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Review Article

Orthopaedic Surgical Selection

and Inpatient Paradigms During the
Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Patrick A. Massey, MD The novel coronavirus pandemic, also known as severe acute
Kaylan McClary, MD respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has placed an
immense strain on healthcare systems across the entire world.
Andrew S Zhang, MD
Consequently, multiple federal and state governments have placed
Felix H. Savoie, MD restrictions on hospitals such as limiting “elective surgery” and
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKbH4TTImqenVA12WbTIGzqkAduEX3T2810590ElmbQ3vOMBMyIE8nLv7Llo/fhly6I= on 05/25/2020

R. Shane Barton, MD recommending social or physical distancing. We review the literature

on several areas that have been affected including surgical selection,
inpatient care, and physician well-being. These areas affecting
inpatient paradigms include surgical priority, physical or social
distancing, file sharing for online clinical communications, and
physician wellness. During this crisis, it is important that orthopaedic
departments place an emphasis on personnel safety and slowing the
spread of the virus so that the department can still maintain vital
functions. Physical distancing and emerging technologies such as
inpatient telemedicine and online file sharing applications can enable
orthopaedic programs to still function while attempting to protect
medical staff and patients from the novel coronavirus spread. This
literature review sought to provide evidence-based guidance to
orthopaedic departments during an unprecedented time.
Orthopaedic surgeons should follow the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention guidelines, wear personal protective equipment
(PPE) when appropriate, have teams created using physical
distancing, understand the department’s policy on elective surgery,
and engage in routines which enhance physician wellness.

mended canceling all elective sur-

From the Department of Orthopaedic Background on Novel
Surgery, Louisiana State University geries.3 To manage ensuing issues,
Coronavirus and
Health, Shreveport, LA (Dr. Massey, such as limited resources and per-
Dr. McClary, Dr. Zhang, and Pandemics As They Relate
sonnel, and preventing the spread of
Dr. Barton), and the Department of to Healthcare Workers
Orthopaedic Surgery, Tulane Medical the contagion, several orthopaedic
Center, New Orleans, LA (Dr. Savoie). On March 11, 2020, the World programs have had to modify the
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2020;28: Health Organization declared novel way they select patients for surgery
436-450 coronavirus (COVID-19) a pan- and deliver health care.4
DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-20-00360 demic.1 Within 2 weeks, the virus It is important for orthopaedic care
had spread to 330,000 people re- teams to recognize that this pandemic
Copyright 2020 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. sulting in 13,700 deaths.2 One week is a constantly changing and fluid
later, the surgeon general recom- catastrophe, so everyone will need to

436 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Patrick A. Massey, MD, et al

be flexible, adaptable, and ready to ment leadership needs to determine Gholson et al7 performed an anal-
pivot rapidly to changing events. what are the prioritized objectives ysis of 92,266 patients from 2006 to
Guidelines are constantly changing, about demand for hospital beds, 2012, reporting the LOS for com-
so it is also important that surgeons PPE inventory, and other limited mon orthopaedic surgeries. The au-
stay up to date on the latest proto- resources including intravenous (IV) thors reported that sport, hand,
cols by using resources such as the fluids, ventilators, and personnel.5 and some spine procedures typically
American Academy of Orthopaedic Targeted reduction on surgeries can have less than 1 day stay, whereas
Surgeons (AAOS) website and Cen- be performed for a variety of rea- arthroplasty ranged from 2.2 to
ters for Disease Control and Pre- sons. Some hospitals may have the 3.4 days. The authors also identified
vention website ( and objective to vacate inpatient beds. In which comorbidities are associated, respectively). this scenario, it is important to with increased LOS. They found
The purpose of this review article classify surgeries based on whether that increased age, diabetes, general
was to describe many of the mod- they can be performed as outpatient anesthesia, morbid obesity, chronic
ifications which orthopaedic depart- versus inpatient. As such, elective obstructive pulmonary disease
ments can make during the COVID-19 surgeries requiring inpatient admis- (COPD), poor nutrition, congestive
pandemic. Areas discussed include sion may be postponed, whereas heart failure, non-Caucasian race,
surgical selection, inpatient physical or elective cases that can be accom- and hypertension were correlated
social distancing, file sharing for online plished as outpatient are permitted.4 with increased LOS. Current times
clinical communications, and physi- When admission is required, valu- have shown that individuals with
cian wellness. During this crisis, it is able resources such as beds, nursing, more comorbidities are more pre-
important that orthopaedic programs and supplies are necessary, and their disposed to worse clinical outcomes
place an emphasis on personnel safety limited stock is depleted. These re- from the coronavirus.8 Surgeons
and slowing the spread of the virus so sources can, instead, be preserved by may use data such as this to objec-
that the department can still maintain decreasing elective orthopaedic sur- tively decide which cases are and are
vital functions. Emerging technologies gery requiring inpatient admission. not appropriate surgeries, given local
such as inpatient telemedicine and on- If the main concern is shortage resources and pandemic status. In
line file sharing applications can enable of ventilators and anesthesia staff, addition, surgeons should optimize
orthopaedic programs to still function consideration may be made toward modifiable risk factors preopera-
while attempting to protect medical moving urgent outpatient surgery tively and manage them postopera-
staff and patients from the COVID-19 to a local ambulatory surgery center tively in an effort to decrease LOS.7
spread. (ASC) to decrease utilization of these Orthopaedic surgeons, as always,
resources at the inpatient hospital.6 should make sure that preoperative
During the COVID-19 pandemic, diabetes mellitus is controlled as best
Inpatient Surgical Selection vital resources such as hospital beds as possible. Additional consideration
and Management and rooms as well as ventilators may should be given to use regional
become scarce. This experience in anesthesia if possible, consulting a
On March 14, 2020, the surgeon Singapore with the current COVID- nutritionist and internal medicine
general recommended that all elective 19 crisis has already been docu- consultation for assistance with
surgeries be canceled. However, the mented. Chang Liang et al4 reported other preoperative comorbidities.7
use of the term “elective” has fallen that their department postponed or
victim to scrutiny, with notable canceled all nonurgent procedures
room for subjective interpretation that needed an inpatient admission. Orthopaedic Surgical
among surgeons. When considering This mainly affected spine surgery, Selection: Elective, Urgent,
which surgeries to delay and which elective pediatric cases, and hip and and Emergency Surgery
ones to prioritize, there are several knee arthroplasty. Other surgeons
factors to consider. For clarification, may use the length of stay (LOS) as a The difficult decision to postpone or
it is important to understand that an metric to determine which proce- even cancel surgery may arise when
orthopaedic surgery can be classified dures should be performed during the surgical resources used in both
as urgent inpatient (intertrochanteric this difficult time because longer the inpatient and outpatient settings
femur fracture), urgent outpatient hospital stays may exhaust more become scarce. However, choosing
(flexor digitorum profundus rup- coveted resources and may place which surgeries to postpone is not
ture), elective inpatient, and elective patients at increased risk of noso- easily determined without some con-
outpatient. The orthopaedic depart- comial infection. troversy. Some recommendations

June 1, 2020, Vol 28, No 11 437

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Orthopaedic Surgery During COVID-19

may be to postpone all surgeries that tizing fasciitis) to ones that should be tal and orthopaedic department to
can be delayed more than 1 month. done within 24 hours (open frac- determine which surgeries can be
The Centers for Medicare and Med- tures). When these surgeries are not delayed to conserve resources. Com-
icaid Services advises that a surgery done immediately, they may result in mittees have been created at affected
can be delayed if it will not cause loss of life or limb or paralysis.11-18 hospitals to stratify urgency of dif-
harm to the patient and they recom- The American College of Surgeons ferent surgeries, which takes the
mend creating a tiered framework for (ACS) has created a National Quality onus off of individual leaders.32 We
prioritization.9 We have categorized Improvement Program Participant prefer a strategy based on the need and
major orthopaedic surgeries by how Use File which describes urgent sur- supply of tangible resources during
long they can safely be delayed ac- gery as not truly emergent but also not different phases of the pandemic (Fig-
cording to the previous studies elective. Urgent surgeries do not have ure 1). If hospital bed availability is of
(Table 1). Deciding which surgeries to be done immediately but should be greatest concern, priority E inpatient
to cancel may not be as simple as done when medically stable. Examples surgeries requiring inpatient stays may
a binary decision (elective versus include a hip fracture in the elderly, be postponed.4 When all resources are
nonelective). Depending on the phase surgical thoracolumbar fracture, or being rationed, all priority D and E
of the disease locally, orthopaedic cauda equina syndrome.12,19,20 surgeries may be postponed. During
programs may move into more of an The term “expedited” has been this phase, attempts should be made at
emergency surgery situation and then used to describe procedures where performing urgent and expedited sur-
move toward allowing elective sur- there is no an immediate threat to life geries, which are outpatient, at an ASC
gery, then move back into an emer- or limb.11,21 Expedited surgeries are or surgical hospital separate from the
gency surgery only situation again. most surgical fractures and surgi- local inpatient hospital.4,6,33 As hos-
This could occur with quiescent cal tendon ruptures where surgical pitals move into a recovery phase
phases, followed by new outbreaks. treatment should not be delayed where resources are more abun-
This second phase phenomenon more than 2 weeks because delay dant, we recommend performing
occurred in Canada with severe past that point leads to worse out- priority D surgeries before priority E
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), comes or difficult surgery.11,22-25 In surgeries in case a second phase
whereby a second wave of infection addition, delay of surgeries such as phenomenon occurs.
followed the initial recovery.10 delayed closure or flap coverage for
To clarify what previous literature open fractures more than 2 weeks
has found regarding urgency of can lead to chronic infection or loss Ambulatory Surgery
orthopaedic surgeries, we have cate- of limb.26 Short-term delayed sur- Centers
gorized orthopaedic surgeries into five geries are procedures that can wait
categories based on priority: priority A for weeks, but there is literature that The Ambulatory Surgery Center Asso-
(emergency surgery within 24 hours), supports increased pathology when ciation has released a consensus posi-
priority B (urgent surgery within ,48 waiting more than 3 months, such tion that “ASCs can continue to
hours), priority C (expedited surgery as with anterior cruciate ligament provide safe surgical care for patients
within 2 weeks), priority D (short- (ACL) reconstruction, myelopathy, whose condition cannot wait until
term delayed ,3 months), and priority or nerve compression with worsen- hospitals return to normal oper-
E (long-term delayed .3 months). We ing symptoms or muscle weak- ations.”6 The Ambulatory Surgery
recommend moving between these ness.27-30 Finally, long-term Center Association has outlined a
categories in a continuum based on the delayed surgeries are ones that can focus on mitigating risk factors,
needs and priorities of the region and be delayed more than 3 months, screening for COVID-19, social dis-
hospital system. The surgeries which such as a total knee arthroplasty.31 tancing, prioritizing supply chains for
are routinely performed outpatient are Stratification of orthopaedic proce- hospitals, and coordinating with local
also delineated in this classification dures based on severity and urgency hospitals in each community. Cur-
system, and orthopaedic departments can therefore help conserve and rently, there are some regions where
should also determine whether they redirect limited resources toward the strain on resources is so high that
are doing inpatient and/or outpatient those who may require them more local ASCs have been closed. In areas
surgery for each category. emergently during this health crisis. where ASCs remain open for clinical
Orthopaedic emergencies are sur- As resources become exhausted, care, they can still play a vital role in
geries that should not be delayed. guidance from federal or state au- providing expedited surgical care to
They range from surgeries that thorities may be given. It is ultimately alleviate some of the burden on tradi-
should be done immediately (necro- the responsibility of the local hospi- tional hospital-based surgery systems.

438 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Patrick A. Massey, MD, et al

Table 1
Stratified Urgency of Different Orthopaedic Diagnoses and Surgical Procedures for Inpatient and Outpatient
Priority A Priority B Priority C Priority D Priority E
Emergency Urgent Expedited Short-Term Delayed Delayed
Subspecialty (Within 24 hr) (Within 48 hr) (Within 2 wk) (Within 3 mo) (More Than 3 mo)

Trauma Open fractures Femur neck Surgical clavicle

fracture in the fractures
Femur neck fracture in the Intertrochanteric Surgical scapula
young femur fracture fractures
Pelvic fractures with Talar neck Surgical humerus
bleedinga fractures fractures
Fractures with vascular Surgical femur Surgical radius and ulna
injurya shaft fractures fractures
Compartment syndromea Surgical distal Surgical tibia plateau
femur fracture fractures
Reduction of joint Surgical tibia Surgical ankle fractures
dislocationb shaft fractures
Necrotizing fasciitisa Pelvis and acetabulum
Closed fractures with Closure or flap coverage
impending soft-tissue of open fractures
External fixation for complex Repairable
fractures osteochondral
Spine Closed reduction of cervical Cauda equina Surgical lumbar disk Spondylolisthesis
facet dislocationa syndrome hernia with
SCI Surgical cervical
Epidural abscess Cervical myelopathy
Epidural hematoma
Orthopaedic Surgical spine tumor with Impending
oncology cord compression pathologic
Foot and ankle Surgical foot fractures Ankle arthroplasty
or fusion
Miscellaneous Septic arthritisa
Shoulder and Shoulder
elbow arthroplasty
Elbow arthroplasty
Adult Acute arthroplasty infection Periprosthetic Subacute arthroplasty Knee arthroplasty
reconstruction fracture infection
Reduction of prosthetic joint Hip arthroplasty
(continued )
SCI = spinal cord injury, ACL = anterior cruciate ligament
Surgery should be done immediately.
Surgery should be done within 6 hours.
Classification system is based on the priority level of each diagnosis or surgery. Surgeries that are routinely performed outpatient are formatted as

ASCs play a vital role in caring for to 39% shorter than hospital out- potentially important player for
underserved patients because 13.6% patient department visits.34 These conservation of medical supplies.
of their patients are Medicaid payers, more efficient visits, which have Finally, ASCs have been shown
and the average time for surgical been shown to have lower cost, may to have a low infection rate of
visits at ASC surgical visits are 25% use less resources, making ASCs a 0.484%.35 As major inpatient

June 1, 2020, Vol 28, No 11 439

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Orthopaedic Surgery During COVID-19

Table 1 (continued )
Stratified Urgency of Different Orthopaedic Diagnoses and Surgical Procedures for Inpatient and Outpatient
Priority A Priority B Priority C Priority D Priority E
Emergency Urgent Expedited Short-Term Delayed Delayed
Subspecialty (Within 24 hr) (Within 48 hr) (Within 2 wk) (Within 3 mo) (More Than 3 mo)

Pediatric Hip fractures and Pediatric fractures ACL reconstruction Spine deformity
orthopaedics dislocationsb correction
Supracondylar humerus Ligament avulsion
fractures repairs
Slipped capital femur
Tibia fractures with vascular
Open fractures
Hand Acute carpal tunnel Surgical hand Chronic carpal tunnel Trigger finger
syndrome fractures syndrome
Pyogenic flexor Tendon and ligament Ulnar nerve
tenosynovitis Injuries compression
Digit replantation
Reduction of joint dislocation
Sports External fixation of knee Surgical tendon tears ACL reconstruction Cartilage repair
medicine dislocations and

Acute loose body Multiligamentous knee Chronic rotator

removal reconstruction cuff tear
Locked knee from Rotator cuff repair in Superior labral
displaced young patients repair
meniscus tear
Ligament avulsion Recurrent shoulder Tendinitis
repairs dislocation surgery

SCI = spinal cord injury, ACL = anterior cruciate ligament

Surgery should be done immediately.
Surgery should be done within 6 hours.
Classification system is based on the priority level of each diagnosis or surgery. Surgeries that are routinely performed outpatient are formatted as

hospitals prepare to face an fixation, secondary to the fact resources including personnel, in-
increased burden of COVID-19 pa- that inpatient surgery has greater tensive care unit (ICU) beds, PPE,
tients, it may also be beneficial for COVID-19 risk to care providers and and respirators.38 They have also
patients to have their vital ortho- patients.36 The Orthopaedic Trauma recommended a panel including the
paedic surgeries redirected to an Association has also recommended chief of the ICU, chief of orthopaedic
ASC, where there are no COVID-19 to limit face-to-face encounters and surgery, chief of anesthesia, and
inpatients being simultaneously that in some scenarios, surgery may head of the hospital to review
cared for.6 involve less exposure. The American possible surgeries. The AAOS has
Orthopaedic Society for Sports also supported guidelines from the
Society Recommendations Medicine has posted a video giving Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
guidance for athletes who have had Services and the ACS. The ACS has
The Orthopaedic Trauma Associa- their elective surgery postponed.37 released orthopaedic guidelines stating
tion recommends that outpatient The AAOS has released a statement that during phase 2 (curtail elective)
surgery be considered for fracture that guidelines should be based on and phase 3 (eliminate elective), many

440 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Patrick A. Massey, MD, et al

surgeries should still be performed. from several hospitals in China eval- group outings and large gatherings,
They list joint dislocations, quad and uated 34 elective orthopaedic surgery flexible worksites (telecommuting
patella tendon ruptures, aggressive patients who were in the incubation when possible), replacing in-person
tumors, impending fractures, lacerated period of COVID-19. These patients conferences with teleconferences,
tendons, and many fractures as sur- unintentionally had surgery without medical screening and restriction of
geries that should still be performed. anyone knowing they were infected visitors, and limiting interpersonal
They also list surgeries for carpal with COVID-19 before surgery. A contact to greater than six feet.47 This
tunnel syndrome and tendinitis as large portion of these patients had is especially important for healthcare
ones that can wait.39 The American major complications with a 20.5% workers who have to be at work and
Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons mortality and 44.1% rate of ICU are at higher risk of coming into
has released general guidelines that admission postoperatively.43 The contact with a COVID-19 positive
patients’ waiting for surgery can be main utility for identification of pa- patient and then spreading the
managed with other modalities.40 tients with COVID-19 before ortho- virus to other healthcare workers or
paedic surgery would be to avoid teammates. The ACS has released
these complications and protect recommendations for maintaining
Preoperative Screening of medical staff further.44 A paucity in trauma center access during the
Novel Coronavirus the literature is the reflection of the COVID-19 pandemic. These guide-
swift spread of this virus with no clear lines include limiting personnel in the
consensus. Below is a compilation of trauma bay to essential staff only,
Similar to other coronaviruses, the
current recommendations acquired outfitting all trauma employees with
COVID-19 strain is transmitted pri-
from multiple sources internationally appropriate and well-fitting PPE,
marily as droplets. This fact is espe-
that can be implemented as continued having redundancies in personnel
cially important when it pertains to
improvements to testing are made: positions, and converting to virtual
airway management of patients with
meetings whenever possible.5 An-
COVID-19. The repercussions of in- (1) All patients and staff are re-
other consideration is to limit the
tubating a patient who unknowingly quired to wear masks during
number of surgeons or assistants in a
carries the disease can be extreme perioperative contact as if all
particular case. Orthopaedic sur-
because the whole surgical team can patients could be positive for
geons are typically part of a small,
become exposed to the virus as it be- COVID-19.41,42
specialized team, and it is critical that
comes aerosolized in an unabated (2) All but emergent surgical patients
the entire team does not become ill
manner during this process. How- should be tested preoperatively
simultaneously. This would cripple
ever, if the surgical patient is already for COVID-19 as local resources
the ability of the facility to provide
known to be a carrier, then precau- allow (dependent on facility,
effective orthopaedic care to patients.
tionary measures can be taken to real-time reverse transcriptase-
It stands to reason that any ortho-
mitigate further transmission.41 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
paedic surgeon known to be infected
Because of the gravity of intubating Diagnostic Panels, can provide
with COVID-19 should be quaran-
a missed patient with COVID-19, the results in 4 to 6 hours).42,44,45
tined at home until they are no lon-
role of preoperative screening should (3) Powered air purifying respi-
ger contagious. However, there are
be given notable consideration. At the rators (PAPR) for all surgical
several measures that orthopaedic
time of this publication, there are no staff for all patients with
physicians can take that will limit the
established guidelines for preopera- COVID-19 1 or N95 if none
spread of the virus within their team,
tive screening for COVID-19. As are available.46
should a team member become
tests becomes more rapid and acces- unknowingly infected. One such
sible than at the infancy of the pan- measure includes assignment of indi-
demic, preoperative screening can Physical Distancing of vidual workstations (Figure 2). Co-
certainly become a reality. Currently, Medical Staff in the ronavirus is estimated to live on
the international community has Inpatient Setting surfaces anywhere from several
turned to already afflicted countries hours up to several days.48 Items
such as China and Italy for guid- During the COVID-19 pandemic, such as computer keyboards can act
ance. Guo et al42 recommend to have physical or social distancing has been as fomites and can theoretically
patients tested for COVID-19 before recommended by most state and spread the virus if used by more than
surgery if available and to place a mask federal governments. Social distanc- one person if the appropriate in-
on patients at all times. Another study ing includes cancellation of classes, activating agents are not rendered.

June 1, 2020, Vol 28, No 11 441

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Orthopaedic Surgery During COVID-19

Figure 1

Chart showing resource-based strategy of orthopaedic surgery priorities. Based on which resources are needed, surgeons
may prioritize different surgeries. Surgeons may move between phases on a continuum. During all phases, outpatient
surgery may be moved to a separate surgery center to mitigate risk and conserve resources at the inpatient hospital.
Surgeries that may be postponed in different phases are shaded gray. PPE = personal protective equipment

computers and desks are com-

Figure 2 pletely separate from any other
workspaces designated for the
orthopaedic team. Should a team
member become unknowingly in-
fected, he or she can potentially
share the contagion to the
remainder of the staff by using the
communal computers and key-
board. However, by individualiz-
ing workstations, we limit cross
contamination by eliminating these
communal tools between physi-
cians, should any one member
become unknowingly infected. This
also promotes physical distancing
measures because the workstations
are physically isolated from each
Photograph showing the cubicles setup for physician workstations. Each
workstation is assigned to a single physician with a clear sign so that no others
will use their work station. In addition, many orthopaedic
programs are instituting a rotating
team schedule4 (Tables 2). As an
At our institution, we have estab- This can be applicable not only to example, an orthopaedic team of 15
lished individual workstations for residencies but also to the entire residents would be split into three
our inpatient team of physicians. orthopaedic care teams. These teams of five. Each team would

442 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Patrick A. Massey, MD, et al

Table 2
Potential Three-Team Schedule for 15 Medical Personnel (Five per Year)
Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
Clinical Rotation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Inpatient team
5A 5B 5C 5A 5B 5C 5A 5B 5C 5A 5B 5C
4A 4B 4C 4A 4B 4C 4A 4B 4C 4A 4B 4C
3A 3B 3C 3A 3B 3C 3A 3B 3C 3A 3B 3C
1A 1B 1C 1A 1B 1C 1A 1B 1C 1A 1B 1C
2A 2B 2C 2A 2B 2C 2A 2B 2C 2A 2B 2C
Outpatient team
resident 1 5C 5A 5B 5C 5A 5B 5C 5A 5B 5C 5A 5B
resident 2 4C 4A 4B 4C 4A 4B 4C 4A 4B 4C 4A 4B
resident 3 3C 3A 3B 3C 3A 3B 3C 3A 3B 3C 3A 3B
resident 1C 1A 1B 1C 1A 1B 1C 1A 1B 1C 1A 1B
2C 2A 2B 2C 2A 2B 2C 2A 2B 2C 2A 2B
Off-site team
2B 2C 2A 2B 2C 2A 2B 2C 2A 2B 2C 2A
4B 4C 4A 4B 4C 4A 4B 4C 4A 4B 4C 4A
3B 3C 3A 3B 3C 3A 3B 3C 3A 3B 3C 3A
resident 1B 1C 1A 1B 1C 1A 1B 1C 1A 1B 1C 1A
resident 5B 5C 5A 5B 5C 5A 5B 5C 5A 5B 5C 5A

ASC = ambulatory surgery center, VA = Veterans Affairs hospital, PGY = Post-graduate year
This can be applied to residents, attendings, and/or physician extenders. Each team works 1 week on the inpatient team and then has 2 weeks with
no or limited contact in the inpatient setting.

spend 1 week at a time working to any team member who may have tal, they can evaluate patients in
take care of the urgent or nonelective contracted the virus during their the outpatient setting or via tele-
orthopaedic cases and operate from week at the inpatient hospital. This medicine. This provides for contin-
mostly within an inpatient setting, also further limits interactions be- ued patient encounters with little or
theoretically sparing the remainder tween members of the program on no risk of COVID-19 transmission
of the residents or staff from a high- different teams, thus limiting the to the other teams for 2-week
viral burden setting. This team then spread of the virus among cor- intervals.
rotates out of the hospital for esidents and decreasing the chances
2 weeks while the other two teams of the entire program being ill at the Inpatient Telemedicine
rotate through. This provides a built- same time. Although the two other Telemedicine has become an in-
in self-quarantine time of 2 weeks for teams are not working in the hospi- creasingly popular method to serve

June 1, 2020, Vol 28, No 11 443

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Orthopaedic Surgery During COVID-19

Figure 3

A, Photograph showing the Bayou box: an intravenous (IV) fluid management system, with ECG, pulseoximeter, and blood
pressure monitor which can be accessed outside of a novel coronavirus patient’s room. The IV fluids can be secured by
closing the cabinet doors and placing a lock. B, IV tubing and monitor cables pass through a portal in the exterior wall. C,
Monitoring cables and IV fluid tubing enters the patient’s room through another portal. Video can be viewed at https://www.

patients while limiting in-person in- contaminated environment is a real potentiate the spread of highly
teractions to decrease the spread of concern. contagious pathogens from one
COVID-19. Although telemedicine Nosocomial transmission can also patient to another when a health-
has become popularized in the out- be reduced by minimizing the traffic care personnel needs to perform
patient setting across multiple dis- in and out of a known coronavirus activities such as changing IV fluids
ciplines during the COVID-19 crisis, patient’s room. Varia et al53 found or medications right next to the
there appears to be a role within the that with the SARS outbreak of patient and possibly acquiring the
inpatient setting as well. Specialties 2003, the risk of acquiring the disease inadvertently. The traffic
such as allergy/immunology, derma- droplet-spread virus correlated with can be avoided, and the contami-
tology, infectious disease, and even the distance to the patient. In addi- nation of other inanimate objects
surgery have already implemented tion, inside patient rooms that within a room can be minimized if
roles for telemedicine for inpatients, require contact precautions, not only these fluids and monitors are sta-
are the patients contagious but also tioned physically outside the pa-
with equal and satisfactory results as
the medical equipment and accom- tient’s room instead.
in-person encounters.49-52 For ortho-
modations within the room can also
paedic surgeons, this may include
become niduses for infection.54 A
using computers/tablets to interview Online Document Sharing for
novel way of decreasing this traffic
and examine patients known, or Clinical Communications
can be the creation of an auxiliary
suspected, to be infected with
space for medical supplies such as As we seek to promote physical dis-
coronavirus. Orthopaedic surgeons
IV poles and associated fluids and tancing between providers, the need
should only expose themselves to a medications, which can be accessed for online communication increases.
COVID-19 positive patient if abso- physically outside of a patient’s The day-to-day operations with our
lutely necessary, such as to reduce room. We have developed a system program coordinators, office man-
a fracture or dislocation. Inpatient which decreases PPE usage and agers, and administrators involve
postoperative physical contact on exposure to medical staff, as seen in gathering documents and getting
known COVID-19 positive patients Figure 3. Many of these monitors personnel to sign forms. Many people
can also be limited to things such as and fluid management systems are are working from home, so the
dressing changes. Use of this tech- traditionally adjacent to the bedside, documents have to be transferrable
nology as an alternative to in- requiring nursing staff and physi- from one platform to another. In
person encounters is a viable cians to come in close proximity to addition, these documents need to be
option when the risk of contracting the patient when they need to be secure. The transfer of patient infor-
and propagating the virus in a used. In these situations, this can mation adds the complexity of

444 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Patrick A. Massey, MD, et al

Table 3
Online Document Sharing Applications for Clinical Communication With Features Listed Such as Cost, HIPAA
Compliance, Compatibility, and Signature Capabilities
Application Signature
Name Document Capabilities Securitya Compatibility File Size

Dropbox Images (.gif, .jpg, Via other applications (ie, HIPAA eligible Mac OS 10.10-10.15, iOS Website limit 10 GB, mobile
.png).doc, .docx, .docm, DocuSign, HelloSign etc) 111, Android 4.41, or desktop app no limit
.dotx, .dotm, .xls, .xlsx, Windows 10, Ubuntu
.xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, .ppt, 14.041
.pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .pptm,
.potx, .potm, .pdf, .htm or
.html, .txt, .rtf.ico, .zip,
.wav, .mp3, .mpg, .mpeg,
.avi, .qt, .mov, .MP4,
.M4v, .js, .css
Box Most file types Via other applications (ie, HIPAA eligible Windows 10, most recent 2 2 GB starter,
Docusign, HelloSign etc) macOS, Android (all 5 GB business
versions in recent 3 yr), ad up
iOS most recent 2
Google Any type Via other applications (ie, HIPAA eligible Windows 71, MacOS Varies by file
Drive/G DocuSign, HelloSign etc) 10.111, Android 4.41, type. Word
Suite iOS 111. Doc up
to 50 MB, presentations
100 MB, spreadsheets 5
million cells
Microsoft Large variety of file types Via other applications (ie, Plan 2 or business include Windows 71, MacOS 10 GB
OneDrive DocuSign, HelloSign etc) security/compliance 10.121, IOS 11.31,
measures. HIPAA Android 6.01
Hightail Any type Yes, may sign PDF, work, HIPAA eligible with Windows 71, MacOS LITE: 100 MB,
Excel, PPT and Rich text business level 10.111, IOS 10.91, Pro: 25 GB, teams: 50
files Android 4.41, Integrated GB, business: 500 GB
with other cloud services
Amazon Any type Via other applications (ie, HIPAA eligible Microsoft Windows PCs, 5 GB
WorkDocs DocuSign, HelloSign etc) Amazon WorkSpaces,
and macOS version
10.11 and later Mobile:
iOS, Android, and Fire
Hello sign doc, docx, pdf, ppsx, ppt, Yes, reported legally HIPAA eligible Web and mobile App. 40 MB or
pptx, jpg, jpeg, png, xls, binding per US and Windows, iOS, Android. 500 pages
xlsx, txt, html, and gif European e-signature Cloud integrated, based
laws out of Drop Box
DocuHub Built for PDF, but reported Yes. Reported compliant No clear documentation of DocuHub Web and mobile based.
capable of other file types with legally binding HIPAA compliance. Windows, iOS and
including: DOC, DOCX, agreements. android. Cloud
.XLS, .XLSX, .PPT, integrated, based out of
.RTF, .TXT, .PNG, .JPG, Amazon Web services
Adobe sign Built for PDF, but reported Yes, reported meets legal Able to be configured for Adobe sign DesktopMac nd Windows.
capable of other file types binding standards HIPAA compliancea Mobile. Cloud based
including: DOC, DOCX,
DocuSign .doc, .docm, .docx, .dot, Reports e-signature legal Optional HIPAA DocuSign DesktopMac nd Windows.
.dotm, .dotx, .htm, .html, agreement compliance compliance Mobile. Cloud based
.msg, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .wpd,
.xps.bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg,
.png, .tif, .tiff, .pot, .potx,
.pps, .ppt, .pptm, .pptx,
.csv, .xls, .xlsm, .xlsx
Most of the above websites report eligibility for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance with a business associate
agreement (BAA). We recommend anyone considering adopting the use of an online filesharing and or signature program, discuss it with his or her
information security/compliance office first. NA = Not Applicable

June 1, 2020, Vol 28, No 11 445

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Orthopaedic Surgery During COVID-19

Table 3 (continued )
Online Document Sharing Applications for Clinical Communication With Features Listed Such as Cost, HIPAA
Compliance, Compatibility, and Signature Capabilities
Application Reference
Name Storage Cost (At Time of Publication) Free Version Site

Dropbox Standard 5 TB, Dropbox business: standard 12.50/ Trial

advanced 1 user/mo, advanced $20/user/mo version plans-comparison
Box 100 GB starter, Varies by file type. Word Doc up to 50 Trial version
otherwise MB, presentations 100 MB,
unlimited spreadsheets 5million cells1I8:K
Google 30 GB up to Basic $6/user/mo, business $12/user/ Personal 15 GB
Drive/G unlimited with mo, enterprise $25/user/mo storage. drive/
Suite business/ Free trial
enterprise upgraded
versions versions
Microsoft 1 TB/user if Plan 1 $5/user/mo. plan 2 $10/user/ 1 mo trial for
OneDrive under 5 users, mo, business premium &$12.50/ premium onedrive/compare-onedrive-plans?
otherwise user/mo version activetab=tab:primaryr2
Hightail Lite 2 GB, Pro $12/user/mo Lite
Amazon 1 TB per user Per user, $5/mo with 1 TB each Eligible
WorkDocs baseline
Hello sign NA Unlimited signatures: Pro $13/mo per Yes, indivual
user, business: $40/mo per 5 users can request
3 signatures
month for
DocuHub ,30 MB and ,1,000 NA Fee per user based. 4.99 per month · Yes
pages 12 mo or 6.99 monthly basis
Adobe sign 4 MB NA Adobe Acrobat Pro with E-Sign. Trial version
Personal: 14.99/mo/user. Small
business (max 9 users) 29.99/mo/
user. Larger business: Call for
DocuSign 25 MB NA Personal: 10/mo limited to 5 requested Trial version
signatures. Unlimited options:
Standard: $25/user/mo up to 3
users. Business $40/mo/user upt to
3 users. Contact for more users.

Most of the above websites report eligibility for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance with a business associate
agreement (BAA). We recommend anyone considering adopting the use of an online filesharing and or signature program, discuss it with his or her
information security/compliance office first. NA = Not Applicable

making sure that the Health Insur- also described additional e-signa- from previous outbreak crisis such as
ance Portability and Accountability ture options which may be required SARS have suggested the importance
Act (HIPAA) compliance has been for certain documents.55 of maintaining healthcare worker
maintained (Table 3). In addition, wellness. Wellness, in this case, goes
with rapid turnover of inpatient beyond limiting exposure to affected
teams, it is imperative that there is Medical Staff Wellness patients, but instead, it also includes
clear sign-out between teams. Some maximizing one’s own immune system
With increased regulations on duty while also taking into consideration
teams may depend on a patient list hours and mandated wellness mod- one’s own psychological health.
that is a shared document, so ules, overall physician wellness has
everyone involved with the inpatient garnered the attention of graduate
care of these patients will have medical education over the past Sleep
continuity of care. We collected decade, but the limitations on other Early experiences from the Wuhan
information about various file- healthcare workers are not so well outbreak in China showed increased
sharing applications listed as the regulated. Early evidence in the current COVID-19 infection in orthopaedic
top 10 file sharing sites. We have pandemic situation and experiences surgeons who experienced fatigue in

446 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Patrick A. Massey, MD, et al

the 2 months leading up to the out- involved in the epidemic showed over (4) Helplessness: Even persons not
break.42 Previous studies have also 90% anxiety or depression symptoms involved in direct care of in-
implicated sleep as a player in infec- during the outbreak or after. Many fected populations feel the psy-
tion risk. In 1989, Brown et al inves- had residual symptoms even after the chologic impact. There has
tigated mice specimens that received a disease had retreated. Reasons for the been a push for “nonessential”
vaccine for the flu virus and showed psychologic symptoms included: personnel to be sent home. There
that sleep deprivation counteracted is concern that this label implies
(1) Isolation: Social distancing iso-
the effects of the vaccine, making it that a person is not as important
lated people from their normal
appear “as though they had never as they truly are. The continua-
support network. This includes
been immunized.”56 Many studies tion of roles at home gives non-
fellow colleagues to discuss and
since then have tried to replicate the essential individuals something
process the current events and
results and further explore the effects purposeful to do and keep up a
normal social activities which
of sleep deprivation on immunity.57-60 normal routine. Change in role,
people used to relax for work
Benedict et al59 showed that in human where an individual becomes
beings, the antibody response to the stresses, such as going to a essential, may be more beneficial.
H1N1 vaccine was delayed in the first brewery to grab a beer with The retrospective evaluation by
few days in the patients who were friends. It gets even worse if you Maunder et al.67 showed that
sleep deprived but no difference past are the unfortunate individual to people who were recalled from
that initial value. Furthermore, Irwin contract the disease. If you are home into an altered role showed
et al demonstrated that natural killer hospitalized, you will be confined more “psychologic satisfaction.”
cell activity was decreased in sleep alone within a room, often hours
before seeing anyone else because There are resources in place to help
deprived activity.60 Natural killer cells
of people trying to limit exposure. combat these mental issues that arise
play a role in viral infection by con-
(2) Stigmatization: There is a lot of from the pandemic. The concept of
taining early viral replication and de-
fear surrounding the epidemic. “psychologic first aid” is a method
stroying infected cells.61
Fear of patients can affect the that is well-documented on. One
Aside from immunity, sleep plays a
delivery of care. Fear of having website with a good checklist about
role in mental well-being. Studies from
the disease can incite people to the principles of a psychologic first
occupational health studies suggest
congest the testing centers. It can aid can be found at https://www.
that acute sleep loss is equivalent to
also do the opposite in which
alcoholic intoxication with concerns in
individuals may downplay resources//pfa_for_schools_
productivity and decision-making.62,63
symptoms. This second issue provider_care.pdf.
In addition, a chronic state of lesser
could be a particular issue for From these areas of concern our
sleep deprivation results in similar
orthopaedic providers. Health- institution has implemented several
mental deficits as acute deprivation.62
care providers may downplay changes to improve the psychologic
Remaining free of cognitive impair-
symptoms in an effort to con- well-being and address these issues:
ment during this period is critical when
you consider paying attention to small tinue to care for patients. (1) Maintained communication:
details such as donning PPE correctly, (3) Guilt: As a healthcare worker, Fortunately, this occurs in a time
recognizing if one is feeling tired from it is not an uncommon battle to where videoconference and
lack of sleep or if this is a part of a balance work and home life. Not electronic communication re-
constellation of infectious symptoms only are we risking exposure to sources are in abundance. We
requiring evaluation, and also to help ourselves at work every day but have curtailed in-person meet-
with clinical comprehension. also bringing home a certain ings but have, instead, transi-
amount of risk to our families. tioned to videoconferences with
Our team has taken families into staff and residents to continue to
Mental Well-being consideration by education disseminate information and
Sleep is but one important aspect of about changing clothes and attempt to continue group edu-
mental well-being. The previous showering before coming in cational activities to encourage
SARS epidemic, although not as contact and inquiring about some normalcy of everyday
intensely experienced by the United families’ well-being. This not activities.
States, left an impact on China and only helps decrease the amount (2) Created shift work or altered
Canada which can be learned of exposure but again roles: As many of our elective
from.64-66 Healthcare workers enhances a sense of community. services are shut down,

June 1, 2020, Vol 28, No 11 447

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Orthopaedic Surgery During COVID-19

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