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Q.2.a State space approach n ex.

.b Production System. Requirements of good control stratergy

.a What is the importance of AI, Describe it

.b Discuss issues in Design of search program

Q.3.a Hill climbing algorithm n its issues, and explain the terms local, maximum,
platue & rigde......(3)
.b Explain A* algorithm in detail with example/ Learn all search algorithms

.a What is production system, Various categories of production system,

production rules.....(2)
.b What are elements of AI, Discuss varios application areas of AI

.a problem of "missionaries & cannibals"

.b What are agents in AI, how agents work to import intelligence to a system,
-- classify diff. types of agents and briefly discuss their properties
Q.4.a Predicate logic, backward chaining, Clause form, Resolution......(3)
--conversion of sentences and proove

.a Qualities of Good knowledge representation system......(2)

.b How knowledge representation could be achieved using predicate knowledge.

.a Unification algorithm in problem solving,explain with example

.b Use of 1st order logic to represent knowledge with ex

Q.5.a What is knowledge representation? various techniques used for knowledge

representation + significan
.b Differentiate between forward and backward reasoning

.a Diiference b/w inheritable knowledge and inferential knowledge

.b Describe mapping between maps and representations
Q.6.a Notes on i. Learning by parameter adjustments
ii. Explanation based learning......(2)
iii. Learning from example induction
iv. Learning by taking advice
.b Differentiate b/w Syntactic processing and semantic processing......(3)

.a what is learning. how learning is helpful for AI

.b Explain Discourse and programatic processing with ex......(3)

Q.7.a Natural Language processing/ steps involved in natural language

understanding/ explain types of NLP techniques......(3)
.b Difference b/w Context free language and context sensitive language
Q.8.a What is LISP, Basic building blocks of LISP, with valid & invalid ex in
.b Write LISP program to find average of 4 numbers
-- Write a LISP program to find factorial of a given number
-- LISP program to find sum and avergae of any 4 numbers

.a Why LISP is considered appropriate language for AI technique

.b Procedural programming language v/s AI programming language
Q.9.a What is expert system, Various steps for development of expert system(how
built)... Characterstics of good expert system/ detailed architecture, role
of expertt system shell........(3)
.b role of expert system tools in developing expert system. Give 1 ex of such
tool & its usability

.a explain MYCIN expert system

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