Individual Report

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This is an individual report which is focused on the “leadership styles” and its importance along
with the comparison of those styles and contrasting the styles. Different types of styles exist in
the market and within those styles; the most renowned people of society follow a particular style.
Each company has its individual leader and those leaders follow all the characteristics of
leadership in their organization and their role is significant in their business. As they follow the
leadership characteristics, thus they can successfully choose the relevant style and use it in their
business so that they can make growth for the future. Here, the leader who has been selected as
the CEO of Facebook ad which leadership style he follows is the going describe here with the
appropriate theories.

To achieve the goal of Facebook, the leader has to work hard and follow some strategies and
within those strategies, the most controversial is the styles that the leaders are followed. There
are different types of leadership styles are exists and those leadership styles are –

 Democratic leadership
 Autocratic leadership
 Laissez-Faire Style[ CITATION Bru19 \l 1033 ]

A leader is essential for an organization for motivating the people of the organization to achieve
a particular goal. Leadership is important for achieving the goal for the benefit of the company
and the leader should have some characteristics and skills through which he can motivate the
team. The leaders should have critical thinking, communication skill, decision-making ability,
and so on. Different types of leaders are shown in the market and those leaders also play their
role very significantly ad develop some strategies for the better development of the organization.
For example, the leader who has been choosing here is “Mark Zuckerberg” who is the “CEO of
Facebook” and also the leader. There is a reason behind choosing this leader is that Mark
Zuckerberg follows three types of leadership styles which are “autocratic, democratic and
Laissez-faire”. By using these three styles the organization will achieve al the success for their
future and develop his business on a high scale.

Facebook is a social media platform which is very famous and most of the people spend their
time in chatting, scrolling, and connecting with different countries people in a single place.
Facebook has been created by “Mark Zuckerberg”, who is a US-based philanthropist and
entrepreneur and also the co-founder of the development of the “solar sail spacecraft”. For the
growth and development of Facebook, he followed a lot of strategies and executes them in the
business and gains success. With Facebook, e take the work world at a place where different
areas people, different country people, different regions people can communicate with each other
and know about them and their ideologies. This also helps people to share their thoughts and in
this place, several relationships are also developed[ CITATION Bey17 \l 1033 ].

Thus when Mark working on Facebook, he is the co-founder, shareholder, CEO, and also
chairman. All decisions and responsibilities are on his shoulder and he fulfills all his duties and
responsibilities and never gets off track from his business. As he was the leader of Facebook so
that he is considered as the leader and develops its group and the members of this group are
selected by him and he trained them properly and informs them about their activities and
responsibilities[ CITATION Ber16 \l 1033 ]. As a leader Mark has to operate all projects by himself
and with his team, for the completion of the project, one thing that Mark has to care about the
fact their team members should feel encouraged when they are involving in the project and as
motivated. For this reason, he makes different activities and involving them in those activities,
and through it, he can understand their performance and try to encourage the ad to motivate
them[ CITATION inv201 \l 1033 ].

From a report, it has been finding out that Mark believes in the “transformational leadership
style” and according to this leadership, the leader inspires, encourages, and motivates their
employees to create and innovate changes in the organization that will help them for their future
growth and success. Most of the companies follow this “leadership style” because through this
leadership they can achieve their employee's beliefs and their support and as a return, they should
provide them all the facilities and benefits that they deserve [ CITATION Sha16 \l 1033 ] . Mark
follows this style mainly because of the employees or the team members and involves them in
the business and suggests them to take part in the activities. If they take part then they might gain

more experience and support which help them in their future. On the other hand, it also considers
beneficial for the company in the same manner[ CITATION Sar184 \l 1033 ].

The most controversial topic is about Mark Zuckerberg and his following “leadership styles”.
Mark said that he followed three types of “leadership style” because he always likes to grow up
his business and innovate new things and new ideas. As he always likes to challenge new things
and face them so that he follows three types of styles which he in his business. the “leadership
style” that Mark follows is – “autocratic leadership”, “democratic leadership” and “Lassie-faire
style” and the combination of this three style make the understand what is their business fault,
the obligations of their employees and their business scopes. Each of the “leadership styles” has
its own benefits and characteristics and those should describe here in a very brief manner so that
it can understand that how much Mark is successful in implementing these styles in his business.
There are reasons which reflects how much his employees respect him and within those reasons
the most common reasons are –

 Mark does not follow the “traditional hierarchies” and appoint employees based on their
experience, their age, their creative mind, and their ideologies.
 Mark has the legitimacy quality in him who attracts the employees towards him and his
 Mark’s vision is very clear and works to fulfilling that vision [ CITATION ceo20 \l 1033 ].

“Democratic leadership”: According to this “leadership style”, the leader provides guidance to
the employees and also participates with them in their activities and involves them in all types of
the decision-making process. As the reference to Mark Zuckerberg who is the leader of
Facebook use this style in his business and connect with the employees and involve them in
several activities and ask them about their feedback[ CITATION CHI17 \l 1033 ].

“Autocratic leadership”: This style shows that the leader does not take any advice from anyone
and the event does not involve his employees in his decision and takes all the decisions by
himself. Mark single-handedly took a decision and implements it in the business and if the other
employees do not agree with it then he dares to go along with his decision.

“Laissez-Faire style: Based on this style, the employees have all the rights and they work as
they want, but their focus should on organizational development. Sometimes, Mark believes in
his employees and gives them some responsibilities and asks them to do it by them, and through
this process, they develop confidence within his employees[ CITATION Ken202 \l 1033 ].

Therefore, Mark follows the three leadership styles so that it’s quite difficult to make a
comparison with the other “leadership style”. These three styles are the primary style a besides
them there are some other styles are also followed and those are “transactional leadership”,
“bureaucratic leadership” etc. as the “transactional leadership” followed on the establishment of
the responsibilities and roles of the employees in the organization and Mark does not follow it
because he believes in skill rather than position and he provide equal respect and opportunity to
everyone who supports him in his business [ CITATION Jor16 \l 1033 ]. The “bureaucratic
leadership” based on the book based theories and policies that an organization follows. But,
Mark does not believe in this type of “leadership style” rather focused on the ability of the
employees that they use in the business for the betterment of the business. The “transformational
theory” can use and describe the comparison in a more descriptive way. Mark is the most
versatile person who gives equal rights and respect to everyone and involves them in the
business so that they do not unwanted.

In this report, the “leadership style” is the most concerning matter and discussed in a very
informative way. Firstly, a proper description has been provided with leadership skills and
characteristics. Then, it moves towards the leadership style and gives an example of a leader of
Facebook and identifies which leadership style he follows in their business. After it moves to the
comparison of the leadership styles that the leaders are following and how the contrast exists
between them is also identified. All these things are described in very affirmative and conclude
that the organization should appoint a leader based on their skills and encourage them to work
for the growth of the organization and motivate the other employees.

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