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Assignment Three – Email Marketing

Depth Training – Bradley Thompson

Based on your learnings to date both within this class as well as prerequisite courses, please complete
the following assignment individually. The report should be written in report form. You can use bullet
points for lists but otherwise your reasoning should be delivered in paragraph form. In cases where you
use external sources for information you must source where you have collected the information from.


You recently created a direct mail campaign for Depth Training to attract new registrants. Now the team
at Depth Training is looking to run a retention campaign via email marketing to try to get current Depth
Training members to fill the remaining 15 spots in their Summer “Get Strong” program.

The company has a database that they have given you access to that they have collected over the past
few years of all their members. Their goal is to get 15 people to register for the Summer “Get Strong”
Program via a single email.

The client is open to take your suggestion on what subset of their database should be targeted. They
want you to pick a group that you believe you will have the highest success rate with and the group that
you believe will be appreciative of the email.


1) Gain knowledge of how to succeed at email marketing by completing the HubSpot Email
Marketing Online Certification Course
2) Upon reviewing the database provided determine the subset of database members that your
email will be sent to.
3) Complete a Direct Marketing Creative Brief
4) Design an email that can be sent out to segment of the database that you have chosen using
Mail Chimp
5) Outline how many people you will be sending this email to, when you will send it and how many
registrants you believe will register (please show your math and assumptions)
6) Provide an overview of what it will cost to send the piece that you created out
Submit a full proposal via the dropbox provided by Saturday June 27 th at 9pm. No late assignments will

be accepted. Rubric provided on eConestoga

Your proposal should include the following files: Each file should be names appropriately for the client

to view:

 a PDF of your report which will include your creative brief, desktop email, Mobile Email, Budget

and Sources

 an Excel file of your email recipients

Please note that if you break a law as part of this proposal you will be given an overall 0 on the

assignment. This includes both CASL and PEPIDA laws specifically.

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