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Zz CAD - 31 July 2019 - v1.

Code Group Sub group Section Object Title NBS Code NRM
Zz_10 10 Title sheet
Zz_10_20 10 20 Drawing frame
Zz_10_20_45 10 20 45 Logo
Zz_10_20_95 10 20 95 Viewports
Zz_10_40 10 40 Hold clouds and notation
Zz_10_70 10 70 Revisions
Zz_10_70_05 10 70 05 Annotation
Zz_10_70_10 10 70 10 Blocks and cells
Zz_10_70_20 10 70 20 Clouds and notations
Zz_10_80 10 80 Status stamps
Zz_20 20 Textual content
Zz_20_10 20 10 Annotation
Zz_20_10_40 20 10 40 Keynotes
Zz_20_10_45 20 10 45 Labels
Zz_20_10_50 20 10 50 Leaders
Zz_20_10_55 20 10 55 Notes
Zz_20_10_70 20 10 70 Reference
Zz_20_10_85 20 10 85 Tags
Zz_20_10_90 20 10 90 Text
Zz_20_20 20 20 Dimensions
Zz_20_30 20 30 General masking
Zz_20_30_50 20 30 50 Masks
Zz_20_30_95 20 30 95 Wipeouts
Zz_20_40 20 40 Hatching
Zz_20_40_05 20 40 05 Area fill
Zz_20_40_35 20 40 35 Hatch boundaries
Zz_20_40_60 20 40 60 Pattern
Zz_20_40_80 20 40 80 Solid fill
Zz_20_70 20 70 Redlining
Zz_20_70_20 20 70 20 Comments
Zz_20_80 20 80 Symbols
Zz_20_80_10 20 80 10 Barscales
Zz_20_80_15 20 80 15 Cross references
Zz_20_80_40 20 80 40 Key plan
Zz_20_80_50 20 80 50 Legends
Zz_20_80_55 20 80 55 North point
Zz_20_90 20 90 Title annotation
Zz_30 30 Insertions
Zz_30_20 30 20 Blocks and cells
Zz_30_30 30 30 External references
Zz_30_40 30 40 Images
Zz_30_60 30 60 Objects
Zz_30_90 30 90 Tables and schedules
Zz_35 35 Setting out
Zz_35_10 35 10 Alignments and super elevations
Zz_35_10_40 35 10 40 Horizontal alignment
Zz_35_10_80 35 10 80 Super elevation
Zz_35_10_90 35 10 90 Vertical alignment
Zz_35_20 35 20 Centrelines
Zz_35_30 35 30 Geospatial control points
Zz_35_40 35 40 Gridlines
Zz_35_40_20 35 40 20 Ceiling grid
Zz_35_40_80 35 40 80 Structural grid
Zz_35_60 35 60 Points
Zz_35_80 35 80 Survey control points
Zz_35_80_55 35 80 55 OS bench mark
Zz_35_80_60 35 80 60 OS trigonometrical station
Zz_35_80_80 35 80 80 Site bench mark
Zz_35_80_85 35 80 85 Site survey control station
Zz_35_80_90 35 80 90 Temporary bench mark
Zz_40 40 Topography
Zz_40_15 40 15 Contours
Zz_40_15_50 40 15 50 Major contours
Zz_40_15_55 40 15 55 Minor contours
Zz_40_20 40 20 Cuttings and embankment indicators
Zz_40_50 40 50 Level indicators
Zz_50 50 Zones and boundaries
Zz_50_10 50 10 Boundaries
Zz_50_10_10 50 10 10 Blue line boundary (BS 8541-2)
Zz_50_10_70 50 10 70 Red line boundary (BS 8541-2)
Zz_50_50 50 50 Lots
Zz_50_60 50 60 Parcels
Zz_50_90 50 90 Volumes
Zz_50_95 50 95 Zones
Zz_60 60 Drawing symbols
Zz_60_20 60 20 Detail call ups
Zz_60_30 60 30 Fall indicators
Zz_60_40 60 40 Joint lines
Zz_60_40_15 60 40 15 Construction joints
Zz_60_40_20 60 40 20 Contraction joints
Zz_60_40_30 60 40 30 Expansion joints
Zz_60_45 60 45 Levels
Zz_60_45_20 60 45 20 Datum
Zz_60_45_60 60 45 60 Original ground level
Zz_60_45_70 60 45 70 Regrade ground level
Zz_60_50 60 50 Markers
Zz_60_50_10 60 50 10 Break marks
Zz_60_50_20 60 50 20 Callout marks
Zz_60_50_30 60 50 30 Elevation marks
Zz_60_50_60 60 50 60 Plan
Zz_60_50_80 60 50 80 Section marks
Zz_60_50_85 60 50 85 Span direction markers
Zz_60_50_90 60 50 90 Void and opening markers
Zz_60_55 60 55 Match lines
Zz_70 70 Views
Zz_70_05 70 05 3D views
Zz_70_20 70 20 Details
Zz_70_30 70 30 Elevations
Zz_70_60 70 60 Plans
Zz_70_80 70 80 Sections
Zz_70_90 70 90 Visualisations
Zz_80 80 Presentation
Zz_80_30 80 30 Entourage
Zz_80_45 80 45 Lines
Zz_80_45_10 80 45 10 Fine
Zz_80_45_20 80 45 20 Thin
Zz_80_45_30 80 45 30 Light
Zz_80_45_40 80 45 40 Medium
Zz_80_45_50 80 45 50 Heavy
Zz_80_45_60 80 45 60 Wide
Zz_80_45_70 80 45 70 Extra-wide
Zz_80_45_80 80 45 80 XX wide
Zz_80_45_90 80 45 90 XXX wide
Zz_80_60 80 60 People
Zz_80_85 80 85 Trees and planting
Zz_80_90 80 90 Vehicles
Zz_85 85 Generic 3D
Zz_85_05 85 05 3D solids
Zz_85_05_60 85 05 60 Paths
Zz_85_05_80 85 05 80 Solids
Zz_85_05_85 85 05 85 Solid voids
Zz_85_20 85 20 Concept
Zz_85_20_20 85 20 20 Concept massing
Zz_85_20_50 85 20 50 Mass group
Zz_85_20_55 85 20 55 Mass slice
Zz_90 90 Readme and plotting lines
Zz_90_20 90 20 Construction lines
Zz_90_30 90 30 External reference information
Zz_90_70 90 70 Readme

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