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JUNE 25, 2020


facts about ‘WHO' VERSUS

the goat

What mistake

did the shepherd



The Shepherd's

Once, in a small village, there lived a shepherd with corner of the field. The shepherd was a little
his family. He had a flock of beautiful white sheep. concerned in the beginning, but gradually he
Every morning, he took them to graze in the fields. relaxed as the wolf never made any attempt to
The shepherd would sit and watch as the sheep attack the sheep. Eventually, he eased his guard on
happily munched on the fresh green grass. Once the sheep, as he did not feel threatened anymore.
they finished grazing, the shepherd counted them This continued for some time. The wolf always sat
one by one and took them back home. Often, while on a large rock, and looked like a big sheep dog
the sheep would be grazing, the shepherd would from a distance. The shepherd started feeling that
sit in a corner and doze off. the wolf acted as a protector of his herd, as other
One day, the shepherd saw a big stray wolf in the animals were scared of the wolf and would not
field and noticed that it was eyeing his sheep. He come near his sheep.
became very concerned and careful. The wolf, One day, while the sheep were grazing, the
however, stayed at a distance and made no effort shepherd was called home urgently, due to some
to come close to the sheep. The shepherd did not emergency. He left the sheep in the guard of the
take any risk; he stood guard against the wolf and wolf and rushed back home.
observed its movement very carefully. When he came back, he was shocked to see that
A few days had passed like this, and the wolf did there were only a few sheep wandering in the field,
not do anything. When the shepherd went home while the rest were missing. He realized that the
after grazing his sheep, the wolf would quietly wolf had eaten up almost all his sheep.
follow them at a distance. The shepherd sat down quietly. “Serves me right,”
Every morning, as the shepherd took his herd for he said sadly, and cursed himself for trusting the
grazing, he would find the wolf waiting in the wolf with his flock of sheep.
Find the Ten Hidden Toys in the picture

Silly Rhymes Cella Ree And

Tommy To
Two funny friends that you all know
Are Cella Ree and Tommy To.
About as queer as friends can be,
Are Tommy To and Cella Ree.
For hours they sit there grim and stable
Side by side upon the table.
Tom is red and Cella pale,
His blushes are of no avail;
She sits, in spite of his endeavor,
As firm and undisturbed as ever,
A funny pair, you must agree,
This Tommy To and Cella Ree.
Who Eats What?

"I know whom pulled that prank!" Do you think that
sentence is grammatically correct? Or do you believe it
should be, "I know who pulled that prank!"
'Who' and 'whom' are often used interchangeably and
Questions about the English Language more often than not, incorrectly. Now, who were you
talking about? Or whom? This can be too confusing!
‘Who' Versus ‘Whom' There is a really easy way to figure out if you should be
using 'who' or 'whom' in a question. Think of the answer! If
you use him/her in the answer of the question, you should
Who is use 'whom'. If your answer has 'he' or 'she'.... use 'who'!
going to help? For example -
Question - Who spilt the milk?
Answer - He spilt the milk.
Correct! You have used 'who' correctly!
Another example -
Question - Whom should I blame for spilling the milk?
Answer - You should blame her!
So in this case 'whom' is correct!
But what is the difference between 'who' and 'whom' in a
sentence? The rule of when to use 'who' and 'whom' is
simple but it can get confusing while using it in a sentence.
'Who' refers to the subject of a sentence or clause, while
'whom' refers to the object. But instead of confusing your-
self, why not use the trick I just told you?
In short, if your answer has 'he' or 'she', use 'who'! And if
your answer has 'him' or 'her', use 'whom'!
Q: What did the bored goat say?
A: Mehhhh

Q: What do you call a goat
that loves martial arts?
A: The Karate Kid!

Q: What do you call a goat that paints?

A: Vincent Van Goats

Goats Just Want to Learn
A college in South Africa is over-
run with the most unlikely of
pests - herds of goats! They're
known to wander around the
campus along with their fellow
students - even entering the
library and classrooms whenever
they feel like. Holes in the sur-
rounding fencing allow for them
to enter and exit as they please!
stories from history

The Gupta Dynasty

The Gupta Empire came to be knows as the Golden Age of Indian culture be-
cause this period produced some brilliant works in the field of architecture,
sculptures and paintings.

The famous Ajanta caves are a cluster of 48 caves filled with Buddhist sculp-
tures. There are several paintings as well which depict the various lives of

Another area which had several historians
amazed is the metal work done during this
period. Copper statues of Buddha can be
found in many places as well as the Iron
Pillar at Delhi which stands proof to the
exquisite metal craftsmanship then.

The Golden Age also saw the cre-

ation of several Hindu temples.
Poetry flourished as well at this
time and produced one of India’s
greatest poets, Kalidasa.

Significant achievements were made in the field of music, education, mathemat-

ics, Sanskrit literature and drama. Some of the literature written in Sanskrit
spread all the way to Persia, Egypt and Greece and became the basis for many
Islamic literary works such as ‘Ali Baba and The Forty Thieves.’

Buddhism had opened up links between India
and the rest of the world and many Chinese
missionaries came to India to pay their re-
spects at sacred places.

There were great advancements in science and

mathematics. Aryabhatta introduced the numeral
system which is used the world over even today.
The decimal system too, was an invention of this

There were major discoveries and advancements in the field of medicine in this
period. Several herbal remedies were discovered to treat a variety of illnesses.
Even a primitive form of plastic surgery was developed for the treatment of
injuries to the face.

There was economic prosperity and peace in the country. The Guptas allowed
kings to remain as vassal kings. The Guptas did not believe in consolidating
every kingdom into a single administrative unit.
The period of the Guptas however soon came to an end. A race of people
called the Huns, from Central Asia migrated to India and started attacking the
Gupta Empire. It was only a matter of time before the Huns took over
Northern and Western India. The last of the Guptas perished but many of
their achievements were well documented and passed on to other cultures
and live on today.

Fun with Words

Fill in the blanks with the correct

words starting with G

1. The is a herbivorous animal. = _________

2. grow in two main colours, green or purple. = _________

3. We got a figurine of a bearded to decorate our garden. = _________

Answers: 1. Girraffe, 2. Grapes, 3. gnome

I woke up to the sound of my little
sister bleating for help. It was early
in the morning and the rest of my
herd was deep in sleep. It would
be atleast an hour before the
farmer would come to let us
out of the pen and send us
into the field. Her bleat-
Complete ing was faint, how did
she get out? I had to
the Story... find her...

fun facts
with Hamlet the Hamster
To know or not to know,
that is the question!
Well, wouldn’t you prefer to know?

Facts about Goats

Goats were one of the first animals to be tamed by
humans and were being herded 9,000 years ago.

Being mountain animals, goats are very good at

climbing; they’ve been known to climb to the tops
of trees, or even dams!

Each kid (baby goat) has a unique call, and along

with its scent, that is how its mother recognizes it
from birth.

They can be taught their name and to come when

Help the Fruits
the Market

The Team

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Archana Rajagopal

Layout and Design

Walmik Pawar Artists
Kalpana Siromani Amol Padwal
Shailendra Havane
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Rohini Dusane
Bhavini Damani

Sitanshu Bhartiya
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Digital Archana Rajagopal
Marketing Bharat Pillai
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Prashant Kini
Shekhar Ramaiah
Jesh Krishna Murthy
Mocomi timepass is a mini magazine available daily for children!

Packed full of stories, puzzles and fun facts.. there’s a little bit of fun for everyone!

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