28 June News

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St Cuthbert’s is the Parish Church for the people of Coulby Newham, Easterside & Marton

St Cuthbert’s and St Agnes Weekly News
www. stcuthbertmarton.org.uk email: ask@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Vicar: The Rev’d Andy Grant. The Vicarage, Stokesley Road, Marton, 50p where sold
Middlesbrough, TS7 8JU. telephone: 01642 974176 email: vicar@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
28th June 2020 FREE ISSUE


Genesis. 22:1-14, Romans 6:12-end, Matthew10:40-end

Who do we welcome? It’s easy to welcome our friends and those family members whom we get along
with people we like. But what about those we don’t? What about people we find difficulty in getting
along with, people who we find irritating, annoying, unlikeable? What about people we might not be
naturally drawn to for some reason, such as those from a different social set, a different class/area/
economic group. We may believe we’re not judgemental, and I work hard not to be; however, if we
really filter these questions carefully, and we’re completely honest with ourselves, will we find that we’re not as accepting
as we think, not as neutral. We’re human beings, and as such we all form judgements about everything around us wheth-
er we’re aware of it or not, and to not accept this is to fool ourselves. It is only by becoming aware of our attitudes and
judgements that we can do something about them, to consciously strive to change them into becoming more Christ-like,
more in keeping with God’s commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves, regardless of who our neighbour, that
‘other’ may be. Indeed, Jesus did not judge, rather he enabled people to self-reflect, self-evaluate, in order for them to
turn away from sin and wrong-doing and choose the better path of following him in goodness and righteousness. This is
not self-righteous, but a virtue and attitude which seeks after truth humbly.

Jesus offers us the way out of sin and the opportunity to follow him, who is the truth, the way and the life. So, what con-
stitutes sin; what do we mean when we refer to sin? Well of course sin takes many forms. But essentially it is a turning
away from God, and seeking after our own desires and those things we are passionate about regardless of whether God
would approve or not. We are all under the grace of God, and as such are called to seek after righteousness within our-
selves, rather than forming judgements on others.

Being under the grace of God also includes us living in the strength and power of God, so that we can not only fight
against sin, but against all that separates us from each other and from God, because we are set free through Christ Jesus.
Being ‘enslaved’ to God through Christ is indeed a paradox because it is perfect freedom. Freedom to live within his
love, freedom to live within the free gift of God which is eternal life.

Abraham was prepared to be totally obedient to God, and in the process to sacrifice his son. This story from Genesis
can lead to all sorts of thoughts and feelings around what was happening, what was going on for Abraham, why did God
ask Abraham to do this. Two things emerge for me. Firstly, God knew that Abraham was going to be obedient and there-
fore spare Isaac, but Abraham didn’t know this. So, in testing Abraham, he was bringing Abraham to a place of deeper self
-awareness, deeper relationship, and ultimate deeper trust in God. And secondly, it is a foreshadow of God being pre-
pared to send his son into the world to be sacrificed on a cross in total obedience for the sake of all sinners.

God welcomes us, as unworthy as we are. He welcomes us to come and sit with him, to eat with him, to have a place for
all eternity with him. The challenge is; are we welcoming others in the same way, with love instead of judgement?

Rev’d Claire Todd

Live Streaming of Worship at St Cuthbert’s

10.00am Holy Communion and 6.30pm Night Prayer

10.00am Toddy’s Toddlers (Story and prayers and songs for small children)

10.00am Morning Prayer and Thought for the Day

If you have any news to tell us please email to: news@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk


Sunday 28th June Genesis 22.1-14 Psalm 13 Romans 6.12-end Matthew 10.40-end

Zechariah 4.1-6a,
Acts 12.1-11 or Timothy
Monday 29th June 10b-end or Acts Psalm 125 Matthew 16.13-19
4.6-8, 17-18

Tuesday 30th June Amos 3.1-8, 4.11-12 Psalm 5.8-end Matthew 8.23-27

Wednesday 1st July Amos 5.14-15, 21-24 Psalm 50.7-14 Matthew 8.28-end

Thursday 2nd July Amos 7.10-end Psalm 19.7-10 Matthew 9.1-8

Friday 3rd July Habakkuk 2.1-4 Psalm 31.1-6 Ephesians 2.19-end John 20.24-29

Saturday 4th July Amos 9.11-end Psalm 85.8-end Matthew 9.14-17

Regular Giving to St Cuthbert's

If you would like to contribute to the running of our
Church the easiest ways to donate are:
Direct Credit, and our bank details are as follows:
Name: PCC of Marton in Cleveland Church A/C
Sort Code: 30-95-56 Account No.: 00274161
Facebook Our Facebook page now has a “Donate”
button. The donation can also be Gift Aided if the person
donating is a UK taxpayer boosting the donation by
25%. Facebook charges no fees for donations which go
directly to St Cuthbert’s Church.

The picture
shows where to
find the button
when you go to
our Facebook

Definition of Calories By Cheque - The Lloyds bank app allows us to credit
cheques to the Church account without visiting the bank.
If you wish to donate in this way you can post them to:
Tiny creatures that live in your Rev’d Andy Grant, St Cuthbert’s Vicarage, Stokesley Road,
Marton, Middlesbrough TS7 8JU.
wardrobe and sew your Cheques should be made out to St Cuthbert’s Marton
clothes a little bit tighter each PCC.
Your financial support is greatly appreciated at all
night! times but particularly now during these unprece-
dented times.

No new scams reported this week, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any so be very careful when shopping
on line. It’s always best to use a credit card to make payments as you have some protection both against fraud
and shoddy goods.
If you think you have been a victim of fraud or cyber crime you should report this to Action Fraud at
www.actionfraud.police.uk or by calling 0300 123 2020
Support in a Crisis
Demand for food from Middles-
brough Foodbank has more than
doubled since this time last year
due to the covid-19 crisis which Digital resources
has hit many vulnerable families extremely hard. Weekly service broadcasts-detailed on the front page

Since 1st March 2020 Middlesbrough Foodbank has Live streaming services from St Cuthbert’s Church.
served 3,645 people, 1,284 of them children. This is a These are available through our Facebook page.
53% increase on last year. Time to Pray app
On Teesside over 9,000 people have lost their jobs in the Everything you need for Prayer During the Day, with varia-
last two months forcing many families into severe finan- tions according to the day of the week and the season of the
Church’s year. Download for free.
cial hardship and to turn to the Foodbank for help.
Daytime prayer and Night prayer service audio
Due to the closure of Churches and many of our local Building on the existing daily prayer feed, this includes daytime
collection points we have experienced a severe drop in prayer and night prayer for each day. It will be available as a
donations at the beginning of the crisis. Fortunately the downloadable app in the coming weeks.
generous people of Middlesbrough have been making
cash donations by cheque and on line via our web site. The BBC's Daily Service and Sunday Worship

Some generous folk have dropped food at my front Prayer for the day - each day the Church of Eng-
door which I have then taken to the depot at 5 Wear land publishes audio and text of the Prayer for the Day.
Court, Wallis Road, Skippers Lane Industrial Es-
tate, Middlesbrough TS6 6DU where donations Mental health reflections – 13 daily reflections that seek to
provide hope, reassurance and comfort. We have al-
are accepted on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-
day between 9.00am and 2.00pm. All donations of so published five tips to help tackle loneliness and isolation.
in date non perishable food will be greatly appreciated.
Details of how to obtain food vouchers can be found on Another successful quiz with the Mitchell’s tak-
our web site: www.middlesbrough.foodbank.org.uk or ing first place this week and with only one
use the emergency number for Citizens Advice: 0808 point between 1st and 2nd place!
2082138 where you can speak to an adviser in confi- There will be another quiz on Sunday 28th BUT with a
dence. slightly later start time of 7.45pm
Alan Proudler (on behalf of the Foodbank Trustees) Pause for Prayer

Prayer for Change

May the world turn round about,
may all things turn to right;
may the sunset thank the dawn,
the noontime bless the night;
May the rivers thank the rain,
the storm clouds bless the sea;
may the good soil thank the leaves,
The sunshine bless the tree;
May the rich thank those in need,
the children bless the old;
may the strong thank those who fail,
The timid bless the bold;
May the angels sing on earth,
may heaven hear our prayer;
may forgiveness, joy and peace
and love fill everywhere.
A treasury of prayers for now and always
St Cuthbert’s and St Agnes’
Intercession Prayers

Please Remember in your prayers

Long Term
Barrie Harvey and family, Dorothy Murrell, Sue Hanson, Dorothy Ward-Thompson, Tony Simms, Eileen, Margery
Ormeston, Audrey Coulson
Medium Term
Libby, Charlotte, David, Jean Berry, Lydia, Gail, Neil, Gordon, Tom, John Shaw, Christine, Joyce Hodgson, Janet,
Olwen, Mary Featherstone, Hilary Clarke, Jack, The Roberts Family, Maggie, Linda & Bob Crocker. Francis Iseton, Emma
Smithson, Sarah Clayton, Joyce Lawrence and family, Pauline Howard, Ann Marie Dring, Sue Neal and family and Sylvia
Pray for all who are suffering from Coronavirus , all who are self isolating, all, who are worried, the home-
less and all who are sick. If you would like us to pray for someone who is sick or prayers for yourself please email
your request to: pray@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk

Opening of the Church for Private Prayer

The Standing Committee has formulated a plan to open the Church for private prayer based upon two metre safe distancing, whilst
this regulation is under review by the government (this newsletter was prepared prior to the cabinet meeting to discuss the relaxa-
tion of lockdown) the plan has been circulated to the PCC members and received no negative feedback. We will therefore proceed
with setting out signs and markings based upon two metre isolation which because of the age of our parishioners will give that extra
margin of safety and hopefully confidence for folk to visit for private prayer. The church will open on Monday 29th June be-
tween 3.00pm and 5.00pm and Friday 3rd July between 10.00am and 12.00pm then Monday and Friday at those
times each week until further notice. See the Church Plan and rules for entry attached.


Vicar Rev’d Andy Grant 01642 974176 vicar@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk

Curate Rev’d Claire Todd 01642 294582 curate@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Associate Minister Rev’d Sam Tyndall 07562 593474 sam@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Churchwardens Alan Proudler 01642 975419 alanp@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Gordon Mallory 01642 313551 gordon@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Reader Sylvia Swan 01642 289592
Newsletter Editor Alan Proudler 01642 975419 news@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
P.C.C. Officers
Secretary Lindsay Gibson 01642 316201 secretary@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Treasurer Linda Proudler 01642 975419 treasurer@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Electoral Roll Linda Proudler 01642 975419 treasurer@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Safeguarding Sue Neal 07710 584290 saferep@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Parish Office Answer machine only 01642 316201 ask@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Office Manager Carole Paylor 01642 316201 admin@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk

Middlesbrough Council Advice & Support PHONE THE CLERGY

Hotline: 01642 729777
www.middlesbrough.gov.uk The clergy are doing their best to phone around to say
Email: helpboro@middlesbrough.gov.uk hello to the church families of St Cuthbert's and St Agnes,
Twitter: @covid19boro Facebook: @covid19boro but do feel free to call us, particularly if we haven't
Useful Telephone Numbers got round to calling you yet. We don't want anyone to
Age UK Teesside 01642 805 500 feel that they cannot just pick up the phone; we would
Citizens Advice 03444 111444 love to hear from you!
Debt Advice 0800 138 1111
Universal Credit 0800 328 5644 Telephone numbers and email addresses for Andy, Claire
EVA Women’s Aid 01642 490677 and Sam are above.
Foundation (Domestic Violence): 0300 4562214
We want to make this a regular feature of stories
from you so please get in touch with anything you
want to tell your friends either by email:
news@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk or by telephone:
07488 347708
Alan would love to hear from you.

Good news! I finally got my front tooth fixed last week. I felt very safe at Marton Dental Practice. Upon arrival I was
asked to telephone them to let me know and then wait in my car. The receptionist rang me back to say it was safe to go
up to the surgery. Before entering the receptionist “held a gun to my head” to monitor my temperature and I was is-
sued with a face mask. After treatment I was advised when it was safe to leave the building. The dentist explained that
he could not use the drill or his air drying tools, if drilling is required this is done at the last appointment of the day as
the surgery then needs to be thoroughly cleaned! They are working under extremely difficult conditions but still manag-
ing to do a great job.
Edna Harrison dropped a food parcel for the foodbank at my house which I will take over to the depot and also left a
note, she wrote that her and Stan are doing OK, Stan has had three hospital appointments changed to telephone ap-
pointments and that she has been in touch with Audrey Coulson who is now living with her daughter in Crook, Co.
Durham. Audrey askes that we remember her and pray for her as where she lives there is no church! Edna has volun-
teered to forward our newsletter to Audrey so that she can keep in touch with her friends at St Cuthbert’s but better
still Edna, if we can have her address we can post one out so that she gets it at the same time as everyone else.
Edna ends her note with Love & Prayers from Edna & Stan and reminds us that we are in God’s hands but should still
wash our own! So wonderful to hear from her and Audrey.
I spoke to Doreen Alderson on Monday, she rang to inform us that Sylvia Clubley has been moved from JCUH to Tolles-
by Hall, unfortunately no information on how she is recovering. Doreen is OK but said she is getting very bored but still
vary wary about leaving her house.

Virtual Quiz Night!

The Alphabet Quiz

Prayer During the Day in Ordinary Time
O God, make speed to save us. Prayers may include these concerns:
All O Lord, make haste to help us. ¶ All who are sick in body, mind or spirit
¶ Those in the midst of famine or disaster
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul ¶ Victims of abuse and violence, intolerance and prejudice
All O my God, in you I trust ¶ Those who are bereaved
¶ All who work in the medical and healing professions
I am giving you worship with all my life,
I am giving you obedience with all my power, The Collect of the day or the following prayer is said
I am giving you praise with all my strength, Eternal God,
I am giving you honour with all my speech. the light of the minds that know you,
I am giving you love with all my heart, the joy of the hearts that love you,
I am giving you affection with all my sense, and the strength of the wills that serve you:
I am giving you my being with all my mind, grant us so to know you
I am giving you my soul, O most high and holy God. that we may truly love you,
Praise to the Father, so to love you that we may truly serve you,
Praise to the Son, whose service is perfect freedom;
Praise to the Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Three in One.
All Amen.
adapted from Alexander Carmichael, Carmina Gadelica The Lord’s Prayer is said
Our Father, which art in heaven,
SundayPsalm 17.1-8 hallowed be thy Name;
Monday Psalm 16 thy kingdom come;
TuesdayPsalm 25 thy will be done
Wednesday Psalm 36 in earth, as it is in heaven:
ThursdayPsalm 39 Give us this day our daily bread;
Friday Psalm 2 and forgive us our trespasses,
Saturday Psalm 44 as we forgive them that trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:
All Glory to the Father and to the Son For thine is the kingdom,
and to the Holy Spirit; the power, and the glory,
as it was in the beginning is now for ever and ever.
and shall be for ever. Amen.
May Christ our redeemer bring us healing and whole-
Silence, study, music, daily readings or words from
All Amen.
Scripture, such as

Copyright © The Archbishop’s Council 2006

Jesus said, I am the light of the world.
All Whoever follows me will have the light of life.
John 8.12

Stay safe, His spirit is with us!

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