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Angus, Roger, Tan, Saw, Ivan


Date/Day : 30 March 2016 (Wednesday)

Time : 8.00 a.m – 9.00 a.m (1 hour)

Class : 6 Gemilang (24 pupils)

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Animals

Focused Skill : Listening and Speaking

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a) guess at least 2 out of 4 sound of animals correctly.
b) match at least 2 out of 4 names with pictures of animals correctly

Educational Emphases: Values and citizenship

Multiple Intelligences: visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic

Moral Value : Love animals

Teaching aids : Wordcards, puzzles

Angus, Roger, Tan, Saw, Ivan

Steps/Time Content Notes
Set induction Animals: 1. Teacher asks pupils to arrange Teaching Aids:
(5 min) Chicken, puzzles of animals on the board. Puzzles
snake, wild MI:
boar, squirrel i) Visual-spatial

Pre-writing 1. Teacher presents the different Teaching Aids:

activity types of animals with their names i) Wordcards
(15 min) using wordcards.
2. Pupils read the names aloud
after the teacher. MI:
ii) Verbal-
While-writing 1. Teacher asks a pupil to come MI:
activity to the front of the class and make i) Verbal-linguistic
(15 min) the sound of an animal.

2. The rest of the class guess the

name of the animal.

Post-writing 1. Teacher distributes the Teaching Aids:

activity wordcards of animals to pupils in i) Wordcards
(20 min) groups.

2. Pupils paste the word cards MI:

below the animals correctly. i) Verbal-linguistic

Closure 1. Teacher instils moral value EE:

(5 min) among the pupils. Values and

Moral Value:
Love animals

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