High School and to know some of the strategies and
techniques that teacher use in teaching educational based learning. The study was
delimited in the School of Poblacion Polomolok, with the following respondents of
Senior High School Student from G-11 to G-12. The research design that had been used
is Qualitative design. This research porpuse is to give awareness about the MLM's
advantages and disadvantages, and the additional strategies and techniques that used
in complete based education.


The Researcher formulate these following Recommendation:

To the students, they will be aware that the Modern Learning Materials are useful. And
they know on how they use the Modern Learning Materials to improve their Academic

To the teachers, they need to balance the use of the traditional and modern learning
techniques in order to teach more lesson With the use of MLM , and that will the
students acquire his/her academic performance improve.

To the School Administrators, they should conduct an observation every classrooms to

know the lacking material on every students will need . And make some report to
address the DEPED administrators to provide the lacking materials of the school.

To the parents, they should moderately check the academic performance of his/her
children and they should visit the school to observe and make a suggestion to the school
admin to suggest the lacking of the school for the improvement of the school.

To the local government, they should provide and give funds to the public school like
Poblacion Polomolok National High School a enough MLM's for the following students
that need a complete educational based learning.

To the future researchers that will use this kinds of research, they should use and follow
right rules to making a research and make a new and effective research that related to
this topic.


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