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A Voltage Equalizer Circuit to Reduce Partial

Shading Effect in Photovoltaic String
Majid Tahmasbi-Fard , Mehrdad Tarafdar-Hagh, Senior Member, IEEE,
Saman Pourpayam, and Amir-Aslan Haghrah

Abstract—Partial shading is one of the main causes in reducing incompetent in finding maximum power point (MPP) of mul-
the output power of photovoltaic (PV) systems. This paper proposes tipeak characteristics. The voltage mismatch in substrings will
a circuit to recover the energy of shaded PV modules during partial reduce the maximum extractable power [3], even if complex
shading condition (PSC). The proposed circuit, which is a combina-
tion of a buck–boost converter and the switched-capacitor (BBSC) methods such as partial swarm optimization [8], ant colony [9]
circuits, equalizes the voltage of PV modules and prevents by- or firefly algorithm [2], [10] are employed to find global maxi-
pass diodes from bypassing the shaded modules in a string. Hence, mum successfully.
shaded PV modules can have a contribution in output generated Several topologies have been proposed and reported in the
power instead of being bypassed. The main features of the BBSC
literature to maximize generated power during PSC. They can
are the utilization of the reduced number of switches in comparison
with buck–boost and switched-capacitor circuits, a simple switch- mainly be divided into two topologies: 1) module-integrated
ing control strategy, and fast voltage equalization. In addition, a converters (MICs) [11]–[14]; and 2) energy recovery based cir-
BBSC circuit is almost a lossless circuit during uniform shading cuits [15]–[17].
conditions. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed BBSC In MICs, a dc–dc converter is used for every single module,
circuit, both simulation results in PSCAD/EMTDC software and which results in exact MPPT of each module, independent from
experimental results are presented.
others. The main drawback of these circuits is high power loss,
Index Terms—Buck–boost converter, maximum power point even during unshaded conditions [11]. Although this problem
tracking (MPPT), partial shading, switched-capacitor (SC), volt- is solved in [14] by using differential power processing (DPP)
age equalization.
architectures, the number of MPPT blocks, as well as voltage
and current measurement units, is proportional to that of PV
HOTOVOLTAIC (PV) systems are almost clean power
P conversion units, and therefore, this is the main reason why
their installed capacity over the past decade has been increasing
On the other hand, in energy recovery based topologies, which
can be employed with single central converter, part of the shaded
PVs current is compensated by unshaded PVs to move their op-
dramatically [1]. It is of crucial importance to harvest the maxi- erating point closer to the MPP. In [15], a PV equalizer circuit
mum available solar energy with the highest possible efficiency. with a single inductor is proposed for partially shaded PVs. The
Any nonuniform solar irradiation striking series-connected PV complexity of control as well as the number of switches and
modules is referred to partial shading condition (PSC). The par- diodes are increased significantly (eight switches and ten diodes
tial shading on PVs gives rise to a reduction of generated energy for four modules) in [15], even though only a single inductor
and hot spot heating, which necessitates adding a parallel cur- is used. Despite the advantages of simplicity, with open-loop
rent path for shaded PV modules to prevent hot spot heating in control system and fixed duty cycle of 50% for all switches, the
PSC [2]. The antiparallel diode of the shaded module results in proposed energy recovery circuit in [16] is only applicable for
multipeak PV characteristic with local and global peaks [3], [4]. 2n (n is an integer) number of modules. Some DPP architectures
Perturb and observe (P&O), incremental conductance, and hill are presented and compared in [18] with local MPPT. Although
climbing are some of the common maximum power point track- a fraction of power is processed in DPP converters, local MPPT
ing (MPPT) methods [5]–[7]. However, unfortunately, they are increases complexity and cost. A notable reduction of switches
number is achieved in [3], where a single-switch voltage equal-
Manuscript received December 16, 2017; revised February 18, 2018; accepted izer using multistacked buck–boost converters is proposed. The
March 29, 2018. (Corresponding author: Majid Tahmasbi-Fard.) ripple of the inductor current, the voltage, and current ratings of
M. Tahmasbi-Fard, S. Pourpayam, and A.-A. Haghrah are with the Faculty switches and diodes, however, are increased by the number of
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz 51665-
15813, Iran (e-mail:, majidtahmasbi@yahoo.com; spourpayam@gmail.com; PV modules in a string which consequently increases the rating
amiraslanhaghrah@gmail.com). of the components.
M. Tarafdar-Hagh is with the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineer- Another simple voltage equalizing method is switched-
ing, University of Tabriz, Tabriz 51665-15813, Iran, and also with the Engineer-
ing Faculty, Near East University, Nicosia 99138, Turkey (e-mail:, tarafdar@ capacitor (SC) [17], [19]. A capacitor is connected in parallel
tabrizu.ac.ir). with shaded and unshaded modules with a fixed duty cycle of
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online 50% to equalize the modules operating voltage. The cost and
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2823984 the size of components in the SC-based method are favorable.

2156-3381 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 2. Buck–boost circuit: (a) Charging mode and (b) discharging mode of
Fig. 1. Proposed BBSC circuit (buck–boost circuit in black, SC in gray).
the inductors.

However, relatively high number of switches is the main disad-

In this paper, a circuit is proposed to increase the PV modules
output power during PSC combining buck–boost converter and
switched-capacitor (BBSC) architecture. The proposed topol-
ogy offers an almost lossless circuit under uniform irradiance
condition with reduced number of switches, simple control sys-
tem, DPP, low voltage and current rating components, and sat-
isfactory equalizing speed.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the descrip-
tion of the proposed system is presented by dividing its operation
into downward and upward energy transfer using buck–boost
and SC circuits, respectively. In Section III, simulation results
for a string consisting of five series-connected PV modules are
presented. In Section IV, experimental results on a small-scale
setup are presented. Finally, the conclusion is given in Section V.
Fig. 3. Buck–boost circuit. (a) Gate pulses. (b) Inductor current. (c) Capacitors
II. PROPOSED BUCK–BOOST CONVERTER AND average voltage. (d) Diodes reverse voltage.
The proposed circuit for five series-connected PV modules is The overall power transfer direction of BBSC is depicted
shown in Fig. 1. The gray color in Fig. 1 is used to distinguish by arrows in Fig. 1. While buck–boost converters are used for
the switched-capacitor circuit (SCC). From the black-colored voltage equalization in a downward path, SCs are utilized for
components, S1 , S3 , D2 , D4 , L1 , L2 , L3 , and L4 operate in the power transfer in a reverse direction. Thus, BBSC can operate in
buck–boost circuit exclusively, while S2 , S4 , C13 , C35 , D3 , and either direction. Downward equalization between, for instance,
D6 are shared by both buck–boost and SC circuits. PV1 and PV2 in Fig. 1 means that the lower positioned PV
During partial shading condition, BBSC should create a lat- (PV2 ) is under PSC (lower voltage) and the energy transfer
eral path for mismatch current of shaded and unshaded PVs direction can be from upper PV (PV1 ) to lower one (PV2 ).
to flow and to preclude bypass diodes from conducting. The Buck–boost and switched-capacitor circuits are described in the
open-loop control of the proposed system makes it easy to im- following sections to elucidate the operation of the BBSC and
plement, and all switches will be switched with fixed 50% duty equalization direction.
cycle. For the sake of simplicity, the output power of PV string
is represented by a constant current source [16].
A. Buck–Boost Circuit
The BBSC will start to operate as soon as the PSC is detected.
Therefore, either during unshaded or uniform shaded conditions, Buck–boost circuit is illustrated with black color in Fig. 1
BBSC is OFF, and it would not have any conducting or switching and its operation can be divided into two charging and discharg-
power loss. ing modes. The capacitors (C13 and C35 ) also have contribution
The PSC, which is followed by the voltage drop of shaded PV in downward power transfer operation. The equivalent circuit
modules, can be easily detected by a trigger circuit that monitors for each mode is depicted in Fig. 2, assuming decreasing irra-
the PVs voltage [16]. Since the shaded PVs are known formerly diation level from top to bottom of PV string. Inductors’ and
in our studies, triggers are sent manually, and detection circuit capacitors’ currents as well as diodes reverse voltage waveforms
has not been implemented here. corresponding to each switching mode are shown in Fig. 3.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


1) Inductor Charging Mode: As shown in Fig. 2(a), switches

S1 –S4 are turned ON in charging state. Meanwhile, inductors are
connected in parallel with PV modules and the constant voltage
applied to them gives rise to charge inductors and increase their
current linearly [see Fig. 3(b)]. Although inductors’ currents
have different dc offsets depending on shading condition on two
adjacent PVs, their overall waveforms are the same as depicted
in Fig. 3(b). The capacitors average voltage is shown in Fig. 3(c),
where the average voltage of C13 is a bit higher than that of C35
since irradiation is getting reduced from PV1 to PV5 . In this
mode of operation, diodes D1 –D4 are reverse biased. The ripple
current of inductors and reverse voltage across the kth diode
during charging period can be calculated as follows:
Fig. 4. SCC: (a) Charging mode and (b) discharging mode of capacitors.
VPV(k )
ΔIL (k ) = DTs (1)
L(k )
VD (k ) = VPV(k ) + VPV(k +1)  2VPV (2)
where ΔIL (k ) and L(k ) are ripple current and inductance of
the kth inductor, respectively. VPV(k ) is the kth PV module’s
voltage, D is the duty cycle, and Ts is the switching period.
During the current mode of operation, C13 and C35 are con-
nected in parallel with PV1 and PV3 , respectively. Thus, the
capacitors current can be calculated as
VPV(2k −1) − VC (2k −1,2k +1)
IC (2k −1,2k +1),ave = (3)
where Req is the equivalent resistance of switch, diode, and
internal resistance of the capacitor.
The capacitors are switched with duty cycle of D = 0.5 in
parallel with two PVs. Therefore, the capacitor voltage in steady
state will be an average of corresponding PV modules voltage.
Replacing capacitor voltage in (3) gives the following expres-
Fig. 5. SCC. (a) Gate pulses. (b) Inductor current. (c) Capacitors voltage. (d)
sion for the average charging current of the capacitor: Diodes reverse voltage.
VPV(2k −1) − VPV(2k +1)
IC (2k −1,2k +1),ave = ± (4)
2Req of capacitors can also be obtained by using (4) with the minus
where the plus sign is only for this mode of operation and the sign.
minus sign will be used in other discharging modes. Assuming the continuous conduction mode, current ripple
2) Inductor Discharging Mode: As the switches S1 –S4 are in both charging and discharging periods must be equal, from
turned OFF at the end of the first half of switching period, diodes which we conclude that
D1 –D4 are forward-biased, and the voltage across them is almost VPV(k ) D
zero. From this time onward in the switching cycle, inductors = . (7)
VPV(k +1) (1 − D)
current continue to flow through diodes and capacitors. The
negative voltage applied across inductors brings about current Setting D = 0.5 results in equal voltage across PV(k ) and
reduction in this mode linearly [see Fig. 3(b)]. The ripple current PV(k +1) in steady state.
of inductors and voltage across the switches in this mode can be
obtained as B. Switched-Capacitor Circuit
VPV(k +1)
ΔIL (k ) =− (1 − D) Ts (5) The switches in SCC are switched with fixed 50% duty cycle
L(k ) similar to the buck–boost converter. The SCC has two opera-
VS (k ) = VPV(k ) + VPV(k +1)  2VPV (6) tional modes in which their equivalent circuit for each mode is
depicted in Fig. 4 separately and corresponding current and volt-
where VS (k ) is the voltage across the kth switch. age waveforms are shown in Fig. 5. Green dashed lines show
C13 and C35 are connected in parallel with PV3 and PV5 , that which voltage is applied to capacitors in each switching
respectively. The voltage across PV3 and PV5 is lower than state. The switches S2 , S4 , S5 , and S6 are involved in upward
VC13 and VC35 , respectively. The average discharging current energy transfer so that S2 and S4 are complementary with S5 and
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Fig. 6. Proposed BBSC circuit for even number of PV modules (buck–boost

circuit in black; SC in gray).

S6 . The capacitors voltage will be an average of corresponding the case with an odd number of PVs, and this should be consid-
PV modules voltage. ered in design procedure. The buck–boost circuit has remained
1) Capacitor Charging Mode: As displayed in Fig. 4(a), S5 unchanged, and its operation is identical to what is described in
and S6 are turned ON in this mode of operation. Diodes D1 and Section II-A.
D3 are forward-biased because the capacitors C13 and C35 are in As pointed out earlier in Section II, the SC circuit is responsi-
lower voltage level compared with their corresponding parallel ble for energy transfer in an upward direction. Fig. 6 illustrates
PV modules PV3 and PV5 , respectively. The charging current, power transfer direction between groups of PVs. The capacitor
which is supplied through both inductors and diodes, gives rise C(i,j )(m ,n ) is switched between units (PVi , PVj ) and (PVm ,
to increase in the capacitor voltage [see Fig. 5(c)]. The current PVn ). The SCC also has two charging and discharging modes
flow through D1 and D3 will continue until the voltage across of operation similar to what is explained in Section II-B. The
them falls below the forward voltage drop level. After that, the only difference is power transfer between groups of PVs instead
capacitors C13 and C35 will solely charge through inductors L1 of individual ones.
and L3 , respectively.
The average charging current of capacitors in steady state can III. SIMULATION RESULTS
be obtained from (4) with the minus sign, since the connection
To verify the proposed BBSC system, simulation and exper-
points of capacitors are similar to the discharging mode of the
imental studies are conducted. The system parameters for both
buck–boost converter with current flow in a reverse direction.
case studies are listed in Table II in the Appendix. A PV sys-
2) Capacitor Discharging Mode: As shown in Fig. 5(a), the
tem consisting of five series-connected modules is designed and
switches S5 and S6 are turned OFF at the end of the charging
simulated in PSCAD/EMTDC software and the proposed BBSC
mode. Meanwhile, S2 and S4 receive gate pulses to turn ON.
circuit is mounted on (see Fig. 1). The P&O method with the
Each capacitor (C13 and/or C35 in Fig. 4) has been charged
sampling interval of 0.02 s is exploited to find the MPP of PVs,
with unshaded PV module in the previous mode of operation,
and a boost converter is used between PV modules and resistive
and the voltage across the capacitor is higher than that of the
load to set the operating point of overall PVs.
shaded PV module. Hence, as illustrated in Figs. 4(b) and 5(d),
The switches of BBSC circuit are switched with a frequency
diodes D5 and D6 are forward-biased, and they are conducting
of 50 kHz and duty cycle of 50% as soon as the partial shading
in this mode. Capacitors are discharged on shaded PV modules
condition is detected.
during this mode, and as a consequence, their voltage level will
Two scenarios are considered as summarized in Table I. The
decrease. Finally, in steady state, the average discharging current
short-circuit currents IS.C. , open-circuit voltages VO.C. , and the
of capacitors can be calculated from (4).
currents of MPP IM PP for different irradiation levels are also
provided in Table I. The irradiation levels in both test cases are
C. Generalized Buck–Boost Converter and considered so that the results represent the operation of buck–
Switched-Capacitor for Even Number of Photovoltaics
boost and SC circuits in BBSC separately and clearly.
If the number of PVs in a string were even, the proposed In the first case of simulation, upper PVs receive more irra-
circuit would be modified as shown in Fig 6. In this circum- diance than lower ones and a decreasing irradiance is assumed
stance, two adjacent PV modules, which are highlighted with from PV1 to PV5 . As a consequence, the buck–boost con-
cyan color, are considered to be one unit, and an SCC is re- verter should be triggered to perform downward energy transfer
sponsible for transferring power between two adjacent units. function.
Hence, the voltage across the switches in SCC is equal to the To illustrate the operation of BBSC more clearly, gate pulses
sum of the voltages across two adjacent PV modules, similar to for switches of BBSC are being sent after Δt = 30 s from the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 7. Operation of buck–boost converters (from top to bottom): (a) PV Fig. 8. Operation of SC converters (from top to bottom): (a) PV modules
modules voltage, PV modules current, and output power of the string; (b) voltage, PV modules current, and output power of the string; (b) inductors
inductors current and capacitors current. current and capacitors current.

time at which the PSC is occurred. Therefore, as shown in Fig. 7, upper PVs receive less irradiance compared with lower ones.
partial shading condition according to the first case of Table I Irradiation levels for the second test case are summarized in
occurs at t = 20 s but BBSC starts to operate at t = 50 s. From Table I, and simulation results are shown in Fig. 8.
t = 20 s until t = 50 s, BBSC is OFF. As depicted in Fig. 8(a), PSC is applied to the PV string at
Fig. 7(a) shows, from top to bottom, the PV voltage, the t = 20 s, and the PV module with the lowest amount of received
PV current, and the overall output power of the string. As the irradiation dictates the current and operating point of all PVs.
PSC occurs at t = 20 s, all PVs have the same current, and they Distribution of irradiation on PV string necessitates the switches
operate at different voltage levels. This contradicts the fact that S2 , S4 , S5, and S6 to involve in voltage equalization task. At
during PSC, PV modules should operate in almost the same t = 50 s, pulse trains for S2 , S4 and complementary signals for
voltage levels and, consequently, corresponding MPP currents S5 , S6 are sent and the SC circuit is activated.
to generate maximum available power. At t = 50 s, gate pulses It can also be seen from Fig. 8(a) that after t = 50 s, PV
are sent to switches S1 –S4 (see Fig. 1), and the buck–boost modules’ voltages are equalized and PVs operate in almost three
circuit is activated. Since a fixed 50% duty cycle is used for different current levels as a result of three irradiation levels that
switching, the MPPT block sets the output current of the string have been applied to them.
to the average current of PV modules [16], and buck–boost In Fig. 8(a), the output power trace for the second test case
circuit equalizes the voltage of PVs. The delay of MPPT block shows that after utilizing the proposed circuit, output power
in reaching the steady state is shown with tdM PP . This delay increases by 221 W from 449 W to reach 670 W, whereas
time is almost long since BBSC is not activated intentionally maximum available power from Table I is 692 W.
and MPP voltage deviates largely. Inductor and capacitor currents are illustrated in Fig. 8(b).
The output power in Fig. 7(a) increases by 171 W to reach All inductors have negative dc offset and their waveforms
614 W, whereas maximum available power from Table I is confirm the analyses presented in Section II-B. The average
632 W. current of C13 and C35 in positive and negative half cycles,
Current waveforms for inductors and capacitors are shown in which can be calculated from (4), is almost equal because
Fig. 7(b). All inductor currents have positive dc offset, and the MPP voltage of PV modules deviates so slightly as a result of
average of capacitor currents during a switching cycle is zero in different irradiation levels.
steady state which results in a constant voltage of capacitors. 1) Voltage Balancing Speed: One of the main factors in
The second scenario is designed to test the operation of the studying voltage equalizing circuits is the balancing speed. PV
SCC in upward energy transfer and voltage equalization when voltage equalizing circuit should be fast to such an extent that
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 9. Experimental setup.

it does not affect the operation of the MPPT system in tracking

varying irradiation levels. Therefore, balancing speed should be
more than the speed of the MPPT system.
Although sampling frequency of a few hertzs is reasonable, Fig. 10. Experimental results for shading applied to PV 3 . (a) Inductor cur-
based on the overall simulation time, sampling frequency of rent IL 1 and voltage on diode (−V D 1 ). (b) Inductor current IL 2 and voltage
on switch V S 2 . (c) Voltage across PV 1 and PV 2 . (d) Voltage across PV 2
50 Hz is selected for the MPPT block. Nevertheless, it is obvious and PV 3 .
from PV voltage traces of Fig. 8(a) and (b) that the proposed
circuit equalizes the voltage in both energy transfer directions
in very little time compared with the MPPT algorithm’s delay.


To demonstrate the correctness of the proposed system, a
small-scale experimental setup consisting of three 20-W PV
modules is used and the proposed circuit is tested on. The lab-
oratory prototype is shown in Fig. 9 and the parameters of the
experimental system are listed in Table II.
The switches of the proposed circuit are switched with a con-
stant 30 kHz frequency and 50% duty cycle. The boost converter
is also switched in 30 kHz, and the P&O method is used to find
the MPP.
The same as the simulation studies, two scenarios are tested
on an experimental setup to investigate the operation of buck–
boost and SC circuits separately.
In the first test case, the third PV module is covered to simulate
the partial shading condition. As a result, to equalize the voltage
between PV2 and PV3 , both the switches S1 and S2 are switched.
The experimental waveforms are shown in Fig. 10, where in
Fig. 10(a) the inductor current IL2 is depicted with the voltage Fig. 11. Experimental results for shading applied to PV 1 . (a) Capacitor cur-
across the diode D1 , and in Fig. 10(b), the inductor current IL2 rent IC 1 3 . (b) Inductor current IL 1 . (c) Voltage across PV 1 . (d) Voltage across
is depicted with the voltage across the switch S2 . The positive PV 2 and PV 3 .
dc offset of the inductor current is due to the downward energy
transfer direction. The voltage across the diode D1 is the sum transfer. Therefore, complementary gate signals are sent to S2
of the voltages across PV1 and PV2 and the voltage across and S3 to activate the SCC. The experimental waveforms for this
the switch S2 is the sum of VPV2 and VPV3 . Fig. 10(c) and test are depicted in Fig. 11, where the capacitor and inductor
(d) shows the voltage across the PVs that are almost equalized IL2 currents are shown in Fig. 11(a) and (b), respectively.
successfully. PV modules’ voltages are shown in Fig. 11(c) and (d). It
The second scenario is to apply shadow to the first PV module is clear that the proposed circuit equalizes the PV modules’
and test the function of the proposed circuit in upward energy voltages successfully.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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REFERENCES Majid Tahmasbi-Fard was born in Tabriz, Iran, in

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His research interests include power electronics,
gorithm for photovoltaic maximum power point tracking control under
power converter systems, renewable energy systems,
partial shading,” IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron., vol. 5, no. 2,
predictive control, and LVRT.
pp. 661–671, Jun. 2017.
[3] M. Uno and A. Kukita, “Single-switch voltage equalizer using multi-
stacked buck–boost converters for partially shaded photovoltaic modules,”
IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 3091–3105, Jun. 2015.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Mehrdad Tarafdar-Hagh (SM’14) received the Amir-Aslan Haghrah received the B.Sc. and M.Sc.
Ph.D. degree in electrical power engineering from degrees in electrical engineering (communication)
the University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, in 2000. from the University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, in 2013
He is with the Faculty of Electrical and Computer and 2016, respectively.
Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, as a His research interests include digital signal pro-
Professor of electrical engineering. His research in- cessing, adaptive systems, wireless sensor networks,
terests include renewable energy, microgrid, power and image processing.
system operation, FACTS, power quality, and power

Saman Pourpayam was born in Iran in 1991. He

received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical
engineering from the University of Tabriz, Tabriz,
Iran, in 2013 and 2015, respectively.
His research interests include power electronics,
solar photovoltaic, and renewable energy.

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