Final Project DDDM II Memorandum RGV Bank Edited

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RGV Bank

To: RGV Bank
From: Norma T. Reyes
CC: Mr. E. Addae
Date: 6/25/20
Re: Customer Traffic Analysis

Thank you for the opportunity to assess your customer traffic data in order to provide
recommendations for improving operations. The analysis and recommendations below are
based on the 10 years data you provided. The analysis below is based on this data alone.
Therefore, my recommendations should be tempered by your knowledge of business realities
and your market. Please let me know if I can answer any questions concerning the analysis or
the recommendations provided.

I choose pivot tables and chart of each data report analysis, using the provided information
from data. Including variables averages in values field on the pivot table for each analysis
shows data of customers in the bank. To make it more presented and visual here is analysis
for hourly patterns by week data, hour of the day average and daily/hourly patterns of all the
branches data I have provided as follows and completed manually. For changing the
variables by clicking it in under values field for each analysis as to average for each branch
or for all branches will show the information.

ANALYSIS 1 [Hourly Patterns by Week Analysis]

Customer traffic into the bank varies by day of the week and hour of the day. I used pivot
table and chart to illustrate that on Friday and Saturday are the busy days for the RGV Bank.
There are a high number of customers on Friday. Since the bank opens on Saturday from
10:00 am until Noon; there is a great amount of customers on that day.


Week (All)

Average of Main Day

Hour Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Grand Total
1 to 2 48.4 47.7 47.9 50.5 79.2 54.74
10 to 11 22 20.8 22.7 23.8 40 56.1 30.9
11 to noon 58.4 56.2 63.7 54.8 104.7 135.3 78.85
2 to 3 31.4 36 31.1 28.4 56.8 36.74
3 to 4 23.3 25.8 23.1 24.5 37.2 26.78
4 to 5 67.1 66.6 65.5 65.8 107 74.4
9 to 10 34.1 31.1 31.8 31.5 54.7 82.1 44.21666667
Noon to 1 71.5 76.3 73.6 67 123.4 82.36
Grand Total 44.525 45.0625 44.925 43.2875 75.375 91.16666667 53.4627907

140 135.3
120 123.4
107 Mon
100 104.7
80 79.2 82.1 Wed
63.7 65.8
65.5 67 Thu
60 56.1 54.8 56.8 54.7
47.9 Fri
40 40 37.2 Sat
28.4 31.8
20 23.8
22.7 24.5
1 to 2 10 to 11 11 to noon 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 9 to 10 Noon to 1


The RGV Bank need to provide and manage more employees to assist customers on Friday
and Saturday days, the speed, accuracy of customers and service satisfaction.

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ANALYSIS 2 [Hour of the Day Analysis]

Customer traffic varies by hour of the day on the 10-week period. That an average of all in
branches on 11am to Noon, 4pm to 5pm and Noon to 1pm there is a large customers traffic
in the bank.


Week (All)

Average of
All Day
Hour Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total
1 to 2 120.2 117.5 122.1 119.9 211.3 138.2
10 to 11 59.8 59.8 57 58.3 102.5 8 80.2
11 to noon 142.6 144.6 156.6 138.1 253.2 7 196.3
2 to 3 84.4 82.5 84.8 80.4 144.3 95.28
3 to 4 56.5 63.9 56 60.1 103.5 68
4 to 5 170.9 163 166.2 163.2 278.6 188.38
9 to 10 85.1 81.1 78.7 78.3 144.7 7 111.6
Noon to 1 181.4 188.6 178.4 180.4 309.2 207.6
112.612 112.62 112.47 109.837 193.412 229. 135.253488
Grand Total 5 5 5 5 5 4 4

350 342.7
300 309.2
250 253.2
211.3 Mon
200 201.7
163.2 180.4 Tue
150 143.8 138.1 144.3 144.7
119.9 Wed
100 102.5 103.5
80.4 78.3 Thu
50 58.3 60.1
0 Sat


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The work hour of the day is 8 hours for employees in the bank; they face long hours and
about 80 hours a week. Thus, I would recommend shifts for staff and overtime to provide
better service to customers.

ANALYSIS 3 [Daily and Hourly Patterns by All the Branches Analysis]

Customer traffic for all branches increases daily/hourly. The average shows grand total from
customers of all the branches. As to Monday, Wednesday and Saturday shows big amount of
customers on that days 11am to Noon and 4 to 5 pm.


Week (All)

Average of All Branches Day

Hour Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Grand Total
1 to 2 71.8 69.8 74.2 69.4 132.1 83.46
10 to 11 37.8 39 34.3 34.5 62.5 87.7 49.3
11 to noon 84.2 88.4 92.9 83.3 148.5 207.4 117.45
2 to 3 53 46.5 53.7 52 87.5 58.54
3 to 4 33.2 38.1 32.9 35.6 66.3 41.22
4 to 5 103.8 96.4 100.7 97.4 171.6 113.98
9 to 10 51 50 46.9 46.8 90 119.6 67.38333333
Noon to 1 109.9 112.3 104.8 113.4 185.8 125.24
Grand Total 68.0875 67.5625 67.55 66.55 118.0375 138.2333333 81.79069767

200 207.4
171.6 Mon
150 148.5 Tue
132.1 Wed
119.6 113.4
100 100.7 104.8 Thu
92.9 97.4
96.4 90
87.7 88.4
83.3 87.5 Fri
69.4 62.5 66.3 Sat
50 53.7
46.5 50
34.3 38.1

1 to 2 10 to 11 11 to noon 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 9 to 10 Noon to 1

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RGV Bank has four branches and should provide more employees and more fast service to
employees for each branch. On Friday and Saturday there is a huge amount of customers in
the bank. Every day and hourly data changes by week of customers.


From completing the Excel project, I learned about to data report analysis by inserting pivot
tables and its chart for each analysis of data. As for each data analysis including averages of
main branch, all and all branches data. Also by writing a memorandum about customer
traffic analysis for the RGV Bank as their consultant for a 10 week period and calculating
information of data. Even though, reporting the days of busy operations, the grand total of
customers for each analysis followed by the hour of data.

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