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Table of Contents
Assessment (Part 1) – Review of work and organization at Oxfam:............................................................2
The rational and social organization:.......................................................................................................2
Leadership aspects:..................................................................................................................................3
Groups and teams:...................................................................................................................................3
The impact of globalization:....................................................................................................................4
Organizational Culture:...........................................................................................................................4
Assessment – Part 2.....................................................................................................................................6
Part 3: personal reflection on employment:.................................................................................................9

Assessment (Part 1) – Review of work and organization at Oxfam:

The purpose of this report is to compare the effectiveness of the work and organization which are
identified within the given assignment such as Oxfam and Tesla. Through this report the
technical rational and socio human organizational cultures are described where Taylor’s
scientific management theory as well as human relation schools of Elton Mayo is involved.
Based on the criteria of this report, it is observed that identified organizations Tesla, a renowned
automobile organization, follows the technical rational concept as this is completely a business
organization therefore according to organizational behavior theories it is observed that the
effectiveness of this organization is depended on the classical schools of management. On the
other hand, Oxfam which is charitable organization and considered as the social organization
therefore it must be followed human relations school for maintaining the effectiveness on their
activities. As the report is written in comparative nature of the discussion therefore here is the
supportive information to justify these arguments.


The rational and social organization:

As the chosen organization Tesla is dealing with manufacturing of automobiles and electric
vehicles therefore, it has technical rational where humans are mere cogs within them. It is
observed that to maintain rationality in the organization, in the social groups for efficient
management of the groups it needs to create a bureaucratic structure. There are other
characteristics of the technical organizations which is important to maintain the rationality for
that kind of organizations. These characteristics are as follows technical competence,
impersonality, specialized activities proper discipline and times. In these aspects all these
qualities are available within the chosen organization Tesla where technical competencies are
essential to manage the effectiveness of their business (Denicolai, 2001). On the other hand,
social organizations are secondary organizations that have formal identity and its effectiveness of
the activities is depended on the social productivities or services of the working procedures. In

this report the chosen organization Oxfam is a charitable organization which has the activities
based on the communities of people. Therefore all the social organizations can maintain the
human relationship within their working area (Bull, 2008). Social organization is based on the
societal structures as per evidence it is observed that the concept of ideal social behavior is
related to the systems of obligation relations. Therefore uniformities of social relationships have
existed through the total cultural framework. As a result emotions of the humans have the
priority while working through social organizations (Pithouse, 2019).

Leadership aspects:
In case of both organizations leadership has the important factors to develop their activities and
proper leadership structures are important for the organizational effectiveness. While discussion
the leadership aspect of both types of organizations it is observed that there are two man
concepts of leadership aspects in which Tesla follows the heroic structures to maintain the
rational concept on their technical activities, on the other hand, being the social organization,
Oxfam utilize post heroic perspectives of leadership process that encourages their organizational
effectiveness. For the social organization, this is the modern trends where post heroic approaches
are used to improve the talent and performances within the workplace for agile trends of
innovative conditions for the organizational effectiveness (Spillane, 2005). As Oxfam is one of
the important social organization therefore, shared and distributed leadership is important to
identify the position of the authority is maintained here. As the organization requires a high level
of trust therefore they need to follow distributed eldership for transparency and mutual respect.
On the other hand, for Tesla organization, it needs to maintain heroic leadership which is the art
of living others for their maximum performances to meet their mission. There are 4 types of
common leadership styles which are under heroic leadership theory such as traits, behavioral,
situational, transactional, and transformational. In case of Tesla, they use transformational theory
for better productivities (Allison, 2013).

Groups and teams:

To perform in case of social organizational activities, Oxfam requires to reform groups which
helps to maintain the effectiveness of their performances. However, Oxfam has activities to
arrange different types of cultures and behaviors so that they have faced several types of
difficulties for the effective performances. Therefore group thinking along all is effective ides

that are implemented to develop their work performances (Paulus,2000). According to social
identity theory Oxfam can change the behavior of an individual one who is associated with the
organization. Oxfam need to modify the self identity to drive the emotional attachments with the
groups. Oxfam needs important sources of self esteem group that can handle the thinking power
of the people in the society. On the other hand, group thinking is also required for the activities
of the Tesla group. As they are responsible to produce technical parts for electric vehicles
therefore they needs a high performing team which is maintained through the group thinking
process. Group thinking factors can enhance the performances of the organizations.

The impact of globalization:

Globalization has a systematic effect on the different types of organization. As the chosen
organization Tesla is a global manufacturer of the electric vehicles therefore it faces a global
impact on their business. On the other hand, similar way Oxfam also faces the impact of
globalization on their activities as globalization can change the lifestyle of the people and Oxfam
handles the activities of the people (Aaronson, 2006). Globalization has a marketing effect where
mass production is required for Tesla compare to other types of traditional automobile industry
(Mangram, 2012). In accordance with globalization have both positive and negative effects on
the activities of the Oxfam.

Organizational Culture:
As both types of organization are under different categories therefore their activities are also
different. Therefore organizational cultures are also different in nature. Based on technical
rational concept, Tesla has Bureaucratic nature where they follow the classical schools of the
management thought (Cole, 2000). In this case, they used to follow the Taylor and Scientific
That helps to train their employees. Based on the organizational behavior theories there are three
common perspectives in which Tesla follows this classical schools of OB theories. On the other
hand, in comparison with Oxfam it follows the Human Relations School which was proposed by
Elton Mayo. Based on the researches of Hawthorne, the concluding sentences are that providing
attention to the employees always responsible to enhance the effectiveness of the performances.
Therefore the group of workers gets freedom to their work environment and they believed in

their high quality of performances, it is only possible for the social organization such as Oxfam
(Cole, 2004).

Henceforth while concluding the overall perspectives of the entire part 1 portion, it is identified
that organizational behavior is more crucial factor for any organization to get the better facilities
to measure the effectiveness of the activities. In this case, there are two types of organizations are
chosen which Tesla is and Oxfam both belongs to different fields. In this case, one is from
technical and another one is social organization. However both organizations have rational
activities regarding to their own perspectives therefore, they need to follow different
organizational behavioral theories which helps to increase their work performances. The
organizational behavior theory helps to motivate the employees after designing the perfect job
position. Therefore it is recommended that both organization needs to follow more flexible
structures to gain the positive advantages.

Assessment – Part 2
The purpose of this part of the report is to reflect my experiences regarding to the group
activities within the seminars which are considered as my part time employment. In this aspect I
need to describe my experiences to have work with the groups and measure the effectiveness of
both group members. To accomplish this target of the following reflective report, I need to use
Kolb’s learning cycle which help to me to determine the right process to perform in the group

Therefore, based on my experience while working with such group, I can understand the
effectiveness of the group work. It is observed by me that there is a slight differentiation
regarding this group work where a group is identified as the collection of the employees who can
coordinate with their partners efforts, while a team is performed on the basis of sharing common
purpose and challenging goals among themselves therefore while I used to compare both
activities I find that team work is effective more than this group work to prepare the seminar
activities[ CITATION Jim13 \l 1033 ]. However, in case of seminar activities, I need to use group
work as I have dependency on each effort of individual members. Therefore usually while
playing the seminar activities we all the members are acted as teamwork within the organization.

As there are different types of activities there to organize the seminar in successful way therefore
being the leader, I need to identify the roles of each team members to accomplish the task in
particular time. Therefore, I can identify following types of roles for my team members such as
shaper, implementer, Completer-Finisher, Coordinator/ Chairperson, team worker, evaluator,
resources investigator etc [ CITATION Pau19 \l 1033 ]. in this case, Belbin team role theory is very
helpful for me that helps to define the definite role for my team members. Among all these team
roles I can notice that shaper has a dynamic position to formulate the entire plans for the
successful activities.

In accordance with such team role balancing theory is essential to maintain the activities within
the group as successful maintenance regarding to the balancing of the team roles it is necessary
for the motivation of the other member in the group. As per my experiences to gain the success
and maintain the effectiveness in the activities of the seminar process, successful team role
balance provides encourage able working environment for future seminar activities. For
effectiveness of the group work, it is necessary to identify proper skills of individual team

members so that team role distribution is done on effective way. Therefore balancing in team
role is essential to develop own strengths and roles in the team and it also helps to encourage and
increase my own skills to meet the targets of seminar activities.

To achieve the success n group activities, it needs to form a strong team through several stages.
Therefore, I used to following activities while forming my group to accomplish the seminar
activities. In this case, I must follow the 5 stage model to form a working group [ CITATION
tut209 \l 1033 ]. Therefore forming, storming, norming, performing and Adjourning stages are
important to understand the group formation process. Group forming is necessary activity as it
helps to maintain all types of individual employee in the group that ensures about the completion
of the activities at a time where experienced team members are involved within the group.

On the other hand, effectiveness of my group activities are depending on the group thinking
process where each member of the group requires to understand the core text of the meeting
discussion and regular basis meetings are necessary for the group activities to observed the team
performances. Therefore group thinking process is also known as incidents that happens when
the craving for individuals' good judgment want to introduce choices, evaluate a position, or
express a not accepted conclusion for any working process. In this case, the desire for chosen an
effective group is driven out through group decisions and identification of the solutions for the
problem within the group[ CITATION Ken201 \l 1033 ]. Therefore group thinking process is
essential to maintain the balance for creativity and individuality within the group activities.
Group thinking process is useful for the group to make proper decision to accomplish the project.
Therefore I think group thinking process is required for solving the tasks of seminars.

As to mantis the effective and accurate group work for seminar activities, I need to follow the
group dynamics concept as it is related to the organizational behavioral systems that are based on
the team roles. My group dynamic behavior is influencial for the other members of the group that
the structure and process of the group is maintained through my personal attitudes [ CITATION
coa20 \l 1033 ]. To maintain my team characteristic in better way, I must follow the unconscious
group dynamics that is experienced in nature [ CITATION Kim98 \l 1033 ]. Unconscious nature is
important for me to handle the conflicts as well as regulate my team effective way.

Therefore overall perception explains that to reflect these team activities properly ii need to
maintain my strength points and need to determine the weakness for future activities. In this
case, for personal development the SMART goals are effective to manage the group activities
and thus I maintain the strong leadership role to assist my co partners. Based on evaluation of my
own strength point and weakness, I understand that to accomplish the team work I need a
potential and real team that should obey my opinions and helps me to achieve the targets easily
therefore it turns into a high performances team.

Part 3: personal reflection on employment:

In this part of the report I want to discuss about my personal reflection on the nature of
employment where different types of organizations are involved to motivate my working
experiences. Therefore the purpose of this portion is to discuss about the organizational
behavioral literature for further analysis on the nature of employment process.

After studying the organizational behavior it is observed that organizational behavior in

workplace is very important to maintain as it helps the people to act their performances in the
group. There are several types of principles which help to provide strategies to motivate me or
any employees. According to study of organizational workplace, it can be identified that there
are several types of models that are used to encourage and engage their employees. After a
thorough study of those models, I understand that I need to follow supportive model of the
organizational behavior and which company follows such model in their workplace, that types of
organization is responsible to motivate me in the workplace. The reason in behind such decision
is depended on the following points. As this type of model has supportive nature to motivate
their employees and helps to maintain focus on those matters which can inspire me. On the other
hand, such types of organization provide immense opportunities to improve themselves to
manage their employees and initiate several types of programs to increase the skills of
employees. Thus it helps to motivate myself to meet my personal goals [ CITATION Kim191 \l
1033 ].

On the other hand as the discussed types of organization helps to motivate me a lot, therefore my
personal satisfaction and increasing skills helps me to perform better in this organization. These
types of organization are necessary for any employees and as per my opinion this helps me to
maintain my work balance in these organizations. As it helps me to enhance my skills therefore
my satisfaction level can helps to gain my confidence level therefore I have to adjust my work
process for this organization. Therefore, my happiness while working such environment
motivates me to develop my performances[ CITATION Ger20 \l 1033 ]. As a result I provide more
attention towards the consumers and the systems of these companies that increase my

In accordance with there are different types of organizations where I engage and less productive
to maintain my activities. All the organizational structures are not similar in nature. After a
detailed analysis it is observed that some organizations are supportive in nature where I have
enough space to handle my activities on the other hand, one of the organization has autocratic in
nature therefore that types of organization is responsible to reduce my inspiration [ CITATION
Kim192 \l 1033 ]. In this case, the boss is the highest decision making personality who are not
capable to motivate the employees like me therefore the result is less productivities. While
contrasting other organizations with my inspiring organization, more or less all the activities are
kind of similar however there are some organizations which have special treatment with
employees as their employees are known as supportive structure for the organizational

Based on the organizational leadership it is observed that leadership is important to manage the
organizational activities within the organization where I am connected by my profession. Among
all types of leadership styles one of the important one is transformational style and democratic
style which are helpful to maintain proper work balance in the organization. On the other hand,
organizational culture is helpful to draw the motivation in my team work perception where
classic approach of human relations is essential to handle the consumers. In addition to these
different types of organizational behavior is essential to mantis the proper working atmosphere
that helps to motivate myself to manage the teamwork.

Additionally emotion is stronger player to maintain the workplace environment properly where
emotion has the impact to control the behaviors and attitudes in the workplace. There are several
studies that reflect identity of the employee like me, it describes my skills and work behaviors to
the office and it helps to assess myself through my senior staffs. They can acknowledge my
personality through my behaviors and attitudes towards the work[ CITATION Gle15 \l 1033 ]. The
experience of the works creates my passion towards the working environment and increases my
confidence level. Therefore, feeling and emotions has the impact on the performances of the

While employment factor is need to discussing therefore it also prepares to discuss about the
strength and weakness of myself. As a result based on the identification of my strength point it is
observed that I have the ability to learn from my past mistakes and I always nourish my creative

and positive thinking over my work experiences [ CITATION Car20 \l 1033 ] . I think I have enough
communication skills that help to maintain my interpersonal activities and I have analytic
thinking power towards my work process. On the other hand, as every employees has some
negative perspectives therefore I also have some negative qualities such as multitasking activities
along with handling too many project at a time, being a detail oriented performer along with
taking credit for group projects are my biggest negative perceptions.

I can identify such weak points while I introduce myself in the teamwork and after identification
of my negative points I need to rectify my goal setting targets. Therefore I used to choose
SMART objectives to develop my attitudes towards the working environment and I need to turn
my weak points into my strength[ CITATION min204 \l 1033 ].

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