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The margin between your best performance and your average performance

is less than you think. In 2017, I averaged 15.7 workouts per month. In 2018, I
averaged 11.7 workouts per month. At first glance, I considered it a modest difference.
Only 4 workouts less each month? That's about one less per week. And I was still
making it into the gym consistently.

But then I realized I didn't set a personal record in any major lift in 2018. Conversely, I
hit PRs in nearly every major lift in 2017. One workout per week doesn't sound like
much, but that was the difference between my average performance and my best

Move toward the next thing, not away from the last thing. Same direction.
Completely different energy.

No is a decision. Yes is a responsibility. When you say no, you are only saying no
to one option. When you say yes, you are saying no to every other option. One of my key
themes in 2019 is to think carefully about what I say yes to and make sure I protect my

That's it! As always, thanks for reading. Happy New Year! 

The Annual Review Archives

This is a complete list of Annual Reviews I have written.

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