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War. Res.Vol.24,No. 12,pp. 1519-1526,1990 0043-1354/90$3.00+ 0.

Printed in Great Britain.All rights reserved Copyright ~ 1990 Pergamon Press pk


'Department of Civil Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 and
2Department of Civil Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, U.S.A.

(First receired June 1989; accepted in revisedform May 1990)

Abstract--This is the first of a two-part series of papers investigating the chemistry of AI coagulants. This
paper examines hydrolysis reactions of alum and polyaluminum chloride (PACI). Part II of the series
addresses the coagulation of fulvic acid by these coagulants.
Monomeric, polymeric and precipitated AI were identified based on a timed spectrophotometric
analysis. At typical AI doses used in water treatment, alum showed no evidence of polymer formation.
PACi consists of preformed polymers which are stable upon dilution below pH 6 and over the time frames
encountered in water treatment. Solubility studies showed that alum and PACI precipitate to form
different solid phases. Alum precipitates are adequately described by amorphous AI(OH)3(s) solubility.
The polymeric structure of PAC! is retained upon precipitation yielding a solid phase with different light
scattering characteristics, electrophoretic mobility and solubility than alum floc. AI hydrolysis is
interpreted as a coordination reaction between AI and OH-. Effects of low temperature on alum are shown
to be a result of changes in OH- caused, in part, by the temperature dependence of the ion product of
water. Hydrolysis products in PACI are preformed and therefore less sensitive to/n situ hydrolysis than
alum. Results suggest that when using alum, some of the adverse effects of low temperatures may be
mitigated by an increase in pH, thereby maintaining a constant concentration of the complexing ligand,

Key words--coagulation, hydrolysis, alum, polyaluminum chloride

INTRODUCTION is referred to as charge neutralization or, in the case

Aluminum salts are extremely versatile coagulants of dissolved organic substances, charge neutral-
in the treatment of potable water. Using AI based ization/precipitation (Edzwald, 1986; Hundt and
coagulants, waters of widely differing chemical O'Melia, 1988). Coagulation of colloidal particles in
characteristics and biological quality can be success- the presence of Al(OH)s(s ) is termed enmeshment or
fully treated. Alum [AI2(SO4)3.'nH20] is the most sweep floe. Dissolved organics can be removed by
widely used coagulant in the water treatment indus= adsorption on Al precipitates.
try. Alum is also extensively used in both industrial Insights to the chemical aspects of coagulation can
and municipal wastewater treatment. In recent years, be gained by an examination of the hydrolysis of Al.
polymerized forms of AI have been used increasingly Studies of the hydrolytic reactions of AI have been
in water treatment. Polyaluminum chloride (PACI) is used extensively to explain coagulation mechanisms
most common in this regard, although polyaluminum of humic substances (Hundt and O'Melia, 1988;
sulfates have also been investigated. Dempsey et al., 1984; Edwards and Amirtharajah,
The aqueous chemistry of A1 is complex and 1985; Mangravite et al., 1975). The AI species that are
upon addition of an AI coagulant in water treat= observed at a given pH are assumed to be present in
ment, multiple reaction pathways are possible. F o r the actual coagulation process under similar con-
example, coordination between AI and inorganic ditions. Although such studies may lend insight
ligands (e.g. PO~-, F - , O H - , SO~-) and organic to coagulation mechanisms, the interpretation of
ligands (e.g. humic materials) can occur as parallel hydrolysis study results for water treatment plant
competitive reactions. In addition, serial formation of conditions is not straightforward. It is well known,
A! monomers, A1 polymers and AI(OH)3(s) may take for example, that AI speciation is affected by the AI
place, depending on pH. Coagulation occurs by concentration, mixing, type and concentration of
interaction of A1 hydrolysis products with contami- anion, and aging (Stol et aL, 1976; De Hek et al.,
nants such as dissolved natural organic matter and 1978; Bersillionet al., 1983). Not surprisingly,many
colloidal inorganic or organic particles. The mech- different AI species, especially polymers, have been
anism by which AI functions depends on which AI proposed. Even when AI hydrolysis is studied under
species react to remove dissolved or colloidal con- conditions similar to those in water treatment, there
taminants. Destabilization involving AI monomers is no guarantee that similar species exist in the

presence of humic substances since hydrolysis and acetate. Details of the analytical procedure are given else-
W ~ (Van Bensehotetl and Edzwald, 1990b).
interactions between A1 and humic materials are The method used to characterize PACI and alum sol-
competitive reactions (Randtke, 1988). Furthermore, utions was a timed spectrophotometric procedure involving
differences in AI speciation would be expected reactions of AI with ferron (Smith, 1971). Three fractions
between preformed polymers and hydrolysis products designated AI" (monomers), AIb (polymers) and AI" (pre-
formed in situ. cipitated AI) were determined by the procedure. The PACI
solution was characterized periodically over a 1 year period
In this paper, the hydrolysis reactions of alum and using this procedure.
PACI are examined. The objectives of the paper are: Electrophoretic mobility (EPM) was measured using a
(1) to analyze and compare the hydrolytic reactions microelectrophoresis apparatus (Rank Brothers). For the
of alum and PACI; and (2) to evaluate how the cold water studies, samples were continuously chilled while
EPM was measured.
chemistry of these coagulants may impact their per- Turbidity was measured using a Hach Model 18900 Ratio
formance in water treatment. The coagulation of Turbidimeter.
humic substances by alum and PACI is addressed in
Part II of this series (Van Benschoten and Edzwald, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
P A C ! and alum
MATERIALS AND METHODS PACI was characterized periodically over a 1 year
period using the timed spectrophotometric method.
The time dependence of the reaction between AI and
PACI was prepared following the procedures of
Parthasarathy and Buttle (1985). A 2 I. Wagner type floccu. ferron has been described as (Smith, 1971):
iation jar was used as the titration vessel. A plexiglass top Al(t) = AI* + Alob(l -- e -~') (I)
with ports for stirrer, nitrogen tube, titrant tube, and pH
probe was fitted to the jar. An impeller mixer was used where
during the titration to provide vigorous mixing (1550 rpm).
Temperature was controlled at 25 4- 0.2°C by immersion of Al(t) = AI that has reacted with ferron at time t
the 2 i. fiocculation jar in a thermostaticallycontrolled water AI* = monomeric aluminum
bath. Titrant was added at a flow rate of about 0.2 ml/min.
AIb = AIb in solution at time 0
Nitrogen was continually bubbled through the solution to
remove inorganic carbon. k - - f i r s t order rate constant for type b AI
One liter of 0.1 M AICI3solution was titrated with 250 ml (min-I).
of 1.0 N NaOH. Reagents used in the titration were pre-
pared using deionized water made carbonate free by boiling. Using a least squares procedure, model parameters
The titration required approx. 22h to complete. The were estimated for the results of the timed spectro-
final PACI solution was 0.08 M A1 with a ligand number photometric analysis. Parameter values for the
(OH,,k~/AIT) of 2.5. The initial and final pH values were characterization results (5 occasions) are shown in
3.3 and 5.3, respectively.
The PACI solution was slightly cloudy at the end of the Table 1. The variables in the model (AI0b and k) are
titration, but cleared after a day or two. Similar results were significant at the 0.0001 level and multiple r 2 values
observed by Bersillon et aL (1980). are generally 0.99 or higher. Although some varia-
Experimental methods bility between the analyses is evident, the periodic
determinations are consistent. Polymerized AI (AIb)
The hydrolysis of alum [AI,(SO4)f 18H20] and PACI was
studied in jar test experiments. The standard procedure was accounts for about 90% of the total aluminum.
to add coagulant to a beaker (250 ml) containing deionized Monomeric species (AI') and precipitated AI (AI¢)
water which had been previously adjusted to an acidic level are small fractions of the total. The rate constants
(pH~e4) using 0.IN HCI. An AI dose of 10-3'3M in Table 1 reflect the reactivity of AIb with ferron.
(13.5 mR/l) was used for many experiments and is typical of
the required dose of AI needed to coagulate a water high in No obvious time dependence in the rate constant is
DOC. Following coagulant addition, the pH was then evident, indicating the nature of the polymers had not
adjusted with 0.1 N NaHCO3 and/or NaOH to the desired changed during the course of the study. The k values
value. The pH adjustment was made under vigorous stirring observed in this study are similar to determinations
with a magnetic stir bar. The beaker was then transferred to made by several investigators for solutions with
a six paddle stirrer (Phipps & Bird) and stirred at 100 rpm
(Z = 70s-') while coagulant addition and pH adjustment similar ligand values (Smith, 1971; Panhasarthy and
were carried out for the next sample. When the coagulant
addition steps were completed, all test solutions were mixed Table I. Summaryof PACIcharacterizationon
at 20rpm ( g = 1 0 s -~) for 30min, followed by l h of five occasions
settling. At the end of the sedimentation period, samples
were analyzed for pH, temperature, dissolved aluminum k ( x 100)
(0.22/~m membrane filters, Millipore type GS), turbidity Days* %AI' %AP %AF (rain-l)
and eloctrophoretic mobility. 8 2.1 90.1 7.7 2.8
Similar experiments were also conducted at 4°C making 52 8.2 92.0 -- 4,1
use of a thermostatically controlled water bath. 193 3.1 82.6 14.2 5,4
204 0.4 91.1 8.5 5.3
Analytical methods 326 2.8 93.8 3.4 4.2
AI was measured using a colorimetric procedure based on Mean 3,3 89.9 8.4 4.4
SD 2.9 4.3 4.4 I. I
the reaction of AI with 8-hydroxyquinoline (James et al.,
1983). The Al-quinolate complex was extracted in butyl *Days followingPACI preparation.
Aluminum hydrolysis reactions 1521

0.30 1.05
I)H 4.21 ...o.....o
"~ 0.25 0.86 0.20

0.20 PACI. ALe

i o.16
i 0.15
C ~
0.10 ~ ~ - --AL b - o.~ '~ ~ o.12
,,,t := o
< 0.05 0.14 <~ e,
t .o 0.08
I I I TAL° o.oo <
0.00 50 100 150 200 250
Timeis) 004
Fig. 1. Absorbanc¢ vs time for alum and PACI reacting with pH 7.41
ferron. Alum and PACI at 10-4.7 and 10-45 M AI, respect-
ively. AI fractions determined by timed reaction with ferron 0.00 20 40 6o 80 100 12o t 4 0 16o 16O 20o
illustrated for PACI sample. Time (rain)

Fig. 2. Absorbance vs time for PACI (10 -33 M AI) at three

Buffle, 1985). The time invariance of the reaction rate pH levels.
constant has also been observed (Parthasarthy and
Buffle, 1985). the case. For PACI, however, the polymeric structure
A comparison of PACI with alum using the still exists upon dissolution of the PACI precipitate.
timed spectrophotometric procedure is shown in The redissolved precipitate was about 90% AI poly-
Fig. 1. The concentrations of PACI and alum in these mers, the same as the PACI stock solution. Evidently,
samples were 10-4's M (0.85 mg AI/i) and 10-4.7 M the PACI precipitate is a coalition of polymers
(0.54regAl/l), respectively. The large increase in where the individual polymeric subunits remain
absorbance for PACI over time indicates the presence intact, at least over a short time interval following
of AI polymers. There is little change in absorbance precipitation.
with time for alum, confirming that the dissolved That PACI and alum form different solid phases
species are primarily monomers. was supported by the results of microscopic inspec-
To investigate the effect of pH on the polymeric A! tion of the precipitates. The PACI precipitate often
species in PACI, filtered samples from PACI solutions appeared as small (<25/~m) spheres, clusters of
at three pH levels were evaluated using the timed small spheres and even chain-like structures. Only at
spectrophotometric procedure. The results are shown high pH (>9) were particles observed that were
in Fig. 2. At pH 4.2 and 5.9, most of the dissolved AI similar to alum flocs. Alum flocs usually appeared as
is in a polymeric form, although at the latter pH some fluffy, porous structures, ranging in size from 25 to
particulate AI may have formed judging from the 100/~m. These results are in basic agreement with
lower absorbance on the plateau of the curve com- recent studies which have shown that for short aging
pared to the pH 4.2 sample. At pH 7.4, most of the times, PACI precipitates are composed of Al~ sub-
AI had precipitated (see Solid phase and solubility), units with some polymerization of the octahedra
and following filtration the remaining dissolved (Bottero et al., 1987; Bertsch, 1987). The shape and
species appear to be monomers. These results indicate size of the particles were dependent on ligand number
that below pH 6, the polymeric species in PACI and age. For ~ -- 2.6, Bottero et al. (1987) observed
should be stable under water treatment conditions particles in chain-like clusters (diameter~0.1/zm);
and available for coagulation. at ~ = 3.0 and short aging times, particles consisted
Solid phase and solubility
14 -
The timed spectrophotometric procedure ~as also PACL
used to investigate the solid phases formed by precipi- 12
tation of alum and PACI. Alum and PACI solutions
10 ALum
were first titrated to pH 7.5 with NaOH to induce
precipitation. The precipitate in each case was then
dissolved by acidification to pH 4 and immediately E
measured by the timed spectrophotometric pro- 6
cedure. The hypothesis in this experiment was that 4
if identical solid phases were formed by each coagu-
lant, then upon dissolution the dissolved species
should show identical reactivity with ferron. Further- I I I I I I f I I
more, if the solid phase was a freshly precipitated 0 20 40 60 eo 100 120 140 160 180
amorphous AI hydroxide, monomers would be T i m e { rain )
expected after acidification to pH 4. The results of Fig. 3. Reactivity of redissolved precipitatesof alum and
this experiment for alum (Fig. 3) indicate that this is PACI with ferron.

WR 24~12--<3

of a mosaic of platelets (length ~ 0.04~/~m), ized as amorphous (De Hek et al., 1978; Smith and
smaller size of these particles compared to the PACI Hem, 1972; Hem, 1972; Hem and Roberson, 1967).
precipitates observed in this study is understandable Although there is considerable evidence suggesting
considering that the study methods reported here that in the acidic pH range Al solubility may be
involved pH adjustment (pH range from 5 to 10) and controlled by an Al-SO4 precipitate (Hayden and
flocculation to promote particle aggregation. Rubin, 1974; Singh, 1969), other investigators (De
Solubility studies of alum and PACI were con- Hek et al., 1978) dispute such findings.
ducted to gain insights to the dissolved Al speciation The solubility of Al for alum and PACi additions
and solid phases formed by precipitation of these to deionized water at 20-25°C is shown in Fig. 4. For
coagulants. Solubility diagrams are widely used as alum, two Al doses were used as indicated by arrows
an aid in interpreting coagulation results, although in Fig. 4. The soluble species used in constructing the
the particular choice of dissolved species and solid curve in Fig. 4(a) were Ai 3+, AI(OH)2+ and AI(OH);.
phase solubility product is somewhat arbitrary. The The dotted line is the theoretical solubility of Al if a
AI(OH)3 solid phase has sometimes been assumed to fourth monomer, AI(OH)~, is also included in the
be amorphous (Edwards and Amirtharajah, 1985; calculations. Amorphous AI(OH)3 is assumed to be
Dempsey et al., 1984), while another investigation the solid phase controlling solubility. AI hydrolysis
revealed a more crystalline solid phase (Dempsey, constants are shown in Table 2. A temperature of
1989). The existence of polymeric species is often 25:C has been used in the calculations.
uncertain and in some cases polymers are assumed Although investigations of AI speciation in
to be present and in others only monomers are water treatment have often included the AI(OH)~
considered. A review of AI hydrolysis studies reveals monomer, the data shown in Fig. 4(a) clearly do
a seemingly bewildering array of species and con- not correspond to solubility as defined by all four
stants to choose from, but as noted in a recent review monomers (another AI monomer, Al(OH) °, has been
(Bertsch, 1989) many arguments for monomeric or postulated, although equilibrium constants are con-
polymeric hydrolysis schemes are irrelevent since sidered unreliable and the existence of the species is
many experimental results are system specific. The often questioned). Whereas the hydrolysis constants
specific conditions for AI hydrolysis following alum for AI(OH)2+ and AI(OH)~" are well established, the
addition in water treatment systems include the constant for AI(OH)~" is considered to be too high
following: relatively dilute AI concentrations, fast (Baes and Mesmer, 1976). Also, K,o values for
addition of base if pH is adjusted during coagulation, Al(OH)3(s) vary widely and depend on the type of
presence of sulfate, OH/Ai ratios > 2 and reactions solid material present. Hayden and Rubin (1974)
involving freshly precipitated solids. The first three report K~o= l0 -3L6 for amorphous AI(OH)3 which is
conditions are those for which monomeric forms of in good agreement with the AI solubility observed in
Al are expected, although some uncertainty exists due these studies for alkaline conditions. On the acidic
to the high ligand numbers that are characteristic of portion of the solubility diagram in Fig. 4(a), the
water treatment conditions. It would be expected that experimental data appear slightly more insoluble
fresh precipitates formed in water treatment would than the theoretical curve. The data points near pH 4
be a metastable, amorphous AI(OH)3(s). Freshly are undersaturated with respect to the solid phase,
precipitated AI hydroxide has often been character- but the remaining points between pH 4.5 and 6.5

-2 -2 --

,i • ".
( * "

\ °
o E
l= -S

-S o
-7 ALum

(o) (b)
-8 I I I I I I I -8
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 ~0
pH pH
Fig. 4. Experimental solubility data for dissolved aluminum in solutions of (a) alum and (b) PAC1 at
20-25:C. (a) Alum added at log Al z -3.3 (Q) and log Al ==- 4 (O) as shown by arrows. Solid line is
theoretical solubility of aluminum in equilibrium with Al(OH)3(am)(pK, = 31.5). Species include AP +,
Al(OH)z+ and AI(OH)~'. Dotted line is aluminum solubility if AI(OH)~"is included. (b) PACI added at
log AI = -3.3. Solid lines are theoretical solubility for specified A! species. Dashed line shows trend of
experimental data at slope of -7, the same as for the Al, polymer.
Aluminum hydrolysis reactions 1523

Table 2. Aluminum hydrolys/sconstants

Reaction pK Reference
AIj÷ + H20 = AI(OH)2÷ + H ÷ pKI, " 4 . 9 9 Ball et aL (1980)
AI~÷ + 2H20 = AI(OH)~" + 2H ÷ pK,2 = I0.I Ball e t a / . (1980)
AI3+ + 4HzO = AI(OH)~" + 4H + PK,4 = 23.0 Ball et al. (1950)
AI(OH)3(s) = AI~÷ + 3 O H - pK., .. 31.6 Hayden and Rubin (1974)

indicate a more insoluble solid phase than theoretical the slopes of these lines, they are shifted toward
predictions. higher pH. The slopes are significant because on a
Differences in test data at acidic and alkaline pH log Al vs pH plot, the slope of a line for a given
were examined by calculating and plotting log AI3+ species is equal in magnitude to the the charge of
vs pH. The concentration of AP + was calculated that species (note that the sign is reversed, how-
using the chemical equilibrium model MINEQL, ever). The dashed line in Fig. 4(b) has a slope of
assuming that the three monomeric species discussed - 7 , the same as the line for the AI,3 polymer. The
previously were present. Theoretically, the slope of an data tend to follow this line, possibly indicating
Al 3+ vs pH plot should be - 3 with an intercept equal that a highly charged polymeric species, or com-
to log (K~/K~). Dempsey (1989) has shown that bination of species, is controlling solubility in this
between pH 4.75 and 6.5 a log Al 3+ vs pH plot pH range. The data at alkaline pH are less soluble
exhibited a slope of -2.96 and a K,o of 32.8 corre- than the theoretical curve for AI(OH)~'. This is
sponding to microcrystalline gibbsite. Assumed AI interpreted to mean that the solid phase in these
species included Al 3+, AI(OH)2+, AI(OHH)~',AI(OH)° experiments is probably not an amorphous A1
and AI(OH)~-. In this study, a regression line for pH hydroxide precipitate, an observation supported by
> 6 yielded a slope of -2.99 and an intercept corre- results of the timed spectrophotometric procedure
sponding to a log F~ = -31.5. Regression results in (Fig. 3).
the pH 5-6 range gave a slope = -2.4 and a log
K~o= -35.2. While the results above pH 6 suggest Temperature effects
that the precipitated material is amorphous AI(OH)3, In Fig. 5, solubility data at 4°C (open circles)
the lack of a slope = - 3 for pH < 6 is indicative of are included in the solubility diagrams. For alum,
either an incorrect choice of AI species or equilibrium the dashed line is the theoretical solubility of Al
constants, or that soluble AI species are controlled by at 4°C. Compared to the data at 20-25°C,
a solid phase other than Al(OH)3(am). Interest- there has clearly been a shift in solubility. The
ingly, theoretical solubility calculations for amor- standard enthalpy of AI(OH)3(s) is reported as
phous forms of both AI(OH)s and basaluminite 22.8kcal/mol (Smith and Martell, 1974) which
[AI4(OH)IoSO4.5H20, log K=24.0] (Lindsay and results in decreased Al solubility with temperature.
Walthall, 1989) show that in the acidic pH As discussed subsequently, decreasing temperatures
range, AI solubility is controlled by basaluminite. also result in changes in the ion product of water
Assuming SO~- is constant, a log AP + vs pH plot and cause a shift in the solubility curve toward
for basaluminite solubility would exhibit a slope of higher pH.
-2.5, which is close to the value observed in these The data at 4°C for PACI show a similar trend
studies. However, because of a lack of direct exper- above pH 7. The lines in Fig. 5(b) have been drawn
imental evidence, the existence of a mixed AI-SO4 through the points to show data trends; they do not
precipitate is uncertain. represent theoretical solubility curves.
The solubility data for PACI [Fig. 4(b)] show that The results of tests using alum [10-3"3M
at a dose of 10-s3 M (13.5mg AI/I) the AI species (13.5mgAl/l)] in deionized water are shown in
in this coagulant did not precipitate below pH 7. The Fig. 6. At 25°C, stable particles were initially formed
data in Fig. 4(b) include not only the solubility data at about pH 4.5 as shown by the peak in turbidity
described previously, but also data points from exper- and the decrease in the concentration of dissolved
iments with slow mixing periods of 4, 6 and 24 h. aluminum. As the pH was increased, the precipitate
These longer term tests, undertaken to determine if was destabilized as indicated by decreases in both
kinetic factors were important in the precipitation turbidity and EPM values. The isoelectric point
reactions, revealed no differences in precipitation (pHli~) of the A! precipitate occurs at about pH 7.
over time. Although PACI precipitates are known to Below pH 4.5 and above pH 8, most of the A! was
undergo structural rearrangement over time scales present as soluble species.
as short as 24 h (Bottero et aL, 1987), such changes, The effect of low temperature is two-fold. First,
if they occurred, did not appear to significantly alter the p H of precipitationwas increased to about 5.5.
solubility relationships. Both turbidity and AI data illustratethis shift in
Also included in Fig. 4(b) are theoretical lines for solubility.The second effectis that at 4°C, particles
All304(OHl)~ [pK = 98.73, Baes and Mesmer (1976)] appeared to maintain a positivecharge at higher p H
and AI(OH)~- in equilibrium and Al(OH)3(am). than at 20--25°C. The pI-l~ is increased to about
Although the experimental data tend to follow p H 9 at 4:C.

-2 -2
-3 -:3
\ 25" ~e • o**** ~q~ e~*

-4 \ ,/0 o
E -5 -5
"~' o ;/
O~ - 6
#~ -
/ /00% ~, - 6
-/ b/
-7 -7 -- PACL
(a) (b)
-8 I I I I I i -8 I I I I I I
4 5 6 7 8 g 10 4 5 6 ? 8 g 10
pH pH
Fig. 5. Solubility plots of dissolved aluminum for alum and PACI in deionized water at 25 and 4°C vs
experimental data. (a) Solid and dashed fines are theoretical solubility of aluminum in equilibrium with
Al(OH)~(am) (pK. = 31.5). Co) Solid and dashed lines drawn to show data trends and do not represent
theoretical solubility curves.

Results using PACI [5.04 x 10-' M (13.6 mgAl/l)] the same for each coagulant, the maximum turbidity
are shown in Fig. 7. Differcnccs between PAC! and for PAC! was about 1.4 NTU compared to nearly
alum arc evident. PACI does not appear to prccipitate 8 NTU for alum. A trcnd of higher turbidity with
until about pH 7 as shown by the dissolved AI data, alum has also bccn observed in tests involving coagu-
although turbidity and EPM data indicate particle lation of humic materials (see Part II, Van Bcnscho-
formation. Also, turbidity curves for PACI arc ten and Edzwaid, 1990). These differcnccs support the
shaped differently than those for alum. PACI exhibits conclusion that different solid phases have formed.
a gradual incrcase in turbidity, reaching a maximum EPM data show higher positively charged particles
value at about one pH unit above the pH of prccipi- for PACI than for alum, and the particles formed
ration. These data suggest that below pH 7 PAC! from PACi maintained a positive charge to pH 9
precipitated, but the resulting solid phase was not while those for alum did not. The availability of
filterable using 0.22 pm porc size membrane filters. positively charged particles over a wide range is an
For alum, the maximum in turbidity and the re- important consideration for coagulation of negatively
duction in dissolved AI occurred at almost the same charged colloids. The effect of temperature on PACI
pH. Furthermore, although the AI dose was nearly was less pronounced than for alum. Particle mobility

i • T"4~ PACL
1.0 0 T=2~C

o0 .:?: \
~ o -
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
'oo , I vr. :r
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

~, 1 -o- -.., CP

~[ - I "-o, e~
(i. ""
tu- 2 I l l I I I 0 I I I I I I n I
3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 1o 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10
pH pH


,. E
I 0 I I
3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10
pH pH
Fig. 6. Experimental results for alum (5 x 10 -4 M Ai) in Fig. 7. Experimental results for PACI (5.04 × 10 -4 M AI) in
deionizcd water at two temperatures. deionized water at two temperatures.
Aluminum hydrolysisre~'tions 1525

data for PACI appeared to be affected by temperature pH 6.8 rather than pH 6) should result in similar
change to some degree, but effects of temperature trends in AI solubility and particle stability as occur
on turbidity and dissolved AI concentrations were for alum coagulation at 25°C at pH 6 (Figs 5 and 6).
slight. Relationships between temperature, pH and treat-
Tests involving alum and PACI in deionized water ment performance have been observed by Camp et al.
reflect AI hydrolytic reactions since OH- was the (1940) in a study involving ferric salts. It was found
only complexing ligand that systematically varied in that adverse effects of cold temperatures could be
the experiments. To examine the effect of ligand mitigated by an increase in the coagulation pH of
concentration on jar test results, the data for alum in about 0.5 units. Similar findings were reported by
Fig. 6 were replotted as Fig. 8 with pOH as the Mohtadi and Rao (1973).
independent variable rather than pH. The results For PACI, the results of replotting data with pOH
show that the effect of temperature appears to be as the independent variable showed a divergence in
largely accounted for by changes in the OH- concen- the curves. In contrast to alum which hydrolyzes/n
tration. The standard enthalapy of reaction for the situ, the Al species in PAC! are preformed and the
dissociation of water is 13.36kcal (Garreis and precipitation of PACI results in a different solid phase
Christ, 1965) resulting in a change in the ion product than the amorphous AI(OH)3 precipitate formed
of water, K~, from 10-I( at 25°C to 10-j4s at 4°C. from alum.
Consequently, at constant pH, the hydroxyl ion
concentration decreases with decreasing temperature. CONCLUSIONS
In addition to the ion product of water, temperature
would also affect the solubility product of AI(OH)3(s) Based on the results of this research, the following
as well as intrinsic surface ionization constants. conclusions are made.
Although possible effects on these constants is recog- (l) The hydrolysis o r a l following addition of alum
nized, from a practical standpoint the effect of OH- to deionized water at concentrations typically used in
is of most interest since pH can be controlled. water treatment shows little evidence of polymer
These results illustrate that aspects of particle formation. Al solubility can be adequately described
formation are temperature dependent. It has often by the presence of three monomeric species: AP +,
been reported that treatment plant performance is Al(OH)z+ and AI(OH)~'. Application of a timed
adversely impacted by cold temperatures. For alum, spectrophotometric method to alum in deionized
the effects of cold temperatures should be diminished water showed that Al was present as monomers
by an increase in pH. At 4°C, for example, an increase almost entirely.
of approx. 0.8 pH units (e.g. practicing coagulation at (2) PACI was characterized by a timed spectro-
photometric method which showed that approx. 90%
of the A1 was in a polymerized form. When used in
I-- ALUM e Tm,~C
jar test type studies at pH < 6, the Al polymers were
0 T = 2~BC
stable in dilute solutions and for the time scales
typical in water treatment.
k. (3) Experimental results including analysis of redis-
I /
I- 0~,¢- I. _"~_J-,a Ae.L ~
-'~ ~. I I solved precipitates, solubility tests, turbidity data and
lo 9 8 7 6 S 4 3 EPM measurements indicated that alum and PACI
precipitate to form different solid phases. The poly-
meric structure remains intact within the PAC! pre-
cipitate and particles are more positively charged and
produce lower turbidity than alum floe.
(4) Temperature exerts a strong effect on solutions
-, I- °\ containing alum. Turbidity, electrophoretie mobility
and Al solubility are temperature dependent. The
LU 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
underlying effect has been shown to be chemical in
nature. Al hydrolysis can be viewed as a complex-
ation reaction involving hydroxyl ions. At constant
pH, the hydroxyl ion concentration changes with
temperature due to the temperature dependence of
the ion product of water. The data suggest that when
using alum, some of the adverse effects due to cold
o I I
11 t0 9 e 7 6 5 4 3 temperatures may be offset by an increase in the
pOH coagulation pH.
(5) PACI is much less affected by temperature than
Fig. 8. Experimental data for alum (5 x 10-4 M AI) in
deionizedwater at two temperatures. Abscissa valuescalcu. alum. At constant pH, low temperature produces
lated as pOH = p/~ - pH, where p/~ is 14.0and 14.8at 25 only minor changes in turbidity, electrophoretic
and 4°C, respectively. mobility and Al solubility. Although the precipitation

mechanisms for PACI appear to be different than for and trihalomethane precursors. In Carcinogens in Drink-
ing Water (Edited by Ram N. M., Calabrese E. J. and
alum, the fundamental mechanisms are not clearly
Christman R. F.). Wiley, New York.
understood. (3arrels R. M. and Christ C. L. (1965) Solutions, Minerals,
and Equilibria. Harper & Row, New York.
Acknowledgements--The research described in this paper Hayden P. L. and Rubin A. J. (1974) Systematic investi-
has been funded, in part, by the Risk Reduction Engineering gation of the hydrolysis and precipitation of aluminum
Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. (III). In Aqueous Environmental Chemistry of Metals.
EPA), under Cooperative Agreement CR-812639. The Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, Mich.
assistance of Kim R. Fox, U.S. EPA Project Officer, is Hem J. D. and Roberson C. F. (1967) Form and stability
greatly appreciated. The content and conclusions are the of aluminum hydroxide complexes in dilute solution.
views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply Paper 1827-A, (3PO,
and policies of the U.S. EPA. Mention of trade names or Washington, D.C.
commercial names does not constitute endorsement or Hundt T. R. and O'Melia C. R. (1988) Aluminum-fulvic
recommendation for use. acid interactions: mechanisms and applications. J. Am.
War. Wks Ass. 80(4), 176-186.
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