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Theis Cive Qooo a2 ‘TRANSFER BEAMS SUPPORTING IN-PLANE LOADED SHEAR WALLS IN TALL BUILDINGS BY SHUBIN LI, B.E. (Eng) A thesis submitted to ‘The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ‘of Master of Philosophy in Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering ‘The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology May 2000 Copyright © by Shubin Li 2000 Copyright by Hong Kong University of hor DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITE Declaration and Authorization I hereby declare that I am the sole author of the thesis and that, expect where specific reference is made to the work of others, the content of this thesis is my own work. No part of this thesis has been submitted to any university or institution for a degree or other qualification. I authorize the University of Science and Technology to lend this thesis to other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly research. I further authorize the University of Science and Technology to reproduce the thesis by photocopying or by other means, in total or in part, at the request of other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly research. Li Shp. Shubin LI 30 May 2000 TRANSFER BEAMS SUPPORTING IN-PLANE LOADED SHEAR WALLS IN TALL BUILDINGS BY SHUBIN LI, B.E. (Eng) Approved: NC-7 eo Dr. J. $. Kuang, Supervisor Prof. Wilson H. Tang, Head of Department Department of Civil Engineering ‘The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 30 May 2000 Acknowledgements First I would like to express my sincerest gratitude and deepest appreciation to my academic supervisor Dr. J. S. Kuang, for his enlightening inspiration, continual encouragement in time of trouble, careful guidance and warm-hearted help, especially for the painstaking work of advising my thesis writing. Thanks are also due to my parents and my sister for their encouragement and comfort. I would like to thank Dr. Christopher K. Y. Leung and Dr. C. C. Chang for reading my thesis. I have leamed a lot from their teaching and advice in past two years. My friends, Jiang Bin, Guan Hong, Wang Xinyang and Zhang Zhijun have helped me a lot in these years. I wish to express my sincere thanks for their friendly encouragement and academic suggestions. Also I would like to thank Wong Yinfun and Wong Hofai for their friendship and help. Lastly, I would fi fe to dedicate this thesis to my dear wife, Ji Yanwen. She shared my difficulties and gave me strength by timely support and encouragement. TRANSFER BEAMS SUPPORTING IN-PLANE LOADED SHEAR WALLS IN TALL BUILDINGS BY SHUBIN LI, B.E. (Eng) ABSTRACT ‘The shear wall configuration makes generally access difficult to the public lobby area at the base in tall buildings. Larger openings at ground floor level can be achieved by the use of large transfer girders to collect the vertical loads from the shear walls and then distribute them to widely spaced columns that support the shear walls. Unlike normal deep beams, there is no particular span-depth ratio for estimating the structural behaviour and failure mechanism of transfer beams. When a transfer beam supports an in-plane loaded shear wall, strong interaction takes places. The thesis systematically investigates the failure mechanisms of the transfer beams supporting shear walls in tall building. The non-linear finite element analysis has been conducted to investigate the failure modes, the failure loads and load transfer mechanism. Itis shown that the mode of failure for the transfer beam changes from a shear failure to a flexural-shear failure then turning into a flexural failure according to different span-depth ratio or the width of the beam. The cracking loads and the failure loads under different span-depth ratio and width of the transfer beams have been investigated. Based on the failure mechanisms analysis, the recommendations for preliminary sizing of the transfer beam are presented. The results have been helpful for engineers to choose an efficient and reasonable size for the transfer beams in the preliminary design. The detailed linear finite element analysis has been conducted using the finite element code SAP2000. The interaction between the transfer girder and the shear wall has been investigated. The stress distributions in the shear walls, the distribution of the flexural moments and the tension forces in the transfer beams are presented. The relevant parameters that significantly affect the structure behaviour, such as the span-depth ratio, stiffness of the support columns and the width of the transfer beam, have been highlighted. Based on the calculation and reasonable simplification, a transfer beam- shear wall system can be reduced to an equivalent interaction-based portal frame. A set of interaction-based design tables is constructed for the transfer beam and support columns, from which, the useful internal forces in the wall-beam system can be quickly calculated. Furthermore, based on the box-foundation analogy, design formulas for determining the bending moment and axial force of the transfer beams are developed. Some new parameters are introduced, which present the interaction behaviour between the wall and the beam, With the proposed formulas, the flexural moment and the axial force at mid- span of the transfer beam can simply and quickly be calculated. In addition, from the formulas, the interactive behaviour can also be clearly presented by the new parameters. The proposed formulas provide a simple, efficient and accurate simplified method for practical design of transfer beams supporting in-plane loaded shear walls. El, El, Eyl, NOTATION width of the transfer beam; flexural stiffness of the transfer beam; flexural stiffness of the support columns; flexural stiffness of the nominal working shear wall; height of the tensile area in transfer beam-shear wall system; height of the transfer beam; height of the support columns; nominal height of the shear wall; factor of the flexural moment in the transfer beam at mid-span; factor of the flexural moment in the transfer beam at ends; factor of the flexural moment at the top of the support columns; factor of the flexural moment at the bottom of the support columns; factor of the axial force in the transfer beam at mid-span; factor of the vertical stress in shear wall; total span of the transfer beam; clear span of the transfer beam; effective length of the transfer beam; M, total flexural moment caused by vertical loads; M, flexural moment in the transfer beam at mid-span; M, flexural moment in the transfer beam at ends; My flexural moment at the top of the support columns; flexural moment at the bottom of the support columns; M, flexural moment distributed to the transfer beam; ' thickness of the shear wall f axial force in the transfer beam at mid-span; w uniformly distributed vertical load. a non-dimensional zero-horizontal-stress location factor; TABLE OF CONTENTS Authorization Page Signature Page Acknowledgement Abstract Notation Table of Contents 1, Introduction 1.1 General 1.2. Review of Previous Research 1.3 Objectives and Scope Page ii iii iv vi viii 2. Failure Mechanism of Transfer Beams Supporting In-plane Loaded Shear Walls 2.1 Introduction 2.2. Modelling 2.3 Failure Mechanisms 2.3.1. The Failure Behaviours of the Beams with Changing the Depths 2.3.2. The Failure Behaviours of the Beams with Changing the width 2.4 Conclusions 10 12 12 20 25 3. Interaction Behaviour and Design Tables 3.1 Introduction 3.2. Modelling 3.3 Structural Behaviours 3.3.1. Vertical stress oy 3.3.2 Horizontal stress 6 3.3.3. Shear stress t 3.3.4. Axial force in the beam 33.5 Flexural moment in the beam 3.4. Design Tables for Transfer Beam and Support columns 3.5 Design Example Interaction-based Formulation: A Box-foundation Analogy 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Background 4.3 Modelling 4.3.1 Structural Model 43.2. Finite Element Method Model 4.3.3. The Model for Box-foundation Analogy 4.4 Interaction-based Formulation: Box-foundation Analogy 4.4.1 Effective length of the transfer beam 4.4.2 Nominal height of the shear wall 4.4.3. The stiffness of the wall 27 a7 28 29 31 33 35 36 39 53 37 57 57 59 59 59 61 62 63 44.4 Simple formula for calculating the bending moment at mid-span 4.4.5 Simple formula for calculating the axial force at mid-span 4.5 Design Example 5. Conclusions References APPENDIX A LIST OF TABLES APPENDIX B LIST OF FIGURES 65 69 4 8 82 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1General In tall buildings, shear wall configurations make access difficult to the public lobby area at the base. Larger openings at ground floor level have been achieved by the use of large transfer girders to collect the vertical and lateral loads from the shear walls and then distribute them to wide space columns. Typical transfer floor structures are shown. in Figure 1.1 oo Go oo oo little-span frane 3 Dl ehear walt a og oo og oo oo ag og og Ged oo transfer floor 7 o| transfer Floor large-spon frane lorge-spon Frane (a). Supporting little span frame (b). Supporting shear wall Figure 1.1 Typical transfer-floor structures Generally, transfer floor structures can be divided into five basic types: beam transfer floor, truss transfer floor, open-frame transfer floor, box-beam transfer floor and thick plate transfer floor, as shown in Figure 1.2. eon truss epen-frane —box-bean, thick plate Figure 1.2 Structural forms for transfer floor structures In practice, the beam transfer floor structure is widely used due to the construction convenience. The beam transfer floor has become one of the most popular transfer floor types in tall buildings. In practical designs, the functional requirements of a tall building result in different arrangement of transfer beams. The beam transfer can be constructed as single span or multi-span ones. Due to the different structural functions, a transfer beam can be divided into the shear wall-transfer beam system or the column-transfer beam system. Several common shear wall-transfer beam systems are shown in Figure 1.3. Furthermore, the transfer beam can be divided into three different types according to the different degrees of the interaction between the beam and wall as follows: (a) Complete interaction between the beam and wall (Figure 1.3a). (b) Partial interaction between the beam and wall (Figures 1.3b - 1.3e). (©) No interaction between the beam and wall (Figure 1.3f). In these three types, the first type (Complete interaction type) is the most general and. complicated. The research will focus on this type of structures. - oo To tu Tl Figure 1.3 Frequently used transfer beam-shear wall systems 1.2 Review of Previous Research In the 1950's and 60's, some Eastern Europe scholars proposed the soft-base-level method to achieve the large openings at the base level. A frame is constructed at base level to support the upper shear walls in this kind of structures. It is considered that this kind of structure has better performance during an earthquake, but, according to the current experiences, it has been proven that the concept is wrong. In 1978, many this kind of buildings collapsed during the Romania earthquake. However, itis the first time to introduce the concept of transfer floor structure and gave an instruction to get large ‘openings access at the base level. The behaviour of transfer beam-shear wall systems is recognized from wall-beam theory. When a beam carries a shear wall of sufficient height, an arching action is likely to take place. Loads are collected by the beam then distributed towards the beam supports. Due to the interactive effects between the wall and the beam, the bending effect on the beam is reduced. ‘The theory of wall-beam [3,9,19] has been undertaken by numerous research workers. However, most of researchers concentrated on the behaviour of the beams under the stiffening effects from the walls, the problem of considering the interaction effects between the beam and the wall has been given less importance. The problem of the wall-beam system has been studied by Coull [3]. An approximate method of analysis of the composite action of the deep walls with supporting beams is presented. In this method, the stresses in the wall are expressed as power series in the horizontal direction, the coefficients being functions of the height only. The load is considered as a superposition of a uniformly distributed load and a linear distribution load having equal and opposite values at the edges of the wall. This corresponds to a combination of an axial and a linear bending stress distribution in the feraction effects between the wall wall, but the assumption about the load neglects th and the supporting beam. Green [5], Macleod and Green [13] studied the problem of the interaction between a wall and a beam. Their paper proposes a design method for beams that support shear n behaviour between the walls. Some assumptions are made to present the interac wall and its supporting beam. Some approximate formulas for the estimation of the behaviour of the wall at its base and of the supporting beam are developed. However, this design method divides the system into the wall and the beam by making assumptions, which cannot show the interaction results clearly. In 1974, Saw [15] made a computer analysis by using finite element methods. He investigated the interaction between the walls and their supporting beams. Then the research was expanded to two span continuous wall-beam systems. In this analysis no attempt was made to investigate the overall behaviour of the wall-beam systems. From the middle of 1970's, engineers in China began to design high-rise buildings by using the shear wall structure with transfer beam to achieve large openings at the ground floor level. In 1993, after summarizing a great deal of practical designs and tests, the Institute of Building Structure of the China Academy of Building Research ‘gave out a detailed handbook (1] for designing transfer floors in tall buildings. Some simplified design tables for transfer beams are presented, In recent years, Kuang et al. [10,11] systematically presented interaction-based analysis of continuous transfer beams supporting solid walls and coupled shear walls. In the research, the interaction between the transfer beam and the shear wall was investigated considering the effects of relevant parameters. Stress distributions in the shear wall interactive zone were presented. These results provided useful reference for practical design. 1.3 Objectives and Scope ‘The most important behaviour of the transfer girder is the interaction between the upper shear wall structure and the transfer beam. Earlier studies have shown that no attention has been paid on this behaviour. ‘The study in this thesis will concentrate on the interaction behaviour in the transfer beam-shear wall system. The objective of this thesis is to conduct a detailed investigation of the structural behaviour and failure mechanism of transfer beam-shear wall system in tall buildings. Based on the finite element analysis, the failure mechanism of the transfer beam will be presented. A design recommendation will then be given to the preliminary sizing of the transfer beams for practical design purpose. A comprehensive study on the interaction of the transfer beam and supported shear wall will be carried out. An equivalent portal frame model will be used for analysis of the transfer beam-shear wall system. Based on the analysis, a set of design chats for calculating the internal forces of the transfer beam and support columns will be developed and presented for practical design. Moreover, design formulas for the flexural moment and axial force of the transfer beam will be derived based on box-foundation analogy. These formulas are particularly useful for the practical design of transfer beams in tall buildings. In Chapter 2, it is investigated systematically and completely on the failure mechanisms for the transfer beam in tall building. The non-linear finite element analysis is conducted to investigate the failure mode, the load transfer path and load transfer mechanisms. ‘The cracking loads and the failure loads under different span- depth ratio and width of the transfer beams are analysed. Based on the failure mechanisms analysis, the recommendations for design of the transfer beam are presented. The detailed linear finite element analysis is conducted in Chapter 3. The importance is emphasized on the interaction behaviour between the shear wall and the transfer beam. The stress distributions in the shear walls, the distribution of the flexural moments and the tension forces in the transfer beams are presented. The relevant parameters that greatly affect the structure behaviour, such as the span-depth ratio, stiffness of the support columns and the width of the transfer beam, are highlighted. Based on the calculation and reasonable simplification, a set of design tables is constructed for the transfer beam and support columns. In addition, based on the box-foundation analogy, a set of design formulas is proposed in Chapter 4. Some new parameters are introduced, which could present the interaction behaviour between the wall and the beam. From the proposed formulas, some useful internal forces, such as the flexural moment and the axial force at mid-span of the beam, could be calculated quickly and accurately. The overall conclusions of this study are summarized in Chapter 5. Chapter 2 Failure Mechanisms of Transfer Beams Supporting In-Plane Loaded Shear Walls 2.1 Introduction In moder high-rise buildings, the transfer beam system has become one of the most popular structural systems to achieve the large openings at ground floor level. When a transfer beam supports an in-plane loaded shear wall, strong interaction takes place. Due to the complexity of interaction between the transfer beam and shear wall, the structural behaviour of the transfer beam are still not clear. Unlike an ordinary beam or a deep beam [6,18], there is no particular range of span-depth ratio for transfer beams that correspond to particular structural behaviour and failure mechanisms. In practice, transfer beams are generally designed according to the specifications for deep beams. This results in overestimating the dimensions of transfer beams. According to the experimental estimation for designing transfer floors (1,4), the depth of the cross section for a transfer beam is suggested to be no less than 1/6 and 1/8 of the spans of the beam for seismic and non-seismic designs, respectively. To compare with the proposed span- depth ratio, some practical design examples are given, and the details are shown as Table 2.1. It is seen that in most of the practical designs, the span-depth ratios of the transfer beams are arranged from 2 to 5, and some designs even choose a span-depth ratio less than two which does not fall into the suggested span-depth ratios. Therefore, the problem has been raised that what is an appropriate span-depth ratio for a transfer beam. In this chapter, non-linear finite element analysis is carried out using a compute package [17] to investigate the load transfer path, load transfer mechanism and failure mode of the transfer beams with different stiffness. The results have been helpful for engineers to choose a reasonable size for the transfer beams. ‘Table 2.1. Practical design examples of transfer girders : Tal Builanas [Stories] Stories above] Span of [The dept of [Span-depth the beam [beam (m)| beam im | "ratio [Sharzhen Cloud Garden 3 [30 75 2 3.75 [Seashore Garden. Shenzhen 2 [28 via [28 422 [Dragon Trade Giy. Shenzhen 37_|__29 Te2_[ 24 438 Linu Flower Plaza, Shenzhen 30_| 26 voz [22 464 [Huaxin Trade Building, Tianjin St 6 @ 4 2 [Shenzhen Central Garden 35_| 20 76 18 a2 [Yuanming Apartments, Zhahal 31 2 61 18 3:38 iaozel 1# Tower, Xfan | 35 63 12 525 Lucky Commeres Center, Huizhou 3e_| 23 [ass [28 342 Bejing Miltary Center Being 23 i7 72 12 é [Nanyang Hotel Bejing 26 12 3 45 78 Liaying Hotel, Guangzhou 3 | 25 Tos_| 38 [279 [Shatoujao Plaza, Shenzhen 23 19 76 18 | az [HuaCiao Hotel, Shenzhen Zor) 2 25 48 35 | __28 a4 25 [ 3a Intemational rade Center. Shenzhen | 40 | 34 708 4 27 [Yuyang Hott, Being 30 | 25 Tie) ssl oo ssa AT [Shenzhen Ar Traffic Mansion we [2 73 33 | 208 [Bank of China, Shorzhen 37 [30 20 54 37 [Futian Administration Cont, Shenahen [67 [60 75 15 3 [Huayu Plaza, Shenzhen [27 wa _[ 24 468 [World Trade Centre, Bling 26| 20 33 18 5.17 Pactic Hote, Boling 18 1 78 24 325 [Goi Hawk Praza, Guangzhou ce 87 28 [238 [Great Beach Tower, Shenzhen 30 | 3 63 16 [384 [Dunsin Mansion, Shenzhen 26 [28 68 2 3a [Golden Dragon Hotel, Ningbo 2 |e 82 4 2.05 [Easten Tower, Shenzhen at 27 B14 2 257 [Swan Fel, Shanghai = = 7 24 282 Lining Hotel, Shenzhen [20 82 33 188 [New Region Garden, Shenzhen [3 yaa [28 5.14 [Fude Apartments Tower. Shenzhen a = Ta 23 3.08 Nitai Apartments, Shenzhen | 355 [25 3.42 [Nation Tower, Shenzhen 35_| 28 v7 [25 4.88 [North of China Hotel, Shenzhen [20 woz | 82 333 [New Century Tower, Shenzhen 34 [ 26 jos [25 432 [Green River Hotel, Shenzhen 2 18 48 1 48 Hong Ling Plaza, Shenzhen 3 2 33 18 5.17 [Admiralty Sec-Stage Project, Hong Kong | _- 3 2 4 caer [Sun Fung Kei Centre, Hong Kong = : 768 [35 [305 ‘The span-depth ratio distribution for the 40 practical design examples is summarized as follows: 2.2 Modelling Consider a typical prototype transfer beam model as shown in Figure 2.1, which comes from a practical design but the size is one fifth of the real structure. Due to the ‘complexities of the interaction between the transfer beam and shear wall, traditionally approximate formulas and flexural theories are no longer adequate for use to analyse the system, and the finite element analysis should be used. Figure 2.1 Prototype model for non-linear analysis, 10 OUTTA TTT) © | i Figure 2.2 Finite element model for non-linear analysis Figure 2.2 shows the finite element model for the non-linear analysis of the prototype structure. In this analysis, the concrete elements and the steel elements are triangular plane stress element and bar element, respectively. A uniformly distributed vertical load w is applied. eB e yA ‘9002 00006 D001 —-0g0e oo € 6 : (a). Constitutive nodel for Concrete (b). Constitutive model for Steet Figure 2.3 Constructive models of materials Saenz's curve [7] shown in Figure 2.3(a) is employed as the constitutive model for concrete. An idealized elastic-plastic model shown in Figure 2.3(b) is used for steel reinforcement. 2.3 Failure Mechanism To investigate the effects of flexural stiffness on failure mechanisms of a transfer beam, two groups of transfer beam models are used. In the first group, the width of the transfer beam is fixed, and the depths of the transfer beam are varied to change the stiffness of the transfer beam. In the second group, the depth of the transfer beam is fixed, and the widths of the transfer beam are varied to change the stiffness of the transfer beam. Under the uniformly distributed vertical load, each model is loaded initially at a resultant load 200 KN, with the increment of a resultant load 50 KN, until the transfer beam fails. In the study, the crack development is considered. The crack load and the failure load, as well as the failure mode are recorded to compare with each other in the same group. At the same time, the load transfer path and the load transfer ‘mechanism are highlighted. In this study, two assumptions are made as follows: 1. Failure: A model is considered to reach the state of failure when the cracks are long enough to cross the beam section. 2. Critical crack: The crack that extends from the bottom of the beam to the top of the beam is the critical crack. 2.3.1 The Failure Behaviour of the Beams with Changing the Depth The flexural stiffness of the transfer beam has significant effect on the failure behaviour of the wall-beam system. In this group, the width of the transfer beam is fixed to 2 times of that of the shear wall. The span-depth ratio of the transfer beam ranges from 2 to 12. (1) Crack development and Failure mode . the stiffness of the When the cross section of the transfer beam is small, i. transfer beam is small (say the span-depth ratio is 12), the crack development is observed as follows. The first visible inclined cracks appear at the bottom comers between the support columns and the transfer beam at a resultant load 340 KN, which is defined as the cracking load. With the increase in loading, these initial cracks of short length tend to propagate in diagonal direction toward the top face of the transfer beam. Some similar type cracks parallel to and alongside the initial ones also appear of short length and these short cracks are not very active in the formation of the critical diagonal cracks a Shear ral ~ —)— Transfer beam Figure 2.4 Cracking development for the beam with span-depth ratio=12 3 When the load increases to the resultant load at about 490 KN, some diagonal cracks have reached the top face of the beam, and these critical diagonal cracks Propagate quite quickly, more and more elements in the directions perpendicular to those initial cracks are damaged and the failure of the beam then reached (Figure 2.4). When the beam reaches failure, the load is defined as the failure load. At the same time, some short cracks occur at the bottom along the beam, and these cracks propagate slowly and hardly beyond a height about 0.4 height of the transfer beam. From the crack development, it can be seen that the mode of failure is shear failure. The investigation of a larger cross section is then conducted. When the span- depth ratio of the beam is six, the development of cracking can be described as follows. At the first, flexural cracks develop at the bottom of the cross-section near the mid-span of the transfer beam under a resultant load level of about 370 KN (Figure 2.5). Almost at the same time, some inclined cracks appear in the bottom comers between the support columns and the transfer beam. As the load increases, the flexural cracks propagate in a vertical direction toward the top face of the transfer beam. Accompanying the flexural cracks, these inclined cracks tend to propagate in a diagonal direction toward the top face of the transfer beam, When the resultant load increases to about 600 KN, the flexural cracks and the diagonal cracks reach the top of the beam simultaneously and failure of the beam occurs. This mode of failure is the flexural-shear failure mode. 4 Sheor wall yy | \ {Transfer bean a LL Column Figure 2.5 Cracking development for the beam with span-depth ratio=6 The case that the stiffness of the beam is quite large is investigated, where the span-depth ratio is two. In this case, the crack development is described as follows. Under the resultant load level of 390 KN, some flexural cracks occur on the bottom of the cross-section at or near the mid-span of the transfer beam (Figure 2.6). As the load increases, the flexural cracks propagate in a vertical direction toward the top face of the transfer beam. At the same time, some similar cracks parallel to and alongside the initial ones appear beside those original ones. All the flexural cracks tend to propagate in a vertical direction toward the top face of the transfer beam. Under the resultant load level of about 660 KN, the first flexural cracks reached the top of the beam, and the beam reaches its ultimate state of failure. In addition, some diagonal cracks exist, but they are very small and propagate very slowly. Since the beam is damaged mainly because of the flexure of the beam, this failure mode is a flexural failure one. Shear wall \ [transfer eon Column Figure 2.6 Cracking development for the beam with span-depth ratio=2 (2) Load transfer path Since the transfer beam is generally stiffer than the supported shear wall, the load transfer path of whole system can be generally considered as follows. The loads applied to the shear walls are firstly transferred from shear walls to the transfer beams, and then the transfer beams collect the loads to distribute them to the support columns. However, the strong interaction between the transfer beam and the shear wall makes the load transfer mechanism very complicated, and makes the load transfer path particular. As shown in Figure 2.7, the loads firstly are transferred in vertical direction at the upper part of the shear wall. Due to the interaction between the wall and the beam, then at the region about the total span length above the top face of the transfer beam, the loads divide into two inclined directions towards the column supports, O41). In general, it is considered that the span-depth ratio of the transfer beam has great effect to the load transfer path. However, from the results of analysis shown in Figure 2.7, it can be seen that the change of the span-depth ratio of the beam, ie. the change of the flexural stiffness, has insignificant effect on the load transfer path Interaction Tore Span/depth=10 Span/depth=3 Figure 2.7 Load transfer path at different span-depth ratio It is also seen from Figure 2.7 that the load transfer mechanisms are very similar though the span-depth ratios are quite different. It indicates that the shear wall and the transfer beam govern the load transfer path together; the span-depth ratio of the beam has insignificant effect on the load transfer path. (3) Cracking Load and Failure Load The cracking loads, the failure loads and the failure modes of the prototype structures are summarized in Table 2.2, where the span-depth ratio ranges from 12 to 2, and the width of the beam is fixed at 2 times of the width of shear wall. Table 2.2: Models with different span-depth ratios ‘Span-Depth Ratio | Cracking Load | Failure Load | Mode of Failure 12 340 (KN) ‘490 (KN) Shear failure 10 350 (KN) 516 (KN) Shear failure 8 362 (KN) 556 (KN) | Flexural-Shear failure 6 370 (KN) 600 (KN) | Flexural-Shear failure 4 382 (KN) 640 (KN) Flexural failure 3 386 (KN) 660 (KN) Flexural failure 2 390 (KN) 660 (KN) Flexural failure The variation of the cracking loads at different span-depth ratios for transfer beams is shown as Figure 2.8. From Figure 2.8, it can be observed that the cracking load decreases slowly with the increase in the span-depth ratio. When the span-depth ratio of the beam changes from 2 to 12, the resultant cracking load drops from 390 KN to 340 KN. It indicates that the change of the span-depth ratio has little effect to the cracking loads. 18 Load (kN) 400 380 360 340 320 300 280 0 2 4 6 B 1 12 Span/depth ratio Figure 2.8 Variation of cracking load with different span-depth ratios Figure 2.9 shows the variation of the failure loads for different span-depth ratios for the transfer beams. From this figure, it can be seen that the failure load decreases very little when the span-depth ratios change from 2 to 3. After that, the failure load decreases quickly and almost along a straight line dropping down with the increase in the span-depth ratio from 3 to 12. It indicates that when the depth of the beam is larger than 1/3 of the total span, it may not be useful to increase the depth of the beam for getting larger failure load. 19 Load (kN) 680 640 600 360 520 480 440 0 4 6 8 I 12 Spon/depth rotio Figure 2.9 Variation of failure load with different span-depth ratios 2.3.2 The Failure Behaviour of the Beams with changing the width After the investigation of the effects of span-depth ratios for the failure behaviour in wall-beam system, the failure behaviour are studied by changing the widths of the beams. In this group, the span-depth ratio of the transfer beam is fixed at six, and the width of the cross section for the transfer beam ranges from 0.5 to 5 times the width of the upper shear wall. (1) Cracking development and Failure mode ‘When the width of the cross section is small, for example, the width of the beam is 2 times of that of the shear wall; the crack development is as follows. Firstly, some visible flexural cracks develop on the bottom at or near the mid- span of the transfer beam under the resultant load level of about 370 KN (Figure 2.10). At the same time, some inclined cracks appear in the bottom comers between 20 the support columns and the transfer beam. With the increase in loading, these initial cracks of short length tend to propagate in their original direction toward the top face of the transfer beam. It means that the flexural cracks propagate in vertical direction toward the top face of the transfer beam and accompanied to the flexural cracks, those inclined cracks tend to propagate in diagonal direction toward the top face of the transfer beam. When the resultant vertical load increases to 600 KN, the flexural cracks and the diagonal cracks have reached the top of the beam simultaneously and the failure of the beam occurs. The development of the cracks shows that this mode of failure is a flexural-shear failure. ——$~\_—_____—_ Shear wall Tronsfer bean i i Column Figure 2.10 Cracking development for the beam with width ratio=2 When the width of the beam is large, for which take the width of the beam to be 5 times the width of the upper shear wall. Under the resultant Joad level of 380 KN, some flexural cracks occur on the bottom at or near the mid-span of the transfer beam (Figure 2.11). As the load 21 increases, the flexural cracks propagate in a vertical direction toward the top face of the transfer beam. Synchronously, some similar cracks parallel to the initial ones appear beside those original ones. All the flexural cracks tend to propagate toward the top face of the transfer beam until some flexural cracks reached the top of the beam. There exist also some diagonal cracks, but these diagonal cracks propagate very slowly, and cannot control the failure of the beam. Under the resultant load evel of 640 KN, some flexural cracks arrive at the top of the beam, and the beam reaches its ultimate state of failure. It is clear that this mode of failure is a typical flexural failure. Shear wll i | Catv Figure 2.11 Cracking development for the beam with width ratio=5 (2) Load transfer path ‘The loads firstly are transferred in a vertical direction at the upper part of the shear wall, shown as Figure 2.12. At the region about a total span length above the top face of the transfer beam, the loads are divided into two inclined directions 2 towards the column support, in the same manner as the cases where the span-depth ratios are changed. It can be seen that the load transfer paths are very similar when the width of the beam changes. It indicates again that the transfer beam, the shear wall and their interactions govern the load transfer path together; the width of the beam, i.e. the stiffness of the transfer beam has insignificant effect on the load transfer path, Width ratio=? Figure 2.12 Load transfer path at different width ratio (3) Cracking Load and Failure Load ‘The cracking load, the failure load and the mode of failure of the prototype structures in this case are summarized as the Table 2.3, where the width of the beam section ranges from 0.5 to 5 times of that of the shear wall, and the span-depth ratio of the beam are fixed to six. The variation of the cracking load at different width ratios is shown as Figure 2.13. It can be seen from this figure that the cracking load increases nearly along a 2B straight line with the increase in the width ratio. When the width ratio increases from 0.5 to 5, the resultant cracking load increases from 292 KN to 380 KN. It indicates that the change of the width ratios has greater effect on the cracking load than that of the change of span-depth ratio, Table 2.3: Models with different width ratios. Width Ratio Cracking Load | Failure Load Mode of Failure 0.5 292 (KN) 464 (KN) Flexural-Shear failure 1 330 (KN) 540 (KN) Flexural-Shear failure 2 370 (KN) 600 (KN) Flexural-Shear failure EI 378 (KN) 630 (KN) Flexural-Shear failure 4 380 (KN) 636 (KN) Flexural failure 7 380 (KN) 640 (KN) Flexural failure Load ¢kN) A C10) er | ea eames th - 360 | - 340 | 320 -— +++ 300 } | ao Loa i yp Oe ath roto Figure 2.13 Variation of cracking load with different width ratios 24 Load (kN) 680 640 600 360 520 480 440 oO 1 2 3 4 5 Width ratio Figure 2.14 Variation of failure load with different width ratios Figure 2.14 shows the variation of the failure load for different width ratios. From this figure, it can be seen that the resultant failure load increase rapidly with the increase in the width ratios from 0.5 to 3. After that, the failure load hardly increases with the increase of the width ratio from 3 to 5. It indicates that when the cross section increases in width where the width ratio is smaller than three, the effect of the width is great. After that, the effect is quite small with the increase in the width of the cross section. 2.4 Conclusions: From the analysis above, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The span-depth of the transfer beam has a significant effect on the mode of failure for the transfer beam. With the increase in span-depth ratio, the failure mode 25 would change from shear failure to flexural-shear failure and then to complete flexural failure. The change of the span-depth ratio has insignificant effect on the load transfer path, It indicates that the span-depth ratio of the beam does not significantly affect the loads transfer mechanisms, and the load transfer mechanisms are governed by both the transfer beam and shear wall . The width of the transfer beam has a significant effect on the mode of failure for the transfer beam. With the increase in width of the beam, the failure mode would change from flexural-shear failure to flexural failure. . The change of the width of the transfer beam has insignificant effect on the load transfer path. It indicates that the width of the beam does not significantly affect the loads transfer mechanisms, and the load transfer mechanisms are governed by the transfer beam, the shear wall and their strong interactive effect together. . The failure load decreases rapidly with the increase in the span-depth ratio ranging from 3 to 12. Out of this span-depth range, it is inefficient to increase the depth of the beam to get larger failure load. Similarly, it may not be useful to increase the width of the beam to get larger failure load when the width of the beam is larger than 3 times of the width of the shear wall. . Based on the non-linear finite element analysis, the recommendations for the preliminary sizing of the transfer beam are made as follows: (1) The span-depth ratio of the transfer beams is preferably ranged from 3 to 8. (2) The width of the beam is chosen in the range of 2 to 3 of the shear wall. 26 Chapter 3 Interaction Behaviour and Design Tables 3.1 Introduction The structural behaviour of the transfer beams supporting an in-plane loaded shear wall have been received added emphasis due to the strong interaction effects at the wall- beam interface. Earlier studies [13,15,16] have shown some simplified methods for estimating the intemal stresses in a transfer beam by the concept of composite action theory. All of these investigations indicate stress concentrations in the wall over the supports due to the arching of the vertical load between supports, and large tension forces in the support beam. However, these simplified methods cannot explain clearly the structural behaviour of the whole system consisting of a transfer beam and a shear wall. The non-linear analysis of the transfer beam in chapter 2 shows that there are two relevant parameters, which significantly influence the force, transfer mechanism and the structural behaviour. One is the relative flexural stiffness between the transfer beam. and the shear wall; the other is the relative flexural stiffness between the transfer beam and the supporting columns. The study in this chapter is concentrated on investigating the structural behaviour of the structure influenced by these two parameters, In this chapter, the stress distributions in the interactive zone of the shear wall subjected to vertical loads, the moments and tension force in the transfer beam are Presented. According to the recommendation for preliminary sizing of the transfer beams in chapter 2, the width of the beam would be in the range of 2~3 times of the 27 width of the upper shear wall, and the span-depth ratio of the beam would range from 3 to 10. Based on the proposed design sizes, design tables are constructed using finite element analysis for internal forces of transfer beams and support columns, 3.2 Modelling High-rise structures are generally subjected to both the vertical loads caused by gravity loads and the lateral loads caused by wind or earthquake. In design practice, most of the lateral loads are considered to be taken by the shear-walls and core-walls that are built to the ground. Thus, only the vertical loading is considered to be applied to the transfer beam-shear wall system. The typical structural form is shown as Figure 3.1. For a good accuracy, the height of the shear wall (H) is larger than two times of the total length of the transfer beam (L), as a result of the investigations [10,11,12] on the interaction effects between the transfer beam and the shear wall. Shear wall} 4 Tronster beon—t an 2t or 3t Column || thn, te Figure 3.1 Typical transfer beam-shear wall system 28 The simplified finite element model is shown in Figure 3.2. Four-node square plane-stress elements are used in analysis of the behaviour of the system. The computations are performed by program SAP2000 [2] to generate the necessary stresses. For achieving a good accuracy, the aspect ratio of the element cannot be too large, and it is equal to the longer distance of the quadrilateral divided by the shorter distance of the quadrilateral. In this analysis, all the elements are quadrangular; all the aspect ratios for the elements in the system are made near unity to get the best result. Elenents For Shear wall Elenents Fort trenster bean Elenents For colunns ee Zero ssplacenent— Figure 3.2 Finite element model 3.3 Structural Behaviour The structural behaviour of the transfer beam-shear wall system subjected to vertical loading is complicated due to the interaction of the transfer beam and upper shear wall. The distributions of stresses in the beam and in the wall are totally different. To investigate the distributions of stresses clearly and accurately, the interaction effects 29 between the transfer beam and the supported shear wall should be emphasized. In the analysis, the parameters, such as the relative flexural stiffness ratio of the transfer beam and the supported shear wall and the relative flexural stiffness of the supporting columns, have been considered. Based on some practical design examples, a prototype model for a transfer beam- shear wall system subjected to vertical loading shown in Figure 3.3 is employed to simplify the analysis. In the model, some important structural parameters, such as the span-depth ratio of the transfer beam and the stiffness of the supporting columns are varied. 7 5.0m % : [ boten oo “04m L- 0.32m or 0.48n 032@n4 +032" 24n Figure 3.3 Prototype model for analysis 3.3.1 Vertical stress oy It is well known that when a beam carries a shear wall of sufficient height, an arching action is likely to take place [3]. Earlier studies [3,8,19] indicated that in the composite behaviour of a shallow beam-wall system, vertical loads were generally transferred to the beam system through the compression arch. In this investigation, a similar behaviour has been observed in the transfer beam-shear wall system. Under uniformly distributed linear vertical loading w, the distribution of the vertical stress in the system is shown in Figure 3.4. Go" a Og COLT Conpression Arch Lo Figure 3.4 The distribution of vertical stress in shear wall It can be seen that although the wall is subjected to a uniformly distributed load, the distribution of the vertical stress, oy, in the lower part of the shear wall is non-uniform. The vertical loading is transferred towards the support columns along the arch. The 31 maximum vertical stresses are located at the interface between the shear wall and the transfer beam above the support columns and the minimum vertical stress is located at the mid-span of the transfer beam. From Figure 3.4, it can also be seen that beyond the height approximately equal to L. (Total span of the transfer beam) from the wall-beam interface, the interaction of the transfer beam and the shear wall has little effect on the distribution of the vertical stress, ©, which tends to be uniform. And oy equals to ¢,,, = w/t in which t is the width of the shear wall. O,/ avg a Figure 3.5 Variation of the vertical stress along the height of the shear wall The arching action is due to the interaction of the beam and wall, which contributes to the stress complexity. It is affected by the relative stiffness ratio of beam and wall and that of beam and columns. The larger the stiffness of the beam, the smaller is the concentrated degree of the vertical stress. The larger cross-section of the column, the smaller is Gymax- The variation of the vertical stresses at different heights of the shear 32. wall is shown as Figure 3.5. The degree of non-uniformity of the vertical stress o. distribution can be represented by the concentration factor (°7™/ —), which can be obtained from table 3.1 and table 3.7. 3.3.2 Horizontal stress 6, ‘The distribution of the horizontal stress, 6, is shown in Figure 3.6. From this figure, it can be seen that the shear wall is almost in compression along the horizontal direction. ‘The intensity of the horizontal stress varies along the vertical direction; the value of 0, is very small at the wall-beam interface and almost equal to zero beyond the height equal to L (Total span of the transfer beam) from the wall-beam interface. Le Le lorge srett y be i @) OO) Figure 3.6 The distribution of horizontal stress in wall-beam system 33 Also it can be seen from the figure, when the beam is small in depth, the transfer beam is a full tension member due to the interaction between the wall and the beam. When the depth of the beam is large enough, the compression stress appears in the upper part of the beam; but generally, in the transfer beam the compression zone is quite small. It is obvious that the transfer beam does not behave as an ordinary beam in bending or deep beam, but is in flexural-tension due to the interaction between the wall and beam. Therefore, unlike an ordinary beam or a deep beam, when the transfer beam is isolated from the system, it should be considered as a flexural-tensile member. 3.3.3 Shear stress Figure 3.7 shows the distribution of shear stress in the wall-beam system, It is seen that the shear stress is dominated in the lower part of the shear wall and the intensity of shear stress is almost equal to zero beyond the height equal to L above the wall-beam interface. It indicates that in the higher parts of the shear wall the interaction effect does not affect the shear stress distribution. At the wall-beam interface, the shear stress reaches its maximum value in the beam, about (I.1~1.5)oag- At the bottom surface where the transfer beam connects to the support columns, the shear stress even reaches about (1.5~2.0)Gavg 34 Sco Lo Lo Figure 3.7 The distribution of shear stress in system 3.3.4 Axial force in the beam ‘The Axial force distribution in the transfer beam along the horizontal direction is shown in Figure 3.8. es es f Figure 3.8 Distribution of axi forces along the longitude of beam 35 From Figure 3.8, it is seen that the axial force reaches its maximum value at mid- span of the beam, and decreases towards the support columns. The beam is under the tension almost for the full span. Only the sections connected to columns are under compression, and the compression forces are quite small compared to the tension force. ozs rte a2 e/L2006 oe het010 os 2a 2 4 hems 010 |= — a | 005 | 00s 00S S20 ORDCOS het Figure 3.9 Variation of axial forces at mid-span The variation of the axial forces at mid-span is shown in Figure 3.9. With increase in the depth of the transfer beam, the axial force increases at the beginning. When 4h, /L is equal to about 0.17, the value of the axial force reaches maximum. The axial force will then decrease with the increase in the depth. It is because when isolating the transfer beam from the system, with depth increasing, the beam changes from being a full tension member to a compression-tension member. Though the compression region is not large, it can reduce the axial force in the beam. 3.3.5 Flexural moment in the beam Figure 3.10 shows the distribution of the moments in the transfer beam along the 36 beam. From this figure, it can be seen that the maximum value occurs at the mid-span of the beam and decreases towards the support columns in both directions. Two contra- flexural points exist in the beam. Negative moments occur at the ends of the beam. ani one oor ante -a00t Figure 3.10 Moment diagram of the beam The variation of the moment at mid-span is shown in Figure 3.11. As the depth of the transfer beam increase, the moment increases when the stiffness of the column is fixed. In addition, when the stiffness of the beam is fixed, the moment decreases with the increase in the stiffness of the columns. If the stiffness of the column is large enough, the restriction of the column is quite large to restrain the deformation of the beam. In this case, the beam behaves as the fix-ended simple beam, in which the contra-flexural points locate at the points about 0.1Lo~0.2L» from the ends of the beam. ‘When the stiffness of the column is small, the restriction to the beam from the columns is little. In this case, the beam behaves as the simple supported beam at both ends, in which the contra-flexural points can be considered to locate at the ends of the beam. 37 0030 0025 + esk=006 — he /L=010 MeO ee aa ae 001s H+ ——4 —— of i= 0008 >> —— a rr) hell Figure 3.11 Variation of the moment at mid-span ‘The variation of the moment at the end of the beam is shown in Figure 3.12. It can be seen from the figure that the negative moment at the end of the beam decreases when the stiffness of the column increases. It indicates again that the stiffness of the column would affect the deformation of the beam. ui J est no . - —— nas oven he/L=016 ° enzo -2an so Figure 3.12 Variation of the moment at beam ends 38 3.4 Design Tables for the Transfer Beam and Support Columns In practice, there is still no simple and efficient design method to calculate the stresses, flexural moments and axial forces of a transfer beam system. To get the accurate stress distribution, the flexural moments and axial forces in design, finite element analysis has to be conducted. It may take a lot of time in making models, inputting data, running finite element programs and analysing the massive numerical data, If the transfer beam is isolated from the wall-beam system, it can be simplified as a portal frame (Figure 3.13). However, the flexural moment M2 will not equal to Ms, and atension force T should be considered in the portal frame due to the interaction between the shear wall and the transfer beam. 2t on 3t yo I Figure 3.13 The portal frame model for design tables 39 Based on a large number of finite element models calculation and the portal frame analysis, design charts (Table 3.1 ~ Table 3.12) are developed and presented for the transfer beams supporting an in-plane loaded shear walls subjected to the uniformly distributed vertical loads. From these design tables, some useful design information, such as the maximum vertical stress 0, the flexural moment at mid-span My, the axial force T and the flexural moment at the end of the beam Mz can be conveniently determined from the values of span-depth ratio L/h, and h, /L. width of the beam Table 3.1 The vertical stress factor k, (haf the Pea _ ee ae “Thickness of the wall (eset stale [elev Does] | | — L Span-depth ratio Lik, 0.08 0.14 [0.16 30 2.206 =1.880_|-1.721 35 2.492 2.047 | -1.895 40 "2.766 -2.206 | -2.020 45 “3.011 “2.334 | -2.110 3.0) “3.224 -2.430_| -2.176 35 3.408 2.501 _| -2.225 60 "3.569 72.553 | -2.262 65 -3.709 =2.590_| -2.290 7.0 “3.832 "2.616 | -2.311 75 “3.941 -2.633 | -2.328 8.0 “4.037 -2.645_| -2.341 85 4.124 2.651 | -2.352 9.9) “4.201 2.654 | -2.360 95 “4271 2.656 | -2.366 10.0 ~4.335 | -3.402 | -2.987 | -2.658 | -2.371 Table 3.1 is presented for calculating the maximum vertical stress in the shear wall at the interface between the transfer beam and the shear wall, and the width of the beam equals 2t. It can describe how large the arching reaction is. 0, =k, xw/t. The negative factor means that the vertical stress is compressive stress. 4 idth of the beam _ thickness of the wall Table 3.2 The axial force factor k, (x 10') ( OO) te oo El ‘Span-depth ratio AIL Lihy 0.06 [0.08 O1 0.12 | 0.14 [0.16 30 1.635_| 1.371_| 1.107 | 0934 | 0.781 | 0.628 35 1.805_| 1.527 |_1.248 [1.069 [0.911 | 0.754 4.0 1.915_| 1.633_|_1.350 | 1.168 | 1.007 | 0.845 45 1.976 | 1.695 | 1.413 | 1231 | 1.069 | 0.907 5.0 2.001 | 1.723 | 1.446 | 1.265 | 1.106 [0.946 55 2.002 | 1.729 | 1457 | 1.281 | 1.125 [0.969 6.0 1.987_| 1.720 |_1.453 | 1.282 [1.131 | 0.980 65 19621701 [1.440 [1.275 [1.130 | 0.984 7.0 1.930 | 1.676 [| 1.421 | 1.262 [1.122 | 0.983 75 1.895_| 1.647 | 1.398 | 1244 | Lut | 0.978 8.0 1.858 | 1.615 | 1.372 | 1.225 | 1.097 | 0.970 85 1.821_| 1.583 | 1.345 [1.203 | 1.082 | 0.961 9.0 1.783_|_1.550_[ 1.317 | 1.181 | 1.066 | 0.950 95 1.746_| 1.517 | 1.289 [1.159 | 1.049 | 0.939 10.0 1709 | 1.485 [1.262 | 1.137 [ 1.032 | 0.928 Table 3.2 is presented for calculating the tension force T at the mid-span in the transfer beam, and the width of the beam equals 2t. ‘The axial force can be got from the equation T = k, xwL. a2 width of the beam Table 3.3 The flexural moment factor k,, (x10) (<2 “209, “ thickness of the wall (elected ee ay I abe at 7 thn, os L Span-depth ratio AIL Lihy 0.06 [0.08 OL 0.12 7 014 [0.16 3.0 2.687 | 2.448 | 2.209 | 2053 | 1.914 | 1.775 35 1985 | 1.823 | 1.662 | 1556 | 1463 [1369 40 148s_| 1375 | 1264 [| 1.193 [ 1.129 [ 1.066 45 1.127 | 1.051 | 0975 | 0.926 | 0883 | 0.840 5.0 0.866 | 0814 | 0.762 | 0.729 | 0.699 | 0.670 35 0.674 | 0.639 | 0.603 | 0580 | 0.560 | 0.540 60 0531 | 0.507 | 0.483 | 0.467 | 0.453 | 0.440 65 0.423 | 0.407 | 0.390 | 0.380 | 0371 | 0362 7.0 0341 _| 0330 | 0319 | 0.312 | 0.306 | 0300 75 0.278 | 0271 | 0.263 | 0.258 | 0.254 | 0250 8.0 0.229 | 0.224 | 0.219 | 0.216 [0.213 | 0210 85, 0.192 | 0.188 | 0.184 | 0.182 | 0.180 | 0.178 9.0 0.163 | 0.160 | 0.157 | 0.155 | 0.153 | 0.151 95 0.140 | 0.138 | 0.135 | 0.133 | 0.131 | 0.129 10.0 0.123 [| 0.120 [o1i7 | 01s [0113 [ o1t Table 3.3 is presented for calculating the flexural moment M; at the mid-span in the transfer beam, and the width of the beam equals 2t. ‘The flexural moment can be got from the equation M, = ky, x wl’. 43 Table 3.4 The flexural moment factor ky, (x10) ( width of the beam _ thickness of the wall ooo" Vo Me Me | Preece a I Me et 4 ben. beh. Span-depth ratio iL Lith, 0.06 0.08 O1 0.12 0.16 3.0 0.400, 0.166 -0.069 | -0.206 -0,334 35. 0.322, 0.097 -0.128 | -0.244 0.413, 40 0.251 0.038 -0.174 | -0.279 0.446 45 0.193 0.006 | -0.205 | -0.300 -0.452 5.0 0.145 0.039 | -0.223 | -0.309 0.443, an 0.107 -0.063 | -0.233 | -0.310 0.426 6.0 0.076 | -0.080 | -0.235 1.305. -0.404 65 0.051 0.091 ~0.234 | -0.295 -0.379 70 0.030, -0.099 | -0.229 1.283, -0.354 ae 0.013 0.105 | -0.222 | -0.269 -0.329 8.0 ~0.002 | -0.108 | -0.214 | -0.254 -0.305 8.5 -0.014 | -0.110 [| -0.206 | -0.239 0.281 9.0 0.024 | -0.110 | -0.196 | -0.224 ~0.258 a 0.033 | -0.110 | -0.187 | -0.208 0.236 10.0 0.041 | -0.109 | -0.177 1.193 0.215 Table 3.4 is presented for calculating the flexural moment Mp at the ends of the transfer beam, and the width of the beam equals 2t. from the equation M, of the beam is in tension and the top of the beam is in compression. 44 The flexural moment can be got iy, XW’. The positive moment value means that the bottom Table 3.5 The flexural moment factor ky, (107) ( width of the beam thickness of the wall CEEELEEEEE) = ad ale a 1 ah. at I he ena L ‘Span-depth ratio AIL Lh, 0.06 | _0.08 O1 0.12 0.16 3.0 0.177 | 0.390 | -0.599 | -0.766 =1.082 35) 0.186 | -0.400 | -0.614 | -0.785 =1.108 40 0.190 | -0.409_[ -0.628 | -0.803 “1.135 45 -0.192 | 0.417 | -0.641 | -0.819 “1.158 5.0 0.194 [0.423 | -0.651 | -0.833, “1.176 55 -0.196 | -0.429 | -0.660 | -0.844 “L191 60 0.198 | -0.433 | -0.668 | -0.853 =1.202 65 -0.201_ | -0.437 | -0.675 | -0.861 “1211 7.0 70.203 | -0.440 | -0.681 | -0.868 “1.218 75 -0.206 | -0.443 | -0.686 | -0.873, 71.223 8.0 70.208 | -0.446 | -0.691 | -0.878 “1.207 85 0.211 | -0.448 | -0.695 | -0.882 “231 9.0 0.213 | -0.450 | -0.699 | -0.886 “1.233 95 0.215 | -0.452 | -0.702 | -0.889 “1.235 10.0 0.218 | -0.453 | -0.705 | -0.892 “1.237 Ma Table 3.5 is presented for calculating the flexural moment Mg at the tops of the support columns, and the width of the beam equals 2t. The flexural moment can be got from the equation M, =ky, XwL?. The negative value means that the exterior surface of the column is in tension and the interior surface of the column is in compression. 4s width of the beam thickness of the wall Table 3.6 The flexural moment factor ky,(10") ( oon I | a. et ten, thn, a. a. L Span-depth ratio AIL Lihy 0.06 [0.08 Ol 012 | 014 | 0.16 3.0 Ol 0.272 0.432 0.554 0.668 0.823 FES O15 0.279 0.443 0.582 0.716 0.839 4.0 O18 0.285 0.452 0.591 0.723 0.852 45 O19 0.290 0.460 0.596 0.725 0.863 5.0 0.121 0.294 0.466. 0.602 0.729 0.871 BE 0.123 0.297 0.472 0.609 0.738 0.878 60) 0.124 | 0300 | 0.476 | 0.617 | 0.750 | 0.883 6.5 0.126 0.303 0.480 0.626 0.765 0.887 7.0 0.128 0.306 0.483 0.635 0.782, 0.890 oe 0.130 0.308 0.485 0.645, 0.801 0.892. 8.0 0.132 0.310 0.488 0.655 0.820 0.894 85 0.134 0.312 0.490, 0.664 0.839 0.896 9.0 0.135 0.313 0.491 0.674 0.858 0.897 on 0.137 0.315 0.493 0.683 0.876 0.898 10.0 0.138 | 0316 | 0.494 | 0.692 | 0.895 | 0.899 Table 3.6 is presented for calculating the flexural moment My at the bottoms of the support columns, and the width of the beam equals 2t. The flexural moment can be got from the equation M, = ky, wl’. The positive value means that the interior face of the column is in tension and the exterior surface of the column is in compression. 46 Table 3.7 The vertical stress factor k, (—idthof the beam _ > Ghickness of the wall OTT) Peet] tr Peeerrt] | I — 3t then ee iE ‘Span-depth ratio IL Lih, 0.06 [0.08 O1 0.14 7 0.16 30 =2.180_| -2.035 “1.869 | 1.751 35 “2.467 _| -2.262 =2.037_| -1.893 4.0 -2.745 -2.489 -2.201 -2.027 45 =2,994 | -2.685 2.333 | -2.130 5.0 =3.212_[ -2.847 -2.435._| -2.204 35 =3.401_| -2.979 2.511 | -2.255 60 -3.566_| -3.087 2.568 | -2.288 65 =3.711_| -3.175 =2,609_| -2.309 70 =3.837_| -3.248 -2.638 | -2319 75 =3.950_| -3.309 "2.659 | -2.323 80 -4.049 | -3.359 =2.673_| -2.322 85 4.139 | -3.402 -2.682_| -2.318 9.0 -4.219 | -3.438 -2.688_| -2.310 95 4.292 | -3.469 =2.690_| -2.301 10.0 4.357 | -3.495 -2.691 -2.291 Table 3.7 is presented for calculating the maximum vertical stress in the shear wall at the interface between the transfer beam and the shear wall, and the width of the beam equals 3t. It can describe how large the arching reaction is. o, =k, xw/t. The negative factor means that the vertical stress is compressive stress. 47 width of the beam Table 3.8 The axial force factor k, (x 107) (————>} —~————_ = = i 10") (chess of the wall I I ah. 3 os ttn, . L ‘Span-depth ratio hdL Lihy 0.06 [0.08 Or 0.12 7 014 [ 0.16 3.0 1595 1.349 1.103 0.937 0.788 0.640 35) 1.793_|_1.527_| 1.260 | 1.081 [0.920 | 0.759 4.0 1.946 1.664 1.383 1.195, 1.026 0.857 45 2.046 1.757 1.467 1.274 1.101 0.928 5.0 2.106 1.813 1519 1.325, LAS 0.977 FEI 2.136 1.843 1.549 1.356 1.184 1.011 6.0 2.145 1.854 1.563 are 1.203 1.033 6.5. 2.140 1.853 1.566 eae 1.213 1.047 7.0 2.125 1.843 1.561 1.378 1.216 1.054 BE] 2.104 1.827 1.550 Hee 1.215 1.057 80 2.079 | 1.808 | 1.536 | 1.363 | 1.210 | 1.057 8.5 2.051 1.785 1.520 1351 1.203 1.055 9.0 2.021 1.762 1.502 1.338. 1.194 1.051 Pel 1.991 1.737 1.484 1,324 1.185 1.045 10.0 1.960 L712 1.465 1310 tate 1.039 Table 3.8 is presented for calculating the tension force T at the mid-span in the transfer beam, and the width of the beam equals 3t. ‘The axial force can be got from the equation T =k, XwL. 43 width of the beam Table 3.9 The flexural moment factor k,,, (x10™ ) (———">—~—""_ <3); : thickness of the wall xt i ‘Span-depth ratio AAL Lith, 0.06 0.08 01 0.12 0.14 0.16 3.0 3.376 3.085 2.793 2.596 2.418 2.240 af 2.606 2.395 2.184 2.042 1,913 1.785 4.0 2.009 1.859 1.709 1.607 1516 1.425 45 1558 1.452, 1.346 1.275 ce 1.147 5.0 1.220 1.145 1.071 1.021 0.976 0.931 ae 0.963, 0.911 0.860. 0.825 0.794 0.763, 6.0 0.768 0.732. 0.696 0.672 0.651 0.630 65 0.617 0.592 0.568 0.552 0.538 0.524 70 0.499 0.483 0.467 0.457, 0.448 0.439 ae 0.408 0.397 0.387 0.380, 0.375, 0.369 8.0 0.336 0.329 0.322 0.318 0.315 0.312, 85 0.279 0.275, 0.270 0.268, 0.266, 0.264 9.0 0.234 0.231 0.228 0.227 0.226 0.224 a 0.198 0.196 0.193 0.192, 0.192 0.191 10.0 0.170 0.167 0.165 0.164 0.163, 0.163, Table 3.9 is presented for calculating the flexural moment Mj at the mid-span in the transfer beam, and the width of the beam equals 3t. ‘The flexural moment can be got from the equation M, = ky, XwL’. 49 Table 3.10 The flexural moment factor k,,, (x 10") ( width of the beam thickness of the wall (elalete leetateletal, Ne Me 4 at yo ‘Span-depth ratio AL Lihy 0.06 | 0.08 OL 0.16 3.0 0.531 0.301 0.071 -0.280. a 0.468 0.234 0.000 0.359 4.0 0.392 0.160, 0.072 -0.408 45 0.323 0.097 0.128 -0.433 5.0, 0.263 |_0.048__| -0.167 70.440 55 0.214 0.010 0.193 0.435 60 0.173 | -0.018 | -0.209 70.423 6.5 0.139 -0.039 | -0.217 -0.407, 7.0 0.110 -0.055_| -0.220 -0.388 75 0.087 | -0.066_| -0.218 0.367 8.0 0.067 0.074 | -0.214 -0.346 85 0.050. 0.079 | -0.208 0.324 9.0 0.035 -0.082_| -0.200 -0.303 a 0.023 -0.084 | -0.191 0.282, 10.0 0.012 | -0.085 | -0.182 70.262, Table 3.10 is presented for calculating the flexural moment Mz at the ends of the transfer beam, and the width of the beam equals 3t. The flexural moment can be got from the equation M, = ky, xwL’. The positive moment value means that the bottom of the beam is in tension and the top of the beam is in compression. width of the beam Table 3.11 The flexural moment factor k,, (x10) (———7 —“"“""__ thickness of the wali Coin) crt] aie Ma | ana 3t tin, — L Span-depth ratio i IL Lihy 008 [O01 0.12 016 3.0 -0.330_| -0.528 | -0.695 1.017, 35 -0.345 | -0.552_| -0.727 1.064, 40 0.359 | -0.576 | -0.759 “lL 45 0.371 -0.597_| -0.786 -1.150 5.0 -0.382_| -0.614 | -0.809 1.181 5.5 -0.392_| -0.630_| -0.827 1.206 6.0 -0.400 | -0.642 | -0.842 1.225 65 -0.408_| 0.654 | -0.855 1.240 7.0 -0.414 | -0.663 | -0.866 21.251 75; -0.420_| -0.671_| -0.874 “1.261 8.0 0.426 | 0.678 | -0.882 1.268 8.5 -0.430 | -0.685 | -0.888 3273 9.0 -0.435_| -0.690_| -0.894 “1.278 9.5 -0.439 | -0.695 | -0.898 71.281 10.0 0.442 | -0.700 | -0.902 1.284 Table is presented for calculating the flexural moment Mg at the tops of the support columns, and the width of the beam equals 3t. The flexural moment can be got from the equation M,=ky,xwL'. The negative value means that the exterior surface of the column is in tension and the interior surface of the column is in compression. SI Table 3.12 The flexural moment factor ky, (107) ( idth of the beam thickness of the wall =3) Coa Perec | aim | aM. at one fhe 2 SS ‘Span-depth ratio AIL Lik, 0.06 [0.08 O1 0.12 [| 014 [0.16 3.0 0.082 | 0.223 | 0.364 | 0.484 | 0599 | 0713 35 0.087_| 0.233 | 0.380 | 0.505 | 0.624 | 0.744 40 0.089 | 0.242 | 0.395 [0523 | 0.645 | 0.768 45 0.091 | 0.250 | 0.408 | 0.538 | 0.662 _| 0.785 5.0 0.094 | 0.256 | 0.418 | 0.549 | 0.674 | 0.798 55 0.096 | 0.261 | 0.426 | 0.558 | 0.683 | 0.808 6.0 0.099 | 0.266 | 0.433 | 0.565 | 0.690 | 0815 65 0.102 [0.270 | 0.438 | 0.570 | 0.695 | 0.820 7.0 0.105 | 0.274 | 0.442 | 0.575 | 0.699 | 0.824 75 0.108_| 0.277 | 0.446 | 0.578 | 0.702 | 0.827 8.0 0.110 [0.279 | 0.448 [0.580 | 0.705 | 0.829 85 0.113_| 0.282 | 0.451 | 0.582 | 0.706 | 0.831 9.0 0.116 | 0.284 | 0.452 | 0.584 | 0.708 | 0.832 95 0.118 | 0.286 [0.454 [0.585 [0.709 | 0.833 10.0 o.121 | 0288 | 0.455 [ 0.586 | 0.710 | 0833 Table 3.12 is presented for calculating the flexural moment Mz at the bottoms of the support columns, and the width of the beam equals 3t. The flexural moment can be got from the equation M, = ky, xwL’. The positive value means that the interior face of the column is in tension and the exterior surface of the column is in compression. 32 3.5 Design Example A practical design with a transfer beam is calculated by both the design charts method and the finite element method to compare the maximum vertical stress, the moment and axial force, etc in the transfer beam. Consider a transfer beam-shear wall structure shown in Figure 3.14. The transfer beam has a clear span of 8.8m and supports the shear wall, which carries a uniformly Am and the distributed load w=3x10°kN/m. The width of the shear wall w, width of the beam w, 0.8m. The support columns size is 1.2mx1.2m. The height of the transfer beam is h, = 2.4m. Grade 30 concrete is used for the structure. qo ak a a fo. 34 ad wt 12 02 Figure 3.14 A structure with transfer beam 3.5.1 The results of finite element method. A finite element model for the structure shown in Figure 3.14 is developed, as shown in Figure 3.15. 33 Elenents For Shear well ay Zero aepiacenent Figure 3.15 Finite element model for the design example ‘Square plane-stress elements are used to analyse the practical structure, and the computation is performed by finite element method program SAP2000. The mesh size for shear wall is 0.8mx0.4m. In addition, 0.4mx0.4m mesh size is adopted for both transfer beam and support columns. ‘The results of finite element method are summarized in Table 3.13. Table 3.13 Results of finite element method for the design example M M Ms Me oy T (kN-m) | (kN-m) | (kN-m) | (Nm) | Canim?) |_CN) 3.130x10° | -0.913x10° | -2.674x10" | 1.923x10° | -1.963x10* | 4.450x10° 34 3.5.2 Results by design charts ‘The total length of the transfer beam L = 8.8+1.2+1. 12m hy =2.4m w=3xl10°kN/m 2 EU? 4.667 and "= 12 <0.1071 eos L ll2 The width of the shear wall is w, = 0.4m. The width of the beam is w, =0.8m . 08 », O04 From design tables 3.1 ~ 3.6, the results can be obtained as follows w, 2 w, = 2.634 -2.634x3x10° /0.4 = -1.976x10°KN / m? =k, XW! ky =1.332x107 =k, XW = 1.33210" X3X10? x11.2 = 4.476x10° KN Key, = 0.868107 .266x10°KN -m 2M, = ky, XW? = 0.868%107 x3x10° x11.27 ky, =-0.245x107 2M, = ky, XL’ =—0.245x107 x3x10° x11.2? = —0.922x10° AN -m ky, = -0.708107 2 My = ky, XWL? = -0.708%107 x3x10° x1 1.2? = -2.665X10°KN -m ky, = 0.508107 2 My = ky, XW? = 0.508107 3x10? x11.2? = 1.912x10°KN +m 58 3.5.3 Comparison The results obtained from the finite element analysis and the design charts are presented in Table 3.14. It is seen that the results from the design charts show very good agreement with those of finite element analysis. The difference between two sets of results is generally less than 2%. Table 3.14 Comparison between the finite element analysis and design charts FEM Design [Difference | Percent Analyses_| Charts Mi (kN-m) | 3.230x10° | 3.266x10° | 0.036x10° 11% M2(EN-m) | -0.913x10° | -0.922x10" | -0.009x10° 1.0% M3(kN-m) | -2.674x10° | -2.665x10" | 0.009x10° | -0.3% Mi(GN-m) | 1.923x10° | 1.912x10° | -o.011x0® | -06% 0y(kN/m?) | -1.963x10* | -1.976x10* | -0.013x10* 0.7% T(KN) 4450x10° | 4.476x10° | 0.026x10° 06% 56 Chapter 4 Interaction-based Formulation: A Box-foundation Analogy 4.1 Introduction Some design methods have been proposed before [13,15,16] in different ways. However, none of those methods would tke the interaction behaviour into consideration, and all of those design methods are very complicated and can only be achieved by making a considerable number of simplifying assumptions. In this chapter, a set of proposed formulas is developed based on a box-foundation analogy. ‘These formulas can present the structural behaviour very clearly and make the design much simpler. The results for stresses of the structure members in the analysis are generated by SAP2000 [2]. 4.2 Background Consider box-foundation structure as shown in Figure 4.1. The loading transfers from the upper structures to the box-foundation through the shear walls. There is strong interaction between the box-foundation and the upper structures. It has been known in the design of a box-foundation that the total moment caused by applied loading will be taken partly by the upper structure and partly by the box- foundation. For simplifying the box-foundation design, Meyerhof [14] suggested that the total moment caused by the uniformly distributed load be distributed to the upper structure and the box-foundation according to the stiffness ratio of the upper structure and the box-foundation. 37 {+ — Upper structure Wall > My Box-foundation D> My Mo=My+ My Figure 4.1 A box-foundation structure The moment taken by the box-foundation, M,, is written as: Ely =) _, (4.1 °" BL +EL, fey where, E, I, is the flexural stiffness of the box-foundation; E,I, is the flexural stiffness of the upper structures; M, is the total moment caused by the upper loads. in which, Me = pel! (42) After comparing the structural form of the box-foundation with those of the transfer beam-shear wall system, it is found that the structure behaviour of the two systems are very similar. The similar methodology of the box-foundation design can be applied to the design of the transfer beam. 38. 4.3 Modelling 4.3.1 Structural Model Consider a typical transfer beam-shear wall system as shown in Figure 4.2. For achieving good accuracy, the height of the shear wall (H) is larger than twice the total length of the transfer beam (L) for the investigations on the interaction between the transfer beam and the shear wall. n Shear wall} tA H ane Transfer bean one 2t or 3t Colunn —| teen 7 a Figure 4.2 Typical transfer beam-shear wall system 4.3.2 Finite Element Method Model From the structure form, the simplified finite element method model is shown in Figure 4.3. Four-node square plane-stress elements are used in the models to analyse the behaviour of the system. The computations are performed by program SAP2000 [2] to generate the necessary stresses. For obtaining a good accuracy, the aspect ratio of the element cannot be too large. In this analysis, all the elements are 39 quadrangular, and all the aspect ratios for the elements in the system are made near unity to get the best result, Since the transfer beam is the most important part in this calculation, the sizes of the elements for the beam are generated smaller than those for the wall. Elenents For Shear wall Elenents forftranster bean Elenents For colunns a To zero sisplacenent— Figure 4.3 Finite element model 4.3.3 The Model for Box-Foundation Analogy Compare the transfer beam-shear wall system with the box-foundation, a single span transfer beam supporting an in-plane loaded shear wall model subjected to a uniformly distributed vertical loads w shown in Figure 4.4 is employed. Some new variables are introduced to explain the structural behaviour of the transfer beam- shear wall system. + Contra-flexural point He { t pede Moment diagram ——]n L Figure 4.4 Simplified box-foundation analogy model In Figure 4.4, L, is the effective length, which is the length between two contra- flexural points in the transfer beam. It simulates the simple supported boundaries of the box-foundation. H, is the nominal height of the wall, which is the height for calculating the flexural stiffness of the wall. It simulates the upper structure in the box-foundation. 4.4 Interaction-based Formulation: Box-Foundation Analogy In order to get enough numerical data to analyse, a great number of finite element models, as shown in Figure 4,3, are developed. In those models, some important structural parameters, such as the span-depth ratio of the transfer beam, the width of the transfer beam and the stiffness of the supporting columns are varied. 6 4.4.1 Effective length of the transfer beam After analysing all the finite element models, the analytical result is shown in Figure 4.5. Eale y | — — Figure 4.5 Fitting curve for the effective length of the transfer beam From this figure, it can be seen that the effective factors for the effective length of the transfer beam (L,) are the relative stiffness ratio of the beam and the supported column stiffness and the clear span of the transfer beam. A fitting curve is drawn from Figure 4.5, from which the effective length can be determined by the equations as follows: L, = Ip when £4 5 19 (43a) L, 1g +9), when ols z : (4.36) eg vwhen £06 29.1 (4.3c) 8-L, , when me (4.3c) o in which, E,1, is the flexural stiffness of the transfer beam. EI, is the flexural stiffness of the supported column. i, Ly are the widths of the column and the clear span of the transfer beam, respectively. The simplified formulas (4.32) to (4.3c) for calculating the effective length have very clear physical meaning. When the flexural stiffness of the beam is much larger than that of the support columns, the beam behaves as a fix-ended simple beam; while, when the flexural stiffness of the support columns is much larger than that of, the beam, the beam can be analysed as a simple supported one. 4.4.2 Nominal height of the shear wall The effective factors for the nominal height of the wall (H,) are relative stiffness ratio of the beam and the support columns and the total length of the transfer beam. ‘The nominal height of the wall can be determined by the following formulas. When the width of the beam is twice of that of the wall: 0.47+0.08-1g 24) <0.55 (44a) lg If ae > 0.55, H, =0.55-L ‘When the width of the beam is three times of that of the wall: 0.46 +0.08- teGetey $0.54 (4.4b) He 5054, H,=0.54-L L If ‘The nominal height of the wall can describe the interaction behaviour of the beam-wall system. If the clear span of the transfer beam is same, the larger the nominal height of the wall means the stronger the interaction between the transfer beam and the shear wall. 4.4.3 The flexural stiffness of the wall The flexural stiffness of the shear wall can be calculated by (4.5) 5, is the width of the shear wall 4.4.4 Simple formula for calculating the bending moment at mid-span From the equations (4.3) to (4.5), the bending moment of the transfer beam at mid-span can be determined by the equation as follow See Belpre yy (4.6) *BLt+E 1, ° where, 1 . M, agus » Which is the total moment caused by the vertical load (w) within the effective length of the transfer beam. E, is the elastic modulus for shear wall. 4.4.5 Simple formula for calculating the axial force at mid-span The distribution of the axial stress along the vertical line at the mid-span of the beam is shown in Figure 4.6-1. From this figure, it can be seen that the tensile axial stress at mid-span of the beam is almost a straight line. wall Figure 46-2 Shear wall \ NTironster bean] [Me Figure 4.6-1 Distribution of horizontal stress along the midline of the structure ‘The beam height smaller, the linear distribution is more accurate. In this study, it is assumed that the stress distribution is linear, as shown in Figure 4.6-2. 65 he. Figure 4.6-2 Distribution of the horizontal tensile stress at the mid-span From the linear assumption, the axial force at the mid-span of the beam can be determined as follows. Step 1. Calculate the value of hy. A factor 0: is introduced for calculating the value of hy, which presents the location h, = determine the value of ot from Figure of the zero axial stress. With values of * 4.7 or Figure 4.8 for different width of the beam, where the Figure 4.7 is for the case My ww, and the Figure 4.8 for the case w, =3w,. w,, Ww, Tepresent the width of the beam and the width of the wall, respectively. The value of fy can be calculated using hy =0%Ly an Step 2. Determine the axial force of the beam at mid-span as follow 12M,, _ 6M, 4.8) hy h, ed In which, M,is the moment of the transfer beam at mid-span which is determined by equation (4.6). 66 “ng =u Joy anyea 0 Lp andy at 9b0= vhO= zb0= OL0= 80°0= 90°0= Ty vaany 0 91-0= vho= Zb0= OLo= 80'°0= 90°0= 4 89 “me = 1M JOY aneAa D g*p aandhy 4 seo £0 seoT/Y zo sro ro. aaang, 4.5 Design Example To compare the proposed formulas with the finite element analysis, a practical design for a transfer beam is conducted by both the proposed method and the finite element method. The moment and axial force at mid-span of the beam are compared. Consider a transfer beam-shear wall structure shown in Figure 4.9. The transfer beam has a clear span of 8.8m and supports the shear wall, which carries a uniformly distributed load w=3x10°KN/m_. The width of the shear wall w,, = 0.4m and the width of the beam w, =0.8m. The support column size is 1.2mx1.2m. The heights of the transfer beam are h, = 1.6m,2.4m,3.2m, respectively. Grade 30 concrete is used for the structure, we oe ape ale igure 4.9 A practical structure with transfer beam o 4.5.1 The results of the finite element method The finite element model is made as shown in Figure 4.10. Square plane-stress elements are used to analyse the practical structure, and the computation is performed by the finite element method program SAP2000 [2]. The mesh size for the shear wall is 0.8mx0.4m. The 0.4mx0.4m mesh size is adopted for both transfer beam and support columns. The results of the finite element method are summarized in table 4.1. Elenents for Shear walt Clenents Fort eranster bean el Zero Bsplacenent Figure 4.10 Finite element model for the practical structure Table 4.1 The results of finite element method for the example. The height of the beam | ‘The moment at mid-span_ | The axial force at mid-span (m) (AN-m) (kN) 16 11d" 4.42x10 24 3.13x10° 4.45x10" 32 6.10x10° 3.98x10" 70 4.5.2 The results by the proposed formulas A height of the beam h, = 1.6m is chosen for the detailed calculation. ‘The structural data for the practical design are listed as follows ‘The clear span of the transfer beam L, = 8.8m The total length of the transfer beam L = 8.8+1.2+1.2=11.2m hh, =1.6m w=3xl0kN/m By =E.=E, ‘The results are as follows (1) The flexural moment at mid-span: The flexural stiffness of the beam E,/, = Bahn) The flexural stiffness of the column E,/, = E,! & he) i Bh Gm) aly EI, Lis le B(OH Gah) Substituting h, = 1.2m,h, =1.6m ,w, = 0.8mand E, = E, into the above equation, ae — hw), Gale 12? 21580 roe 1 de EAR Gah) From the equation (4.36), it can be obtained as follow 0.1x1g(1.580) +0.9 = 0.9199 n L, 91991, = 8.095 Me 08 _ >. from equation (4.4a), it can be calculated as follow H, Eyl, £ = 0.47 +1g(—*+) = 0.486 Z Be H, =0.486L=5.442m The flexural stiffness of the wall E,1, = Bax 442° x0.4) E,=E, From equation (4.6), =P _y, =1.19x10°KN-m El, +E,l, In which, M, = pale =24.573x10°KN-m (2) The axial force at the mid-span: fy 216 9.1429 ana x - 42 -0,1071 L U2 Lud 0.8 _ 04 From Figure 4.7, the factor o. can be determined a = 0.181 Take oc = 0.181 into equation (4.7), it can be obtained as follow hy = Ly =0.181%8.8 = 1.5928m From equation (4.8), the axial force at mid-span can be observed as follow 7 ate pM gait EN w h n ‘The same as above, when the height of the beam is , =2.4m,3.2m, the results are shown as follows: h, =2.4m: Eyl * BLtEL, pal2My, OM, a h, =3.2m: M, Exly E+E pale, OMe w h 4.5.3 Comparison M, =3.24x10°kN em I eee M, =6.36x10°KNem =3.95x10°kN ‘The results obtained from the finite element analysis and the proposed design formulas are presented in Table 4.2. It is seen that the results from the proposed design formulas show very good agreement with those of finite element method. In all cases, the difference between two sets of results is generally less than 5%. Table 4.2 Comparison between the finite element analysis and proposed formulas. Height of beam FEM Proposed | Difference | Percent Analyses Formulas 10°) (x10) x10’) 1.60m [M(kN-m) 117 1.19 0.02 17% TUN) 442 441 -0.01 0.2% 240m | MCkN-m) 3.13, 3.24 0.09) 2.9% TURN) 445 4.43 0.02 0.5% 320m | MCkN-m) 6.10 6.36 0.26 42% TCRN) 3.98 3.95, 0.03 “0.8% B Chapter 5 Conclusions In moder tall buildings, particularly those of super tall shear wall structures, it is often necessary to discontinue the load-bearing walls at the level of one of the lower floors so as to provide large open area for a concourse, garage or shops. Although the transfer beam system have been widely used in tall building construction, few research results have been published on the structural behaviour and failure mechanism. There is still a lack of simple and efficient, yet, accurate method of analysis for design of such structures. In this thesis, the structural behaviour and failure mechanism of the transfer beams supporting in-plane loaded shear walls have been investigated using the non-linear finite element method. A design recommendation for preliminary sizing of the transfer beam has been presented, Furthermore, due importance is given to the interaction of the transfer beam and supporting shear walls. Based on the finite element analysis, the stress distributions in the interactive zone of the shear wall subjected to vertical loads, the moments and tension force in the transfer beam have been presented. The transfer beam system can then be reduced to an equivalent portal frame structure. A set of design tables for calculating the internal forces of the transfer beam and support columns is developed for practical design purpose. Based on the box-foundation analogy, design formulas for the bending moments and axial force of the transfer beam are proposed. The results obtained from the proposed formulas agree very well with those from finite “ The principal objective of the research into structural behaviour and failure mechanisms of the transfer beams supporting in-plane loaded shear walls have been attained. On the basis of the investigation into structural behaviour and failure mechanisms, the following general conclusions are drawn: The thesis systematically and completely investigates the failure mode, the cracking load and failure load, the load transfer path and the load mechanism for the transfer beam in tall building. The study is based on the non-linear finite element analysis, by which the recommendations for design of the transfer beam are presented, The results have been very helpful for engineers to choose an efficient and reasonable size for the transfer beams in the preliminary design. 2. The span-depth of the transfer beam has a significant effect on the mode of failure for the transfer beam, With the increase in span-depth ratio, the failure mode would change from shear failure to flexural-shear failure and then to complete flexural failure. However, the change of the span-depth ratio has insignificant effect on the load transfer path. It indicates that the span-depth ratio of the beam does not significantly affect the loads transfer mechanisms, and the load transfer mechanisms are governed by both the transfer beam and shear wall. 3. The width of the transfer beam has a significant effect on the mode of failure for the transfer beam, too. With the increase in width of the beam, the failure mode would change from flexural-shear failure to flexural failure. However, the change of the width of the transfer beam has insignificant effect on the load transfer path. It indicates that the width of the beam does not significantly affect the loads ' transfer mechanisms, and the load transfer mechanisms are governed by the transfer beam, the shear wall and their strong interaction together. . The failure load decreases rapidly with the increase in the span-depth ratio ranging from 3 to 12. Out of this span-depth range, it is inefficient to increase the depth of the beam to get larger failure load. Similarly, it may not be useful to increase the width of the beam to get larger failure load when the width of the beam is larger than 3 times of the width of the shear wall. Based on the non-linear finite element analysis, the recommendations for design of the transfer beam are made as follows: (1) The span-depth ratio of the transfer beams could be ranged from 3 to 8. (2) The width of the beam could be chosen in the range from 2 to 3 times of the width of the shear wall. . In the present research, comprehensive studies on the structural behaviour of the interaction between the transfer girder and the shear wall have been carried out. Based on the calculation and reasonable simplification, a transfer beam-shear wall system has been reduced to an equivalent portal frame. By use of the portal frame simplification, a set of design tables is constructed for internal forces of transfer beams and support columns. . Under the action of vertical loading, the interactive zone is defined in the case of, transfer beam supporting in-plane loaded shear wall. The region in the shear wall from the interface and below the height equal to Lo, i.e. the clear span of the transfer beam, can be considered as interactive zone. In this region, the distributions of the stresses are significantly affected by the interaction effect. . The axial force reaches its maximum value at the mid-span in the transfer beam, and decreases towards the support columns. The axial force in beam is quite large 16 and cannot be neglected. For the flexural moment, the maximum value occurs at the mid-span in the transfer beam, too. Two contra-flexural points exist in the beam. When the stiffness of the support columns is large enough to restrict the transfer beam, the beam behaves as a fix-ended beam. If the stiffness of the columns is quite small, there is almost no restriction to the beam; the beam behaves as a simple supported beam. . A set of proposed formulas is developed based on a box-foundation analogy. The proposed formulas are quite simple, and the calculation results of the formulas agree very well with those of finite element method. ‘These formulas can present the structural behaviour very clearly. The research work on the proposed formulas can be considered to provide an efficient, reasonable and creative simplified ‘method for practical design. 1 References: 1. China Academy of Building Research. (1993). Structural Design of Transfer Floor in Tall Buildings, China Academy of Building Research, China, 253 pp. 2. Computers and Structures, Inc., (1997). SAP2000 Analysis Reference Volume 1, Berkeley, California, USA, 417 pp. 3. Coull, A., (1966)."Composite Action of Walls Supported on Beams”, Building Science, Vol. 1. pp. 259-270. 4, Fu, Xueyi, (1999). “Design Proposals of Tall Building Structures with Transfer Stories”, Building Structures Journal, April, pp. 28-42. 5. Green, D. 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The flexural moment factor ky, 3.10 The flextiral moment factor ky, 3.11 The flexural moment factor ky, 3.12 The flexural moment factor ky, 3.13 The results of finite element method for the design example 3.14 Comparison between the finite element analysis and design charts 80 Page 18 aL a 43 45 47 49 50 51 52 54 56 4.1. The results of finite element method for the example 70 4.2. Comparison between the finite element analysis and proposed formulas 73 aL APPENDIX B LIST OF FIGURES Figure: 1.1 Typical transfer floor structures 1.2 Structural forms for transfer floor structures 1.3. Frequently used transfer beam-shear wall systems 2.1 Prototype mode! for non-linear analysis 2.2 Finite element model for non-linear analysis, 2.3. Constructive models of materials 2.4 Cracking development for the beam with span-depth ratio 12 2.5 Cracking development for the beam with span-depth ratio 6 2.6 Cracking development for the beam with span-depth ratio 2 2.7, Load transfer path at different span-depth ratio 2.8 Variation of cracking load with different span-depth ratios 2.9 Variation of failure load with different span-depth ratios 2.10 Cracking development for the beam with width ratio 2 2.11 Cracking development for the beam with width ratio 5 2.12 Load transfer path at different width ratio 2.13 Variation ‘of cracking load with different width ratios 2.14 Variation of failure load with different width ratios 3.1 Typical transfer beam-shear wall system 3.2. Finite element model 3.3. Prototype model for analysis 2 Page 10 i n 13 15 16 7 19 20 2 22 23 28 29 3.4 The distribution of vertical stress in shear wall 3.5. Variation of the vertical stress along the height of the shear wall 3.6 The distribution of horizontal stress in wall-beam system 3.7 The distribution of shear stress in system. 3.8 Distribution of axial forces along the longitude of the beam 3.9 Variation of axial forces at mid-span 3.10 Moment diagram of beam 3.11 Variation of the moment at mid-span 3.12. Variation of the moment at beam ends 3.13 The portal frame model for design tables 3.14 A structure with transfer beam 3.15 Finite element model for the design example 4.1 A box-foundation structure 4.2. Typical transfer beam-shear wall system 4.3. Finite element model 4.4. Simplified box-foundation analogy mode! 4.5. Fitting curve for the effective length of the transfer beam 4.6-1 Distribution of horizontal stress along the midline of the structure 4.6-2 Distribution of the horizontal tensile stress at the mid-span 47 a value for », 48 @ value for w, 4.9 A practical structure with transfer beam 4.10 Finite element model for the practical structure 3 31 32 33 35 35 36 37 38 38 39 33 34 58 59 61 62 65 67 68 70

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