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Cleaning procedure ppm alarm unit E5264E_08_14

Type TURBULO MPB – Mechanical Phase Breaker

SKF Marine GmbH _P.O.Box 112289, D-20422 Hamburg Rev 2.0

Cleaning procedure for glass pipe

ppm Bilge Alarm Unit OMD-24
Regular cleaning procedure
Please clean the glass pipe after each running of oil water separator
Stop sample flow → Open screw plug on top → Open valve flush with fresh water
→Use the brush (many times upwards and downwards) during freh water flush
→Take brush out → stop water (close valve) after additional 3sec → replace the screw plug
→Open the freh water again (important : complete) → observe the display ppm range should be 0 -2ppm
→If not: close freh water and wait a minute and replay observe (air bubbles can be inside glass pipe)
→ Display don’t indicate 0-2ppm, please try again the regular cleaning procedure or
follow special cleaning procedure

Special cleaning procedure

Stop sample flow → Open screw plug on top → sugtion water out of glass tube
→ Fill citric acid inside glass pipe → wait for dissolve acid (overnight) → Use the brush (many times upwards
and downwards, maybe use drilling machine for brush turning) → wait again → flush glass pipe with frehwater
→put toothpaste on your brush → Use the brush (many times upwards and downwards, drilling machine?)
→open freh water and clean glass pipe, forward brush moving → Take brush out → be sure no toothpaste
remain inside → stop frehwater (close valve) → replace the screw plug
→Open the freh water again (important: complete) → observe the display ppm range should be 0 -2ppm
→If not: close freh water and wait a minute and replay observe (air bubbles can be inside glass pipe)
→ Display don’t indicate 0-2ppm, please try again
→ If necessary please use the opportunity to adjust the offset on OMD-computer to max. -5ppm
These settings are accepted and used in accordance with the Marpol rules

These procedure letter is a recommendation. Please read also the manual for OMD 24

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