Educ 5324-Vedat Erden Article Review-1

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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership / M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
EDUC 5324 Integrating Technology into Education

Name: Vedat Erden_______________ Date: 6 - 4 - 2020_________________

Cite the reviewed article in APA format:

Waxman, H., Boriack, A., Yuan-Hsuan, L., & MacNeil, A. (2013). Principals' Perceptions of the
Importance of Technology in Schools. Contemporary Educational Technology, 4(3), 187-196.


Research Questions (if research questions are not specifically mentioned, what
is the theoretical background or overarching theme):
1- What are principals’ perceptions of the importance of technology?
2- Do principals’ perceptions of technology differ by years of experience and gender?

Purpose of the research:

To identify communication strategies consistently used by principals with the faculty at
high-performing Title I elementary schools in Virginia.

What is the methodology for the research or approach used to understand the
issue? Provide information regarding the following:

8 Principals from high-performing Title I elementary schools in Virginia.
A set of 15 questions, with five subsets of questions, were posed to each participant in
the same order and the same way. Individual interviews with eight elementary public
school principals of high-performing low income schools uncovered communication
behaviors that were consistent among these school principals. Participants self-reported
on their own communication strategies (verbal, nonverbal, and written) and leadership

Data Collection Methods/Data Source:

Two instruments were used for data collection: an electronic survey and a set of
interview questions. An electronic survey was designed to identify years of experience
as a principal and the length of time spent in the principal role at the identified school.

Data Analysis:
All participants and any identifying factors remained confidential. Each interview
lasted an average 28.9 minutes with a range of 23 to 39 minutes in duration. Seven of
the eight participants previewed and provided thoughtful and on-topic information
related to communication and leadership. One participant was frequently off topic and
required redirection. This interview was the longest at 39 minutes. All participants
talked at length on the topic of overall leadership style and made nearly equal
contributions across all five themes.
The data analysis revealed that principals at these eight high-performing schools
identified communication as a key component for their school’s success.

Waxman, H., Boriack, A., Yuan-Hsuan, L., & MacNeil, A. (2013). Principals'

Perceptions of the Importance of Technology in Schools. Contemporary

Educational Technology, 4(3), 187-196.

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