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Writing Task 1


Car Jung’s Theory of Individuation talks about the process by which the consciousness of a person

becomes individualized or differentiated from other people. In the film “Psycho” Marion’s negative side

revealed when he stole the money. But before that her desire to be married with Sam who is not yet

divorced is a negative side of her. On the other hand Marion was a good daughter and sister. She put

herself on work to support her sister after her mother’s death. All she wanted was to have Sam as her

partner in life that pushed her to steal the money knowing that they can use it to start a new life.

She decided that after getting sleep in Bate Motel, she will return the money the next morning.

That by doing the right thing, she will not be like other people stealing money for personal reason. That

she is not just a sexualized image projection but also a character that has a mature thinking.


Norman Bateson has to personality. His approach on the film is first, an innocent and hospitable

person but his animus turned him to be his mother causing him to do crimes.

When his time to role his character, he welcomed Marion. He became friendly to her. But when

his mother side felt Norman’s attraction to Marion, he killed her. And the murder scene in the bathroom

tickled the climax of the story.

For me, Norman didn’t achieve a successful individuation. His negative personality became more

dangerous that results him to be the animus side and not to be Norman again as the voice of his mother

ending up the movie.

Writing Task 2


In the making of Psycho, Janet Leigh notes that Hitchcock intentionally featured Marion wearing

a black bra in this scene, in order to contrast between the period before she steals the money (white bra)

and the period after (black bra). She seek her masculinity through the indication that brought by her outfit

wearing black bra and gray blouse at the same time, stealing the Money. Because of the seeking of her

opposite self she ended up stealing the money which signals Marion’s gender role shift.


Norman killed his mother as well as his stepfather. On his psychotic episode with no memory of

what he had done, Norman “discovered” his mother and her lover died. Because of this, Norman got into

shock losing more and more of his grip on reality. He began to hear and see his dead mother compelling

him “keep her alive. That’s when his opposite self came out. Because of this, he as Norman is unaware to

kill people.
Writing Task 3

One of Alfred Hitchcock’s greatest films in a career that fostered the creation of many was the

released of “Psycho”. (December 11, 1960 2:51pm) Psycho can be seen as simple, face value

entertainment or as a film worthy of great study and analysis which originally created by Robert Bloch.

The film begins with an objective narrative before switching to a subjective one only to see that narrative

destroyed when it collides with another.

The film entitled with Psycho because throughout the movie the two main characters (Norman

and Marion) entertains audience by their slow motion showcasing of their personality. The duality of

human nature is the main theme of “Psycho” which really suitable as its title. It started in a way that the

camera will give a hint of what particular place does the movie was shot. The camera drifts inside the

window of specific building, exposes a private moment of Marion and Sam. I am not sure if there is a

repeated motif but I want to consider about the different composition of dialogue talking about Marion’s

past existence before she vanished in Phoenix which I think as a Repetitive topic in the film. The purpose

of them is to bind up the necessary information that leads Lila and Sam on what happened to Marion. The

sequential of the film is very nice that even if it is in a black and white theme or color, I am sure that the

audience would still understand it. And for me, the moment that Marion was killed inside the bathroom

followed by the investigating process by Abrogast leading to his death and discovery of the Old woman

and lastly is how the Psychologist explains Norman’s condition. They are the most important event

because those are the scenes that makes up the film excellent. Aside from being one of the most important

scenes, Psycho’s infamous shower sequence represents the ultimate collision between two narratives (the

climax) that triggered the desire of Lila and Sam to know the truth until they found out that the mother or

the old woman who killed Marion and the investigator was Norman. The film ended up satisfying with no

disunities. The image of Norman with the shade of his mother leaves us a proof that he was being folded

with his Anima (mother) and no longer to be the real Norman.

The main theme of Psycho is the duality of human nature. The film related issues and questioned

through the fantastic role of Norman and Marion’s character. The movie present clear view point on the

topic in the way of pointing out on the dual characteristics of two narratives. Especially on the last part,

the film was finally given a good period because of the explanation given by the Psychologist. Psycho

finished well nothing loose ends or ambiguous.

We are now on Carl Gustav Jung “Analytical Psychology”. Terms such as Persona,

Individuation, Anima, Animus and many more was convince introduced on the movie “Psycho”. The

portrayed character of Crane and Bates explained ideas about Jung’s Theory of Personality which we can

be added to what we have tackled. The movie leaves me an amazing view point of how our theorist

importantly Carl Jung thinks. Now, I can say that what studies they have created are really essential for

me as a psychologist. Carl Jung’s Analytical Psychology is a good example of elucidating situation of

mental illness like what Norman have.

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