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3/18/2020 Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development: Suspending employees' coming to main offices of private sector establishments f…

The official Saudi Press Agency

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development: Suspending employees' coming to main offices of private sector establishments f
period of "15" days
Wednesday 1441/7/23 - 2020/03/18

Riyadh, March 17, 2020, SPA -- Out of the determined efforts exerted by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in facing the repercussions of t
Novel Coronavirus and preven ng its spread, it has been decided to suspend a endance at work headquarters in all en es in the private sector for a p
of (15) days, and to ac vate remote working procedures except for vital sectors and sensi ve infrastructure sectors such as (electricity, water and
communica ons). Accordingly, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development would like all establishments in the private sector to adhere to
First: Suspending employees' coming to the main offices of the private sector for a period of "15" days.
Second: The private sector establishments reduce the number of workers in its branches, offices and other facili es to the minimum necessary for the co
of work and the availability of supply chains, so that the number of workers required to be present in the workplace does not exceed "40%" Of the total
employees at the facility’s headquarters, taking into account the following:
1- Adherence to the necessary precau onary measures set by the Ministry of Health regarding those workers a ending at workplaces or workers' housi
including the provision by private sector establishments whose number of workers at its headquarters or the housing of its workers exceeds (50) people
sor ng point at the entrance where the temperature is measured, symptoms are checked, and the epidemiological link is provided, and whoever comes
one of the cases referred to is exempt from coming to the workplace.
2- Ensuring that sufficient spaces are available between workers in the workplace and the workers' housing, according to the preven ve guide for Coron
inside the workplaces issued by the Ministry of Health.
3- Obliging the private sector establishments to close health clubs and nurseries located in its headquarters.
4- Obliga on to apply the disclosure mechanism from all workers who exhibit symptoms of high temperature, coughing or shortness of breath, or mixing
an infected or suspected case. The private sector establishments shall provide a mechanism to ensure that the workers in them inform the competent
administra on of the establishment of those who show these symptoms or apply to one of them or who came from outside the Kingdom without follow
the precau onary procedures for the quaran ne specified by the Ministry of Health, provided that privacy and confiden ality are taken into account in t
with the commitment of the private sector establishments to inform the Ministry of Health of the cases they appear to them.
Third: Excluded from the applica on of what was men oned in item (first) and what is related to the commitment regarding those whose presence is re
in the workplace specified in item (second) above are all ac vi es related to the provision of food and medicine and the supply chain and logis cal servi
related to them un l they are provided to the final consumer taking into considera on the supreme orders issued in this regard.
Fourth: Applying the mechanisms of remote work, using electronic means and applica ons in prac cing ac vi es, providing goods and providing service
possible, and taking into account the remote work guide issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
Fi h: Grant a compulsory leave of 14 days and not counted from the leave balance for all employees who fall into the following cases: pregnant and lact
women, respiratory diseases, immunodeficiency diseases and users of immunosuppressive drugs, tumors, chronic diseases, and workers over fi y-five y
old .
Sixth: For private sector establishments that provide u lity services to government agencies, they must coordinate with those bodies before suspending
a endance at workplaces.
Seventh: For private sector establishments that are unable to comply with the propor on of their a endance at the workplace specified in Clause (Seco
above, they must submit their requests to the authority that supervises them. 1/2
3/18/2020 Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development: Suspending employees' coming to main offices of private sector establishments f…

The Ministry has made it clear that private sector establishments can submit inquiries about the mechanism of remote work through the means of
communica on of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, and what are related to the precau onary health measures necessary for
employees through the means of communica on of the Ministry of Health
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