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D TERM EXAMINATION TH SEMESTER (BCA)-MAY-JUNE 2014 MOBILE COMPUTING-[BCA-304] "Time 3 Noto: hen. Kach question carries 12.6 marka. QU Ai MLM. :75 a) What in difforence betwoen synchronous and statistical TDM? . No. t incompulsory and in of 26 marks, Attempt one question from each unit. Paramoto “Synchronous TDM Statistical TDM F Working decomposes each frame, discards framing bits and extracts data unit in turn, This extracted data unit from _ frame is then passed to destination device. decomposes each frame by checking local address of each data unit. This extracted data unit from frame is then passed to destination device. In Synchronous TDM data flow | In Statistical TDM slots are of each input connection is allotted dynamically. ie. input divided into units and cach line is given slots in output frame input occupies one output if'and only if it has data to send. 7 time lot. No. of Slots_| In Synchronous TDM no. of In Statistical TDM, No. of slots slots in each frame are equal | in each frame are less than the |_to no. of input lines. no. of input lines. Buffors Buffering is not done, frame | Buffering is done and only those is sont after a particular inputs are given slots in output interval of time whether frame whose buffer contains data someone has data tosend or "| to send. not. ‘Addressing | Slots in Synchronous TDM Slots in Statistical TDM contain carry data only and there is | both data and address of the no need of addressing. destination. Synchronization and pre assigned relationships between input and outputs that serve as an address. Synchroni- | Synchronization bits are No synchronization bits are used zation used at the beginning of cach frame. Capacity | Max, Bandwidth utilization | The capacity of link is normally if all inputs have data to ia less than the sum of the send. capacity of each channel. \ Data In Synchronous TDM de- In Statistical TDM de- Separation | multiplexer at receivingend | multiplexer at receiving end Q.1.(6) Calculate the bit rate for 2000 baud rate in FSK modulation. Ans, Wo use the formula S = (1/r) xN Whore rs r= 1og,2.= 1 S = (1/1) x (2000 bps) S = 2000 baud i.e, bit rate and baud rate are same in FSK Scanned with CamScanner 2-2014 Sixth Semester, Mobile Computing Q.1.(c) Define the digital hierarchy used by telephone companies. ‘Ans. To maximize the efficiency oftheir infrastructure, telephone companies Ee traditionally multiplexed digital signals from lower data rate lines onto higher dats rate lines. The digital hierarchy uses DS-0 (64 Kbps), DS-1 (1. PS), " Mbps), DS-3 (44.376 Mbps), and DS-4 (274.176 Mbps). Q.1.(d) List three protocols used for channelization. , ‘Ans. Channelization is a multiple-access method in which the available bandwidth ofa link is shared in time, frequency, or through code, between different stations. The common protocols in this category are FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA. Frequency-Division Multiple Access (FDMA) ce gee In frequency-division multiple access (FDMA), the available bandwidth is divided into frequency bands. Each station is allocated a band to send its data. In other words, each band is reserved for a specific station, and it belongs to the station all the time. Each station also uses a bandpass filter to confine the transmitter frequencies. To prevent station interferences, the allocated bands are separated from one another by smallguard bands. FDMA specifies a predetermined frequency band for the entire period of communication. This means that stream data (a continuous flow of data that may not be packetized) can easily be used with FDMA. Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA) In time-division multiple access (TDMA), the stations share the bandwidth of the channel in time. Each station is allocated a time slot during which it can send data. Each station transmits its data in is assigned time slot. The main problem with TDMA lies in achieving synchronization between the different stations. Each station needs to know the beginning of its slot and the location of its slot. This may be difficult because of propagation delays introduced in the system if the stations are spread over a large area. To compensate for the delays, we can insert guard times. Synchronization is normally accomplished by having some synchronization bits (normally referred to as preamble bits) at the beginning of each slot. Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA) It is a multiplexing access method in which multiple users are allocated different codes to access the same channel. Where channel is the set of frequencies and code is nothing but the sequence of n symbols (0 or 1). CDMA uses cellular network and is used for long distance communication. CDMA codes allow unique identification of signals from different sources and transmit these signals through the same time, space and frequency slots without interference. Thus it is necessary that CDMA codes should not correlate with each other. The important features of CDMA systems are: + It is more robust for multi-path delay. * Signals from each mobile station are coded with two or three codes. « It gives higher quality voice and data transmission with small bit error rate. * It has soft handover. Q.1.(e) What is binary exponential back off formula in pure ALOHA Ans. In general, if frame arrivals are equally likely at any instant in time, and arrivals occur at an average rate of } [arrivals per sec] . P [R arrivals in T seconds] = OF) ar in our case, 1 = G/X [arrivals per second] and T = 2X, hence (26) K! P [& transmissions in 2X seconds] = 0 Scanned with CamScanner LP. University-(BCA)-Akash Books accordingly, probability Paace = P [0 transmissi and throughput 2014-3 of successful transmission (no collision) is: ions in 2X seconds] = e-26 . 8 =GP,.=Ge%s Q.1.() What is unified messaging? Ans. Unified messaging (or UM)is the integration of different electronic messaging and communications media (e-mail, SMS, fax, yoicemail, video messaging, etc.) technologies into a single interface, accessible from a variety of different devices,!1) While traditional icati i notes or documents to forwarded voicemails, Unified Messaging (UM) enables users to use voice mail and other features, including Outlook Voice Access and Call Answer i i email messaging i users place outgoing calls from to your organization. voice mail or telephony networks their organizations as separate systems, Voice mail and email are located in s ‘eparate inboxes that are hosted on separate Servprs accessed through the desktop for email and through the telephone for vena mail. Unified Messaging makes it possible for Exchange administrators to combine voice messaging and email messaging into one mailbox so thei, ir voi ‘mail messages in their Inbox or by using Outlook Voice Access from any teleshane ie uses the Exchange store for both email and voice mes: sages. Q.1.g) Show the attributes of. image tag. Ans. The element is used to include an image in a WAP card. WAP-enabled wireless devices only supported the Wireless Bitmap (WBMP) image format. ‘The element supports the following attributes: Attribute Description align Alignment of the image alt Sets an alternate text to be displayed if the image is not displayed. height Height of the image in pixels or percentage. localsre Sets an alternate representation for the image. If this attribute is set, the browser will use it instead of the “src” attribute. hspace Sets white space to the left and right of the image sre A path to whmp image. \yspace Sets white space above and below the image. class Sets a class name for the element. ‘id\ Aunique ID for the element. \ Q.1.(t) Differentiate between access pragma and meta. pragma. | Ans, WML Script is a compiled language and uses Compitation Units and Prgmas; A certain application may include separate scripts that were individu independently compiled. Acompilation unit can call functions that: ie ead as eis compilation unit. WMLScript uses pragmas to identify other compilation unit Scanned with CamScanner Sixth Semester, Mobil Computing jrective that generates special behavior from the compiler. All Ts jonal, but if used must be preceded by the keyword use and appear at pre Ine Pee compilation unit before any function declarations. iSeees Control Pragma: A WMLScript computation unit can protect its content ay vane a special access control pragma, which is examined before any externally- Bigned functions are executed. Acompilation unit may use only one access control pragma. The use access pragma js written at the beginning of the WMLScript compilation unit. Forexample, cases, A pragma is 3 di use access domain “” path “/wap”; An access control pragma is specified by the unique word access. The level of protection is always checked before the function is executed. If the compilation unit contains the defined reserved words use access in front of the domain name(with the reserved word domain) and/or a path(with reserved word path), the authority of the compilation unit that calls the pragma-protected function to execute the function will be checked before execution. ‘The syntax of access control pragma may be specified in any one of the ways: use access domain use access domain; use access path; Use access domain path; ‘Meta Pragma: The second type of pragma is the meta pragma. It communicates between different players of the wireless communication: originating connection servers and user agents. The name meta pragma request the originating servers for different Kinds of information. Meta pragmas convey information to different entities in the WAP environment. Compilation units may contain more than one meta pragma, but no more than one meta pragme of the same type. ‘Meta element Name User meta _hittp equiv element Name “elementvalue” Use agent element Name “elementvalue” ‘The second type of pragma is the meta pragma. It communicates between different players of the wireless communication: originating connection servers and user agents. The name meta pragma request the originating servers for different kinds of information. Meta pragmas convey information to different entities in the WAP environment. Compilation units may contain more than one meta pragma, but no more than one meta pragma of the same type. ; The Name information is intended for origin servers; and may contain such information as copyright assignments. Network servers should not emit WMLScripts containing, and user agents should ignore, meta pragmas. For Example, use meta name “Created” “22-May-00”; http equiv information is used to control HTTP headers. It is used to specify ‘HTTP header information between intermediating servers that transfer the compilation uit - For Example: of use meta http equiv “keywords” “Script, Language”; User agent information is reserved for passing information to specific WAP user agents to implement WAP extensions. For Example: use meta user agent “Type” “Tes Scanned with CamScanner ‘ LP, Univeraity4BCA)-Akash Books WU QA. What is the role of WIP7 Ans, Transaction Layer (Wireless Transaction Protocol WEP) ‘The specific Iu y : i . yor ure in the Wirclexs Transaction Pron (WIP), Like the User Datagrainm Protacal (UDP), the WEP runs 2 Ue head of the datagramm serview, Both the UDP und the W! atagramm 1 UDP und the oa part of Uae ebands from the TCP/P ta make 3 protacal compatible ‘omnia ver supports: th prise ty reduce the 2 of transmissions. ‘The protocol tries ta optimize user inseraion in order that inkorsa: can be received when n led, QL.Y) What are the two steps in hand off? Ans, Handover ix the procedure that transfers an ongoing, call from one cll Yo anothe moves through the ew Hulse ur pe nobile station meh ellular networks are compoued of cells, munications services to subscribers r¢ serve up toa certain aren a a handof th of which is capable of pro ming, within ther, Each ol J number of subscribers. Thus, when any of the he out of the cor mov entering another, ah I prior to the handof cell, A handoff may also b cell has al: Handoff time slot, spreading, code, or combination of th while a call is in progress, Ste Lion is the process of deciding when a from the (1) Handover Initiation: Handover initi request to a handover, Handover is bared on r current baso station and the neighboring bane st (2) Handover Type: The erent categories of GSM handover which involves different parts of the GSM networl ine BTS is not complicated as the changing of the call belonging to different MSC. There are mainly two reasons for this kind of handover, The mobile station moves out of the range station or the antenna of BT'S respectively, Secondly the wire infrastructure the MSC or the BSC may decide Uhat the traffic 1 i too high and move nome to other cells with lower load, Following, are the different kinds of handover: * Intra-cell BY'S Handover—IJn this situation the BSC which controls the BTS serving the MSC order the MSC and B'S to switch w another frequency which offers ion link for jon link degradation is caused by the interference as Lhe neighboring, cell using, th ncies and its better to try anothe In the intra BIS handover eell inval synchronized. * Intra-BSC Handover: ‘he intra-BSC handover is performed when the MSC changes the B'S hut not the BSC. The intra- BSC hundover ia entirely carried out by tho BSG, but the MSC is notified when the handover has taken place + Intrw-MSC Hundovor- In the intra-MSC handover when the BSC decides that handover is required but the targeted cell is controlled by different BSC then it needs assistance form the conneetad MSC, * nlor-MSC Iondover. Tha inter-MSC handover is performed when the two cell belonging, to different MSC in the surme nyatem. In the inter-MSC handover the target cell in conne MSC igher Important propagation phenomenon at highe: models. Hae ei ing are the three fundamental phenomens uipteation nystem, apart from LoS jon? Dincunn val ‘Ans, Reflection, diffraction and scuttering are that emse signal propayution in a mobile coms communication, Scanned with CamScanner Sixth Semester, Mobile Computing ; when an electromagnetic wave falls on an object, Reflection fone as compared to the wavelength of the propagating ‘ch objects can be the earth, buildings and walls. When a radio wave. For ex- ample, aeeditim having different electrical properties, a part of it ig wave falls ov ato it, while some energy is reflected back. ta ffraction: Diffraction is the phenomenon due to which an EM wave can propagate ot he horizon, around the curved earth's surface and obstructions like tall buildings, setts user moves deeper into the shadowed region, the received field strength decreases, But the diffraction field still exists an it has enough strength to yield a good signal, Scattering: The actual received power at the receiver is somewhat stronger than claimed by the models of reflection and diffraction. The cause is that the trees, buildings and lamp-posts scatter energy in all directions. This provides extra energy at the receiver, Path loss (or path attenuation) is the reduction in power density (attenuation) of an electromagnetic wave as it propagates through space. Path loss is a major component in the analysis and design of the link budget of a telecommunication system. This term is commonly nsed in wireless communications and signal propagation. Path loss may be due to many effects, such as free-space loss, refraction, diffraction, reflection, aperture-medium coupling loss, and absorption. Path loss is also influenced by terrain contours, environment (urban or rural, vegetation and foliage), propagation medium (dry or moist air), the distance between the transmitter and the receiver, and the height and location of antennas. Path loss normally includes propagation losses caused by the natural expansion of the radio wave front in free space (which usually takes the shape of an ever-increasing sphere), absorption losses (sometimes called penetre ‘ion losses), when the signal passes through media not transparent to electromagnetic waves, diffraction losses when part of the radiowave front is obstructed by an opaque obstaclu, and losses caused by other phenomena. The signal radiated by a transmitter may also travel along many and different paths to a receiver simultaneously; this effect is called multipath. Multipath waves combine at the receiver antenna, resulting in a received signal that may vary widely, depending on the distribution of the intensity and relative propagation time of the waves and bandwidth of the transmitted signal. The total power of interfering waves in a Rayleigh fading scenario vary quickly as a function of space (which is known as small scale fading). Small-scale fading refers to the rapid changes in radio signal amplitude in@short period of time or travel distance. Q:2.(b) Discuss FDM and WDM. __Ans*EDM: Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) is a scheme in which numerous signals aré-combined for transmission on a single communications line or channel, Each signal is assigned a different frequency (subchannel) within the main channel, engi ane citeuit that does this is known as a multiplexer, It accepts the input from each individual end user, and generates a signal on a different frequency for each of the inputs. This results in a high-bandwidth, complex signal containing data from all the end users, At the other end ofthe long-distance cable, the individual signals are separated out by means of a circuit called a demultiplexer, and routed to the proper end users A {Wo-way communications circuit requires a multiplexer/demultiplexer at each ond of the long-distance, high-bandwidth cable, When FDM is used in a commancetione pehrore cach input signal is sent and received at maximum speed at all times. This is thanoeesary bandwidth slanted ara eg see lone diate ins, system will perform properly.” Ponsing is required to ensure thet the WDM: Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is a method of combini i ; ion m ‘combining multiple signals on laser beams at various infared (IR) wavelengths for teansmincte along fiber optic media. Each laser is modulated by an independent set of tienala Wectencth: sensitive filtors, the IR analog of visible 1, e used to the rectvdnga analog of visible-light color filtors, are used at the receiving end. 6-2014 Reflection: Reflect which has very large di Scanned with CamScanner LP. University-(BCA)-Akash Booka WDM is similar to frequency-division multiplexing (FDM). B place at radio frequencies (RF), WDM is done in the IR portion of spectrum. Each IR channel carries several RF signals combine time-division multiplexing (TDM). Each multiplexed IR ct demultiplexed, into the original signals at the destination. Usi IR channel in combination with WDM or several IR channels, and at different speeds can be transmitted simultaneously on 2 In fiber-optic oom m un ications, wavelength-division mul technology which multiplexes a number of optical carrier signal fiber by using different wavelengths (colours) of laser light. T: bidirectional communications over one strand of fiber, as well capacity. __ Q.3.(a) What is the coverage of a base station that transmits a signal at 227 given that the receiver sensitivity is -100 dBm, the path loss at the first meter is 32 dB, and the path loss gradient is a = 4? Ans. The distance-power relationship in decibels is give by the equaticn: 10 log(P,) = 10 log (P,) - 10clog{d) Where P, and P, are the receiver signal strengths at d m: respectively. [f we define path loss in dB at a distance of one meter 2s, 10 log,,(Pp), the total path loss Lp in dB is given by: Lp = Ly+ 10a log(d) This presents the total path loss as the path loss in the Sr relative to the power received at one meter. The received power in dB power in dB minus the total path loss Lp. The coverag depends on the power of the transmitted signal and the pa’ ‘The transmit power in dB is 10 log(P,) = 10 log.2000 receiver sensitivity is 10 log(P,) is -100 dm. The total »: thus be 10 log(P,)- 10 log(?,) i.e. 63-(-100) = 163 dB. Th: meter. Using above equation the loss due to distance can at most be tlie path loss gradient « = 4, 10clog (d) = 1314B will imply that d= 10° 1,88 km. So the coverage of the cell is 1.88 km. Q.3.(b) Differentiate the following: (@ QAM and QPSK a Anis. QPSK: In qpsk we are using phases for representation of m: gam we ‘have amplitude levels. In qpsk 2 bits per symbol is used with four different phases. For binary phase shift keying (BPSK), each symbol could indicate tro states or one bit per symbol (in other words, 0 = 0, 180 = 1). QPSK adds two more phases: 90 and 270 degrees. Now two symbols per bit can be transmitted. Hack symbcls phase is compared relative to the previous symbol; so, if there is no phase . degrees), the bits “00” are represented. If there is e phase'shift of 180 degrees, “11” are represented. Symbol , 00 o1 u 10 QAM: Quadrature amplitude mo communications and data communica available and some of the more common eh QAM, and 256 QAM. ASK and PSK can be combin: dulation is widely used in man: tions applications. Avariet forms include 16 QA} ed to create Scanned with CamScanner Mobile Computing ve changed. The receiver then receives this modulated signal, ‘odulates the signal back into the original data stream. ssa nay be used when data-rates beyond those offered by us lavours of ON munications system. This is because QAM achieves ; adic cent points in the 1-Q plane by distributing the points a restr tat yay ee poins onthe constellation are more distinct and dete more evenly. And in Oh ‘possible to transmit more bits per symbol, if the energy duced. . n if errors are raga isto eran the same, the points on he constellation muse dl s results in ‘together and the transmission becomes more susceptible to noise. ‘This s rein ate than for the lower order QAM variants. In this way there is a higher bit error ants. [1 t a higher Jatween obtaining the higher data rates and maintaining an acceptable bit aaner rate for any radio communications system. (ii) DHSS and FASS . In theory, FHSS is a bit more reliable (less prone to “jamming FH was a military development, as it was more difficult to eavesdrop a transmission Te gin frequencies all the time, but it was not designed with very high bandwith, Faanei te ing speed or model aiplanes in mind. DSSS is faster as there is no timeloss for frequency changing, but easier to “jam” for the same reason . PHS has a slower maximum radio epeed of 2-3mbit but allows more simultaneous radios, while DSSS is LImbit per radio but fewer radios can share the airspace. DSSS is the most popular solution for smaller networks, and as a result the number of manufacturers is overwhelming. Most DSSS gear is marketed towards SOHO/indoor applications. FHSS on the other hand is only made by a few vendors (Symbol, Raylink, Alvarion aka Broezecom) and is well suited for larger outdoor networks as it can ‘hop through’ interferenes alittle better and allows for a larger number of radios. ‘The technical difference comes in the way the frequency spectrum is used. FHSS uses. set pattern to hop through the entire 2.4Ghz. spectrum, dwelling on a particular Channel fora fow milliseconds. Ifany channels are unusable because of interference the impact is not too great and the data will just be transmitted on a different frequency. This allows for up to 15 FHSS Access Points (APs) to share the same airspace. DSSS on the other hand splits the 2.4Ghz spectrum into 11 bands, and you pick what frequency to center your communications on. DSSS allows a maximum of 3 APs in the same airspace. When co-locating 3 DSSS APs in the same airspace you would normally y select = eat 4 get the frequéncies as far apart as possible to prevent cross-talk, When placing a m is “juggli crosr all. When placing system outdoorg this “juggling” of channels becomes Summary: 1-FHSS changes the frequency being used while DSSS changes the phase. 2. FHSS is easier to synchronize than DSSS. 3. DSSS is used in positioning systems while FHSS is not. Q.4. Discuss the following: iden and Exposed Terminal problem in WLAN, other nodos.s pea ft ap fricalons near refer to nodes that are out of range of with many nodessursounding i ine coder ett Beak eat secats Point with many ndeseumoundingitina rela fashion: Each nodes within communication a physical connection to each othen In a wireless petra ear nea ey go not have giz! connection to cach other. In a wireleg network, iti ily thatthe node at butt is unlikely that the same node ean ace anode on the Onoaite Cod cree oe points range, C. These nodes are known ha hidden, The rable ese nas start to send packets simultaneously to the acccss ne problem a when nodes A and © are out of range of cath other mad a wae Access point B, Because the nodes A and C not detect a collision while transmitting, 52014 sixth Semester, phase and 2! Getects the #! The vario 8-PSK are required by ara mplitude at juts and dem g”), but slower - FHSS Scanned with CamScanner LP. University-(BCA)-Akash Books 2014-9 Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) does not work, and collisions occur, which then corrupt the data reccived by the access point. \7 <*S the exposed node problem occurs when a node is prevented Iv. n sending. packets to other nodes due to a neighboring transmitter. Consider an example of 4 nodes labeled R1, S1, S2, and R2, where the two receivers (R1, R2) are out of range of each other, yet the two transmitters (S1, $2) in the middle are in range of each other. Here, if a transmission between SI and R1 is taking place, node S2 is prevented from transmitting to R2 as it concludes after carrier sense that it will interfere with the transmission by its neighbor S1. However note that R2 could still receive the transmission of S2 without interference because it is out of range of S1 Exposed terminal problem Currently transmitting ‘Wants to transmit @O—O. © \S Broadcast ranges of each node Q.4.(b) Pie ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA Ans, Pure ALOHA ‘The concept of Pure ALOHA was quite simple: «Ifyou have data to send, send the data * If, while you are transmitting data, you receive any data from another station, there has been a message collision. All transmitting stations will need to try resending “later”. Note that the first step implies that Pure ALOHA does not check whether the channel is busy before transmitting. Since collisions can occur and data may have to be sent again, ALOHA cannot use 100% of the capacity of the communications channel. How long a station waits until it transmits, and the likelihood a collision occurs are interrelated, and both affect how efficiently the channel can be used. This means that the concept of “transmit later” is a critical aspect: the quality of the backoff scheme chosen significantly influences the efficiency of the protocol, the ultimate channel capacity, and the predictability of its behavior. ‘To assess Pure ALOHA, we need to predict its throughput, the rate of (successful) transmission of frames, (This discussion of Pure ALOHA‘s performance follows Tanenbaum.""9)) First, let’s make a few simplifying assumptions: * All frames have the same length. * Stations cannot generate a frame while tray is, if a station keeps trying to send a frame, it cannot frames to send.) nsmitting or trying to transmit. (That be allowed to generate more Scanned with CamScanner 10-2014 Sixth Semester, Mobile Computing + Tho population of stations attempts to transmit (both new frames and old frames that collided) according to a Poisson distribution, f | Slotted ALOHA An improvement to the original ALOHA protocol was “Slotted ALOHA”, which introduced discrete timeslots and increased the mecrman throughput. A station can send only at the beginning ofa timeslot, and thus collisions are rose In this case, we only need to worry about the transmi ssion-attempts within 1 frame-time and not 2 consccutive frame-times, since collisions ean only occur during each timeclot Slotted ALOHA is used in low-data-rate tactical satellite communications networks by military forces, in subscriber-based satellite communications networks, mobile telephony call setup, set-top box communications and in the centacthes RFID technologies, Prada i ‘ Pi Edt i By i | clalu t , | ef} Ort 1 | fF}; EL) | S| a) elt rh | | acy if | ' | | | | : TEE | Lil it pid | Slotted ALOHA protocol (Shaded alots indicate collision) Q.4.(c) CDMA Ans: Code division multiple access (CDMA) isa channel access method used by various radio communication technologies. CDMA is an example of a multiple access, which is where several transmitters can send information simultaneousl; i CDMA is used as the access method it edmaOne, CDMA2000 (the 3G in many mobile phone standards such as used by GSM carriers: cvolution of edmaOne), and WCDMA (the 3G standard », which are often referred to as simply CDAIA~ Coxte-Division Multiple Access, a digital cellular technology that uses spread-spectrum techniques. Unlike competing systems, such as GSM, that use TDMA, CDMA does not assign a specific frequency to each user. Instead, every channel uses the full available spectrum, Individual i i igi Scanned with CamScanner LP. University(BCA)-Akash Books 2014-11 rl coe ae ees technology first used during World War II by English allies to -mpts at jamming transmissions. The allies decided to transmit over several frequencies, instead of one, making it difficult for the Germans to pick up the complete signal. Because Qualcomm created communicationschips for CDMA technology, it was privy to the classified information. Once the information became public, Qualcomm claimed patents on the technology and became the first to commercialize it. Q.5.(a) Discuss the importance of DECT layers. Ans. Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications is a standard primarily used for creating cordless phone systems. One of the goals of the development of DECT was to specify a standard that supports a variety of application scenarios. These include cordless private phones, cordless once phone systems, systems for the public sector (quasi-cellular systems), cordless Local Area Networks (LANs) and wireless access techniques for public networks without mobility support (Wireless Local Loop - WLL). A DECT system consists of one or more Mobile Stations (MSs) and one or more Base Stations (BSs). The MSs are connected to the BS via the specified air interface. One BS can serve up to 12 MSs at the same ti Normally, the BSs are connected directly to the public or private network. Howeve also possible that several BSs may be connected to an optional unit that controls all of them; in this case, this unit establishes the connection to the public network or the private branch exchange. In the case that a system consists of several BSs that are located in different places, a picocellular structure of the system may be established. When an MS is leaving the coverage area of one BS a handover may be performed to another BS associated with the same system. However, in contrast to cellular systems, DECT does not require assigning one particular carrier to each cell, so that no frequency planning is required. ‘The protocol architecture of DECT is based on the Open Systems Interconnection (OSD) layer model. The DECT standard specifies the lower three layers of the OSI model: the Physical Layer (PHL), the Data Link Layer (DLL), and the network layer. In DECT the data link layer is divided into the DataLinkControl (DLC) and Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. The functionality above the MAC layer is divided into a control plane and a user Plane U-Plane Signaling Interworking application process Application process plane (C-plane and U-plane). The CY plane handles the controlling and signaling functions, whereas the U-plane is concerned with the actual user data = transmission. The idea behind the eras as different planes in the DLC is that the layer oF transmission of user and controlling data = has to be ensured by different means. eg. Data-link Datasink : - the successful transmission of control co caval 5 data is ensured via an Automatic Repeat = 3 reQuest (ARQ) procedure, which is 8 unnecessary for voice transmissions. The Medium-Access control layer 6 network layer only processes packets in | | the C-plane, whereas a transparent link Physical Layer Bs is provided in the U-plane. The so-called e management entity deals with cross- rdless layer functions and therefore cannot be Fig. 1.1: Digital enhanced co ran integrated in the OSI model. telecommunications protocol stac] Scanned with CamScanner 12-2014 Sixth Semester, Mobile Computing Q.6.(6) What are the different types of satellites systems? Give examples g few important names of satellite in each system. Ans. Satellites being above the earth can cover a larger area. ; ‘The information to be transmitted from a mobile user should be correctly receives by a satellite and forwarded to one of the earth stations (ESs). ; This puts the limitation that only Line of Sight(LOS) communication is possible, Geosynchronous satellites orbit the Earth on repeatedly regular points over time, Each GEO satellite is stationary over one spot above the equator and therefore does not need any tracking from receiving and transmitting antennas on the Earth. GEO satellites enable the coverage of weather events. They are especially useful for monitoring severe local storms and tropical cyclones. They are best for television transmission and high. speed data transmission. These satellites are commonly used for communication purposes, such as radio and television networks, backhaul, and direct broadcast, ‘Traditional global navigation systems do not use geosynchronous satellites, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite systems fly very closely to the surface of the Earth, up to 1,500 kilometers in altitude. They deliver more significant voice quality over GEOs and transmit signals with a small margin of delay. Some LEO systems are designed for satellite phones or global mobile personal communications systems. These can carry voice traffic among other data formats. Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite systems operate at about 10,000 kilometers above the Earth, making it lower than GEO orbits but higher than LEO orbits. They have a larger capacity than LEOs. This enables them more flexibility in satisfying shifting market demands for voice or data services. The most common use for satellites in this region is for navigation, communication, and geodetic/space environment science.’The most common altitude is approximately 20,200 kilometres (12,552 mi)), which yields an orbital period of 12 hours. The orbital periods of MEO satellites range from about 2 to nearly 24 hours.A low Earth orbit is simplest and cheapest for satellite placement. It provides high bandwidth and low communication time lag (latency), but satellites in LEO will not be visible from any given point on the Earth at all times, Highly-elliptical orbit (HEO) satellite systems orbit the Earth in an elliptical path unlike the LEO’s and GEO's circular paths. Its elliptical orbit allows a wides view ofthe Earth and maximizes the amount of time each satellite spends in viewing populated areas. It therefore requires fewer satellites than LEOs while providing an exeellent line of sight. Satellite Systems can be classified based upon their orbits as low earth orbit, medium earth orbit & geostationary earth orbit systems. Geostationary is also the highest earth orbit and hence, also provides the greatest visibility using only a fow facilites. The coverage region of a satellite is called its footprint. This fe the region from which the satellite is visible. Three geostationary satellite footprints ensure complete coverage of the earth as shown: Satelite Geostationary orbit vInter-sateliite Link Scanned with CamScanner LD, Univornity-(BCA)-Alanh Book DONVAN Neneo, thore in pormanont or 24 hour visibility of geostationary satellites without tho neod of handoff, While LINO & MIO watalliles do not have 24 hour visibility ox the satolliten | smaller footprint nines thay are cloner to the earth Gow sstellite be ight), Voneo, a larger numbor of sutolliten are noaded to cover the earth, Alno, wines satollito hava imal footprint, handoff are also requir Li GEO a Satollite Height 600-1600 Jan 5000-12000 k 46,400 kin Orbital Period 10-40 minutes 2-6 hours 24 hours Number of Satollites 40-80 B20 3 Satollito Lify Short Jong Jong, Number of Handottt High low Leant (none) Gateway Cost: Vory Exponsive | Expensive Cheap Propagation Loss Least High Highest Examples of satellitos GEO : EchoStar-1, Americom-8,Galaxy-27 Polgtar 1 Q.6.(a) What is WML Script? Writo a suitablo code how the script is invoked from a WML card: Ans, WMLScript (Wireless Markup Language Script) is the client-side scripting language of WML (Wireless Markup Language). A scripting language in similas too programming language, but is of lighter weight. With WMLScript, the wirelesn device can do some of the processing and computation, This reduces the number of requests and responses to/from the server. In the old days, fewer round-trips can improve the performance of your WAP site significantly since data transmission over wireless networks is slow. Today, the performance gained may not be so significant any more ne data transmission speed has improved a lot. However, you may still find WMLSeript useful sinee putting some operations at the client-side can reduce the load of your servers, WMLSeript has a core group of six standard libraries, Bach of the various libraries Contains from three to seventeen functions that perform useful tasks related in concept to the library name, For example, the URL Standard Library contains fourteen functions allow you to manipulate URL addresses. Also of particular interest ia the WMLBrowser Standard Library which offers functions that provide an interface between WMLScript code and the associated WML code. ‘The language is also composed of several statements, such as for if,and while, and an extensive suite of operators, The language is case sensitive. It is important to understand that both the WML and WMLScript languages are rather restricted in term of coding possibilities, Both languages are small in scope and diversity. This is required by the current technological limitations ofthe wireless protocol (constraints include memory size, processing power, and download time). Programmers Secustomed to the unlimited possibilities allowed by ASP, HTML, Visual Basic, and pazious other technologies commonly used by developers on the wired web may find that Programming in WML and WMLScript for wireless application will require a bit more forethought, * loosely based on JavaScript(ECMAScript) with several differences * similar syntax to C++/Java * WMLScript is compiled to bytecode before transmission * must be called from within WML — cannot be embedded into WML directly Scanned with CamScanner vaepord Hixth Hemoater, Mobile Computing amat bo oalted from ant action: (ntich ae @ go OF onevent) + not afient ariented (no object model) tn voralane” 10's 7 . cra ie Meal PUTLIC /WAPEORUMDID WML 1.07 Shep avsews erp tornong/D Ava tel" “ps w irotethellaWorld ig awmalehelloWorld()*>Run WMLScripte/a>
Slmonnage) Goals * network independent application environment for low-bandwidth, wireless devices * integrated Internet/WWW programming model with high interoperability — Requirements . * device and network independent, international support * manufacturers can determine look-and-feel, user interface * considerations of slow links, limited memory, low computing power, small display, simple user interface (compared to desktop computers) : — Components * architecture: application model, browser, gateway, server + WML: XML-Syntax, based on card stacks, variables, ... * WMLScript: procedural, loops, conditions, ... (similar to JavaScript) * WTA: telephone services, such as call control, text messages, phone book, ... (accessible from WML/WMLSeript) Q.7.(a) What are informati mobile internet? ~~ Ans. The mobile internet gives users immediate access to releveint information and allows them to take subsequently take actions on that information. Gp Sigsk to Content: The relatively limited device capabilities dictate not only that the information presentation be simple and friendly but also that it provides cles and immediate value. More importantly, the user can retrieve just the desived information, at the desired time, and in preferred dosage (amount), This information can be personalized to meet the user’s preferences and made relevant depending on the location of the user at any given time. Users are unlikely to surf the Web in the same way that they do from a wired connection on the desktop; instead they will frequently AES sites to obtain up-to-the-minute, time-critical, location-sensitive, value adden information. Users may access business-critical information, key financial transaction, or simply entertainment and games. _ . an interactive kiosk is a computer terminal featuring specialized hardware and software designed within a public exhibit that provides serece information and applications for communication, commerce, entertainment, and education. Integration of technology allows kiosks to perform a wide range of functions, evolving into self- aceon OSKS. For example, kiosks may enable users to enter a public utility bill merchaquiiber in order to perform an online transaction, or collect cate exchange for merchandise, The user can also have personalized content pushed to the mobile devices based on a ant Settings or a Web-based profile. Such content might inelude the following items: * News . ional and transactional services provided by * Traffic reports and updates * Weather forecasts combined with location data * Directory information Scanned with CamScanner Sixth Semester, Mobile Computing 16-2014 : Electronic commerce is the concept of carrying out, (2)Flectronic Commerce: EE ar lees or digital exchange, It involves an ae} the Internet by establishing 0 Tt cerver, online catalogs identifying the merchang wethan leon an pero dynamic pricing and deliver selected promotions an} a 5 and fulfillment systems. back end connecting to transaction, EC is the buying and selling of goods B-commeree (electronic ender data, over an electronic network, primarily, ervice: ransmittiny 5 A ‘ ' internet, These business transactions oceur either business-to-business, business, consumer, consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-business. . E-commerce is conducted using a variety of applications, such as “email, fax, onli catalogs and shopping carts, Electronic Data Interchange (EDD, File Transfer Protog and Web services. Most of this is business-to-business, with some companies attempi, to use email and fax for unsolicited ads (usually viewed as spam) to consumers g other business prospects, as well as to send out e-newsletters to subscribers, The benofits of e-commerce include its around-the-clock availability, the spew, access, a wider selection of goods and services, accessibility, and international reg, Its perceived downsides include sometimes-limited customer service, not being able see or touch a product prior to purchase, and the necessitated wait time for prod shipping. ‘To ensure the security, privacy and effectiveness of e-commerce, businesses sho authenticate business transactions, control access to resources such as webpages registered or selected users, encrypt communications and implement secur technologies such as the Secure Sockets Layer. Key applications in these areas include the following: * Electronic banking * Bill payment * Online trading * Electronic purchase of goods and services * Contracts : Q.7.(6) Write a WML script that involves anchor tag, hyperlink tag and opt tag. Ans.

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Scanned with CamScanner LP. University (BCA)-Akash Books 2014-17 Q.8. (a) Dincunn the role of WWW in mobile internet? Ans. The World Wide Web (WW' hypertext documenty that are acces known simply as the Web, Individu web pagen and are uecesied with a woftware application running or the commonly called a web browser, Web pages may eont i , videos, and other multimedia components, as well as wel 0 ing of hyperlinks, Mobile telephony and the Inte fastest growing busi nt market, ‘This iv why most operators and wervi i afler the development of new ne in both ne ad to enter the arena, ‘The mobile operators fore 12 from new data pervie 'W, W3) is an information system of interlinked d via the Internet. It has also commonly become document pages on the World Wide Web are called oats within the last-mile , providing ubiquitous access to tl ario neveral wireless overlay networks will coexist, . The employment of Internet i ms to be the most und corporate intran and the working, will be a technology, with itn ni attracti i ¢ option for nchieving that yoal. In addition goal. , the migration to a full IP network en within each specific wireless domain, will be another promising opportunity, already under consideration within several technical and standerdization bodies, Protocol (HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and language (HTML, Hypertext Markup Language) of the Web have not been designed for mobile applications and mobile devices, thus creating many problems ‘The Web is no file ayatom * Web pages are not simple files to download * ntatic and dynamic content, i transformation, push technologies ete, interaction with servers via forms, content * many hyperlinks, automatic loading and reloading, redirecting * wsingle click might have big consequences! Q8.(b) What is the major difference between Wap2.0 and Wapl.x? What influenced the Wap2.0 development? Ans. One of the major difference is For WAP version 1.X, the primary language of, the WAE is Wireless Markup Language(WML). In WAP 2.0, the primary markup language is XHTML Mobile profile, A re-engineored 2.0 version was released XHTML with end-to-end ITPTP, communicate with it. A WAP in thin scenario, it in uned as then shift from) one of trans ‘This would be illir in 2002. It uses a cut-down version of dropping the gateway and custom protocol suite used to sateway can Le used in conjunction with WAP 2.0; however, # a slandard proxy server. The WAP gateway’s role would lation to adding additional information to each request. (Ibe configured by the operator and could inelude telephone numbers, location, nformation, and handset information. iaWirelews Markup Language) 1.x is the markup language defined in the WAP Haution, WAP is thw standard ereated by the WAP Forum (now the Open Mobile Alliances OMA) that bring the World Wide Web lo wireless deviees: Ie steclies the Protocol black and app lication environment of mobile Internet browsing applications. The role of WML in mobile Internet Applications is the same as that of HTML in web applications, WAP pitas ay ritton in WML, while web sites are written in HTM’ f ITML. Both of them use tage and are written in plain toxt format, Some tau in WML 1x are dircetly borrowed from HTML. If you have auerianes in ising the HTML markup langua, ‘ou should be able to learn WML 1.x lelely, WML L.x ix vory similar to H! Scanned with CamScanner 18-2014 Sixth Semester, Mobile Computing . INFLUBNOE OF WAP DEVELOPMENT Wo. WM was based on the concept original WAP model served pages in into one or more “cards* aseumens now ade wth dtaincach ee user. With the adventp tpages)~each of which represents a single interaction With 8 7 siping and responsive web design and mobile first approaches the ehmlnne 4 Cards are adapting content have led to the concept, of decks and cards ‘different decks can be served in rows and columns to match the devices capabilities and differe! alicia delivered to the device based on the network, device and media support capabi ties. Q.9.(a)What are pragmas in Wml script? Explain url pragma and access pragma with suitable code. ‘WMLScript is a compiled language and uses Compilation Units and Pragmas. In addition to collection of functions, a compilation unit also contains Pragmas, which are the statements interpreted by the compiler.A pragma is a directive that generates special behavior from the compiler.All pragmas are optional, but if used must be precede by the keyword use and appear at the beginning of a compilation unit before any functig, declarations. 7 Acertain application may include separate scripts that were individually ang independently compiled. Acompilation unit can call functions that are defined in another compilation unit. WMLScript uses pragmas to identify other compilation units thatit uses. Access Pragma- A WMLScript computation unit can protect its content by using a special access control pragma, which is examined before any externally-defined functions are executed, ‘Acompilation unit may use only one access control pragma. The use access pragma is written at the beginning of the WMLScript compilation unit. For example, use access domain “” path “/wap”; An access control pragma is specified by the unique word access. The level of protection is always checked before the function is executed. If the compilation unit contains the defined reserved words use access in front of the domain name(with the reserved word domain) and/or a path(with reserved word path), the authority of the compilation unit that calls the pragma-protected function to execute the function will be checked before execution. ‘The syntax of access control pragma may be specified in any one of the ways: use access domain use access domain; use access path; Use access domain path; Url Pragma- Functions in WMLScript are accessed by using a URL, To access a function outside ofa compilation unit, one must include a pragma that associates the URL of the other compilation unit an internal identifier. The identifier can then be used to access tht external function, Multiple url pragmas are permitted in a compilation unit. The use url pragma specifies the location (URL) of the external WMLScript resourt? and gives it a local name. This name can then be insi i ions to and gives ita len! name. This used inside a function declarations For example: useuriDooJS “hitp:/ | | mywml”: function divide(nom, denom) t if denominator == 0) return invalid; returnDocJS#mydivinom, denom); ; ad Scanned with CamScanner LP. University-(BCA)-Akash Books 2014-19 ‘The use url pragma specifies a URL to a WMLScript compilation unit, hetp:1 1 /myuml. If the file extension is omitted, the user agent will Jook for the extension .wmisc , l.e. it will look for httpy/ mywml.wmlsc. Once the file is found, the function call DocJS#mydiv0 triggers the loading of the external compilation unit,of a compilation unit, one must include a pragma that cesociates the URL of the other compilation unit an internal identifier. The identifier Gan then be used to access the external function. Multiple ur! pragmas are permitted in a compilation unit. ‘The use url pragma specifies the location (URL) of the external WMLScript resource and gives it a local name. This name can then be used inside a function declarations to make external function calls. For example: useurlDocJS “http:/ / /mywml!”; function divide(nom, denom) { if (denominator == 0) return invalid returnDocJS#mydiv(nom, denom); } ‘The use url pragma specifies a URL to a WMLScript compilation unit, Attp:// | mywml. If the file extension is omitted, the user agent will look for the extension.wmisc, i.e. it will look for mywml.wmlse. : Once the file is found, the function call DocJS#mydiu0 triggers the loading of the external compilation unit, Attp:/ / /mywml.wmlse. Upon successful loading of the external resource, its content is verified to have the definition of the mydiv0 function, and it is with the calling parameters, mydiv(nom, denom). Q.9.(b) Discuss Wap Push architecture with its goals and applications A push operation in WAP is accomplished by allowing a Push Initiator (PD) to transmit push content and delivery instructions to a Push Proxy Gateway (PPG), which | then delivers the push content to the WAP client (henceforth referred to as “client” or “terminal”) according to the delivery instructions. ‘The PI is typically an application that runs on an ordinary web server. It communicates with the PPG using the Push Access Protocol (PAP). The PPG uses the Push Over-The-Air (OTA) Protocol to deliver the push content to the client. PAP is based on standard Internet protocols; XML is used to express the delivery instructions, and the push content can be any MIME media type. These standards help make WAP Push flexible and extensible. As mentioned, the PPG is responsible for delivering the push content to the client. In doing so it potentially may need to translate the client address provided by the PI into a format understood by the mobile network, transform the push content to adapt it to the client’s capabilities, store the content if the client is currently unavailable, ete. ‘The PPG does more than deliver messages. For example, it may notify the PI about the final outcome of a push submission and optionally handle cancellation, replace, or dlient capability requests from the PI. The OTA protocol provides both connectionless and connection-oriented services. While the (mandatory) connectionless service relies upon Wireless Session Protocol (WSP), the (optional) connection-oriented service may be provided in conjunction with both WSP (OTA-WSP) and HTTP (OTA-HTTP). * Baséd on request/response model * Push initiator is the client * Push proxy is the server Scanned with CamScanner 20-2014 Aixth Somoaton, Mobile Computing, * Initiator vies HTT POST to goad push messages {0 prONy’ * Initiator aends control information ae an XME docuont, and content tip ‘obit (as WML) : : * Proxy sends XML entity in response indicating aubiidsalon aati * Initiator ean, cancel previous push, — query status of push, — query atatus/capabilities of device Pp Push initiator Push proxy, eee (Web server), Wireless ‘ Ae Push OTA protien ee Mobile client Push initiator (AP served * Greate global winvtess protocol apecitications that work ae technologies * Facilitate network-operator and thitd party service provisioning * Define a layered, scalable and extensible architecture * Brin terminals was didbring wiretoxs ng Internet/Intranet information and advanced data services to Wireless * Optimize for efficient use af devico resources * Provide support for secure applications and communication * Embrace and extend existing standards where posible * Optimize for efficient use of device resoutoes * Optimize for narrowband bearers with potentially high latency shan) enable personalization and customization of the device, the content delivered to itand presentation of the content APPLICATIONS OF WAP * Standard naming model * Content typing * Standard content formats _ * Standard protocols GOALS OF WAP. * Enabling Internet on the Mobile Devic * Host the gateway within the secure intranot of application server * Application level security on top of WAP i Scanned with CamScanner

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