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ACI 325.

(Reapproved 1997)

Texturing Concrete Pavements

Reported by ACI Committee 325

Ralph L. Duncan* Shiraz D. Tayabji

Chairman Secretary

Carl P. Meglan Michel Amin Sargious

Richard O. Albright Robert J. Fluhr Jon I. Mullarky Terry W. Sherman
Walid Abu-Onk Wilbur C. Greer, Jr. Thomas J. Pasko, Jr. Douglas C. Staab
Glen Bollin Starr D. Kohn Robert W. Piggott William V. Wagner, Jr.
Jerry A. Breite Torbjorn J. Larsen Steven A. Ragan C. Philip Weisz*
Benjamin Colucci Richard A. McComb, Sr. John L. Rice* Gerald E. Wixson
Michael 1. Darter B. Frank McCullough Raymond S. Rollings William A. Yrianson*

The importance of the need for skid-resistant pavement has been Chapter 4-Maintenance, p. 325.6R-9
known for many years. Increased traffic volumes and speeds have in- 4.1-Snow and ice removal
creased the need for an improved skid-resistant surface. The empha- 4.2-Retexturing
sis has been to improve skid resistance by creating new surface tex-
tures that increase the “macrotexture” of the concrete pavement. Chapter 5-Standards related to this report, p.
These textures are created by forming the deeper textures in the plas- 325.6R-9
tic concrete during the finishing operations. Skid resistance has also
been improved in existing concrete pavements by sawing grooves in Chapter 6-References, p. 325.6R-10
the hardened concrete with cutting heads composed of a number of 6. l-Cited references
circular diamond saw blades. The traveling public may better under- 6.2-Related references
stand this as a process of placing a “tread” in the pavement surface,
which complements the tread on the car tires, and stops the vehicle
without skidding or loss of control by permitting the rapid escape of
1.1- Development of textures
Keywords: concrete finishes (hardened concrete); concrete finishing (fresh con-
crete); concrete pavements; maintenance; measurement; skid resistance; tex-
The importance of the need for a uniform surface
ture. texture to increase skid resistance of both highways and
airport pavements has been recognized for many
CONTENTS years. ‘s2
Chapter 1-Need for texture, p. 325.6R-1 The problem of skidding vehicles is not considered to
1.l-Development of textures be critical when low volumes of traffic and low speeds
1.2-Benefits of texturing are prevalent .3 During the late 1940s and early 1950s,
1.3-Factors affecting skid resistance
civil engineers raised serious concerns about pavement
safety on the highway system. Increasing traffic vol-
Chapter 2-Texture types, p. 325.6R-3 umes and speeds, which were contributing to a con-
2.l-Texturing plastic concrete
2.2-Texturing hardened concrete stantly increasing number of accidents and fatalities in
the United States, were the two main factors that led
Chapter 3-Testing, p. 325.6R-8 engineers to believe that pavement skid resistance
3.1-Measuring skid resistance needed to be improved if skidding accidents were to be
3.2-Measuring texture reduced.

ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and

Commentaries are intended for guidance in designing, plan-
ning, executing, or inspecting construction and in preparing Copyright @I 1988, American Concrete Institute.
specifications. Reference to these documents shall not be made All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or
by any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by any
in the Project Documents. If items found in these documents electronic or mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound
are desired to be part of the Project Documents they should or visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or de-
vice, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
be phrased in mandatory language and incorporated into the *Texturing Concrete Pavement Task Group.
Project Documents. The committee would like to recognize the contribution made by Martin L.
Cawley for background information and editorial help in preparing this report.


During the same period, aircraft runways were being airport runways and taxiways vary from 1 percent to a
more critically examined in terms of pavement slipperi- maximum of 1.5 percent. The cross slopes enhance the
ness. The advent of jet-powered aircraft quickly estab- skid resistance of textures by proving a good drainage
lished that high-performance airplanes, with accompa- characteristic.
nying higher takeoff and landing speeds, were much
more difficult to control on wet runways than were pis- 1.2 - Benefits of texturing
ton-type aircraft .4 The results of testing with a standard skid trailer
Published reports on the adverse effect of pavement (ASTM E 274) indicate that transverse textures pro-
slipperiness on vehicle control go back to the late nine- duce higher friction numbers than longitudinal textures
teenth century. The first concrete street in the United (higher friction numbers indicate greater skid resis-
States, built in Belfontaine, Ohio, had 4 x 4 in. (102 tance). However, it does not necessarily follow that
x 102 mm) squares formed in the plastic concrete to transverse textures should be used throughout the high-
provide traction for horses’ hooves. way system, since friction numbers, as measured with
Grooving hardened concrete pavement appears to the locked-wheel device, are not sensitive to cornering
have been a British innovation that was used in 1956 on friction. It is apparent from studies of grooved pave-
a number of airfield pavements in England. In the ment that longitudinal grooving increases cornering
United States in the early 1 9 6 0 s the California State friction significantly, whereas transverse grooving in-
Division of Highways started sawing grooves in pave- creases mainly longitudinal braking friction.5 Trans-
ments to reduce hydroplaning on curves.4 verse grooves provide a path perpendicular to the di-
Textures have also been constructed on bridges and rection of travel for the escape of water under the tire,
parking-deck ramps by building up a multicomponent which is an important factor in reducing hydroplaning.
epoxy coating system, as indicated in ACI 503.3-79. The Edens Expressway in Cook County, Ill., was
For many years, pavement texturing in plastic concrete constructed as a jointed portland cement concrete
had been accomplished with a burlap drag or a belt pavement in the early 1950s. The pavement was resur-
faced with a bituminous concrete mix in the late 1960s.
drawn longitudinally along the pavement surface. Dur-
ing the late 1960s, deeper texturing efforts were initi- Between 1979 and 1980, it was reconstructed as a con-
ated. Textures on pavements have been made with both tinuously reinforced concrete pavement. The texturing
technique used in the reconstructed pavement was a
longitudinal and transverse patterns using brooms, tin-
longitudinally drawn artificial turf drag followed by a
ing combs or rakes, roller imprints, and a longitudi-
transverse tine device. The positive benefits of surface
nally drawn, coarse polyethylene artificial-turf drag in-
tining are reflected in a comparison of the accident sta-
verted to provide texture.
tistics compiled for the four years before and after its
The concerns of engineers in developing new deeper
reconstruction, as shown in Table 1.2. The northbound
textures in concrete whether in the plastic state or in the
lanes were installed in 1979 with tining combs that had
hardened state were:
tines spaced at 1/2 in. (13 mm). In 1980, the south-
1. The possibility of objectionable pavement noise.
bound lanes were constructed; however, the tine spac-
2. The possibility of increased roughness, which
would cause objectionable vehicle handling character-
istics. Table 1.2 - Statistics compiled by Illinois De-
3. Problems associated with vehicles, particularly partment of Transportation, District 1 Bureau of
motorcycles, experiencing sensations of “tracking” or Traffic
loss of handling control of the vehicle on longitudinal Safety impact of Edens Expressway reconstruction - Four years be-
fore-after comparison of Edens Expressway versus System*
Accidents before Accidents after
4. Increased aircraft-tire wear associated with high- reconstruction: econstruction: Change,
speed landings on deeper textured pavements. Accident type 1 1974 to 1977 1981 to 1984 percent
5. Increased pavement wear and rutting.
Highway and airport designers have no control over 59,869 - 3.9
3249 - 22.9
vehicle speed and tire characteristics, and therefore
must pay attention to the skid resistance of the pave- 181 - 7.7
ment surfaces in their designs. Specifications should be 11 - 8.3
adopted for constructing new portland cement concrete
pavements with satisfactory surface textures and 13,677 - 8.9
1001 - 22.8
crowns for existing older pavements that have lost their
skid resistance.
Cross slopes (or crowns) built into concrete pave- 16,470 + 8.9
851 - 40.8
ments, airport runways, and high-speed turnoffs pro-
vide for draining the water from the surface rapidly.
Generally, a minimum cross slope on highways of 1 7769 + 2.4
510 - 40.8
percent is recommended. Slopes greater than this can be
used provided they are consistent with road safety and *Chicago Metropolitan Expressway System accident experience excluding
Edens Expressway.
driveability of the vehicles using them. Cross slopes on Note: Edens Expressway under construction 1978 to 1980.

ing was changed to 3/4 in. (19 mm) to reduce tearing of Some of the earliest investigations and technical re-
the concrete surface. Although a slight increase in noise ports on loss of vehicle control, which came from the
level was anticipated, it was negligible when measured National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA),
and actually screened out by other noises. The 3/4 in. were primarily concerned with hydroplaning of aircraft
(19 mm) tine s pa cingis now standard in Illinois.” during wet weather operations. The U.S. Army Air
The reduction of the “wet, snow/ice road surface Corps, and its successor the U.S. Air Force, also did
conditions” accidents in Table 1.2 shows a very im- valuable work on this subject. Later, the Road Re-
pressive safety impact has been achieved by reducing search Laboratory in Great Britain began investiga-
accidents. This improvement has been attributed to the tions related to hydroplaning of automobiles. Concur-
improved surface texture. rent with this research, the Americans and Germans
Additional benefits observed on pavements with the studied tires and road surfaces to seek their own theo-
deeper textures are: 1) a reduction in water spray from ries of the factors contributing to skidding.5
traffic due to improved surface drainage, by providing
channels for the expulsion of water at the tire-pave-
ment interface into the grooves or deeper striations; 2)
a reduction in headlight glare due to the rougher sur- CHAPTER 2 - TEXTURE TYPES
face of the pavement; and 3) a slower buildup of rub- 2.1 - Texturing plastic concrete
ber on runways due to airplane touchdowns on grooved 2.1.1 Artificial turf texture - This finish (Fig. 2.1.1)
airport pavements. 2.1.1) may be accomplished by using artificial turf in-
verted and suitably attached to a device that will permit
1.3 - Factors affecting skid resistance control of the time and rate of texturing. A transverse
Skid resistance of pavements is affected by both the artificial turf with approximately 2 ft. in contact with
“microtexture” of the pavement as related to the sand the pavement surface and operated longitudinally in the
in the mortar portion of the concrete mixture; and by direction that the pavement is being placed should be
the “macrotexture,” which is defined as the measur- required. The artificial turf may be weighted to pro-
able deeper striations or grooves formed in the plastic duce a deeper and more uniform texture.
concrete during the finishing operations, or the shallow One artificial turf that provides a satisfactory texture
grooves cut in the hardened pavement with cutting is made of molded polyethylene with turf blades ap-
heads composed of uniformly spaced circular diamond proximately 0.85 in. (21.6 mm) long, and containing
saw blades. This report will not discuss microtexture. 7200 individual blades per ft2 (930 cm2).
The term “hydroplaning” refers to the separation of 2.1.2 Transverse tine texture - This finish (Fig.
tire contact from the pavement surface by a layer of 2.1.2) may be obtained by using a single pass of an ar-
water. This separation causes a loss of steering and tificial turf or burlap followed by a mechanically oper-
braking control of the vehicle. Hydroplaning is a com- ated transverse-texturing device. The texturing device
plex phenomenon that is affected by 1) water depth; 2) consists of a single line of flat, slightly flexible, tem-
pavement texture; 3) tire-tread depth; 4) tire-inflation pered spring steel tines, spaced at not less than 1/2 in.
pressure; 5) tire-contact area; and 6) vehicle speed. An (12.7 mm) nor more than 1 in. (25 mm) centers. Closer
approximate relationship exists between the speed at centering of the tines will lead to early raveling while
which hydroplaning will occur and the tire inflation larger spacing may lead to objectionable road noise.
pressure Random spacings have been used on some projects due
Hydroplane speed = 10.35 \/ tire pressure to the concern for noise developing from a uniform
spacing. The tine width should be 1/8 in. (3.2 mm).
when speed is in mph and pressure is in psi. Texturing is applied while the concrete is still plastic

Fig. 2.1.1-Artificial turf texture


enough to obtain a depth of at least 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) but 2.1.4 Transverse broom texture - This finish (Fig.
not more than 1/4 in. (6.4 mm). The texture is obtained 2.1.4) may be obtained by using a mechanically oper-
by one continuous pass of the width of pavement being ated transverse broom finishing device. The broom
textured. Additional passes or overlapping are not de- consists of multiple rows of stiff bristles capable of
sirable because they create weak narrow ridges of mor- producing striations 1/16 to 1/8 in. (1.6 to 3.2 mm) deep
tar that will break easily under traffic. in the plastic concrete. The striations are uniform in
2.1.3 Longitudinal tine texture - The longitudinal appearance with a spacing approximately equal to their
tine texture (Fig. 2.1.3) is accomplished with the same depth and are transverse to the pavement centerline.
basic materials, equipment, and care as the transverse 2.1.5 Longitudinal broom texture - The longitudi-
tine texture, except that the tines are pulled in a line nal broom texture (Fig. 2.1.5) is accomplished with the
parallel with the centerline of pavement. same basic materials, equipment, and care as the trans-

Fig. 2. 1 .2- Transverse tine texture

Fig. 2.1.3-Longitudinal tine texture

Fig. 2. 1. 4- Transverse broom texture


verse broom finish except that the brooms are operated 3. Transverse broom
in a direction parallel to the pavement centerline. 4. Longitudinal artificial turf
2.1.6 Transverse tine with longitudinal artificial turf 5. Longitudinal tine
texture - The transverse tine texture preceded by the 6. Longitudinal broom
longitudinal artificial turf finish (Fig. 2.1.6) is recom- The values were obtained when the various surface tex-
mended for high-speed highways or where sudden ac- tures were tested in accordance with ASTM E 274 for a
celeration or deceleration (panic stops) may occur. The locked-wheel skid trailer.
transverse texture provides 1) a better drainage pattern; The following graphs illustrate the changes in fric-
2) improved initial skid resistance in a longitudinal di- tion numbers obtained in October, 1976 (when con-
rection; 3) a longer lasting texture due to deeper valleys structed) and for three succeeding years for each of the
as compared to the broom; and 4) a slight improve- textures constructed in plastic concrete. Fig. 2.1.7(a)
ment in cornering control provided by the initial pass of and 2.1.7(b) are plotted for regular (treaded) tires at 40
longitudinal artificial turf. A longitudinal tine texture mph from data listed in Table 2.1.7.
could be used on areas such as curves where cornering 2.1.8 Factors affecting pavement texture - The
forces are required. Other textures may be appropriate depths obtained with the various types of texturing in
on low-speed roads or city streets and highways; they plastic concrete depend upon the timing of the textur-
provide satisfactory initial skid resistance, but they will ing operation. Therefore, field-inspection personnel
wear smooth at an earlier age. should work with the contractor to achieve the desired
2.1.7 Friction numbers of textures - Table 2.1.7, for depth of texture. Because timing is critical, it is recom-
friction numbers at 30, 40, and 50 mph, indicates that mended that the texturing machine be a separate piece
the best results were obtained by the various textures as of equipment. Combining this operation with another
follows.7 The results are listed from highest (best) to one, such as a membrane-curing machine, may delay
lowest: the texturing until less than desirable depths of textur-
1. Longitudinal artificial turf and transverse tine ing are obtained. The benefit of the deeper texture is
2. Transverse tine longer service life, assuming studded tires are not per-

Fig. 2.1.5-Longitudinal broom texture

Fig. 2.1.6 -Transverse tine texture with longitudinal artificial turf texture

Table 2.1.7 - Friction number at 30,40 and 50 mph (Reference 7)

Texture FN30 Range
___ Range FN 60 Range____
Lane 2 Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 1 Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 1 Lane 2
Transverse tine and
artificial turf (longitudinal)
__ __ __ __ __ __
10-05-76 69-87 71 62-77 62 53-74
07-18-77 68 62-69 65-72 62 67 61-64 63-71 57 63 54-59 60-68
10-24-77 67 71 65-69 68-74 64 68 62-67 66-70 59 64 56-61 61-69
04-24/25-78 Reg.* 63 75 61-67 73-78 56 71 54-58 69-74 53 68 52-55 66-69
04-24/25-78 Slic 61 71 56-65 66-76 51 66 46-57 61-73 47 57 45-50 48-64
10-10-78 Reg. 57 62 55-61 61-65 54 60 52-55 58-62 50 58 48-54 56-59
10-10-78 Slicks 56 58 52-61 55-61 48 54 46-49 45-57 46 51 39-50 44-57
07-06-79 Reg. 61 62 60-64 58-65 57 63 55-58 61-64 53 61 50-55 58-65
07-06-79 Slicks 60 61 54-65 57-66 54 60 48-57 58-62 50 58 48-51 44-62
10-19-79 Reg. 55 65 52-58 63-68 53 64 51-57 60-68 50 60 48-54 57-61
10-19-79 Slicks 52 62 48-53 59-65 46 57 43-49 50-60 41 52 38-44 49-55

Transverse tine
__ __ __ __ __ __
10-05-76 79 72-86 65 59-73 56 52-61
07-18-77 62 65 61-64 62-70 56 58 53-59 54-60 51 56 45-53 53-62
10-24-77 67 68 64-69 64-73 61 63 57-63 60-65 55 59 53-58 54-62
04-24/25-78 Reg. 61 72 59-64 68-75 56 66 52-58 63-68 50 62 47-53 58-64
04-24/25-78 Slicks 54 61 40-61 45-72 45 60 29-55 46-66 35 49 26-42 36-59
10-10-78 Reg. 57 61 55-60 59-64 54 56 52-55 53-58 51 53 48-54 50-55
10-10-78 Slicks 47 50 42-55 36-54 39 44 23-45 31-50 35 40 18-40 31-47
07-06-79 Reg. 58 61 54-64 59-64 56 59 54-58 56-62 52 56 50-54 54-58
07-06-79 Slicks 54 56 38-61 44-64 43 53 28-52 45-58 43 43 29-49 30-53
10-19-79 Reg. 57 61 53-61 58-64 53 59 50-55 57-62 47 54 45-49 49-57
10-19-79 Slicks 47 56 39-53 43-63 41 50 27-47 34-55 36 44 25-43 29-49

Transverse broom
__ __ __ __ __ -
10-05-76 69 60-74 61 56-66 50 45-55
07-18-77 61 66 56-67 53-71 53 57 48-57 50-62 45 50 39-53 42-52
10-24-77 62 70 59-66 68-73 59 64 56-62 60-67 53 56 51-55 54-59
04-24/25-78 Reg. 61 73 59-62 71-77 52 65 51-54 59-69 45 61 40-47 57-63
04-24/35-78 Slicks 29 40 25-31 33-46 21 42 17-25 36-48 14 21 12-18 14-28
10-10-78 Reg. 53 61 48-55 56-64 51 56 48-53 55-57 46 51 45-47 50-53
10-10-78 Slicks 25 37 23-27 34-39 19 26 18-22 23-30 15 22 13-18 18-26
07-06-79 Reg. 55 65 53-57 63-67 52 60 49-54 58-61 48 54 44-50 51-57
07-06-79 Slicks 33 37 29-37 32-40 27 30 22-30 22-39 22 25 19-26 21-33
10-19-79 Reg. 53 62 51-55 60-64 49 60 46-53 57-62 44 54 42-46 53-56
10-19-79 Slicks 29 39 24-31 32-42 21 32 18-23 28-38 16 24 14-20 16-27

Artificial turf (longitudinal)

__ __ __ - __ __
10-05-76 68 61-78 55 42-65 42 38-48
07-18-77 57 64 47-63 60-67 48 55 40- 50 48-60 40 46 31-47 41-50
10-24-77 63 65 62-66 61-68 52 58 48-58 54-64 49 51 42-57 49-53
04-24/25-78 Reg. 60 73 54-63 66-78 51 65 46-57 60-68 43 54 39-46 51-59
04-24/25-78 Slicks 33 48 27-39 34-61 23 38 15-33 29-48 16 24 10-25 15-34
10-10-78 Reg. 54 61 50-59 59-64 49 56 44-54 53-58 44 49 38-48 46-52
10-10-78 Slicks 31 45 24-40 35-50 21 31 18-27 23-34 16 25 13-22 18-32
07-06-79 Reg. 58 62 56-59 60-65 50 60 50-51 57-61 47 54 43-52 49-57
07-06-79 Slicks 39 46 28-51 38-52 27 35 21-34 23-41 24 26 18-30 21-34
10-19-79 Reg. 54 64 51-57 62-65 49 57 47-54 53-60 44 50 41-47 47-55
10-19-79 Slicks 29 39 25-37 29-44 21 26 17-26 22-34 16 23 9-19 17-28

Longitudinal tine
__ - __ __ __ __
10-05-76 66 60-72 53 46-60 45 39-57
07-18-77 61 62 56-67 55-66 54 54 47-60 46-60 47 48 36-53 41-56
10-24-77 64 64 61-68 62-68 58 59 52-63 55-62 54 52 49-58 46-57
04-24/25-78 Reg. 61 70 58-66 66-72 53 65 49-59 62-67 48 58 46-51 54-61
04-24/25-78 Slicks 56 64 45-61 51-74 36 48 22-50 28-58 38 41 25-45 22-59
10-10-78 Reg. 56 58 54-59 56-59 52 54 48-55 50-57 49 49 45-52 45-51
10-10-78 Slicks 54 47 49-57 39-55 40 39 33-47 31-46 35 31 24-41 23-45
07-06-79 Reg. 61 62 58-64 60-63 59 59 57-61 58-61 52 57 49-56 53-60
07-06-79 Slicks 53 59 45-58 53-62 49 50 41-55 42-55 39 43 30-45 34-59
10-19-79 Reg. 58 60 54-60 59-62 55 56 52-57 53-58 49 50 46-52 46-53
10-19-79 Slicks 48 50 37-54 42-56 41 40 30-48 28-48 34 31 24-41 21-41

Longitudinal broom
__ __ __ __ __ __
10-05-76 65 52-76 52 43-65 37 35-41
07-18-77 56 60 52-61 57-64 49 51 46-52 45-56 43 46 38-49 41-48
10-24-77 62 63 58-64 60-66 57 56 55-59 54-59 50 49 46-52 47-51
04-24/25-78 Reg. 61 71 55-63 68-73 49 62 45-52 61-64 44 55 42-45 53-57
04-24/25-78 Slicks 31 42 29-33 36-47 23 28 19-40 23-30 14 17 12-16 14-21
10-10-78 Reg. 55 59 53-58 58-60 53 53 52-54 49-56 45 48 42-47 46-50
10-10-78 Slicks 35 39 31-38 35-44 21 26 18-23 22-33 20 21 15-32 18-30
07-06-79 Reg. 60 63 58-61 61-65 53 61 49-56 59-64 48 56 45-50 54-58
07-06-79 Slicks 36 38 34-39 35-44 28 26 26-31 22-29 20 21 18-23 17-23
*“Reg. denotes treaded tires ; “slicks” are smooth or nontreaded tires.

1976 1977 1976 1979

Fig. 2.1.7(a)-Friction__number changes: Various textures ( __ = transverse tine; X

= longitudinal tine; \/ = transverse broom) ^








1976 1977 1976 1979

Fig. 2.1.7(b)-Friction number changes: Various textures (0 = longitudinal

broom; T = transverse tine and longitudinal turf; 0 = artificial turf [longitudi-

mitted on vehicles using the road. There is no known cially during rain, snow, or icing conditions, which may
texture that can survive wear in the tire paths caused by cause an operator to lose control of his or her vehicle.
normal volumes of traffic using studded tires.
Rain on a pavement surface during construction may 2.2 - Texturing hardened concrete
obliterate the texture if the concrete has not hardened Skid resistance on worn, polished, contaminated, or
sufficiently. 8 This can be corrected by grinding the slippery hardened concrete may be improved by several
pavement and grooving the concrete in the hardened methods, including diamond grinding and/or groov-
state by the use of diamond-blade saws. Leaving a rain- ing, sandblasting, waterblasting, or chemically treating
damaged texture uncorrected will create an area of of the pavement surface. Sandblasting, chemical treat-
pavement with a surface of a different texture. This will ment, or grinding can produce an improved skid resis-
cause different vehicle-handling characteristics, espe- tance; however, sawed transverse grooves will result in

Fig. 2.2.2-Diamond saw-blade texture

improved texture, better drainage, greater skid num- CHAPTER 3 - TESTING

bers and a longer life with improved skid resistance. 3.1 - Measuring skid resistance
2.2.1 Groove patterns - Sawed groove patterns for 3.1.1 Airport pavements - The skid resistance of
highways should be not less than 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) wide airport pavements is measured by the British “Mu-Me-
or more than 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) deep and centered at not ter” (ASTM E 670), which is used throughout the
less than 1/2 in. (13 mm) nor more than 1 in. (25 mm). world. It is a simple device and consistent when used on
Highway grooving may be transverse or longitudi- level, tangent sections of pavement and has the mobil-
nal. The transverse grooves are cut at 90 deg to the ity needed to take measurements with a minimum
centerline of the pavement while the longitudinal amount of runway downtime.9
grooves are cut parallel to the centerline of the pave- 3.1.2 Highway pavements
ment. Skid trailer - Surface friction-number
Generally, transverse grooving is recommended for measurements of highway pavements in the United
highways, particularly where frequent braking action is States are typically made using a locked-wheel skid
required. The exception might be on curves or heavily trailer that meets the requirements of ASTM E 274.
traveled highways. However, the interference to traffic This procedure measures the frictional force on a
caused by closing more than one lane at a time, along locked test wheel as it is dragged over a wet pavement
with the greatly increased time to groove the pavement surface under constant load and a constant speed, with
and increased cost, has resulted in longitudinal groov- its major plane parallel to the direction of motion and
ing being used in lieu of transverse grooving. Trans- perpendicular to the pavement. The standard reference
verse textured surfaces tend to be noisier than longitu- speed is usually 40 mph, and the results are expressed
dinally textured surfaces when the textures are new. As as a friction number (FN). Well-textured new pave-
the surfaces experience traffic wear, the variations be- ments will have friction numbers above 60 when tested
tween the noise levels decrease and are insufficient to at a speed of 40 mph.
rule out their use as a final finish.7 British pendulum- The British pendulum
For airports, the Federal Aviation Administration of device (ASTM E 303) has also been used to measure
the U.S. Department of Transportation recommends surface friction properties. A number of other devices
that the sawed-groove pattern on runways should be have been used, including the diagonal brake vehicle,
transverse (perpendicular to the direction of aircraft Swedish skiddometer, James brake decelerometer, and
motion). The grooves should be 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) wide the Miles friction trailer.
by 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) deep with center-to-center groove
spacing not less than 1 1/8 in. (28.6 mm) nor more than
2 in. (50.8 mm).9 3.2 - Measuring texture
2.2.2 Reprofiling pavements - Before texturing Pavement textures are complex, and therefore ef-
hardened concrete, particularly in areas where studded forts at correlating skid resistance with texture mea-
tires are permitted, field checks should be made to de- surements have had marginal success. There are many
termine whether ruts have been worn in the pavement different proposed methods for measuring pavement
surface, creating water channels and making hydro- texture. All attempt to set some minimum value that
planing very probable. A suggested method of reprofil- would produce an acceptable macrotexture.10 They all
ing pavements is the use of a multiple diamond saw- give a measurement of the average texture depth. The
blade grinding machine. These machines have been de- sand-patch test, the NASA grease smear technique, the
veloped specifically to restore the cross slope or crown silicone-putty test, static drainage (outflow meter), and
in the pavement, and will leave a texture of shallow fins stereo photo interpretation are methods that have been
of concrete, as shown in Fig. 2.2.2. used.

3.2.1 Sand patch test - A measured amount of sand 4.2 - Retexturing

is poured on the pavement and the pile is carefully Large areas of smoother textures, such as those
spread over the surface to form a circle. The texture caused by rain damage in plastic concrete surfaces,
depth of the surface is then determined from the diam- have been reported to ice up faster than areas with
eter of the circle of sand.” deeper textures, thereby lowering the friction number.
3.2.2 NASA grease smear technique - A measured Drivers traveling from a new section of pavement with
amount of grease is placed on the pavement and spread the deeper textures onto a rain-damaged pavement, or
on the pavement between two lines of masking tape 4 to an older pavement surface where the surface texture
in. (102 mm) apart. The grease is then worked into the has been worn smooth, may experience inferior ve-
voids of the pavement with a rubber squeegee, with hicle-handling characteristics. This is particularly true
care taken that no grease is left on the tape or squee- in rainy, snowy, or icing conditions. These areas can be
gee. The distance along the taped lines is measured and corrected by grooving the older pavement with multiple
the area is then computed.9 diamond saw-blade grinding or grooving machines.
3.2.3 Silicone putty test - A known volume of sili-
cone putty is formed into an approximate sphere and
placed on the pavement surface. A recess in a plate is
centered over the putty, and the plate is pressed down
in firm contact with the surface. The average diameter CHAPTER 5- STANDARDS RELATED TO THIS
of the deformed putty is recorded.” REPORT
3.2.4 Static drainage (outflow meter) test - A spec- The documents of the various standards-producing
ified-size cylinder with a rubber ring glued to its bot- organizations referred to in this document are listed
tom face is placed on the pavement surface and loaded below with their serial designation, including year of
so that the rubber ring will drape over the aggregate adoption or revision. The documents listed were the
particles, similar to that expected of tire tread ele- latest effort at the time this document was written.
ments. Water is poured into the cylinder, and the time Since some of these documents are revised frequently,
required for a known volume of water to escape generally in minor detail only, the user of this docu-
through the pavement and between the rubber ring and ment should check directly with the sponsoring group
surface is measured.10 if it is desired to refer to the latest revision.
3.2.5 Stereophotograph test (E 770-80) - The ster-
eophotographs of the pavement surface are viewed American Concrete Institute
through a transparent grid with a 10 x 10 mm grid. The 503.3-79 Standard Specification for Pro-
six texture parameter numbers for each of ten random (Reapproved 1986) ducing a Skid-Resistant Surface
centimeter-squares are noted. The texture parameter on Concrete by the Use of a
number of the pavement photograph is the average of Multi-Component Epoxy System
the parameter number of the ten squares.
E 274-85 Standard Test Method for Skid
Resistance of Paved Surfaces Us-
ing a Full-Scale Tire
CHAPTER 4 - MAINTENANCE E 303-83 Standard Method for Measuring
4.1 - Snow and ice removal Surface Frictional Properties us-
Pavements that are located in areas with snow or ic- ing the British Pendulum Tester
ing conditions, and which require deeper textures to E 501-82 Standard Specification for Stan-
obtain higher skid resistance, may require an increased dard Tire for Pavement Skid-Re-
maintenance effort to remove the snow and ice. Snow- sistance Tests
plows may experience more rapid wear of the plow E 524-82 Standard Specification for
blades. Windblown snow tends to accumulate more on Smooth-Tread Standard Tire for
deeper textures, especially when the wind is blowing in Special-Purpose Pavement Skid-
a direction which is at right angles to the striations of Resistance Tests
the texture. In some cases, increased quantities of E 556-82 Standard Method for Calibrating
snow-removal chemicals will correct the condition. Al- a Wheel Force on Torque Trans-
though concern has been expressed by some observers ducer Using a Calibration Plat-
that the increased use of deicing chemicals on pave- form (User Level)
ments with the deeper textures may cause earlier dete- E 660-83 Standard Practice for Acceler-
rioration (especially in areas adjacent to curb and gut- ated Polishing of Aggregates or
ter sections and on bridge decks adjacent to the curb Pavement Surfaces Using a
sections where brine accumulations may occur), this has Small-Wheel, Circular Track
not been verified by field observation. Salt-exposure Polishing Machine
laboratory tests on properly air-entrained concrete in- E 670-85 Standard Test Method for Side
dicate that increasing amounts of deicing salts do not Friction on Paved Surfaces Using
contribute to increased texture deterioration. the Mu-Meter

E 707-79 Standard Test Method for Skid 6. “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction,”
(Reapproved 1984) Resistance of Paved Surfaces Us- Illinois Department of Transportation, Springfield, Oct. 1983, 238
ing the North Carolina State Uni- pp.
7. Dierstein, Phil G., “A Study of P.C.C. Pavement Texturing
versity Variable-Speed Friction Characteristics in Illinois,” IDOT Physical Research Report No. 95,
Tester Illinois Department of Transportation, Springfield, 1982, 54 pp.
E 770-80 Standard Test Method for Clas- 8. “Interim Guidelines for Protection and Acceptance of Concrete
(Reapproved 1985) sifying Pavement Surface Tex- Pavements Exposed to Rain During Construction,” Technical Bulle-
tin No. 17, American Concrete Pavement Association, Arlington
tures Heights, 1974, 11 pp.
E 965-83 Standard Test Method for Mea- 9. “Methods for the Design, Construction, and Maintenance of
suring Surface Macrotexture Skid Resistant Airport Pavement Surfaces,” Advisory Circular No.
Depth Using a Sand Volumetric 150/5320-12, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C.,
Technique 1975, 73 pp.
10. Rose, J. G.; Hutchinson, J. W.; and Gallaway, B. M., “Sum-
mary and Analysis of the Attributes of Methods of Surface Texture
These publications may be obtained from the follow- Measurement ,"” Skid Resistance of Highway Pavements, STP-530,
ing organizations: ASTM, Philadelphia, 1973, pp. 60-77.
11. Chamberlin, William P., and Amsler, Duane E., “Measuring
American Concrete Institute Surface Texture of Concrete Pavements by the Sand-Patch Method,”
Report No. FHWA-NY-78-RR62, New York State Department of
P.O. Box 19150 Transportation, Albany, 1978, 18 pp.
Detroit, MI 48219-0150
6.2 - Related references
12. “Skid Resistance,” NCHRP Synthesis No. 14, Highway Re-
ASTM search Board, Washington, D.C., 1972, 66 pp.
1916 Race St. 13. “Guidelines for Skid Resistant Pavement Design,” American
Philadelphia, PA 19103 Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Wash-
ington, D.C., 1976, 20 pp.
CHAPTER 6 - REFERENCES 14. Ryell, J.; Hajek, J. J.; and Musgrove, G. R., “Concrete Pave-
6.1 - Cited references ment Surface Textures in Ontario - Development, Testing and Per-
1. Murphy, William E., “The Skidding Resistance of Concrete formance,” paper presented at Transportation Research Board,
Pavements: A Review of Research, Development and Practice in the Washington, D.C., Jan. 1976.
United Kingdom,” Roadways and Airport Pavements, SP-51, Amer- 15. “Skidding Accidents-Pavement Characteristics,” Transpor-
ican Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1975, pp. 231-256. tation Research Record No. 622, Transportation Research Board,
2. “Guidelines for Texturing of Portland Cement Concrete Pave- 1977, 110 pp.
ments,” Technical Bulletin No. 19, American Concrete Pavement 16. Balmer, G. G., “The Significance of Pavement Texture,” Re-
Association, Arlington Heights, 1975, 13 pp. port No. FHWA-RD-75-12, Federal Highway Administration,
3. Davis, J. L.; Ledbetter, W. B.; and Meyer, A. H., “Final Re- Washington, D.C., 1975, 44 pp.
port on Concrete Experimental Test Sections in Brazos County, 17. “Interim Report for Runway Rubber Removal Specification
Texas,” Research Report No. 141-4F, Texas Transportation Insti- Development: Field Evaluation Results and Data Analysis,” Report
tute, College Station, 1974. No. DOT/FAA/PM-85/32, Federal Aviation Administration, Wash-
4. “A Guide to Highway Grooving,” General Electric, Worthing- ington, D.C., July 1984-July 1985, 106 pp.
ton, Ohio. 18. “Rubber Removal Specification Development-Final Re-
5. Gallaway, B.M.; Ivey, D. L.; Ross, H. E., Jr.; Ledbetter, W. port,” Report No. DOT/FAA/PM-85/33, Federal Aviation Admin-
B.; Woods, D. L.; and Schiller, R. E., Jr., “Tentative Pavement and istration, Washington, D.C., May 1983-Sept. 1985, 51 pp.
Geometric Design Criteria for Minimizing Hydroplaning,” Report
No. FHWA-RD-79-3 1, Federal Highway Administration, Washing- This report was submitted to letter ballot of the committee and was
ton, D.C., 1979. approved in accordance with ACI balloting procedures.

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