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a) Held for use in the production
or supply of goods or services,
for rental to others, or for Cost of PPE comprises the following:
a) Purchase price, including legal and brokerage fees,
administrative purposes, AND Cost Model or
b) Expected to be used during import duties, and nonrefundable purchase taxes.
MORE THAN ONE PERIOD b) Directly attributable cost Revaluation Model
* To bring the asset to the location and condition
necessary for it to be capable of operating in a manner
intended by management
c) Initial estimate - Dismantling cost and Restoration cost
+ Present Obligation
Assistance by government in the a) Grant ≠ Specified Future Performance conditions Recognized in Income
form of a transfer of resources to when the grant proceeds
an entity in return for past or are receivable
future compliance with b) Grant = Specified Future Performance conditions Recognized in Income
specified conditions relating to when the performance
the operating activities of the conditions are met
entity. c) Received the Grant BEFORE revenue recognition
criteria are met Liability

Government grant shall be measured at FAIR VALUE of the ASSET RECEIVED or RECEIVABLE
Interest and other costs that an PFRS FOR SME FULL PFRS
entity incurs in connection with a) Finance costs
the borrowing of funds. ALL BORROWING COSTS = BORROWING COSTS b) Total interest expense
Specifically include: EXPENSE DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE to using the effective interest
a) Interest Expense calculated the acquisition, method for financial
using the effective interest PFRS for SMEs does not construction or production liabilities that are not
method permit capitalization of of a qualifying asset = measured at fair value
b) Finance charges in respect of interest even if the interest is CAPITALIZED AS PART OF through profit or loss
finance leases recognized directly attributable to the THE COST OF ASSET
c) Exchange differences arising acquisition, construction or
from foreign currency production of a qualifying
borrowings to the extent that asset.
they are regarded as an
adjustment to interest costs
Identifiable* nonmonetary asset a) Probable that expected 1. INITIALLY MEASURED @
without physical substance. future economic benefits
*when: that are attributable to the
2. The cost of a separately
a) Separable asset will flow to the entity Less: Accumulated
b) Arises from contractual or b) Cost or Value of Asset: acquired intangible asset
amortization and any
other legal rights measured RELIABLY comprises:
a) Purchase price, Impairment Loss
c) Asset does not result from SUBSEQUENT MEASURMENT
including import duties
expenditure incurred
internally on an intangible and nonrefundable
item purchase taxes, after (COST MODEL
deducting trade discounts ONLY)
and rebates.
b) Any directly attributable
cost of preparing the asset
for intended use.


Recoverable Amount (RA) < Higher between FAIR VALUE

Carrying Amount (CA) = LESS COST OF DIPOSAL and
Reduce CA to RA VALUE IN USE (Asset or Cash “The price that would be
*Reduction: Impairment Loss: Generating Unit) received to sell an asset in “The present value of the
Recognized immediately in an orderly transaction future cash flows expected
profit or loss. If either of FV-COD and VIU between market to be derived from an asset
* If an item of PPE is measured exceeds CA = ASSET IS NOT participants at the or cash generating unit. “
using the revaluation model= IMPAIRED measurement date.”
Impairment Loss is charged
FIRST against any Revaluation If no reason to believe VIU
Surplus and any excess is materially exceeds FV-
recognized in profit or loss COD, FV-COD = RA

Same with respect to matters related to PPE such as:

 Measurement, Depreciation Method, Useful Life, Residual Value, Depreciation of significant
components, revaluation, impairment and derecognition.


a) GG = Recognized when then condition are a) GG = Recognized when there is a reasonable
actually satisfied assurance that the entity will comply with the
specified conditions
b) GG ≠ matched with the related expense or b) GG = Recognized as income over periods
cost necessary to match the grant with the related
expense or cost

c) Grant is deferred income until then condition c) Grant related to asset is treated either as
are actually satisfied deferred income or a reduction in the cost of
then asset. No such option under PFRS for SMEs.



Research costs are expensed when
A) RESEARCH AND All research and development incurred. However, development costs
DEVELOPMENT costs are recognized as expenses may be capitalized when specific
COSTS when incurred criteria are met, particularly when
technological feasibility has already
been established.
Finite, if UL cannot be established Finite or Indefinite
C) USEFUL LIFE reliably, UL = Best Estimate ≤ 10
All Intangible assets are amortized Finite Intangible Asset: Amortized and
D) AMORTIZATION and tested for impairment when tested for impairment when there is an
there is an indication that the asset indication
may be impaired Indefinite Intangible Asset: Not
amortized but tested for impairment
annually and whenever there is an
Same with respect to the following:
a) Recognition and measurement of impairment loss
b) Definition of fair value less cost of disposal and value in use
c) Internal and external indicators of impairment
d) Reversal of Impairment
Assets including goodwill, are tested for Assets with finite useful life are tested for
impairment when there is an indication that the impairment when there is an indication that the
asset may be impaired. asset may be impaired

However, the following assets are tested for

impairment annually and when there is an
indication of impairment
a) Goodwill
b) Intangible Assets with an indefinite useful life or
an intangible asset not yet available for use
A liability of a) Obligation at the reporting Measured at the Best Estimate*
uncertain date as a result of a past event * The amount an entity would rationally pay to settle the obligation at the
timing and b) Probable transfer of end of reporting period or transfer to a third party at that time.
amount economic benefits in settlement
c) Amount can be estimated a) Material effect of Time Value of Money:
reliably Provision = Present Value
 Discount rate: Pretax rate that reflects current market assessment
of the time value of money
b) Provision involving large population of items:
Estimate amount shall reflect the weighting of all possible outcomes by
their associated probabilities
c) Provision arising from single obligation:
Individual most likely outcome
d) Continuous range of possible outcomes:
Contingent Liability Contingent Asset
a) Possible but uncertain obligation a) Possible asset arising from past event
b) Not probable = Not a Liability b) Existence is confirmed only by occurrence or
 Contingent liability is not recognized unless it has been nonoccurrence of one or more uncertain future events not
acquired in a business combination wholly within the control of the entity
 Only a disclosure is required  Contingent Asset = Not an asset
 Remote = No Disclosure is necessary  Probable inflow of economic benefit (EB) = Disclosed
as contingent asset
 Virtually certain inflow of EB = Recognized as Asset
Agreement whereby the lessor conveys to the lessee in return a) Leases in the exploration industry
for payment or a series of payments the right to use an asset b) Licensing agreement for such items as motion picture films,
for an agreed period of time. video recordings, plays, manuscripts, patents and copyrights
c) Investment Property
d) Biological Assets
e) Leases that could result in a loss to either party as a result of
contractual terms that are unrelated to changes in the price
of leased assets, changes in lease payments based on variably
market interest rate, changes in foreign exchange rate or a
default by one of the counterparties
f) Onerous operating leases
Note: Classifying leases depends on the substance of the transaction rather than its legal form
Finance Lease Operating Lease
Definition Transfers to the lessee substantially all of the risks and rewards Does not transfer substantially all of the
incidental to ownership. risks and rewards incidental to
Major Criteria As long as lease satisfies any one of the ff:
a) Transfer of ownership of the asset at the end of the lease term
b) There is a bargain purchase option
c) Lease term is a major part of the economic life of the asset
even if title is not transferred
d) The present value of the minimum lease payments amounts
to at least substantially all of the fair value of then leased asset
at the inception of the lease
Lessee a) Lower between the fair value of the asset and the present a) Recognize rental payments as an
value of then minimum lease payments: Used to recognize asset expense on a straight line basis unless:
and liability at the commencement of the lease term 1. Another systematic basis is
b) Interest rate implicit in the lease: Used to calculate the present more representative of the
value of the minimum lease payments pattern of the lessee’s benefit
Incremental borrowing rate: Used when Implicit Interest rate 2. Payments to the lessor are
cannot be determined structured to increase in line
c) Initial Direct Costs incurred by lessee: Added to the cost of with the expected inflation to
asset compensate for the lessor’s
d) Asset is depreciated over useful life inflationary cost increases
 If no reasonable certainty of ownership at the end of the b) Cost of services, such as insurance
lease term, Depreciation: Shorter between Useful life and and maintenance, shall be expensed
Lease Term when incurred but not included in rent
e) Minimum lease payments: Apportioned between the finance expense.
charge and the reduction of the outstanding liability using the
effective interest method
f) Contingent Rent: Charged as expense by the lessee in the
period it is incurred
Lessor Direct Financing Lease Sales Type Lease a) Recognize rent income on a straight
Main Distinction Presence or absence of a manufacturer’s or dealer’s profit or line basis unless:
loss 1. Another systematic basis is
What it recognizes Interest income only Both interest income and gross representative of the pattern of
profit on sale the benefit from the leased
a) Recognize a receivable at a) Recognize a receivable at asset.
an amount equal to the new an amount equal the net 2. Payments to the lessor are
investment in the lease. investment in lease structured to increase in line
b) Net investment in the lease b) Net investment in the lease with the expected inflation to
= = compensate for the lessor’s
Cost of the Asset + Present Value of the gross inflationary cost increases
any Initial Direct Cost* investment in the lease b) Present assets subject to operating
incurred by lessor discounted at the implicit leases according to their nature
* Effectively reduces interest interest rate in the lease c) Recognize as an expense costs
income over the lease term incurred in earning the rent income,
c) Total interest income over c) Gross investment in the lease including depreciation of the leased
the lease term = = asset
Gross investment in the lease (Gross rentals/Lease Term) + d) Any Initial Direct Cost incurred by the
– Net investment in the lease Residual value (whether lessor is amortized as expense over the
d) Gross investment in the guaranteed or unguaranteed) lease term
lease = d) Total interest income over
Gross rentals over the lease the lease term = *Unamortized Initial Direct Cost =
term + residual value (whether Gross investment in the lease - Added to the carrying amount of the
guaranteed or unguaranteed) Net investment in the lease leased asset in the statement of
e) Sales = financial position
* Ownership will transfer to the Lower between net investment
lessee upon expiration of the in the lease and fair value of
lease term, residual value is
the asset at the
ignored in computing gross
commencement of the lease
investment in the lease
f) COGS =
e) Initial direct cost incurred
Cost of the asset + Initial Direct
by lessor =
Added to the cost of the asset Cost* incurred by the lessor
to get the net investment in * Expensed immediately as
the lease component of COGS
g) Gross Income =
Sales - COGS
All forms of consideration given by an entity in exchange a) Short-term employee benefits, such as wages, salaries, profit
for service rendered by employees, including directors and sharing and bonuses
management, or for the termination of employment. b) Postemployment benefits, such as retirement benefit plans
and pensions
c) Other long-term employee benefits, such as long-term service
leave and jubilee leave
d) Termination benefits, such as severance and redundancy pay
e) Share-based payments


Definition Employee benefits other than termination benefits which are expected to be settled wholly within
twelve (12) months after the end of the period in which the employees render the related service.
Includes a) Salaries, wages and social security contributions
b) Short-term paid absences such as paid annual leave and paid sick leave
c) Profit sharing bonuses payable within twelve months
d) Nonmonetary benefits, such as medical care, housing, car and free or subsidized goods
Definition  Employee benefits, other than termination benefits and short-term employee benefits, which are
payable after completion of employment.
 Usually embodied in an arrangement known as “postemployment benefit plan”
Classification of Postemployment Benefits
Defined Contribution Plan Defined Benefit Plan
Definition  Entity pays fixed contribution into a separate  Postemployment plan other than a defined
entity known as the fund. contribution plan
 Entity ≠ legal or constructive obligation to pay  Entity’s obligation is to provide agreed benefits
further contributions if the fund does not hold to employees
sufficient assets to pay all employee benefits  Employee is guaranteed specific or definite
relating to employee service in the current and amount of benefit based on a formula which is
prior periods. usually related to salary and years of service
 Amount of benefit received by EEs is determined
by the amount of contributions paid by the
entity in to a benefit plan or to a trustee,
together with investment returns from
Contribution Definite Indefinite
Benefit Indefinite Definite
Measurement Recognize the contribution payable for a period: Measure defined benefit liability as the net amount
a) As an expense, unless another provision of the of the ff:
PFRS for SMEs requires the contribution to be a) Present Value of the Defined Benefit Obligation
recognized as part of the cost of an asset, such as at the reporting date
inventory or PPE b) Minus: FV of the plans assets at the reporting date
b) As a liability, after deducting any amount
already paid * Plan Assets: Fund out of which the defined benefit
obligations are to be paid directly
* Contribution Payments > Contribution Due at the
reporting date = Excess = Recognized as an ASSET
Actuarial Gains and Losses
SME: REQUIRED to recognize all actuarial gains and losses in the period in which they occur.
However, SME = ACCOUNTING POLICY CHOICE of recognizing all actuarial gains and losses either:
a) In profit or loss b) In other comprehensive income
Definition All employee benefits other than postemployment benefits, short-term employee benefits and
termination benefits
Examples a) Long-term paid absences such as long service or sabbatical leave
b) Jubilee or other long-service benefit
c) Long-term disability benefit
d) Profit sharing and bonuses
e) Deferred compensation
Definition Payments made by an entity to employees when it terminates their employment as required:
a) By legislation, contractual or other agreement with employees or their representatives
b) By constructive obligation based on business practice, custom or a desire to act equitably
Recognition Recognized as expense and liability when the entity is demonstrably committed to either:
a) Terminate the employment of an employee or group of employees before the normal retirement date
b) Provide termination benefits as a result of an offer made in order to encourage voluntary redundancy
 PFRS for SMEs provides that income tax includes all domestic and foreign taxes that are based on taxable profit.
 Also include taxes, such as withholding taxes, that are payable by a subsidiary, associate or joint venture as distributions
to the reporting entity
Definition  Recognized for tax payable based on taxable profit for the current and past periods
 Amount paid for the current and prior periods > Amount payable for those periods = Excess = CURRET
* Prepaid Income Tax
Measurement Measured at the amount expected to be paid or recovered, using the tax rate that has been enacted
or substantively enacted at the reporting date
Definition  Amount of income tax  Amount of income tax recoverable in  Differences between the
payable in future periods with future periods with respect to a carrying amount of an asset
respect to a taxable deductible temporary difference (DTD) or liability and the tax basis
temporary difference (TTD)  Deferred tax consequence of a future  Result to:
 Deferred tax consequence of deductible amount and operating loss 1. Future Taxable Amount
a future taxable amount carryforward (TTD)
 Noncurrent Liability  Noncurrent Asset 2. Future Deductible Amount
Recognition  Recognized for all temporary  Recognized for all temporary (DTD)
differences that are expected differences that are expected to
to increase taxable profit in reduce taxable profit in the future
the future  Recognized for the carryover of net
operating loss
 Recognized to the extent that it is
probable that taxable income will be
available against which the deductible
temporary difference can be utilized
Measurement Measured using the Future enacted tax rate
! DTA and DTL ≠ Discounted
 An entity shall recognize tax expense in the same component of total OCI or Equity as the transaction or
other event that resulted in the tax expense
 Known as intraperiod tax allocation which means that income tax should be deducted from the related
income that brought about the tax
 The recognition of DTA and DTL is known as intraperiod tax allocation
 Offset of Current Tax Asset and Current Tax Liability or DTA and DTL shall me made when all of the following
conditions are present:
a) When the entity has a legally enforceable right to set off the amounts
b) When the entity intends either to settle on a net basis or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously
 No significant differences with respect to provisions and contingencies.
 Share the same principles for accounting and reporting provision and for disclosing contingent liabilities and
contingent assets
Lessor Accounting Practically the same
Lessee is required to account for the
Lessee shall classify the lease as operating or lease as a finance lease under the new
Lessee Accounting finance based on the transfer of risks and lease standard (PFRS 16) *
rewards incidental to ownership * Lessee is required to initially recognize a lease liability
for the obligation to make payments and a right of use
asset for the right to use the underlying asset over the
lease term


Share the same principles for the recognition and measurement for Short-term employee benefits, Defined contribution
plans, Other long-term employee benefits, Termination Benefits
All past service costs Recognized as expense immediately regardless of vesting
Actuarial gain and loss are recognized
Measurements of Defined immediately in: Recognized in OCI
Benefit Plan, including a) P&L b) OCI
Actuarial Gain and Loss SME = Accounting policy choice

* However, amounts recognized in OCI are not subsequently recycled to profit or loss but may be transferred
within equity or retained earnings
Projected Unit Credit Method Used in measuring the defined benefit liability
if the information that is needed to make such Used in measuring the defined benefit
a calculation is already available or can be liability
obtained without undue cost or effort.
* If not the case, alternative method is permitted in which future
salary, future service and possible mortality between the reporting
date and the date employees are expected to begin receiving
postemployment benefits are not considered
Defined Benefit Liability Net total = a) Present Value of benefit obligation at year end
b) Minus the fair value of plan assets at year end
Concept of Expected return None
All changes in FV of plan assets are Interest income on the FV of plan assets
recognized in P&L at the beginning of the period is
included in P&L as component of
employee benefit expense
* Difference between actual return on plan assets and
interest income = recognized as a remeasurement of
plan assets accounted for as a component of OCI
Same in the matter of accounting for income tax
Residual interest in the assets of an entity after Investments by owners + Additional Investments –
deducting all of its liabilities Reductions in owners’ investments
Fair Value of the cash of other resources received or receivable, net of direct issue
Measurement cost
* Deferred payment and material time value of money = Initial measurement = present value basis
* Transaction costs (equity transaction) shall be deducted from equity
Entity acquires goods or services by
Entity acquires goods or services as incurring liabilities to the supplier of
Definition consideration for equity instruments of goods or services for amounts that are
the entity. based on the price of the entity’s equity
TRANSACTIONS Share Options Share Appreciation Right
Granted to officers and key employees Entitles an EE to receive cash which is
to enable them to acquire shares of the equal to the excess of the market value
Definition entity during a specified period upon of the entity’s share over a
fulfillment of certain conditions at a predetermined price for a stated
specified price. number of shares.

* Additional compensation * Also viewed as Compensation

* Creates a liability since this is actually
an obligation on the part of an entity to
pay cash in the future on exercise date
Fair Value of the liability at the reporting
Fair Value of the share options at the * Remeasured at every year-end until finally settled
date of grant *Changes in FV: included in P&L
* FV of Liability: Excess of market value of share over a
predetermined price for a given number of shares during
a definite vesting period.
a) Vest Immediately a) Vests Immediately
EE ≠ required to complete a specified Compensation is recognized as
period of service before unconditionally expense immediately on the date of
entitled to the share options. grant
Recognition * Grant date: Compensation is recognized as b) Does not vest until the EE complete a
expense in full with corresponding increase in
definite vesting period
b) Do not Vest until EE completes a Compensation is recognized as
specified service period expense over the service or vesting
Compensation is recognized as
expense over the service or vesting
Share-based transaction with cash alternative
 May give either the entity or the counterparty a choice of settling the transaction in cash or by
transfer of equity instrument.
 RULE: Account for the transaction as cash settled share-based payment transaction
 However: Account for the transaction as equity settled share-based payment when:
a) Entity has a past practice of settling by issuing equity instrument
b) The option has no commercial substance because cash settlement amount bears no
relationship to and is likely to be lower than the FV of the equity instrument
Exploration and
Agriculture Evaluation of Mineral Service Concession
The management by an  May incur exploration Arrangement whereby a
entity of the biological expenditure government or other public
transformation and  Must develop an sector enters into a contract
harvest of biological accounting policy for with a private operator to
assets for sale or for the recognition of develop, operate and maintain
Definition conversion into exploration and an infrastructure*.
agricultural produce or evaluation asset
* Not an item of PPE of the private
into additional biological  Exploration operator because control over the
assets. expenditure: may be infrastructure asset lies with the

* Biological Assets: Living animals

classified as tangible or government or grantor

and living plants intangible asset * Private Operator: Recognize the FV of

* Agricultural Produce: Harvested * If tangible: item of PPE the infrastructure asset as either
product of the entity’s biological financial asset (when the operator has a
guaranteed contractual right to receive a
asset specified amount of cash over the life of the
arrangement) or intangible asset (when
the operator has received a right or a license
to charge users for the public service and the
revenue receivable is not agreed upon in
advance but is dependent on the use of the
asset by the public)
Measurement Biological Assets =
When FV is readily determinable
w/o undue cost or effort:
Tangible Asset:
Fair Value - Cost of
Disposal (FV – COD) Initial: Cost
When FV is not readily Subsequent: Cost model
determinable w/o undue cost or or Revaluation model Financial Asset:
effort Initial: Fair Value
Cost – Acc. Dep. + Acc. Intangible Asset: Subsequent: Amortized Cost
Impairment Loss Initial: Cost
Agricultural Produce = Subsequent: Cost model
FV – COD at the point of ONLY
*Such measurement at that
date: Initial cost of the
agricultural produce as part of
Indicated by characteristics Entity’s functional currency = Currency
of the economic of a hyperinflationary economy
environment of a country =
When the cumulative inflation
PFRS for SMEs ≠ Absolute rate of the measuring unit current at the end
over 3 YEARS is approaching
at which hyperinflation is of reporting
or Exceeds 100%
deemed to arise
Gain or Loss on the monetary position:
HYPEPERINFLATION Included in profit or loss and separately


Practically the same with respect to:
a) Recording of equity instrument e) Dividends
b) treasury Shares f) Other related matters
c) Compound financial instrument
d) Equity swap or extinguishment of financial liability by issuing equity instrument
Fair Value at the date of grant
* if FV cannot be measure reliably = Intrinsic Value
* Intrinsic Value: Not mentioned as alternative (excess of market price of the share over the
option price)

Specialized Activities PFRS FOR SME FULL PFRS

Agriculture Same principles
Develop an accounting policy for recognition (If Acc. Pol. Results in
recognition of an exploration and evaluation asset: Measured initially at
Exploration and Evaluation cost)
of Mineral Resources Subsequent measurement: Subsequent measurement:
Tangible: Cost Model or Cost model or Revaluation Model
Revaluation Model (whether tangible or intangible)
Intangible: Cost Model ONLY
Service Concession – Initial Measurement: Fair Value Subsequent Measurement:
Financial Asset Subsequent Measurement: a) Amortized Cost b) FV thru P&L
Amortized Cost c) FV thru OCI
Same in all aspects of accounting for an entity whose functional currency is the currency of a
hyperinflationary economy

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