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1. Which two are benefits of understanding your writing process?

I. Improves the reliability of your writing process

II. Allows you to write a message faster
III. Makes you slow down and think
IV. Increases your attention to detail
V. Increases your writing efficiency
I and V
2. Editing and Correcting is one of the four parts or stages of the writing process.
3. Revising is one of the four parts or stages of the writing process.
4. Which two are ways of generating ideas for a written message.
I. Taking notes
II. Asking questions
III. Making an outline
IV. Asking an expert what you should write
V. Reading a book about writing
II and III
5. Select the phrase that best completes this sentence:
The goal of drafting is to write a first draft that expresses your thinking,
but isn't necessarily ready for the audience.
6. The goal of the editing part of the writing process is to make the sentences
easy to read.
7. Which of these items is not a quality of good business writing?
8. Direct writing means writing that tells the audience what the writer thinks.
9. Which practice is most important to clear writing?
Using logical sentence structure
10. Because reading is linear, writing needs a linear structure.
11. Select the phrase that best completes this sentence:
The first step of Writing for Action Style is...
12. Find the action.
Using the passive voice in business writing is never justified.
13. Select the best definition of tone in writing.
Tone is the writer's attitude toward the audience and the subject as conveyed
through a message.
14. Select the word that best describes the tone of this sentence:
We have enjoyed many successes over the last few quarters; nevertheless,
we must remember that success is never guaranteed and can evaporate
15. The following topic implies an informative purpose:
The terms of a company's tuition support for employees doing academic work
related to their jobs.
16. The following topic implies an informative purpose:
The advantages of doing job-related academic work
17. Which one of the following items is not useful for analyzing the audience of an
informative communication?
The identity of the audience
Any barriers to communication
The audience's knowledge of the topic
The audience's attitude toward the topic
The communicator's attitude toward the audience
The communicator's previous experience with the topic
18. Narrative can be an effective organizer of informative communication.
19. Order of importance can be an effective organizer of informative
20. The opening of an informative communication has three functions. Two of
them are telling the audience the information that will be delivered and why
they need to know it. What is the third?
Connecting the information to the audience's existing knowledge
21. Select the word that best completes this sentence:
The purpose of persuasive writing is to motivate an audience to think, feel, or
_______ in the way the communicator intends.
22. In business, persuasion typically involves one or two communications.
23. You can use the same audience analysis questions for informative and
persuasive writing.
24. Reason is a resource for creating persuasion.
25. Character is a resource for creating persuasion.
26. Emotions are too unpredictable to use for persuading a business audience.
27. Which one of the following items is seldom used for persuading business
28. All are frequently used (Emotion, Character, Argument, Qualitative evidence)
Writers in business have to be prepared to receive unanticipated information and
adapt their persuasion messages as necessary.
29. Select the word that best completes this sentence:
Action plans are critical to organizations because they translate _________
into action.
30. What is the objective of an action plan based on a diagnosis?
Capitalize on positives, eliminate or reduce negatives
Distribute information
Assign responsibility
Fix a problem
31. Which one of the following is not an essential element of an action plan?
32. The goals of an action plan summarize the major outcomes of the plan.
33. It is usually not necessary to divide an action plan into short-term and long-
term steps.
34. The term "digital disinhibition" means the tendency of people using digital
media to say things they would never say if the recipient were physically
35. Which of the following is not one of the six steps stated in "The Guidelines for
Writing Successful Emails"?
Don't be concerned about spelling or punctuation.
36. Recipients of ultra-short form messages such as texts don't care about
sentence construction, punctuation, or spelling.
37. Ultra short form communication cannot be used for persuasion.
38. The author of a long business document like a report has to put limits on the
amount of detail.
39. Which correctly states the tradeoff of long business documents?
Comprehensive coverage of a topic versus audience reluctance to read
40. Which one of the following is not a means of engaging the readers of a long
Interesting facts even if not closely related to the topic

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