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By : Yosie wahyu endayani


Level : Class 1 Elementary School

Basic Competencies : 3.7 Understand simple oral text about the names of the objects in the
class, numbers, colors

Indicator : 3.7.1 explain numbers 1-10

3.7.2 write numbers 1-10
3.7.3 mention numbers 1-10

Duration : 60 minutes

Purpose : 1. Students can listen to the teacher's explanation well

2. Students can write numbers 1-10 correctly

3. Students can say numbers 1-10 correctly

Material : Number
Media : Number card
Proedure : A. Opening (5 minutes)
1. Teacher greets student
2. Teacher asks the leader of the class to lead praying
3. Teacher gives brainstorming
B. Main activity/ teaching procedure (45 minutes)
1. Teacher explains material numbers 1-10
2. Teacher repeats the delivery of material
3. Teacher tells students to write down the numbers that have been
4. Teacher presents the media ‘number card’ and students observe it
5. Teacher explains how to play number card
6. Teacher calls students to answer the question in front of the class
7. Teacher asks the students again if the number card that their friend
has attached is correct
8. If it is properly given a round of applause, if not then the teacher
calls on other students to enter
9. After the game, the teacher repeats the material with the teacher
mentioning and students imitating
C. Closing (10 minutes)
1. The teacher corrects the mistakes made by students (mistakes
include pronunciation, mention of vocabulary, and grammar which
at that time were the focus of discussion)
2. The teacher gives reinforcement and conclusions
3. Students are given the opportunity to talk / ask questions and add
information from other students.
4. Teacher asks the leader of the class to lead praying
Reference : The English Champion, Sisca Thania
Appendix: Material

1 = one
2 = two
3 = three
4 = four
5 = five
6 = six
7 = seven
8 = eight
9 = nine
10 = ten

Number Card

 Select number card!

1. Three =
2. Seven =
3. Ten =
4. Five =
5. Six =
6. Eight =
7. Nine =
8. Two =
9. One =
10. Four =

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