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The requirements for materials therefore can be tabulated, and, for any given problem in

practice ofitt tneoryi can be given a . aegree of importance to suit impacted conditions:
, , , , suit ..

1 Absorbency
Adhesion accuracy, stability, and movement Maintenance and cleaning —
Mechanical damage Dimensional
soiling pattern stainingMechanical
Handling, properties
transport, mechanical plant and type of labour 1 0 T e s t i n g .
If one progresses in the analysis, the following sub-headings may arise: Dimensional accuracy
Production methods Solubility
and the possibility of mass production with its effect on cost On or off-
site factory production and the effect on transport and handling
Type of labour and plant, eg skilled Susceptibility to attack
semi-skilled unskilled Efflorescence
gang composition Living organisms
site or shop and supervision and control
uality control
Research and development -- often by the organisation producing the item.

As a further example, it may be worth developing (d) above. The reason for this; apart from
the obvious need to appreciate the background, is to consider, say, 'brickwork' rather than 'bricks
and mortar'. Consider the following from the point of view of 'workmanship'

Difficulty of control
ii Effect of weat he r
iii Architectural detailing
iv Supervision required available
v Expected and/or economic life of the building.

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