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Test Series Programme 2020 Rea enLs) aren TEST BOOKLET M TEST -1 Physical Principles of Geography Time Allowed: 2 hours Maximum Marks : 200 INSTRUCTIONS 1. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT. ‘THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UN PRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. I SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. 2. ENCODE CLEARLY THE TEST BOOKLET SERIES A, B, COR D AS THE CASE MAY BE IN THE APPROPRIATE fea aeedaeececaae 3 You have to enter your Roll Number’Serial No. on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. Date : 12/01/2020, Serial No, | 4 This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each item is printed in English. Each iter comprises four responses (answers) You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case You feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In Any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. All items cary equal marks. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. 6. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have tofill in some paniculars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admission Certificate 7. After you have completed fling inal your responses onthe Answer Sheet and the examination has con- cluded you should hand overt the invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with ‘you the Test Booklet & Penalty for wrong answers: ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE ‘TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. ( Thece are fur aheratives forthe answer to every question. Fr each question for which a wrong answer hasbeen given bythe candidate, 1/3 (One Third of he mark assigned 1 that question wil be deducted as pena 6 Wa candidate gives more thn one answer, willbe vested a a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be covect and tere will be same penal as above to tht question. ‘Gin 2 question left lank 2” 50 answers given by the candidate there wl be no penalty fr that question Ultimate Learning Experience (P) Ltd. ® py itd =e gfe) SN SU a CUD Luo! HARI BHAWAN : 144/103 WEA, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 05 Ph: 0112 - 5719872, 5719862, 5752444 9810382303 ‘ THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO TORO: es DIRECTION 1. Considerthe following: 1 Waning stage of voleanoes relates to furnaroles. 2.Cooler and viscous lava develops composite volcanoes 43The collapsed depressions of volcanoes are called craters. Which of the statements given above isvare correct? (a)Only 1 (©) Land 2 (>) Only2 (d) 2and3 2,Consider the following: 1 Planetoids occupy an orbit of matter that failed tocomplete planet forming process. 2, Meteorites are the small fragments of asteroid belt that reaches the ground. 3. Comets make examples of shooting star. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) Land 3 (©)2and3 (b) Land 2 ) Only2 3, Consider the given statements: 1 Aline latitude gives the angular distance ofa place east/west of Greenwich. 2.135°E will have 45° W as its antipodal line. 3, Local time is also called sun time. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (@)1,2and3 (b) 1 and2 (©) 2and3 @ Land 3 GS- Principle of Physical Geography (4) 4, Consider the following pairs: 1.Plutonic - Solidifiesatintermediate depth 2. Volcanic - Solidifieson the surface 3, Hypabyssal - Solidifies deep in the crust Which of the pairpairs are correct? (@)Only 1 (b)Only2 ()2and3 @ land 3 5. Consider the following statements in regards toepicenter: 1 Itis the point on the earth’s surface immediately above focus. 2, This is where the shock waves first hit the surface. 3. There are two types of shock waves. Correct ones are— (a) 1 and2 ()1,2and3 (b)2and3 (@ 1and3 6.Given are few statements: 1. Feldsparand quartz are most common minerals found in rocks. 2, Sedimentary rocks form under action of, pressure, volume and temperature. 3 Foliation forms charactersties of igneous rocks. Correct ones are — (1, 2and3 ()Only3 (b) Land 2 @)Only 1 7. Which one of the following is softest mineral? (@) Gypsum (b) Quartz (o) Tale (@) Topaz TesT-1 2020) ——e DIRECTION —— 8, When does an annular solar eclipse happens? 1. There should be New Moon. 2. There should by Syzgy. 3, Moon should be near perigee. Correct ones are— (a) Land 2 (b)2and3 (1, 2and3 @ Land 3 9. Presence of contiguous landmass Lemuria is supported by 1. rocks of same age Which among these are independent factors that controls and influence evolution of landforms? (@) Land 2, (b)2 and 3 (Land 3 (@1,2and3 12. Considerthe following: 1 Deposition by river/sea water. 2. Tectonicrise of land 3. Rise inthe sea level. Which among the following will develop 2. Polar fleeing force advancing shoreline? 3. distribution of fossils (@)Allofthem (b) 1 and 2 Correct ones are— (e) Land 3 (@2and3 (@) Only 1 (b) Only2 ()Only3 @1and3 13. Crustal warping is caused by vertical earth movements, which can result in formation of 10, Consider the given statements: (@) Basaltic tableland 1 Allepigene processes are covered under (b) Intermontane plateau ‘general term denudation. (©) Continental basin 2. All hypogene processes are covered under (6) Oceanic basin ‘general term diastrophism. 3. The energy emanating from within the earth is 14, Consider the given statements: main force of endogenic forces. | Hydration can result into spheroidal weathering. Correct ones are — 2. Exfoliation is most active in areas of large (a) 1,2and3 (&)Only3 diurnal temperature range. © Only! (@Only2 3. Oxidation is type of'chemical weathering. Which of these are correct for weathering 1. Considerthe following: ‘processes? 1. Stability of sea level (a) land2 2. Tectonic stability of landmass (b)2 and 3 3, Structure of landmass (©) 1, 2and 3 (@ 1and3 GS- Principle of Paysical Geography (2) ‘est- 1.2020) 15. Consider the given statements: 1. The hydrological cycle is aclosed system. 2, Each system occupies a channel and each channel occupiesa valley 3.Rejuvenation of iver causes ingrown meanders. Which of these are correct? (@Allofthem (b) Land 2 ()2and3 (@ Land3 16.Awinding low ridge composes of gravel sand and clay often soveral kilometres long stretching, across a poorly drainage lowland are called (a)Kames (b) eskers (©drumlins (@Moraine 17. Consider the following: 1 Reptation 2,Saltation 3. Suspension 4.Corrosion The process of wind erosion includes ~ (@Allofthem (b) 1, 2and 4 (©1,3and4 (@)1,2and3 18, Consider the following pairs: 1 Foreshore - Lies between the coastline and high tide level 2, Fetch - Distance of open water over which wind blows 3. Swash - Water that drains back to sea after surfing. DIRECTION Correct ones are — (@) 1,2and3 (b)Only1 (©) Land 3 @Only2 19. Consider the following statements: 1. Deltain partly submerged coastal water is estuarine delta. 2. Deltas are best developed with strong currents running perpendicular to river mouth. 3. Delta of River Nile is digitate delta. Correct ones are — (@) Only 1 (b) Land 2 (© Land3 (@Only3 20, Consider the following pairs: 1. Reg desert = Serirdesert 2. Erg desert - Koumdesert 3.Rockpedestal - —— Gourrock Correct ones are — (a) Land 2 (b)2 and 3 (©) 1,2and3 (@) Land 3 21. Consider the given statements: 1. Diumal range of temperature is difference between thedaily maximum and minimum temperature. 2. The deerease in temperature with altitude in stationary airis called environmental lapse rate. 3.Asix’s thermometer measures minimum and ‘maximum temperatures. Correct ones are - (a) 1 and3 (b)2and3 (©) land2 (4) 1,2and3 GS Principle of Physical Geography (3) Test. 1 2020) 22. Consider the following statements: 1. The temperature of air rises when its pressure rises, 2. The temperature of air falls when its pressure falls, 3. The pressure of the air falls when its temperature rises. 4, The pressure of the airrises when its temperature falls. Which among the following depicts influence of temperature on pressure? (@Allofthem (b)3and 4 (©) land 2 @2and3 23, onsider the following statements: 1 sotherms generally run parallel to the equator. 2. Isotherms show bends at shoreline, 3, Isotherms do not necessarily show correct temperature ofa place. Correct ones are— (a) 1, 2and3 (©) Land2 (b)2and3 (@) Land3. 24, Consider the given statements: 1 Pressure decreases as altitude increases. 2. Aircontaining water vapour is lighter than dry air, 3, Higher temperatures are associated with high pressure. Correct ones are— (@Allofthem (b) Land2 (©)2and3 @) Land 3 DIRECTION ——$ 25, Considerthe following: 1, Convectional 2. Orographic 3. Frontal 4, Inversional Which among these can cause rainfall? (@Allofthem (b) 1, 2and 4 (© 1,2and3 @1,3and4 26, Relative humidity is normally expressed asa (@) fraction (6) ratio (percentage (@)average 27. Theplanetary winds that blow from subtropical high pressure belts to equatorial low are (a) Doldrums (Tz, (©) Trades (@) Westerlies 28, Which one among the following statements about International Date Line is not correct? (a) Itis largely based on 180° meridian, (©) Difference of time between the places just either side of itis one day. (© Difference in time on either side is caused by axial inclination of earth. @) Itpasses through Pacific Ocean. GS- Principle of Physical Geography (4) TEST 4 (2020) 29, Which among the following is not igneous rock? (@ Granite (b) Peridotite (©)Diorite (d) Slate 30. Consider the following statements in regards to duration of day and night. Which is correct? (a) Difference is least at Equator and increases avway fromit. (b) Difference ismaximum at Equatorand decreases away from it. (©) Difference is least at tropics and increases towards Equator and Poles. (@ Difference is maximum at tropiesand decreases towards Equator and Poles. 31, Consider the following: 1, Seismic waves 2.Nuleanism 3.Gravitational force 4, Earth’s magnetism Which among these are/is direct source(s) of information of earth's interiors? (a) Land2 (b)Only 1 (©Only2 (@3and4 32. Consider the following: 1.Non occurrence of day and night eycle 2, Non occurrence of season cycle 3.Non occurrence of tides GS - Principle of Physical Geography () Which among will result if rotation of earth is halted? (@)Only1 (6) Only? ()Only3 (@ 1and3 33. Shadow zones are (@ parts of earth surface where tsunami occurs (b) parts of earth surface where no vuleanism cours (©) parts of earth surface where no energy waves are recorded (@ parts of earth’s surface where energy waves are recorded 34, Which among the following is nota pluton @Batholith (b) Dike Sill (@ Plugdome 35, Advective movement of air near surface is. regulated by 1. Pressure Gradient 2. Coriolis force 3. Friction force Select the correct answer using code below: (a) Only 1 (0) Only2 (©) Land 2 (@) 1,2and3 ‘TEST 1 2020) 36. Consider the following statements: 1. Precipitation in Mediterranean climate isin ‘winters whereas in Monsoonal climate is in summer. 2. Annual range of temperature in Mediterranean climate is higher than the Monsoon climate. 3, Wet and dry seasons are found in European climate. Correct ones are— (@)1,2and3, (&) Land 3 (©) Land2 (@2and3 37.Speleotherms are features of (2) Glacial topography (b) Volcanic topography (©) Karsttopography (@) Fluvial topography 38. Consider the following statements: 1 Earth is nearest to Sun at Perihelion, which ‘occurs in January, 2, Earths farthest from Sun at Perihelion, which occurs in July. 3. Earthis farthest from Sun at Apehelion which ‘occurs in July. 4, Barth is nearest to Sun at Apehelion, which ‘occurs in January. Correct ones are — (@ Land3 (b)2and4 ()2and3 @1,2and 3 GS - Principle of Physical Geography (8) 39. Which among the following makes hot spot volcano? 1. Reunion Island 2. Hawaiian Island 3. Andaman and Nicobar Island Correct ones are — (@Allofthem (b) 2and 3 (©) Land3 @ Land 2 40. Which among the following best describes deflection of winds to its leftin Southern Hemisphere? (a) Southem Hemisphere being water hemisphere (b) Less temperature and pressure variation in Southern Hemisphere (© Inclination of geographical axis (@) Rotation of earth 41, The centre of tropical cyclone, called eye is characterized with (@)Abnormally high pressure and low temperature (b) Abnormally high temperature and lowest pressure (©) Abnormally low temperature and clear sky (@ Abnormally low pressure and dense cloud 42. Consider the following statements: 1. South Pole experiences 24 hours of night. 2.North Pole experiences 24 hours of night. 3. Itoccurs on June 21. Which of these are correct for Winter Solstice? TEST + 1 2020) (@Allofthem (©) Only2 (b)Only 1 (@)1and3 43. Consider the following statements: 1. Themain component gases of dry air is oxygen. 2. Argon makes the third main component of air accounting fora percent share climatic, 3. Importance of carbon dioxide is highest among the top four constituent gases of air. Correct ones are - (@)Allofthem (b)2and 3 (©) 1and2 (@ Land3 44.Consider the following: 1. The atmosphere isa closed system. 2. Theultimate source of atmospheric energy is 3.Solarconstant indicates the amount of radiation rate received by Earth, 4, Solar constant varies due to season cycle. Correct ones are ~ (@Allofthem (©)1,2and3 ()2,3 and 4 @1,3and4 45. Consider the following: 1.Ozone 2. Hydrogen 3.Helium 4. Oxygen In the absence of constant, mixing and development of concentric gas envelops around the earth beyond 100 km of height includes (@) 1,2,3and4 (b) 1, 2and 3 (©)2,3and4 (1,3 and 4 46. Which of te following features is formed by smoothing and plucking action of ice ? (@)Drumiin (b) Kame (©)Rochemoutonne (@) Esker 47. Which ofthe following best describes crevasses? (a)Ablation of glacier (b) Boulder falling on the surface of glacier (© Differential rates of movement ofice in glacier (@ Action of precipitation on surface of glacier 48, Dry adiabatic lapse rate is steeper than wet adiabatic lapse rate because (@) temperature change due torise in troposphere is applicable (©) coolingbelow dew point temperatures faster © release oflatent heat retards to rate of cooling of saturated air (@ rate of cooling of dry airs always steeper than normal lapse rate GS - Principle of Physical Geography ice) ‘TEST 1 2020) 1. Pressure increases from centre outwards 2. Airhas circulatory flow 3.Aircirculation is counter clockwise in Northern Hemisphere 4, Develop mostly over water bodies Which of these features are applicable to both tropical and temperature cyclones? (@)Allofthem (b) 1, 2and 3 (©)2,3and4 (@1,3and4 50. The belt of low pressure called Doldrums occurs () between westerlies and trade winds (©) within equatorial belt (©) regions of rising air convection (@areaof westerly winds 51, Consider the following: 1.Continental polar 2, Maritime polar 3.Continental tropical 4, Maritime tropical Which of these are considered to be types of basic air masses? Which of these pairs of instruments and use is correctly paired? (a) Land 2 (b)2and3 (c)1,2and3 (@ 1 and3 53. Consider the given statements: 1. Difference of pressure between regions results inwind, 2. Rotation of earth deflects wind to their right in Southern Hemisphere. 3, Wind enables a global balance of temperature and pressure in given time and space. Correct ones are — (a) Land3. (c)2and3 (b) 1, 2and 3 @) Land 2 $4. Condensation will take place when | there s sufficient water molecules in air 2. there must be hygroscopic nuclei 3. air temperature must fall below dew point Correct ones are — (@) Land2 (©) Land3 (b)2and 3 @)1,2and3 55. Consider the following statements: (@Allofthem (b) 2and 3 1. tis immature rain (©)1,2and3 4)2,3 and 4 2. Itusually forms from stratus clouds 3. tdevelops atmospheric hydrological cycle 52. Consider the following pairs: causingmist L.Anemometer - Wind velocity Correct ones for drizale includes 2.Wind wave - — Winddirection (a) 1,2and3 (b)2 and 3 3.Windrose - —_Winddirection (©) Land3 (@ Land 2 GS- Principle of Physical Geography (8) TEST 1 (2020) ‘56. Consider the given pairs: 1. Isothermal map = 2. Isobaric map : 3. Isohyetsmap Which among these are correct pairs? @ land2 (b) Land 3 (© 1,2and3 ()2and3 57. Local winds differs from planetary winds in that itis 1 affects only a small area 2. operates only at night usually of short duration Correct ones are— (a) 1, 2and3 (e)2and3 (b) Land 2 @ land 3 58. Consider the followi 1. Latitude 2. Pressure-wind system 3.Distance from sea 4.Altitude 5. Ocean currents Which among these are factors affecting climate of an area? (a) 1,2and3 (0) 2,3,4.and 5 (&) 1,2, 3nd 4 @Allofthem unstable when the lapse rate is between the dry adiabatic lapse rate and the wet adiabatic lapse rate, 2. The environmental lapse rate isalways greater than the dry adiabatic lapse rate Correct ones are — @ only (©)2only (©)Both land2 ——_(d) Neither I nor 2 60. Consider the given statements: 1 Areas along the equator record the high ‘temperature throughout the year. 2. On the equator, days and nights are equal for the largest part of the year. Correct ones are — (a) only (b)2only (©) Both 1 and 2 (a)Neither | nor2 61. Which ofthe following is/are reasons forthe location ofthe Australian Desert? 1. Presence ofa cold ocean current along the coast 2. Offshore Trade winds 3. Existence ofa mountain chain obstructing moisture bearing winds, 4, Ocourrence of sub-tropical high pressure Choose the correct answer from the codes given below: (a) Land2 (b)2and 3 (©) 1,2and4 (@) 1,2,3,and 4 GS - Principle of Physical Geography a) TEST -1,2020) 2. Which one among the following natural regions ‘occurs only in the Northern Hemisphere? (@) Mediterranean (b) Steppe (©)Taiga (@ Tropical desert 63. Beaches, Arch, Moraines are land forms of (a) First order (b) Second order (©) Third order (@ Fourth order (64, The climate of North America is influenced during winter by the (a) Warm Gulf Stream (b) Cold Labrador Current (©) Tropical airmasses (@Cold polar air masses 65. Consider the following statements: 1. Solution is considered to be chemical decomposition 2, Limestone is more susceptible to solution process 3. Theactual quantity of limestone dissolved in water depends on temperature 4, Solution of limestone is increased by increase inCO, content Correct ones are — (a) 1,2,3 and 4 (6) 1,3 and4 (1, 2and4 (@2,3 and 4 GS - Principle of Physical Geograohy 66. The extensive flood plain with level to gentle slopes (2° to 5°) and very low channel gradient ‘makes the river flow sosluggish thatitbecomes ‘tangled network of interconnected diverging shallow channels. Such a flood plain ssaidto be (@) Braided (b) Graded (c) Meandered (@Allofthe above 67. The profile of equilibrium referstothe (@) Profile ofa glaciated valley (b) transverse profile of a graded stream (©)Longitudinal profile ofa graded stream (@ Profile along the shoreline 68, Which one of the following sets indicates the eolian process? (a) Corrosion, transportation, deposition (b)Nivation, down-cutting, solifluction (©) Corrasion, attrition, deflation (W@Ablation, deposition, deflation ‘69, Consider the following statements: 1. The uplifimentis the process induced by epigene forces. 2. Absolute height increase is the outcome of bypogene forces. 3. Exogenic agents are the levellers. 4, Exogenic agents initially increases the relative height, to decrease absolute height. Correct statements as per normal cycle of erosion are — TEST 1 (2020) es DIRECTION (@)1,2and3 (b)2and3 ©1,2,3and4 (@2,3and4 70. Which one of the following statements is NOT associated with the tropical cyclone? (a) Before the cyclone arrives the air becomes ‘very still and temperature and humidity are high {(b)As the front of the vortex arrives gusty winds develop and thick clouds appear (©)Asthe cold front passes the weather changes very rapidly (@ Calm conditions return when the eye of the cyclone arrives "71. The flood plain consisting of thick deposit of alluvium, experiences valley deepening due to negative change in sea level Such narrow valleys are developed within the flood plain and new flood plain is developed further towards mouth, ‘The process develops (@ Structural benches (b) Truncated spur (©) River terraces (@Incised meander 72, The ideal conditions forthe formation of dew are (@ Cloudy sky, no wind, high relative humidity andcold short nights (©) Cloudy sky, litle wind, low humidity and warm short nights (© Clearsky, violently blowing wind, low humidity ‘and cold long nights (@ Clearsky, little orno wind, high relative humidity and cold longnights 73. Von Allen Radiation belt is in (@) Troposphere (©) Mesosphere () Ionosphere (@) Exosphere 74, The high corrugated and rough surface of limestone lithology representing a fretted fluted topography with small ills and gullies minor ridges pinnacles and deep clefts are (a) Uvala ()Dolines (©)Sinkhole (@) Lappies 78, Consider the following statements: 1. Troposphere varies in its thickness between equator and poles. 2, Stratosphere does not experience Normal Lapse Rate. 3. Ozone layer oceurs in the mesosphere. 4, Tonosphere lies between stratosphere and Mesosphere. Which of these statements are correct? (a) Land 2 (b)2and3 (©)3and4 (1, 2and4 GS - Principle of Physical Geography TEST - 1 2020) 76. Consider the given statements: 1. Continental shelves are basically the extended form of continental platforms. 2. Shelves are formed through marine erosion of ‘continental margins with negative changes in sea levels. Correct ones are — (@) Lonly ()2only (©)Both 1 and 2 (@Neither | nor? TT. The main difference between Patemoster Lake and tarn is that Paternoster lake is (@) Formed by glacial action whereas tam is not (b) Associated with cirque whereas tam is associated with glacial stairways (©) Associated with glacial stairways whereas tam is associated with cirque (@A lake whereas tar isnot. 78, Nuce ardentes are the salient characteristic cof pelean eruption; itis mostly developed due to 1. Viscous lava solidifying in the plug, 2. Pressurised accumulation of plutonic gases 3, Mixture of hot, fine ash and coarser rock fagmentavailability Which of the statements given above isvare correct? (@Allofthem (b) 1,2 DIRECTION —— 79, Regarding the Jet streams, the incorrect ‘statements is (@) Theyarethe maximum velocity winds of upper air (b) They have geo strophic characteristics, (©) Subtropical jets persists throughout the year Whereas polarnight et has strongest effectivity during winters (d) Near Equator the upper level motion is well developed due to absence of Coriolis effect. 80, Consider the following statements with reference to rainy tropical climate regions: 1. These usually extend not more than five to ten degrees on either side of the equator. 2, These are characterized by constant high ‘temperature and humidity with little range. 3, These regions have sun overhead or nearly so throughout the year, Which of these statements are correct? (a 1,2and3——(b) Land 2 (©) 2and3 @ land 3 81. Consider the following conditions: 1. Anticyclone conditions with static air and high temperature 2. Cyclonic conditions with unstable air 3. High precipitation with low evaporation 4, Low precipitation with high evaporation High salinity of ocean waters is associated with (a) Land 4 (©) Vand3 (b)2and3 (@2and4 TEST 1 (2020) 82. When the state ofthe atmosphere is defined as calm, itindicates the absence of (@) Vertical movement of air (b)Horizontal movementofair (© Deflection of wind (@Onlyaandb 83. Aurora Borealis (@)Aphenomenon of bright light at night in Northern hemisphere (b)Aphenomenon of bright lightat night in southem hemisphere (© The luminous objects in the sky (@ The dark object in the sky “The proportion of the area of the surface at various elevation above or depth below a given datum is properly represented by (@ Hypsometric Curve (b) Lorentz Curve (©)SCurve (TCurve 85, Haff are best depicted as (@ Shallow marshy lagoon resulting from growth of spit which are least saline (b) Shallow Marshy lagoon resulting from the growth of spit which are more saline (© Shallow marshy lagoons formed by cutting off oxbow lake (German term for spit which forms the shallow ‘marshy lagoon GS - Principle of Physical Geography 86. Consider the following and which of these statements is not correct? (@Average annual precipitation decreases with increase in sign of latitude (0) The amount of average annual precipitation increases where the circulation is dominated by rising current. (©) Thewest margin climate are drier counterparts of their respective east margin climate except ‘west wet European type (@ The regional precipitation pattems identified ‘with equatorial and polar climates as well. 87. With reference to atmospheric pressure, consider the following statements: 1. Atmospheric pressure decreases towards poles 2, Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude 3. High pressure is experienced over continents duringwinter 4,Alldeserts experience low pressure throughout the year Which of these statements are correct? (a) Land3. (b)2 and 3 (©) Land 4 (@2and4 88. Consider the following correct ones for ‘Thunderstorms are 1. The updrafts dominates throughout the cloud during cumulus stage 2. Mature stage is characterized by violent ‘weather with updraft sustaining sideby sideto down draft 3. Influx of cool, dry air surrounding the cloud is typical to dissipating stage TesT- 1 2020) 4, Downdraft causes heavy rains during. dissipation stage Codes: ()1,2,3,4 (b)13.and4 (©)12and3 (2,3 and4 89, Consider the following winds: 1 North-easterlies 2, South-westerlies 3.South-easterlies 4.North-westerlies Which of these are planetary winds? (@)1,2,3and4 ——(b) 1, 3and 4 (land 4 (@)2and3 90, Japan experiences frequent earthquakes because itis located (2) onthe eastern coasted of Asia (inthe voleanic belt (©) amidstthe ocean (@) onthe meeting point of two plates of earth’s crust 91. Among the following which represents the correct order of deformation? (2) Elastic deformation, Fracture, Ductile deformation (b) Elastic deformation, Ductile deformation, Fracture (©Ductile deformation, Fracture, Elastic, deformation (d) Fracture, Ductile deformation, Elastic deformation 92.Consider the following: 1. Size of particles down streams tends to decrease 2, Composition of particles in the bed load tends toremainsame in long profile 3. Gradient decrease is simultaneous to the increase in dischange 4, Active channels are mostly demarcated by the prevalence of Natural levees The correct ones are: (@) 1,2and3 (b)1,3and4 (©)2,3and4 (b) 1, 2and4 983. Albedo is defined as— (@) UV radiations sent out by the Sun (b) asubstance contained in the upper atmospheric layers ofthe earth, which is responsible for the reflection of part of solar radiations (©) celestial bodies in earth’s atmosphere which add to the green house effect (@ theamountof insolation reflected back tothe space by the top of atmosphere, by clouds andice-covered areas ofthe Earth’s surface. 94, Heat gain through insolation and heat loss through terrestrial radiation are equal approximately at which latitude (a) 22%? North and South (b) 40° North and South (©) 90° North and South @ 66%? North and South GS- Principle of Physical Geography TEST - 1 2020) 98, The atmospheres likea green house because (@ Itis transparent to solar radiation and absorbs much terrestrial radiation (b)ltis transparent to solar radiation as well asto terrestrial radiation. (€)Itabsorbs some solar radiation and is transparent to terrestrial radiation. (@)Itabsorbs some solar radiation as well as terrestrial radiation. 96. Consider the following: 1. Vertical vortex development 2.Curmulus cloud formation 3..Limited rain time and amount 4, Lesser intensity of turbulence than the warm font Correct statement revealing cold front characteristics are — (a) 1,2,3 and 4 (©) 1, 2and3 (b)2and3 (@3and4 97. Consider the following statements: 1. Dustdevilsare the strong wind experienced in Sahara desert 2, They resemble in their dust column to ‘tomadoes 3. They are equal in size and intensity to that of Tomadoes 4, They mark their development in summers though tomadoes are typical to winters Correct ones are — (a) 1,2,3 and4 (b) 1, 2and 3 (c) 1, 2and4 (d)2,3 and 4 98. Which among the followings the correct descending order of clastic sedimentary particles? (a) Cobble, Boulder, Sand, Pebble (b) Cobble, Sand, Boulder, Pebble (©)Boulder, Cobble, Pebble, Sand @ Sand, Cobble, Pebble, Boulder 99, Weathering by chemical or physical ‘mechanism increases the concentration of remaining valuable material Without weathering concentration would not be sufficient and economically viable to exploit, process and refine, Thisis called (@)Flaking (®)Expoliation (©)Enrichment (@)Foliation 100. Consider the following statements: Which of these outline the basic difference between Zeugen and Yardang? (@) Zeugens are formed over horizontal strata ‘whereas Yardangs are formed over vertical strata (b) Zeugens are formed in arid regions whereas Yardangs are formed in semi arid region (©) Zeugens are related to frost weathering Whereas Yardangs are related to frost heaving (@) Zeugensare related to physical weathering Whereas Yardangs are related to chemical weathering GS Principle of Physical Geography TEST 1.2020) -1 U2 t[ece9 SeaeoN es [H A |@) - Gempors, foriorotes (Solfatanas) and bot cprurige | xe developed pps undler poreotatis to achive or seegontly Seldifiod but st Lot The booted cudher sender bask. hase features ax Coblad) ee as 2am b soprosunt sage of volcan yerty > Statomont} 1s thus cornet - Fobsee magma with lighar Sista. ond folic tompoxature than Mabe magma, Susffly solidifies Calne Mountains - Compose Voleano Or atraipveleano > Stalamont 2c thus Cornoel - The collapsed dleprassons of volrances axe coldenos - statement au Not Correct - Az lt) - Phanchoids (Astexod) , coeupy te orb betwen Meu and J iter , oprosontii tho Maller Hat feet capeed ths planet formung Procase - Slekomonk | is Hous - Meteor fragmonti ane Souxeed from batt of Galea, cuhon soaehes the Ground are Melo enter fhe earth's atmgaphoxa Lrith Sue Wak Weot a) ram frichon sith He Qtr Coudes Hum to Vaporuse Casith brig} fash - Colled Shachng sax - Statomont 3 cs incorrect asic) - A Gene of Longitude gives dustanee O| aplase east/ klest of Gazanusich - slelemant LG Weorrtet TEST -1 DIRECTION ‘Answers with Explanation ~ Antpedss axe always 180° dong tude auay. Aolamar 2c coxnaet - Te Low by Me dun, aluo called apparent time 16 Locad tmeo{ & $ Plos, statement 3 us cornroet fromabene ete There axe tree Mann types of ignosus socks - Plutonts, - sotidsfios ch the Cat and ane Aaen on Aurfee only affex boing expoted - pate! th_encorront Volcané - poured cuton earths surface ox Lava. Au Kb) AS CQ - AU Ge state molt Ao |d) - Hatfo{ He Qaxths cust s Kode upey feldepar followed on by quarts - Statement | i Coxxeet - mrtamarphue socks are formed Undex achen af prcgreura andl terpexatusce and are cakegouied @8 foliated and nenfelotadtypes - Bon 263 Stakamonti aro cncsrrect the hard ness Quartz - 7 seating Gx Tale Ey ATC) On Mohs Scale [ame -2 TEST -1 DIRECTION Answers with Explanation paler The nome annular came from tabin texm annulus, ib hoppers usher Moon Covers the Wun's Conte Leaving Sun's wsible oriler adios to form sung of [42 - dt takes phase only hen - UE ts NewoMeon, the Sun, the Aosth and te Mosn axe uh aligned pesithen called dy39Y and uke Moon ib neox UB faxthatt point rom earth apogee - datument 3 oy Hus _crewrrcek 3 Hus neon At{ar Proposed by Zoologuik Phelip Lutloy oA 1864 Che Continent @{ Lemuria eater on HOMAING Lemurs, Combined Inca, Madagascan ond ee Candyiosos ghia prasanty wtubmroxged Aid@ pi ee ey Wipe proces Oxe ale Called nde genotc, Aula) Te Shuctwre or budding malvuad of oe & He Aelermenon of exosional prmereses, Orms Asperdant fackor Controlling and w|lvencing evduhon| e| Landfouns Ale) Advancing Shoreline stands for qauh of Lond and ax suse d2o.lovel (sletemont 3) ull Cause ince, HusLoss oe Land Coil conkibute +o Kokootirg Shoreline: Ato Cuustel Cuaxping & also cabled eprixogent lores is upheavals or Leprausions o and, apart (om 0 ee cacidahate. ex Cotman aiasdiy foes TEST -1 DIRECTION Answers with Explanation Au ke Hydsahen erties urhon Minexals absorbs wales te form nee stabsiane, ct Causes pclae to expand ua Volume. éxfoliahon is expansion comod due & Serle Of Prmauure or Phexmal 20nge Ta senacton betur22n sods and oxygen 18 cabled Oudohon Als{b) - The hydrological cycle as @ closed Systm because olin Ls neither created nar dashogd on large scaly -T Channet 45 the bed crhoxe a natural steamo{ craton HUNS - Rejovenahen Cansed Lovelopment © enhenchad moandes| thus Statement 3 cs cncomect Alo{b) tskoxs alan spelled os eskar] eschar axe deposited by dubdglauss or englatinl eae Sk con ang from 5- so mis us height and few hundiad looks 0 fons of Miler up Langth. Ani) The process of +ransporiahen end exesion by wind Covelves Traction - too large to ke enthatnad), Zatiahon Long Leap movement, Replahon - colliding grat and 0 ~ fre particles caxuad vi au- [Conosionl dussolving PrOcass and Hus Net opplicabl AIG@) The shorwlera - Loussst Level sacked by the dea. ~ The foreshore- as bekwoon Low and hugh tidle fovele — The backshore - Laas between the Coastline and hugh ———_ bade Levels - Swmsh = Ls Wales Hrown Upa@ beach by hannznlbino bIQVeL: TEST -1 DIRECTION Answers with Explanation - Backwosh- 4s cualer that drains back toca A Tha hoght of wave Ls daltsmunad by Ue Shenglh, duxahen of wind and the Langih of tha felch - Hoty the dustante e open uiattr Over chuck a wsind blows Ail) - Sheng Currant sunning at ® SUNR& mouth dends to Uiash acuay the deckementt xastichng delta formahen- Statement 2 v4 cover’ - River Nile delta have aruals shape carith Lange number © dustibviarios - Stakemont 3 os connect Aag(c) eg clauunte axe stony daierlt cabled Avex un Libya and Lagat bg downs are Sandy deserts cabled cour es ToAkmenstan Rock Pedestals axe Mushroom sods also called Goux Wd Sakasa.clasert - Aat(a) Sues Maximum and Minimum thermometer 44 a U parolle) tube Mode up of glass One idle of os Penguateset minimum and other dla : _ (a) - When Orr Binks Le Pressure nexoase bekarise i eeemmes coompscastad. Luhen ath boemmes Comp- Kosied Ue maleertas boves mare Puickly and hoot (% produeed — Loup susog eshon prassune - talhan Que seeded UE ProLsuna Aleexoasos boemuuse we When ain expands ua roleeulos Lipve Mow dloutly ard boat os used Up - famp falls euhen posure tolls TEST -1 DIRECTION ‘Answers with Explanation - thon aur & hooked t expands and chon tis Aappons Oe Cubuarnd prascuse © ott moleerles As dpxaod Ovex @ laxgir axon - Cho pressure O Qirfalls ushon ot ter toutes - tedhon aur 2s Cooled ub Lonacts cud uha Hees hoppons Ge outiard prascune of le Molueutes Ls spread Over emallor, asa ~ the prusuune of avi surier corhon us Yersperafune | falls A23,[a)- Ssothouns, are (rag ina dunos pening the plares having Same temperature , thus arn dx acon paxallel to equator - Stebomont | ce corset - lond- craotera Gripuature @nomaly causes the bend ak ghereline- statemont 2 is corrcet - Ondy foie oxdor seolin is consdored uh Axawing csotharmal map- gtatoments cs Corcel-| AM(b) xofex ans 22 {or explanahen A2si(cy ferrponafure tnversion Cs ntxamse of usith Cnexease height, acts Lula a Ld, Keopi Nermol Convechve overtuxning Of the atmosphere A © Rotohve hunudity Ls the Qreunt of alr vapour prasent Us aur exprasiad as & prrecntage of He Grout needed fer Satusrahon at dame temperatur AgTO© Lowwst lahtudenal planctasy curds , blo Os NE THades UW Nowthern Hemusphow and S€ Trade Wi Southern Heruuphore from STH @ EL ‘TEST -1 DIRECTION ‘Answers with Explanation AzglO He diffoxonee 1S Caused by caxth's rotahon A2q| A30 Aai ARH W State & folalad Motamerphé tock doxived from Shote (0) Sunaase are mere direct at rear equator, and Uaoting towards Poles thus dfcaes of dunabon 9 day and meht & lost at quoter ard maximum at polos I) Vylcanusmn - tht prBeait Cf movement of epcetad Matter from eanth's eee pou (hours of Hfsmahso Of earths inlesumrs. KC The Shadow Zone Lt the Oxea o/ Me arth that donet sutord avismie cuaver - ILU Comed S wsaves feeminating at Gotenbuyy discontinoily Gnd P vxaves being satracted by Lequsd core. (3) In qestony pluten 4 ab Of Unusive igneous rock Hat ts crystallised from magma, Aloasly Cooly below earth's dWurfaee A Bathelith- massive pluton Sil = Con cerdant pluton Dike - Arscordant pluton Plug clomas or flava demas axe Small Seep Cony Hat are urhen viscous Lava U extruded Gut ofthe qpound @) Advechve movemont of a Ls Called uund, Gshieh Ub Counted by diferenee co Qui prossiere and cools fore Consed by +ofahen of each. Movement - TEST -1 DIRECTION Answers with Explanation ONshow cuosterli, Hat are ve. Monieonal Cluuals Ut has bug her annust rong of fempexature tha yoos en Hae unflvenee Of cwesterlies - Sfalamoant) 3 cs cn comect 3a ne AsT(@ Lpeleothaems axe Cave dlepoarts comprised eo Lisrostone, as 8 tolagtites And Stolagmelas These ase Karst topograplue features A3G@) Perihohon- Tanuasyy Tm km cs distances lackvea te Aarth and the dun Apeholien - Tidy (Szmim os he cufanes betueente tarth and teSun. Asa (Cc) Medsterrxancan Cliriate is “pane only fo Azatal) A mantle plume ox hot spotveltano 44 &pst-of Upusclling of abnormally dot rock Sourteed from Mmanlle- Core boundlany. Reaching he surface Hey develop volané wands and floed baialh Ag (@) cssnd dofleehen t Us Lot co SH & dueto Corbis ores Hat os Counsed by Jcotahon of Carth. ( Fexsot’s Laus) Aub The eye Of Cyclone 4s Grea of Calm cucathr He Conte o{ Sheng topical Cyclone Usceally CUreulor UF shape cb x2cards Ard Lousost baromeltic proscure . TEST -4 DIRECTION ‘Answers with Explanation Mal The winker solstice also called tuimal, huabernat dplitice octurs cuhon Casth’s North Pote has uts Maximum GLE away from Che dun , thus North Pola expestonces 24 hours of Hom @N 22 December- the bud usin Ada(y - The Man com nikegen areunting jot 76 le volume. ~ Pagon the Yhud permanant gas aetounhig {or 0:437- - @o, Gs fourth permanant gas hos Maye Chratolagical rola topley Ady |(o) - Atmos @n epen enaxgy System, as & y a cotac! doth bah Louis and Goats, and HQMONES enexgy fem both. = ata seauaved by tah & moasuxed - One on ge being equal ko a axe Cantimakxa. Tha Kaduahon sate maka (om sn i> (atu langage |onn Called golox Constant Miso The Outer atmesphore- Heleresphere have Uy gaseous - coe — Fokm-2o0okm -Atorud Oxygen - 2oeokm- llookm ieee - tlookm- 3S00Km - &spokm- 10,000km suck wsith two Aoveloped sides TEST -4 DIRECTION Answers with Explanation 7 Aad Auq Asd(b) The daldaums ax2 Calm urrather Zone (cnowon Asie) A wind rose & Qaphé tol Uted @) Cravasse 4s Keepenack p Om fracture on the gtasion hurface , ducto * Dry aduabahe Lapse sale - 10°C [em @f Ascend * Wet aduabahe laps xate - S'¢(km ef asconcl © Terpoxate Cyclone Or LLxaNe cyclone con davelep both ovex cualu and land. Ste only Taopical cyclone Yhat terminates oftor Lord fol for Us monotonous , cxindiless wudathar . 9 doveloped g'-10 Neth and South of Gpuates. envke basis 6{ fahtude and sabia , Hus Tropical - Contnontal and Mautimg Tare bauee Polax — Continentay and Masatime Iaunmeassos ike tm give @ succinick view Of Cwind £p20d and duschon duskibotion a particular Ax20.- A63@ Su wuind critt daflect to ts Loft - stetemeny 2 & Mc@rmect- TEST -1 DIRECTION Answers with Explanation " Aste) chew oink 4b the tenperahine to Uhuth ar Must pe rie beewme daturated .klhon furthox Cooled Be Vapour asill Condonde. Pssi@ mist 48 @ phenomena cormed by email droptote 6 urols auspendad ub air . “Phpitall, ot wakes example 4 Lespersion A5q(e Isopleth maps ex2 Maps that ums Lends 4o indusale axons with dumilax tonpexature, vasrtall etc: ASI) fees Lotitude , forms primary datrminer and alt the other factors axe decondany detrminar. ABG@ afer ans ua for dotauts Aéd(r Equator expexninces fugh dun-deasen throughout the won, thus Cea nod. [temperate wakse AGIKC) The man seas0n for fermahen of kuskalan dawnt is thor Vocabon , of Shore ade usirds and blest Austalian cod Cussent , Like Hmet of the +opical Lesext- Auskalia as deusat nhobited Continent usith Somiqud Locahons on east Roveloped by mountacn bassude: AeA Targa o Boreal notuxal F2GICH erlends bekween Go- To lahtude, ie. Cod Seaqyion - $n Southexn hamisphore this Latitude Los Southann OC2an-. TEST -1 DIRECTION Answers with Explanation ACB) Crustal Orders of u ete Continental Polax oumass develops 0) Canada. Aes hee het gk steam called Yiadad sheom Order. i + Fitst Ordo - smallest scale to as panera eared oc oae » decond Order formed endogenshe forres as mounterns + Wid Odor formas dus to exsgenehe{oreas @S exouonal and dopesitionas + fourth Otda, evens led formed as Laxpatt Scale landforms D Gointers the Polar utbtcak makes & extand Upto USA, cxeahng qram womnter conditions| a) Chemuead Lweathaung volver the Lacomposition O| eocks duo fochemseod roachens behween Kunsialy hush os cole with Cuatin and ch atmosphere, 4 CO,- Tus & particalart vipertant «5 Limestone Landscape - A bradid seiver or channel 4 Compasses of @ natwork of suver Channel Acpaxalad by depos . dt lerms eg of obshucted flow. © Profle of equilibriom Ls Longitudunal prsfle of a gheam cshese £mooth nt «2 £0 adtesied & volume of craks and amount o Load, that davelops batante hatucon exesion and Lepssrtion. Ace RA) epi Antastes axa. exogonetic thu Levellers — slabmart (remrnect ba thus ¢ A > a At Aq5| z —__2_ DIRECTION Arewers wih explanation : Relabve herght o te differcnes betwean te haghast- And touusst pout of (och Aopen ae, ccs & developed dua tov Loapenyig. ~ Absolute hnarght a moasuxod from mse Aavelopod by of . ATI TPropicad cyclone a thesmally urdused system And Hus danatdevelep fort: c) River texxaee , bench that extend along Ua aides of a valley 4 dovetoped duo to clos. One of he Causes sENeued down | custing du to negabve Seapuvenaatien @ Dew & example of at Condensahon. Apart aut uit eanduhons ub a that daw point tempexafure us above freezing point @) Van Allen Raduahon belt 14 yant donut Shaped Swaths o/ natica by trapped dughly enargetic Bae suroundung tarth. The tarts bolts extends from an ath @beut Gio to 53000 km wi cshuels Ragen seaduahon Levels may NZ @ ae alto Lepias, axe urcathered hurfaee , trate Caomprcesed Gf pointed pinnaslas , seperated by heap qrooves Calted chop (ar Natexobly occwung OZen2 & found faotuen Bo-Bokm Of height ie US both Statosphore and Mesesphore , But Ozone layer Cakled ©Z0nesphor & confined betu2en 20-35 km Of haght fe aw Shatosphone onky. TEST -1 DIRECTION Answers with Explanation Mn6l@ Continental Shelves Gre Contnent 5 axe dovelaped - ectonee , Cluuatic, exemsional end ALopoaitt forces. ATI@ Meng tho qlatia) sleps ,aseumulated wraten forms paternosiex lake. The fan Lake duvelops usith &ame process , but Us confined us Cixegues Aig Nuee andonis axe buxrung or ewoing Clouds that axe experronced only a the violent ost here aie Lo nat davelo Ard(4) Geesteophui Lour- yet shecame - velop wn Se nil ealt dlaa to abbuines ao Coruolu Ago@) Asil@) Dissolved 42a salts oh Otran aan oe Salinity , csith evaperahe or ee - ae dovels are dughor A&tiar Cale slate @f atmosphere , alto Called stable atmosphere seototis to absence Of Vertical mghcn as sush movement corclalal to differant types Of urcothor Mochanism Aed@ Aursra, Polen Light a natural Light duplay tanths ska, precominantiy dean vs hugh Cohtudas . These are droge o( diustusbanca ud magnakssphere Caumediby Solar usinds . Those are boreal ob Nosthexn Hemuphore and aushals us Southern Hemesy ABH@) Lorents Curve - to Shows “tome (nequadaty S- Salinity Cue - @ Show vertical Sabenty pate T- Temperature Curve- to Show vesticad texperafun Pattern 6 otaan/éen sales TEST -1 DIRECTION Answers with Explanation 16 bie efumnmnad Used on G and Scandiniva ‘ Shallow anahyy Lagoons Balticsea Sepals by Land épits onanks ee Add) Both eguatoual and Polos Cleimalis are Bwvoid | Ssas0p Cycle and Land - urater eliumatic differences: ABT) HeserB axe considered t be permanent docahon 6{ high pressuxe as sand fails to mauntaun Ut Red@ A pause trundessioim goes trsugh hee photos Cumulus, mature and oleeepahny, & berween 30 min. to an hour. Duseng dussipahrp stage sasnfas! cntensity Leexoasos Lufficcentty Agd(a) These axa Taste casinds /[Polor usinds and wlesterlres - Aaqyd) Locohen at @rawm Pacic bolt hal> Ductile defermahen - bend. or plow Uke clay dtastic dfermahen 7 Set fadhone © ch shape Faacture - beitte bib) Composition o bed Lead Can vaxy casith vasuahon uw the Constituent of Valley floor Aagid) - Mnado us Light *caflectedl- Avg athedlo of tasth c soy, rf Although earth a a chole Marntarns balaneg betuneen (incoming and saduaben , ur Aq dustibutten on earth Surface ca net Uniform . Due to Sphexreal shape , anal cvetinaher and sevolotien, Cahtudles beyond Yo teerovesLesg heat than Lost , urshercas usithin Ho” Keeroves more tron Lest to pace TEST -1 DIRECTION Answers with Explanation AqS|@) Greenhouse : dofened to bs ; + & ee of Outgerig toocshias saduahen. hoxe G&& Pri heated by the ae eee as el house Srorm Sharpand DIRECTION Shark Shows Aifo Inthe abacner o Maustwe fadan winds dust davis donat Havelap sane Lovel o{ turbulence Gt tornadoes Ternadenr Lorives ls enorgy fram Loltent Laat: © Boulde. — 22Somm Cobble —- @s- zs0mm Pebble - 2@- osmm sand _ig- 2mm Clay ~ Yaso- ‘Llemm < 'asomm nrichment cs Coneentiahon of Saloased fallaenoee enhancing en possibilrtues Awd) Ze and Yaxdang ake outcome of septal exasion Of hargzentel and Vertical beddings of hard and Soft aoc shata swspechvely Test Series Programme 2020 NEETU SINGH IAS Test Booklet Series Date : 8/02/2020 TEST BOOKLET Serial No. TEST -2 General Geography Map Based 2 hours. Maximum Marks : 200 INSTRUCTIONS ‘IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UN PRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. 2 ENCODE CLEARLY THE TEST BOOKLET SERIES A, B, COR D AS THE CASE MAY BE IN THE APPROPRIATE PLACE IN THE ANSWER SHEET, 3 Youhave to enter your Roll Numbed/Seral No. onthe Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else onthe Test Booklet. 4 This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In ‘any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. All items carry equal marks. 5 You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. {6 Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in sorve particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admission Certificate 7. After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has con- ‘cluded, you should hand over tothe tnvigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with ‘you the Test Booklet, 8 Penalty for wrong answers: THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. There are four aleratives forthe answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer hasbeen given bythe candidate, 13 (One Third ofthe maths asignedw hat question will be deducted as. penalty. (in Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it wil be treated asa wrong answer even if ne ofthe given answers happens tobe correct and there willbe same penalty e above to that question, Tiauvanmeyus Cans * Vedanan: CTamut Nadu) + Gopalpur (odista) * Man ‘oe {kaanatata) » Dumas (ayarat) af { Tho Dirtiest Beaches The cleanest Beaches A22I\d) Te Autonomous 6{ Bou ville , & Chash of Glands Hat Le nerthusest of Boren News Guinea's Hod, Lave passed eae of endependienes . oa Lousover (8 NON bi : { £23] 9) Indo. Bangladesh Protocat o| Srland kieler Tanuk and Kode Undo ushith cnlond vessels Can transit Hrough ofas County - Exeating Routs arg + Kolkata - Pandu- Kolkata + Kolkata - | - Kolicotea hake ~ Dhulian - Rayshobs + Pande- Kasumpany - Pandu TEST -2 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation A2y | ¢)-The 4etend Mest achve veltano ui Lu30n Uland © Phillipines . St ts @ caldena. up SE Classified as Complex shalvvolcanc &4sin as thos 47 Cots and senna wlcalus Cabs Cansed by an exuphon Orewung chan AD ground wale au Contact usith magma) Aas} a) Lake Titicaca straddle the border betureen Bolivia and Peru. St & Qt 38i0mts Above Bre sLalovel * Rives Amazon suises from Andes Mountauns ©f Peru Qt o sooomis: Rivew Maxanen, Apwumac and Mantaxo axa eloumid tobe lt dowreg Aas} Roblong pass & ak the night | S478mIs on eastern Pix Paryal Range - Hl The Rol Tunnet- Atat'Tupnedl & @ houaay tunnel butt Rohiang pass City Longin 8+ Rlcm ARTIC) Kay axe bole Manang dusict o Nepad dusceverced by WOup Mountarnears ch early 2019 Ore oe heaght o{ S200mé. has|d) About f. of Lord's ed produchen w moved by aniers on fixed Masitime Oulu . The bl : Choke poink Can bo Cuiical to gloat enogy docunty. “Tio axe 8 Choke points 9] gif -hansit w woud — ~ Dantth Stott - Sv03 Canaf - Bosporous Stout - Penama Canal —HOmU3 SKout - Malacca SKaut Bab el Mandabshat ~ Cope of good hope TEST -2 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation Aaq |d) Megentina bos shewkne usith Atlantic Ocean Orly * For Moun Latitude softer ang ic. Azo|a) Aputon tavanna os the langett aruno{ topical Contnented CLumialt , that extends (rem Sahel via kenya - Tanzana Angola. Aat}ay Groat Salt Desert — Dron - Dast-e-Kavir, Lyeng oS muddle ef Sraman plateau Aga] d) - The Lomonesov Ridge & an Unusual Wrdar wali Judge Of Meche OLean. + J& Spans ig00km laekucen New Sibouan Istands Overthe Canhat part of Otean Lo tllesmexe 4stand @{ Conaduadin AecheSslond coathquake donot otux ; » Pactic Coasten Sates - Canada, Norway, Russia, Denmark , Iceland, Sudan, Finland, USA covolves fuxisduehon o| Pactic (Land, wah €£2) Aaa] 6). Panchkula ct planned city W Haxyana. Jt forms Part of Hi- city axon ~Panchkwla, Chandigarh and Mohali + St atten us name from Con{lvence of fe i en canals , Hot dukibute cuator O/ RuvenGhagger and Hakxa. Azul] d) Maithen and Tailiya - R- Baxakan ~|Dams of 4 Konan ¢ ~ Rkeonan nel Pancho! - R: Damodar Corperohon TEST -2 | DIRECTION Answer with Explanation 35 |@ Mt tina - Q@chve Shatoveltano OF Sicily - Staly Raikoke - uninhabited wand of Keele Solland - Russia Vlawen - achve gtatovolcano of Papua New Guinea A36]@) Bushlue and HE @ = ‘Smoke plumiscbols (ZC. pe te A CD CNRS © M Shikos Smokeplumes s Coe pre suse nto admosphoxe PPS AR se CETL ETE TT te Auskalta These axe Wkinsic part of Austalian énvty evolving ecosyslems . Many nabve plants axe fre prone and! vey combustible. The pe cantes Ppousmutenmbus Clouds, Lighting from cuulush coun tigger nooo fue A3T |e).Pexuvian | Humbglt Cwurant u east boundary cold psig South Pacific +d xetates to Mavama caswxt , Gre doucst topiol dosort @| coord + Guano birds droppings axe seh Loureo.o{ Phosphorous ASB] @ Nortuegian Current co Usakm Current, ie. polar extension eo Nott Atharthe Daft (Nansen effet) h3q | a) Ente Port- Hansshupment port Port of Call - nteamedsole Stop for Ae[velling Rivesune Pot . On River tlbe CiNotthSea) Tidak Pot — - amphideonne System of Hdemovt- TEST -2 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation Ano | dj Tanganian Wands of Zanzibar, Mapa, Pemba ane Mayer clove Producing agion. Ai [@)- Lake Baikal suft Lake U5 Soothern Siborio. I+ Odast exusting {28h water dake «lake Ta iho cb wb Groot Apucan tuft Valley » Dead Sea 1s Salt (ake belonging @ Jordan supe Valley, + Laka Wicfoug. touree of River Nile & Located botween Eastern - Kleatern Rift Valloys of Apes. (not @ Auftlaks) Agr} ¢> Hudsen Plauh tcomapich 4 vest, fat ceroker logged e ic. ave Mec lands of Northorn Canada, bounding Hudson Bow Aus] b) > Gacat Diviclung Range 4 0 fold mountesn Aaveloped ducto Centnont collusion + Back Fort uw Germany and Verges FAance axe old block. mountain Thy Ne sft Valley Bramned by Raver Rhine ; + Mountar Of accumutahon cs volcanie Mountain Fiend ce a Long , olcep inlet Of 42a between bagh cliffs, es Norusay , Sceland , typically formed lay submexgence of pauoted valloy. nusley Grand Canal - Yon hecanads of Chinese plasn Kiel Canal - NosthSea and Balhcsea Corunth Carat - Agean and Toman ( Athens) TEST-2 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation Awe |b) Harbour axe Haven Of vessels. Those Canke naka or man madie Natural harbour - urhexe part of body of urolix G protected and dap enough to allow shups to anchan - Sydney Larbowr , Pearl harbous( Hawaii) Mtfical Larbour axa daugned te be port asuualt Jebel AUi (Dubai) Port of Los Ice free handows us higher Labtudes Mucmansk (Rusa) Prince Ruport (Canada) Aur] a) Milpa - Central Amouea (Mexico) Roca - Braail Conuce- Venezuela Tamral - Caungin- Phillepinas Shor Poda- Sndua. , CS Campos- Baraat! Continental Chi Savanna- African belle ¥ Downs axe feupexate qrasstand o Australia Aual d) Khamsin - dey dusty et Southern bind- egypt Chile - Sovtherncaund caniesnaud - Libya Gxegale - Ne usind o[ Cold Season - West Medi levee = Ay, scorchiny dustiadenusind- Spas Sudan chmala Augl by L Lanes - Venogusto. — | i ASO| 6) The Mediterxancan Churalte Lands are @(fen calles alortds Orchard Lands beeorue of puts procuchen. . v He Aock fort o Part o Sinai Perunsula fo ols latest Uc doy but on tast ch Known 404 pout curLhvahen TEST -2 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation Ast |e) Among He Pristand Feagrons Pustas & th Hon gary, kg: b)- Trans boundaxy craters - aquijes. Lakes andi sive batting chaxed by fw20 64 mow Counters + (us gteles have fouutecus cuuthen ransboundary Lala or siver basin, 30 Countia Liss entixely tg itin them. AS3/ b) Sacced mountains axe Contras he Cortarn xoliqinn ako cold holy movuntanne Mount killimanpaxo - Tanzana Auprs hock ax2 Ulu mountain cs hustola Asya). Lonax arctied Nahenal Geo hexitage Monumont Saline tale U Mest (Cnousn Crater Loe Aeveloped un Plustocone epoch. Jit crortd's Lascqest besathe upact cxatn alio- Cralir - Royastian ] Smattan, loss + Dhala Crater - MachyaPadan | Ltrad exarpha Ass}ay Indonesia though dominantly falls oh Aus, qualifis t be Kanscentnentad Cocnty dus fo hovexat uflands ui Otoang Asd b) Austral & flattest and smallest Continent O world. fst a) Aut Hieae Lakes axe Crater Cakes of world Asal ol) AU the par ar Corroet as County and Locahen TEST -2 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation At At A624 7 AGH] Aes, gy Manaus w Brazil a Jdveune pert on Amazen 0) *euoterta! climate Suppers Gonist vegetahon, alt, acidic d0U , asluchne both Cap Cuthvahon and Lvestock semaveng - dy Cotepaxi - tcuador achve volcano Setpuxa- old block nupuntarh Indra kaxakerom - Young {old mountain - Ladakh Provelli - old fold Felt moontarn . Kinshasa DRE os or banks o{ R-Congo * Nia is Nig G en bonis ef R: Ni : haa in Sudan us on banks o{ R- Nile d) PAL dascondung Guinds arg katabaic, expexconces adiabshe caring Hus creates drycondihons d)- Onshore Wlesiexlins provails +roughout the wo us‘ ed nJs along sod maxgins +» LurpeanClimaly » Sw Aushalia and Cape Province Love Onshore Uiestertees Ag Lomntexs 30-USS latest merging vedas by an b) St encludes How o{ R: Danube hoyend jonGates Derdap Gates along Serbia - Romani bord. b) Mongoonal Clucote & Charactescued usith summer Concorkated soun. The Kagon u Conkned between 10-36 NIs along gaat maxgins a tand. TEST -2 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation AGe| d) Arctic and Alpine Tundxa have exheme and pactonged uuniions , seasteichng growth of plang, oc Borufore that populahen dopends on anunals and [rshos for food saquixements- AeTley tmexald Ista U& peehe name of Ircland duc to U3 geen co . Sugar boust o{ woud & Brogil as eu Now Lie toadung producer of Sugar. AOglb) Venice & Located on dovexal canals MedutescrancanSea Portsoud Keq|c) Suez canal ct dea Lever woke w ,cConnechi Le Gault of ! Sve3, Anedged acsxess tsthumus @{ Sve, cr Havenias Hsugh Bitter Cakes and Timsah Coke, $ve3 SINAL PENINSU EGYPT ee Ja Lite Bitter Joke Sve3 And d)-Nicaxagua. Canal from Brito - Punta Gerda ull Link Pacifre and Attanhe Oceans via bale Nicaxagua * Proposed Caspian Canal Cult Lave Caspian- Persian Guy and Caspian - Gulf ef Oman. * Thai Canal uull be Conneehng Aelamansea. and Cul of thastand Au] b). Panis fo Warsaw cs Orront express AaulAooke + Tho teem Hanscontnontal Kailroute ts applied to dlanste langthiost dail neues across onhronl TEST -2 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation Aq2 Ap Atq Ats| Me At Ae b) Thaluuag «3 Lene of Lowest elevahon + Rver Orange Axous, beundaw befureen Namibia and South Attica. b) Baku & Us copriot and Laxgett city ¢ Azorbaiuan Méo called ed city of Caspian «) Gosperous Cs Cerhnentat boundary bkwean Europe and Aso @) Moscow - aith Moscevo- Gall and Don-Volea shipping Conat cs Lenkad tn abt ke Hantoned Graber boduas, tus Mani Oecan e) Bilvasa, Ahradnagax, Pune, kathapur.— Lake Chad & SanbepeFaIE ues Apica, $¢ta Kapidly shainking dus bo Unsustarnoble Uso and Churate Chango by Hambantota - Srilanka Chinosa Guadas - Palusien @usistence Bagamoyo - Tanzania Clobohan- Sran —~ JInduan assistance TEST -2 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation Aiq |e) + Assam has enernahonad boundary caith Bhutan and & + Paunachal Pradesh tos cnternahena! boundaw with Buten, Cine, Mayanmax + Manipur Kos coiesnahsnal boundary wth Mayanmax b) . River Chambat- Rayasthan- Madhya Pradesh + River Sndxavati- Odusha- Chott: * River (exeshra - Telengana - Ardhso. Prades, c) aU menhkoned Peaks axe ch Uttaxathand- The fellest peak ts NandaDevi d) AU Canals sxolates to Great Lake xoulr of Nesth Amexica- Welland Canal has sevenlocks as batucen Lake 4x2 and! lake Ontario d+rerecs N Ago Ast Ag2 A8&3]b) MittleLand Canal - Ravens ms, lesen, &ibe Dortmund —ms Canal - Rivers ms, Rheng Luduug Cano - Ravers Mash , Danube * Du mid Canal- Rivex Rhone and Gaxeonne u Ww Faance Ast lay AL the gaven states have boondany cosith Te : Odisha elio Shaxes Small bourdiasy auth Yhe stale - kasic) 9t& abso Congest unicenahonal bordoru would: TEST -2 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation Age] a) Applied to both final bordexs and atitl negotiated AGT | d) Raver Orde, the seafexonen name for Hus border between Poland- Gexmany. Aes |c) Among the 5 breakauoy counts of former UssR ud Cantal Adio kazakesen and Torlmenulan have shore cuuth Caspian Sea Ag |e) South Atdanhe Doett 6 ta port of blest kdlinef Dutt ui southern Cezan- AQ0|b) Tava sland along with Lesser 8und Istande eu Located South of 27uator. fat] by Stonagarx ~ Atunachal Pradesh Smphot = Manipur falo - Tripura Aizaut - Mgeram Aaa! &) Bilaspur = - Chadhs Jodhpur = - Hon Bhopel = - Madhya Pradash Ranchi - STharkhand AM }e) Kelaket - Tammy Nichaholm - — Kashrur Valley RAY |c) Ariver mouths ,cthaxe bho Auver Aobouthes unto anevhan fuvex ,@ fale, £20 o% Cecan TEST -2 DIRECTION ‘Answer with Explanation Aas Aa Aq Age Peieo d)- 82" 30° fast Longitude Indian Standard Mesudian + DF passes thrSugh Mirzapur LO Utier Pradesh . +The Stakes U pasios Hurough ana Ulex Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh Chatliugarh , Odusha and Ardhsa Pocaclesth - @) Vitieultuxe is the cerlhivabon and haxvesting o un boutharn Austalio’s Uune ong He fae ( 800 cool parts, cohuelr include Australia) os Mazer city, b) Bera - Kotabale nertharn wird! uh Adbaahe h2a Pungo. - viglent cold curd blowung hr Russia Bi3z3a%xdg - Severe Bnow stow Carabunp cnluteowk and snowdeuplr wn USA mistxal - sheng cold nesthan wind that blours from Faance to Gul o/ “ions d) Noth Wait India — Masuuthali- Groat Sandy douxt Rehi - Great fertile Plaun Mravallu - dey douduous feasts ) Frvemante a& port city ©] Perth Mehopolten axca| ld) favngup Pass %& Mountew) Corder connoehne Ynolta. usith Myanmar. J+cs Localad cn Sendoway dushict ©/ Mydoman- Video Discussion will be available en Youtube Next Test - [3)2020 Test Series Programme 2020 NEETU SINGH IAS ‘Test Booklet Series TEST BOOKLET TEST -3 Environment/ Ecology & Climate Change Date : 01/03/2020 Serial No. 12020A [Time Allowed: 2 hours ‘Maximum Marks : 200 INSTRUCTIONS 1 IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COVMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UN PRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. 2. ENCODE CLEARLY THE TEST BOOKLET SERIES A, B, C OR D AS THE CASE MAY BE IN THE APPROPRIATE PLACE IN THE ANSWER SHEFT, 3. You have to enter your Roll Number/Serial No. on the Test Booklet In the Box provided alongside. DO NOT wrlte anything else on the Test Booklet. 4 This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case You fel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In ny case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. All items carry equal marks. 5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. {6 Before you proceed to matk in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have tofill in some particulars inthe Answer Sheet as per instructions sent you with your Admission Cerificate 7 Afer you have completed filing in ll your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has con ‘ should hand over tothe lnvgiltor only the Answer Sheet You are permitted to take away with ‘you the Test Booklet, 8 Penalty for wrong answers: ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE ‘TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. (@ There are four aematives forthe answer to every question, For each question fr which a wrong aawer as been gen bythe eandidte, 13 (One Third) ofthe matt signed otha qunson willbe deduced as nenay: (a) fa canidategivts ore thar ce answer wi be eed 32 wrong answer even ene of he sve ances happens tobe comet and there wil te sre peniy 2 above total quest on. Gio queion i leftBank Ie ro answers given by the conde (ere wil be no pea forth question Ultimate Learning Experience (P) Ltd. ® DIRECTION nS aco aE Uo HARI BHAWAN : 144/103 WEA, Karol Bagh, New Delhi -05 Ph : 0112 - 5719872, 5719862, 5752444 9810362303 DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO. 1, Ecology is concemed with four levels of biological organization 1 Population 2.Communities 3. Organism 4.Biomes Which one of the following is correct order of these organizations? (a)3241 (b)3214 ()3124 (1234 2. Consider the following: 1. Temperature 2. Water 3.Light 4.Soil Which among these are key elements that develop variations in the physical and chemical conditions of different habitats? (@Allofthem (b) 1, 2and 3 (1,3 and4 (2,3 and 4 3. According to Shelford’ law of tolerance, an organism with wide tolerance limit for environmental factors show — (@) wide distribution with low population size (©) wide distribution with high population size (©)narrow distribution with Low population size (@narrow distribution with high population size DIRECTION 4. Any feature of an organism which enables it toexhibit conditions of its habitats known as. (Adaptive variation (b) Adjustment (c)Niche (@ Adaptation 5. Which ofthe followings nota characteristic ofheliophytes? (a) Long lateral roots (b) Numerous rootlets (©) Stem with long intemodes (@ Vigorous flowering and fruiting 6. Inthermal stratification, wherein middle strata vertical temperature changes is called — @Epilimnion (&)Mesolimnion (©Hypolimnion (@)Metalimnion 7. Most probable vegetation type in region of (60-120cm of annual rains (a) Steppe grassland (b) Sub humid tropical forest (©) Dryand sub tropical grassland (@ Tropical rainforest GS - Environment’Ecology (ay TEST = 3 (2020) 8. Inapondecosystem, the bottom area where respiration is more than production iscalled (@)Limneticzone (b)Profuundal zone (©)Benthie zone (@Tidal zone 9. Consider the following statements: 1. Sciophytes are plants that grow under direct sunlight. 2. Psamophytes are plants that grow under shades. Correct ones are/is ~ (a) Only 1 (© Both 1 and2 () Only2 @Neither 1 nor2 10, The energy flow in an ecosystem is (@) inany direction (b) always unidirectional (always bidirectional (@ always multidirectional 11. The ratio between energy flow at different points along the food chain is called (@)Eoological efficiency (b) Beological capacity (c) Ecological potential (@) Ecological assimilation DIRECTION ‘12. Consider the following statements: 1, Species with wide geographical ranges which develop locally adapted population are called ecotypes. 2. Lincoln index is used to measure population size, 3. Theability of population of living species to increase under ideal environmental conditions iscalled carrying capacity. Correct ones are/is (Only 1 (b)Only2 (©) Land2 @1and3 13. In ecology, the term biocenosis specifically explains (a) Ecological study of communities (b) Ecological study of individual studies (©) A group of organism inhabiting particular area (@ Agroup ofmany species of plants and animals living together ina natural area. 14, The aquatic animals in Polar Regions survive evenin freezing temperature. This can be best explained by (@) The thick layer of fat deposition in their skin (b)By migrating o warmer regions during winters (©) Dueto the high density of water (@Due to neutral pH of sol at cold conditions (2) GS - Environment/Ecology TEsT- 3 2020) es DIRECTION 15. Which ofthe following statement explains standing crop and standing quality? () Total organic matter and total inorganic matter respectively inan ecosystem (8) Total crop cultivated and total crop harvested respectively in an area (© Biomass of plants and biomass of animals respectively in an ecosystem (@ Biomass of dead matter and biomass of decomposers respectively inan ecosystem 16. Which ofthe following statement isnot conrect? (a) Pyramid of number can never be inverted. (b) Pyramid of energy can ever be inverted. (©) Pyramid of number ina paresitic food chain willbe inverted, (@) Pyramid ofbiomass may be inverted or upright. 17. Theextremitiesofanimalsare relatively shorter in the cooler parts of a species range than in warmer parts is (@) Bergmann’sRule (b)Allen’sRusle (©) Gloger’s Rule @Rensch’s Rule 18. Which ofthe following statements best describes a climax community? (@) More stable and more diverse (b) More stable and less diverse (©) Less stable and more diverse @) Less stable and less diverse 19. Consider the following statements: 1. Chemosynthetic bacteria are heterotrophs. 2. They use hydrogen sulphide as energy source. 3. They are confined in deep oceans as their habitat. Correct ones for chemotrophs is/are (a) 2and3 (b)Only3 (©Only2 (@) Land 2 20. Consider the following pairs: 1. Lotie water system - Freshwater Ecosystem 2. Tidal marshes - Estuarine Ecosystem 3. Oceans ~ Marine Ecosystem Which of the characteristics and biomes are correctly paired? @Allofthem (b)2and 3 (©) Land3 (@) Land 2 21. Consider the following Wildlife Sanctuaries oflndia: 1 Shikari Devi 2. Bhadra 3. Tikarpara 4, Panchmarhi a GS - Environment/Ecology sad TesT-3 2020) Which among the following is correct order in terms of location from south to north? (21234 (2431 (2341 (3124 22. In order for biomagnifications to occur, which of the characteristics of pollutants is/are required? 1. Short lived 2.Mobile 3.Soluble 4. Biologically active Correct ones are (@Allofthem (©) 1,3and4 (b) 2,3 and 4 (@) 1,2 and3 23, Consider the following statements about Nutrient Cycles: 1, ‘These arealso called biogeochemical cycles. 2. Most gaseous cyeles are considered as imperfecteycle. 3. These cycles are categorized depending on nature ofthe reservoir. Correct ones are (a) Land 2 (b) 2and3 (© land3 @Allofthem 24, Consider the following: 1. Ice sheets and Glaciers 2.Atmosphere 3, Soil moisture 4, Ground water Which of the foltowing is correct order of global distribution of water? (1324 (b) 1432 (©1342 @1243 25, Gause’s competitive exclusion principle states thattwo specimen having identical requirements cannot occupy same niche indefinitely. Consider the following: 1. Habitat 2. Food 3. Reproductive 4, Physical-Chemical Which of these are considered as Niche variants? @Allofthem (©)2,3and 4 (b) 1, 2and3 @1,3and4 26, Consider the following statements: 1, Lakesand ponds rich in nutrients and high productivity are called Oligotrophic 2. Lakes and ponds with limited nutrient supply and little productivity are called eutrophic 4 GS - Environment/Ecology iad TEsT- 3.2020) 3. Succession in aquatic habitat is called hydrarch, Correct ones is/are (a) Only 1 ()Only3 (b) Land 2 @1,2and3 27.Consider the following pairs: 1. Ephemerals drought evader plants 2. Succulents —droughtresistant plants 3. Non succulents drought enduring plants Correct ones is/are (a)Allofthem (Only (&) Only2 @2and3 28. Consider the following statements: 1. Epiphytes are plants which grow perched on 4, Synecology Correct ones isvare (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (©) Land 4 (@2and3 30. In soil, water available for plants is (@) gravitational water (b) chemically bound water (© capillary water (a) hygroscopic water 31. Consider the following: 1. Theecological niche of an organism depends con sum total ofits environmental requirements. 2. Species that occupy same niche in different ‘geographical regions are guilds, other plants. Correct ones for niche are/is 2, ‘Tropophytes are plants which are both (a) Vand 2 (b) Only 1 mesophytes and hydrophytes. (©Only2 (@Neither | nor2 3. Halophytes are plants which grow on soils with high salt concentration. 32, Consider the given pairs: Correct ones are 1.Phototaxis --Movemnentoforganism in (@)1,2and3 (b)2and 3 response to light (c) Land2 (@) land3 2.Phototropism - — Thegrowthororientation coforganism in response 29, Beology is study ofan individual species called tolight 1. Community ecology 3.Photokinesis - Achange inspeedof 2. Autecology locomotion in response 3. Species ecology tochange in ight intensity GS - Environment/Ecology ad TEST - 3 (2020) ——— es HIRECTION Correct ones are (@) Land2 (b) 2and 3 (©)1,2and3 @) Land3 33.Consider the following in regards to Indian State of Forest Report 2019: 1. Kamataka has registered highest increase in forest cover. 2. Except Assam and Tripura, all’ North Easter Estates have registered decrease in forest cover, 3. Indiaaccounts for2% of global forest area Correct ones are (a) Land 2 (©) Land 3 ()1,2and3 @2and3 34. Consider the following: 1. Bijamitra 2.Jiwamrita 3.Agniastra 4, Waaphasa Which of these are included as four wheels of zero budget natural forming? (@)1,2,3and4——(b) 1, 2and3 (1, 2and 4 @2,3 and 4 35. Enriching, recreational, astheties an spiritual s exvices provided by ecosystem belongs to {@) Provisioning services (b)Regulating services (©) Supporting services (@ Cultural services 36. Consider the following: 1 Site selection and planning 2. Innovation 3. Building planning and construction 4. Building operation and maintenance Which among these are included in GRIHA criteria? (@Allofthem (0) 2,3 and 4 (b) 1, 2and3 (@1,3and4 37. Consider the given pairs of pollutants and sources of production: 1. Oxides of Nitrogen : By product in manufacturing of fertilizer 2. Methane + Municipal landfills 3. Carbon monoxide : Biomass burning Correct ones are (a)2and3 (b) 1, 2and3 (©) Land 3 (@ Land 2 38. Consider the following statements: 1. India is signatory of UNCCD. 2. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate ‘Change is the nodal Ministry of UNCCD. Correct ones are GS - EnvironmentEcology (8) TesT-3 2020) (a) Only 1 (b) Only2 ()Both1and2 (4) Neither 1 nor2 39. Coral eefS are not found in which of the followingregions? (a) Lakshadweep Islands (b)Gulfof Kutch (©)Mannar Gulf (@Khambhat Gulf 40. The term soilimpoverishmentrelates to which of the following? (@) Soil erosion (b) Soil deposition (©) Increasing plant nutrient deficiency in soil (@) Soil getting enriched with plant nutrient 41, Consider the following: 1. Migration 2. Reaction 3, Stabilization 4. Nudation Which among the following is correct Sequential phase in the successional development of vegetation community in the habitat? (1234 (©4123 (b)1324 (2134 42, Consider the given pairs: 1.Oxisol ‘Veryrich in humus: 2. Vertisol Rich inclay content 3. Histosol Mineralised soil 4.Entisol Soil lackingin horizons Which of these are correct pairs of soll and characteristics? (@)Allofthem (© 1,2and3 (b)2,3 and 4 (@)1,3 and 4 48. Whichofthe following snota primary function ofa green leaf? (@) Manufacture of food (b) Interchange of gases (© Evaporation of water (@ Conduction of food and water 44, Inwhich ofthe following physiological processes, excess water escapes in the form of droplets froma plant? (@) Transpiration (®)Guttation (©)Secretion (@Exeretion 45, Consider the tiger reserves of India: 1.Dudhwa 2. Panna 3. Pench 4. Indravati 7 (7) GS - Environment/Ecology TeST- 3 2020) What will be the correct order of their location from North to South? (4321 ()2143 (91234 (1324 46. [biological community in itsenvironment such asan ocean, forest or aquarium is known as (Biome (b) Environment (©) Components (Ecosystem 47. Whatare the main constituents of biogas? (@) Methane and sulphur dioxide (b) Methane and carbon dioxide (©) Methane, Hydrogen and Nitric oxide (@Methane and Nitric oxide 48, Which of te following is known asa zone of sharp salinity change in vertical section of ocean? (@) Thermoeline (@)Haloctine (©) Pycnocline (@)Photiczone 49. Consider the following about National Action Plan for conservation of migratory birds? 1. Itineludes 20 selected wetlands. 2. Itisalong Central Asian flyway 3._Itis the constituent of Conventionon Migratory Species Correct ones are @Allofthem (©) Land3 (b)2and3 (d) land 2 50, Consider the following: 1. Northem Terrapin 2. Clouded Leopard 3. Humpback Whale 4, Red Panda Which among these is included in the recovery program of wildlife protection recently? (a) 1, 2and3 (b)2, 3 and 4 (©1,2,3and4 — (@) 1, 3and4 ‘51. Consider the given statements: 1. Boo sensitive ones are declared under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. 2. These zones have permitted activities as miningand manufacturing. Correct ones is/are (@) Both | and 2 (b) Only 1 (©Only2 (@Neither 1 nor2 (8) GS - Environmenv/Ecology TesT- 3.2020) —— ee DIRECTION ‘52, Consider the following: 1. Maintain/estore soil fertility 2. Mitigate drought effects 3. Integrate dynamics of land, climate biodiversity The strategic framework of UNCCD 2018- 2030 includes (a) 1, 2and3 (©) Land 3 (b)2and3 @ Land2 53. In regards to Special Report on Global ‘Warming at 1.5 C of IPCC, consider the following: 1. CO2emissions would have todecline by 45%, before 2030, 2. Renewable energy need to supply 80% of power by 2050. Which among these is/are the suggested mitigation efforts: (@)Both land2 —— (b) Only1 (©)Only2 (Neither 1 nor2 54, Consider the following: 1. Spatial Niche 2. Trophic Niche 3, Hypervolume Niche Which among these are included as aspects ‘58, Consider the following: 1. Web-based monitoring of 8 different pollutants 2. Gdefined categories of health impact 3. Constituent of National Air Monitoring Program Correct ones for National Air Quality Index includes @Allofthem (©) 2and3 (b) Land? (@) Land 3 56, The 22-km long Mumbai Trans harbour link between Sewrito INP is set influence habitat of (@) Lesser Flamingo (b) Red Knot (©) Eurasian Curlew (@ White headed duck 57, Consider the following: 1. Sea surface temperature 2.Coral collection, 3.Pollution 4. Boat anchors Which among these are/is considered to be the main cause of mass coral bleaching of ecological Niche? experienced in Indian Coral Reef region? @Allofthem (b) Land 2 (@Allofthem (©) Only 1 (© Land 3 (@2and3 (©)1,2and3 @) Land3 (9) G5 - EnviconmentlEcology TEST -3 2020) ‘58. Consider the following: 1. Habitat Specific physical place ‘occupied by an organism 2. Biotope Environment ofany given community 3. Eeotope Habitat and niche of any organism Correct ones are @Allofthem (b) Land 2 ()2and3 @ land 59. Inregards to Milancovitch cycle, consider the following: | Bocentrcity 2.Obtiquity 3.Solar output variation Which one isvare correct? (a) Land 2 (b)2and 3 (©) land 3 @1,2and3 (60, Consider the following statements: 1, Water hyacinth tolerates cadmium by binding ittotheir proteins. 2. Phytoremediation is use of plants to remove salts from soil. 3, Stenohaline are organisms which can live in wide salinity range. Correct ones is/are (@) 1, 2and 3 (©) Only2 (b) Only 1 (@) land 2 61. Consider the following in regards to Pedogenesis: 1, Residual soilsare soil formed by transportation by various agencies. 2, Transportation soils are formed by weathering and Pedogenesis. Correct ones are (@) Only 1 (b)Only2 (©) Both 1 and 2 (d)Neither 1 nor 2 62. Consider the following in regards to host- parasite elationshi 1. The organisms which are dependent upon the ‘host plants for their entire nutrition is called holoparasites. 2. Theorganisms which derive only water and ‘mineral fom their host plant and produce their own food are called hemiparasites. Correct ones is/are (@)Only 1 (Neither 1 nor2 (b) Only2 (@ Both | and2 63. Consider the following: 1. Suspend 2. Hibemate 3.Aestivation 4, Diapause GS - Environment/Ecology Test 3.2020) Which among these are examples of response of animals to abiotic factors? (@Allofthem (b) 1, 2and 3 (©)2,3 and 4 @)1,2and 4 64, Consider the following: 1.Cloud cover 2. Tree cover 3. Season cycle 4. Latitude Which among these influences availability of photo synthetically active radiation? (a1, 2and3 (b)2,3 and 4 ()1,3and4 @1,2,3and4 (68. Consider the following pairs: 1 Autogenic : Occurs as result of abiotic factors 2.Allogenic : Occursasresultof biotic factors 3.Autotrophic : Occurs ifgreen plants dominate in early stage 4, Heterotrophic : Occurs when animals dominates in early stages Correct pairs in regards to succession includes (@)Allofthem (b)2,3 and 4 (©)3and 4 @1,3and4 (66. Convention of biodiversity identifies three levels of biodiversity —_Genetic, species and GS - EnvironmentEcology ‘ecosystem. Consider the following inthis regard: 1. Alpha diversity : number of species within an area 2. Betadiversity : species diversity between two adjacent ecosystem 3. Gamma diversity: diversity of habitats over total landscape Correct pairs of species diversity measures are (®)Allofthem (©)2and3 (b) Land2 @1and3 67. Stupendemuys geographicus recently ‘mentioned in news are related to which of the following? 1 Reptiles of Columbia and Venezuela 2. One of the largest turtles 3. These are marine water turtles. Correct ones are (a) Land2 (b) 1, 2and3 (c) land 3 (d)2and3 68. Consider the following: 1. HINI Influenza 2. Ebola 3.SARS 4, Zika virus 5.MERS (11) TEST- 3 2020) Which among these have been declared global health emergency by WHO in recent times? (@)1,2,3and4 (©)2,34and5 (®)Allofthem @1,34and5 669. Consider the following in regards to water Jaws in India: 1. Water is State subject with no National Unified Law. 2. Centre can deal with water issues under EPA (1986) and Water Prevention and Control and Pollution Act, 1974. 3. Centre can regulate and develop inter-state rivers. Correct ones are (a) Land 2 (b)2and3 ()1,2and3 @ land 3 70. Consider the following about Atlantic Conveyorbelt: 1. Itispartof Thermohaline Circulation, 2. Ithelps in absorbing and storing atmospheric carbon. 3. Indian Ocean warming is intensifying this circulation, Correct ones is/are (@)Allofthem (@)2and3 (b) 1 and 2 @ land 3 71. Considerthe following: 1 India has reduced emission intensity of GDP by 21%. 2. Bharat Standard VI compliance for vehicle emissions from April 2020 3. 83.Giga Watts of renewables achieved, Which among these are the achievements highlighted by India in COP2S Chile 2019? (@) Land2 (b) 2 and 3 (© 1and3 @1,2and3 72, Recently urban India has been declared Open Defecation Free (ODF). Consider the following inthis regards: 1. Swachh Bharat Mission ODF -when notasingle persons found defecating in open, 2. Swachh Bharat Mission ODF-when public toiletsare functional and well maintained + protocol 3, Swachh Bharat Mission ODFF-when complete sludge management is done ++ protocol Correct pairs of protocols is/are (a) Land 2 (b)2and3 (©) 1,2and3 (@1and3 GS - Environmenv/Ecology TesT-3 2020) 73. Which among the following is/are correct for W-SHARP towards SDG6? 1. Mobilized in Marathwada, Maharashtra 2. Aimsatmobilizing women leadership 3. UNICEFis the key technical partner. (a) land 2 (b)Allofthem (©) Land 3 @2and3 74, In regards to Land Degradation Neutrality, which among the following are included as global indicators? 1. Land cover changes trend 2, Land productivity dynamics 3.Carbon stock measures as soil organic carbon Correct ones arefis: (@) Land 2 ()1,2and3 ©) Land3 @2and3 75. Consider the following: 1.Ranthambore - Kuno, Madhav 2.Similipal ~ Satkosia 3.Bhitarkanika = Gahirmatha 4. Kanha - Pench Which among these are included as tiger corridor in India? (@) 1,2and3 (b) 2,3 and 4 (©) 1,2and4 @1and2 76. nthe first Indian State of Birds Report 2019, which among the following Vulture species in India have suffered severe most declines? (@) Egyptian Vulture (b) White-rumped Vulture (©) Indian Vulture (@ Griffon Vuiture 77. Consider the following statement; 1, Eaglenest reserve of 217 sq km 2. Bugun Liochicla the critically endangered rare bird 3. The Community Reserve and tourism spot The Singchung Village Sanctuary mentioned above is located in (Mizoram (b) Meghalaya (Tripura (d@)Anunachal Pradesh: 78. Consider the following in regards to Anshupa Lake which was in news recently as successful example of Integrated Coastal Zone Management and revival of lake, Itis located in (a) West Bengal (b) Odisha (©) Andhra Pradesh (@TamilNadu GS - EnvironmentEcology TEST -3 2020) 79. Which among the following is included in the 2015 status of World Soil Resource highlights? «Carbon residues in soil are more than that in atmosphere and plants. . Soil degradation is leading to loss of soil organic carbon. 3. Capturing carbon includes a majorclimate Codes: (@Allofthem (©)2and3 (b) Land 2 (@1and3 ‘80, Which among the following rivers that forms home toIndus Dolphins and gharials isthe firstriver in India to be declared as ‘Conservation Reserve? (@) River Jhetum (b) River Beas (© River Sutlej @River Chenab 81. Towards sustainable conservation of water, ‘Atal Bhujal Yojana has been launched recently. Consider the following in this regard: |. Implemented over period of S years (2020-25) 2. Pan Indian implementation 3. Aims at ground water management through Correct ones is/are (a) 1,2and3 (b) Land 2 (©) Land3 (@2and3 ‘82. Consider the following in regards to Energy Trilemma index: |. Itis released by World Energy Council .. Sweden and Denmarkare the top performers. . India and its neighbours are among the laggards. Correct ones are (@Allofthem (b)2and3 (6) Land 2 (@) Land 3 ere 83. The migratory locusts have largest distribution area locusts and grasshoppers worldwide, These have been known for decimating the crops. The recent massive locusts attack have been in (@) Rajasthan and Gujarat (b) Gujarat and Maharashtra (©) Punjab and Haryana (d) Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra GS - EnvironmentEcology TEST- 3 2020) 84. The Transboundary Conservation of ‘Threatened Fresh water Fauna on the highly susceptible flooding challenge of Sunderbans includes which of the following species? 1. Batagur Baska 2 3. Gangetic Dolphin Correct ones are/is: (@1,2and3 ()2and3 ilsa (b) Land @ tand3 85, Anthrax, recently highlighted in news is (@ Tidal inundation adversely afectingmangroves (@)Rare bacterial iliness that affects animals (©) Water management strategy in rural areas (@) Conservation of gene pool 86. Which among the following are National Faunal repositories of Zoological Survey of India? 1. Port Blair 2.Solan 3. Kozhikode Correct ones is/are (a) Land 2 (b)2and3 (1, 2and3 (@) Land3 87. Consider the following statements: 1 India has added 10 more wetland to sites protected by Ramsar Convention, 2. Nandur Madhmeshwaris first Ramsar site in State of Maharashtra, Which among these is/are correct? (@) Only 1 (b)Only2 (©)Bothland2 —_(d) Neither I nor2 £88, Consider the following for Sloth Bear: 1 itis schedule Tanimal in India, 2. Habitat includes India, Nepal and Sri Lanka 3. Have nocturnal adaptation Correct ones are (@) 1, 2and 3 (b)2and3 (©) Land 3 (@) Land 2 89, Consider the following in regards to ‘Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index: 1. White category industries do not require to attain environment clearance. 2. It includes all the textile industries. 3. Thereare four colour-based categories of industries. Correct ones are (a) Land 3 (b) 1 and 2 (©) 1,2and3 (d)2 and 3 GS - Environment/Ecology TesT-3 2020) 90. Amongstall the protected areas in India, which among the following has highest density of ‘Sambar population? (@ Ranthambore Tiger Reserve () Desert National Park (©)Keoladeo National Park @Rannof Kutch 91. Whichamong the following pairs of most ‘common oil crops for biodiesel production of region is/are comect? 1.Rapeseed Europe 2.Soyabean —USA 3.PalmOil —Tropical Asia Codes: (@) Land2 () 1,2and3 ()2and3 (@) 1 and 3 92, Which among the following forms the constituents of Zero Energy Buildings concept promoted by Government of India? 1. Net Zero Energy Cost 2.Net Zero Energy Emission 3, Net Zero Source Energy Codes: (@Allofthem (b) Land 2 (©)2and3 @)1and3 93. Consider the following about threats faved byCivet: 1. Hunted for bush meat and fur 2. Habitat loss 3, Hunted for scent glands Which among these are recognized as the challenges by IUCN? (@)Allofthem (b) 1 and 2 (©) 2and3 @land3 94, Consider the following islands: 1, Baratang, 2. Kamorta 3. Teresa Which among these islands of Andaman and Nicobar are recommended for oil palm plantation? (@Allofthem ()2and3 (b) Land 2 @1and3 95, Considerthe following: 1. Single Window Integrated system for Environment Clearance 2. Works under National Green Tribunal 3. Itmonitors environmental clearances from Central, State and District levels. Which among these are correct for PARIVESH? GS- EevironmentEcology TEST - 3 2020) @Allofthem (©) Land 3 (b) Land 2 (d)2and3 96. Which among the following pairs of National Parks and animals famous for are correct? L.Nagarjunasagar = Tiger 2. Periyar = Elephant 3. Manas - Lion 4.Gir - Rhinoceros Codes: (1, 2and3 (®) Land 2 (o)Tand4 (@) Only? 97. Which among the followingis responsible for ‘expansion of water in the ocean? (@)Carbon dioxide (@)Nitrous oxide (©) Carbon monoxide (@ Sulphur dioxide 98. Consider the following lost species categories byIUCN: 1.Glaucous Macaw 2. Catarina Pupfish 3.Java Lapwing 4, Bishop’s Oo Which among these are birds? (a) 1,3and4 (b)1,2and3 ()1,2,3 and 4 (d)2,3 and 4 99, Ecotone is best described as (a) Dense forest ecosystem (b) Ecosystem of grassland (©) Transition between two ecosystem (@) Temporal change between two seral siages 100. Which among the following is correct. sequence of ecosystem in order of decreasing productivity? (a) Mangrove, oceans, grassland, lakes (b) Ocean, lakes, grassland, mangrove (©) Mangrove, grassland, lake, ocean, (@ Oceans, mangroves, lakes, grassland GS - EnvironmentEcology Test-3 2020) TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation Ate)! ecology Ba seebpect athuh stuclies interxachons amo organum and ct phisical environment. Ths unterachtn 0 im cabled i Proce cag re a ed ae Grosphene Crome v Landscape T Ecoaiystem Community T Populate Organiut Ark) Ecolegy af Sxganum Gavel 4s essentially physologica f eewlogy » auth atiepts @ undeutend how irs axe adlapked to their environment to duuive aNd seropreduce . The kay elomant thar Unfivences ase creluda torperative, wtalan, ght and dod - RANGE OF TOLERANCE “ AY) Shelferd's Law of toloance T ! | optim | 1 Ls pocinciple davelopod oy ‘ 3 Rae Auwutan z00logt sais i Vs tanedt Shelford 01913 3 345 3 a] 3 '5 St alas - j2n /4i « dusttibution of Spoeus & BLY i & conhalled by envtal age tolaxance, the Organisms cohich, rea Le a folexance uu! be curoll dishiboted ENWRONMENTAC FACTORS TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation Aud) Adaptahen 41 evolutonaxy procs urhore an organum boswome better Surled fo UG habitat. This process takes places over many ons Adaptive vasuahen| adsahon 14 Salabvely fast evolvhen of Many dpeuis froma single commen ansestor- ASH Helroy axe plants that bait Grout fol 4 et ee Lave thicker slem, short iiernode Many branches , uroll Aaveloped soot, Hue heave Intense Light favours fermahen of Hocsens, prt And seeds MeteLimnion wo lols athun . dustnct Layer of fe Memennon wuolor ub cubueh temperature ['"|C Crpoumucr,) Changes rapidly < Ung ne eee A1d] Lasge expanse teepical , Sub pepical Land A2eroves 4 Arosonad annvel rath betueon Go-120Um, Huss do nak Support extensive 22s Ae by The Phofundad zene of an Unlond Guakes body as Lake] Pond , a Cocotad balou vee Hangs of efechee ahen, Hus paimasey Paoduchen elo nat provet Aa ke) Sciophytea - qrouss up shade Psamophylas ~ grows th dandy Surface Both tre quer staterconls are enconact- Aga) A Thoxmocline , cotled TEST -3 Answer with Explanation Awe] Tor ow of enoxgy ui the eemaysiem ce Unidirechenal becouse the energy Costas haat {rom the Livi organisrar o{ feed chosh cannat ee sensed by plank th Pholosynthouis Aud). Te ermlogeedd efferiney 4 raho 6 not producti (amount of energy) at one tophe lee. &p net pedech ly at devel bolow NPP (Tropic Lavel x) % NePChopic Lovell x -1) ke icad offeecaney Vasuss Bapendany en oxgarums is but Udwolly dange (om 6-207. + This moans Hat 80-95% 0 enaxgy at One Level rover ronalers tote nox Aine). Te Lincdn Index provides way to Measure Pepulahen 832 of cndivtiduad Speetas Developed by F. Chavelos Lincoln Te ability { poputahen to inexaase Under ideot environmental Conduhon c Called biotic potential Aid] A biocenesit , conned by Kaxt Mobius C187) , dlescrclacy Hea Uniexachng Lining to wo a Lobiat. St & @n astoudhon 6| duelont oganuon forrung @ closely cntegralad commoruhy Aly ey Undornoath feogen( fe2sh) Upper Layer he ural, somone un ts Liquid fe and does nat Mio Oxygen stopped hencath the darero| ee - Als ja) Standafy &tote (Quality 4s amount of nutionts Pra W dod. DIRECTION Standuny crop Ls Qrount o{ total bromo Rrosent wan Crosysiem. TEST-3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation Alea) The numbor S| xganums in a feed chain Can be qr wa Pram . 4ach bar ing tho ruemiagn o{ undivicluall tn each trophic fovel @| (ed Chor - St can aa Upsught and verted). Mp coanens Rule: Sporres of laxger Size & founder *AUan's Rute + Uisebs of Speers 6 colder Lunia cuill ee ghorer Glogs Rule *, heavy pigmented forms ans found Ww husud environment + Rench's Rule + bielopicad xule Coneoxning the xolahenshup betuocn sexual sig AGB A clusaxr Conmunity feral stage Of Susecssion, uning Solatively unehanged Unit destroyed by an extreme event Ald b) Chomottephs axe producory , Produesig food enaxgy and mailer by procass ©f Chamosynthauis A2zoja) Mi the given Pars Ara conroel- Aa|c) Shikaxi Devi - Himachal Pradesh Bhadxo. ~ Karnataka Trhkaxpexa = _ alisha Panchmashi - Madhya Prada faz!b) Broaccumutahen - enky of Pollutants énfosd chaus Biomagnificahen - fondeney | nexeaung Coneantrahen 9 pollutants from Gne trophte Level to other pag Ay has TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation A{ Pollutants x2 Short Lived, ut cutl be broken down heofere kermues angexous @+ A nutuank cyle May be Kolned Os porfeet/ umperfest oye. * Porfest Cycle Ge One ch uhueh nutuonts axe Os fast os troy axe Utilisad- as gasasus Cyele » 3 exfeet leg Qsea Sadlimoniary Cycle rhere debe on axa Lost or Lockadand asxconat- avautable {eo Wunrodials aeycling +) « mazonity © Urerd’s supply O HAdilon Co Un the Ocoang — FT GY- . Jee shoots ond qlartirs Laid @ laxge anount presh crater” 1867. “4 + Ground Uroler , River,loles , dau moisten and almesphore accounts {er Hast ©{ Shara Usith ne Ordax- a). Habitat Nicha - cechore ut Lives ‘ Fosd Niche - uthatis consumed or deemmposes * Roproductve Niche - Low and cuhen uF seprodocas 7 Phaysical £Chomiea) Nike - temperature, fond, dumi Gnd othon seopuncmonts Are ) utiopue - Lakes sere Us nutrients ancl lugh w Paoduchvity + Olagohophic. - Cokes cuith Luuled nutuont ard Lulted productvity ° Hydtarch- aquatic Sueeession + Xexaxch - baron tand sueeassion TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation A217 pag A2q A30 Asi ©) Based on adoptive characters rerophyls axe classijeed as - + tphamexals - aro dx escapers , hous plants Complete Hein fe gent th One Kcason + Succkenii - axe cheought endusung plank , Hay Lave capacity & steve wialin + Non Succlonig - axe dxought xaustant plant , axe ure xaropl @ « bpiphaptes pee perthed on Supporting plang + Tropophils axe plant adapted to Chaahe ve asith posund of beany Hash forlocuad by drought d) Avbiolog +2 ceolegy of or unduuviduad species tHatts alto called Kporios oeoleey ©) Capillary cuattir lald botuecn pore spac of dod axicles and bofueon ther G Hu boat pepestant form of wualta avaiable & theplanes b).Choeles t2fen cans foarte use aterm picks, Hat aot only 2 the erpanum Liver , uk the Som foial of ug envixsntantal sagquuxaments- * Taxono meaty differant Spoetas oteupying sumulo habitat & diferent qeographueal Hagions ana cotled) tcolssical eqvivalonts + Group Aportes Cuuith compaxable sole and roshe PRA qwitur a Community & called =— TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation Axjc) AL tie Pans Gree Connie Photohepism ef plant /exganin un suspense to Light G positive phototsopism —» towaxcls negahve Photohopism —- away from dight - A33/b) Top Jerst Cover gar Lutorst forest Cover Loss karnataka + Many vAwdhno Pradesh , acnachal Pradlash » koula - MBeLam ‘Tamme & Kashris : Meghalaya +Himachad Padesh Nagaland > counts aot. of global forut lama Jotewed arene 12% 0 global ferahanae A344 Uthooks o{ Zero Budget Natunal Fanning GxQ + Biyamrha - S2ed feafmont + Twamiha - Sod teatmant “™M + Llaaphasa bod enrichment Aasjd) AU foux ane eeasystem Sasvicas A36| a) Gasen Rahng fos Integrated Habsiot Asseacmont GRIHA & promoted ial of Neo and Renewable Enurgy ASt|by AU one Conudered tm bon the moy6t atk polliang A e B)¢) India beeame Sugnaiory 6{ UNCED en 199Y. Reyesauigq land on and acceloxatuns positive St a a | COP IY halel cd New dethé (Sept 20194) TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation 8 Aaq kuo Ana, A s sw Aly 4) Ree} Hypa found th county * Paengung - @ Mannan, G Koteh a ay se + Oleane Molls - Lakshusadiacp quoup of tardy + Platferm Rae - Guly of Kutch > (orale donat thrive chore cusater Levels are Low, thus Gut{ o{ khambat do nat fave Corot Praole a ovecubmont scolaths te samoval of Rogan ies sot! St & also called saverse fertlizaboo Nudahsn- initrahen O| New plank &usecssion by Hager envisonmantal dusturbancer as Comsed bey Vulcan process OF ECOLOGICAL S UCCESSION esuuphon b) Oxeet , typicad & sash forerk of Hopics axe Charac- feused wuuith Low hutiont rawerves , extremaly Leadiall Hous cnfertile . ; fei a) Te Leaves parfetm tree Maun furct Manofactwuny | food) , center of qadas hahwces atmesphire and plant body evapexahonef calor: y kihen web 4 Lest fom aetual pask of plane wi for of vapour. — ranpirahen TEST-3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation hw Aue \then corattr ce Lost uj form of Liquid from Maxgins of Loaves— Gutation 2) Dudhwa - Urior Pradlash Panna = - Meclhya Pradesh Pench - Meshya Pradesh Andravali - Chatter gach. 4) An eeasystem cntexachen of Living eunch non Luving G @n envisonment . kK biome & a@ axio. knounfer speeias Living Ware Aud 6) Biogas mature of Gadis produced by the breakdown 6/ Orgone Malte, @bionen Of ©: Biogos & prumarily methane and carton diorde yy) Jn et2ano' a halockrie ( datt healt, Livelihoed and food dseumuty Word Las already Utarmed Ic Binte Pre crolusteral times. a TEST -3 Mutt hesansional/ range of achuity of Hypeavelume Niche i at nee aspects 9{ envisonment- WEAK COMPETITOR, STRONGrCOMPETITOR. a g Fundamental Niche 3/8 alg Realised Niche ae a3 Z| NICHE (RANGE OF RESOURCES USED) §S5]6) Under Nia Quality Index (rant trae ab monstoiy) & Pollutants, - Pio , PM2s-, No Os ,CO,S& NHy, Pb axe monitercd Gheatth 1 Good 3rtoclexale, 5 Very Poor 2 Sabslattou 4 Poor 6 Severs. ASda) Aunety porcont Homing oes aot Hugrats fo Miuronbai ane Lesser Sew, Uren, Mahul , Bhanclup, Mulund Que urpartant Labitats ur Thane Gwet Flamengo Banc tumseey . DIRECTION ‘Answer with Explanation " Asu|@) Spatial [habitat Niche . physead space ceeupied ean eee Trophie Niche ~ repli pesthen of an im wn eceoaycter TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation fs7 |b) 3seo, Space Appltahen Contre ur caltaborahen sith Kuauksleho Unsversity oulltred Ge Comes | Mase bleadury & Cstal uw Indian coral Sae| Aagion — Sea Surface Temperature ie heat Shes. Agg}ay Me tho gen pars arg Correct heq|@) Te episodes nature of tarts and uniexgl P Comsed prumasily by Vasuahons cr tarth's eccentricity fro tit (ObLiquity) and Precession collechvely Called Milancoviteh Cycles (Paopesed by Sibessan e@astionomer Mithun Milan Covitch) Noo |b). Rice and ilalir hyacinth axe examples torolante to toxicity Coumed by Cadmium + Phytoremediahen & ha prweess Of Using plank +o semove Cadmium pom contaminaled dati * Bienodaline Gre Organisms hot wsitstand Smal ange of Salunity- Aci) Based on pedogenssis ( det formahen) doits axe divided Unto : ; Rorsidualsou: formed by Ceaathoring Pronspecled sod Laposited by Harapediiy Spent Ae2| A) Holoparasiles — are total parasites Hemipaxasiles - Gre partial paxosttes TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation B ko3|a) Respenaet of Gruualk to abiohe factors netics AGH Aes] hee Aet Regulate - masnieun Lermeestalu Conform - failing f masniarn homecsiala Migsals = - escape from shasdful Labiiat uspend - ushon unablete escape shesful Aabitat organism botomes nactive Hibexnahen - Long cuinter. sleep Aeshvahen —--_ avoudleng eummar talatnd problem Diapause — femporasy parr qpouth rdievpt @utount avetable photosyntaris is ae a al rotate Achve. Radiahen (Pre). Jt & easontad for plant growth _ eet as a Sasull of biohe factors ey cn foust etosystem tall plants providas qoute possiboiitias @ Sciophiylas + Micgae oteuxs a4 a xasalt of abiotic factou 2q xeplacerant of existing Ceommonity sa ¥0 BoU ex@sien- a) Sdurard Luilsen popularized the teum Biodiversity Spacras dLaversityy Sealers to nuumbex andl Suahnoss Of Spore WD @ habitat a) Stupendamys ds Probustorse , fresh euler warn nosed turte . 6 fossils have been found w northern South Amanita , in A@cks clahre pom Late Miocena Pleocane o)- hufoganut TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation Ace AGq Ato &) Te bol Publsé health Emesegency Cree, Sotetaboral Concern & an apie event Guhuth Can crate Loalth enongonecer at Unlernahonal fevels- Sineo Lost lo yoaxe doelaxed PHEIe conclude Sars- 2002. [12 RIN! Sn{ venga. - 2004 Mers - 201 Ebola - 20/19 Zhe - 2ole 2019 -nCov ©) Traxe & Us Nahonol balls Poly ub ppaline to dhis Overprassurslad SasOUrAe . Many countutt Like fushalis, South Auer and Yorast Love the Nahonal plicit @{ cate pla la) Mso cabled Atlante Meridsenal Ovex Att Circetachon (AMOC) cs (nflucnend by SaLLng teeep: uh Indian Gean: kle@xmsig of Snduan oe2an genoxates adihonal procipitahen cule ch twon Araus more Qui m Atlanhe . This xodueos protipiiechen wi Atiantic UUeKaastig Salinity Hus cucetahan. d)- Reduced erussion inensity ©[ @DP by 21% - toreget 25". +33 Giga wattle © *onewables - target 450 Gua TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation AIL|O As Graded approach te scale up and wrxbon ganitahen ODF protocat have boon Launthed St druxd party coxtificahen cuith Validluky 6{ months A73|/b) Klomen-led Wealir , Sarutahon Ayana and Rescluint Prachees Prgyect - kI- SHARP Usas urplementad 2018 t& tage Uw effeehvenous Loca pastinpabon. “ ATH |b Rofex UNCED Aatarks ATG |¢) The Nahonal Ti qor Consowahen Avthexity 16 collabo- dahon with Litdlfe Snstrtte | Indic has dourmant titled Conneehng Tiqex Populahers [or-ery fexm Consesvahen , hos mapped 32 Mayor Corridors quamugh a Tear Cansaswaben Plan Ae |b) Re Whuta Rumpad vultume has Suffered thn Most hoverxo Roslene , followed by Indian Vulture anc Lequphan vulture . ATI] dl) The Aaglonest klidlfe Sanctuary c heme o{ rad Panda, clouded ee and ver S00 burs species A786) Ouginally sheching eching % 230 hetlexes , enchroathed by paddy cultivators and erxceassve Lisa of chomueas Os corar Of Conegen Aigla) Att Staterntonts axe cornet : 60| b) bord runing and overfeshing Curexe the Cosmies O|{ Concern: Agr Ae] Aes Agy TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation | %e ©) Ate Bhupat Yopna & & conke sector scheme Alo Called Atal Jat , ull promste panchayat ke cxrater At ca mobiligod un aves Stata ~ Guyaxat, Haxyana, Kaanatala, Mecthiya Pradash Mehaxostia , Royosthan, ee ) The Would “tnexgy Trilemma. Indox Re19 , davelopad W paxtnaxship culth tha Would -brongy Counsil providal an ebyechve Kah Rahonal enoxgy Syston poxer- ag QtKoss ee + tnoxgy Secusef . tregy aquity + Envisonmantad sustasrability ©f Enaxgy Systems ja) Locusts axe crsects that Under Corfain Ciacomstances boeomer abundant . Tha derost- Locusts cs potenti mast Bangerous oa Lave lagh abt ko sant nb fl bap ackwas Yoat Aas] b) 5 Rhines died) ch Jatdapaxa Nahenal Parks )"The Surdoxbans and Chmate Chang! - Hade puble WB Comention on Conserizhonel Migratory dpoesit cems) haghlignted nood fer Long iexm Coastal Planning . Tha fexum compsusad 3cienhsts fom LelileLpe Anstrial 6 Indo. , ulouwd telild Ufe Fund far Nature, laillfe Taust of India , Tuxte Survival AUkance, duatv amhxax (utest Bengat Feb 2020) TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation a A860 The Nahonal Zoclagieal Callechon (NZC) & ako Aasegnated as sapository Undar Broduvensdty Act 2002. for Access and Benoft Sharing (AGS) ASI}qQ) Indio has 37 Ramusax Sites coverung 1,067,939 hecfaxe:. The Io reco ates ane *Nandux Medhameshwan- Maharashha. + Keshopux - Mirani * Beas Coranchontase Ponta * Nawab gan{ » Saman Utiax Pradesh * Samaspwe * Sand’ * Sanda Nawar ARB) a) Sn Indio Western Ghat Doscoyi Sloth Bear Sarco CKoxrnalalta) ABqa) Thaxe Qxo 36 Undusties wp lathake Calapery Gulish Ureluedes bio fextiligexs , bio pesticides, Madura oxygen , Cotfen| Molten hasienies, manusxe etc. Aao Sambax docx < feund almast entree Indio’ fost Confined Canhad India Kanha, Cosrbelt”; Ranthamboxe , Gia, Dudhua. ax2 prominent Protected Areas TEST-3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation 2 Aq |b) The National Polrey O”/ Biofuels -2018 promota Setting Up Of Supply chau Meehansum for broclusat praduchon from non edible oelteads The Poley : Sarin pare brofu0l - bioethanst , bioduel (1G) + Advanced biofuct - ethanel, runucipal «oud saul (26) * Thrd Genorahen oro fot - bIOCNe (36) AqrlaNet 320 eraxgy bustdiung Combines enoxoy (cencteg end seonewable enoxgy genexahen. Sette “Net Zero tnergy Cost b ~ Tha elechicity lal & covered euesey by Vietua 9 osigh and produchon ef eno at Be ae. * Net Zero £naxgy russion - Meawsxed ui @ Masso Carbon equivelant qosn hous gas enum solated to erase Luke tn tha. . * Net Zero Sourer tnoxge Bui - @ budding thot purchases | producer as much @ by accounting the enoxegy perme eae “Net Zero Site tnexgy busldung, - buddang Haas Procures al Doms os MLUeh 2eanecuable enoxey @s ¢ Uses de . Aajla) Snolan Civela axe Also Colled Koustuse bill beeouss of seent gland. 3m Indonenus tose axo Captured from wild and fed en beans es . region prcdochan of Handy TEST -3 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation a Ay Ja) IT Years aftr Supra court banned monouthne plantahen (eu Palm) , Hare o Sea inrhahon o{ ut Cuthvehen. Aizas Accommondad 7 - Masnly nhabiked by Taxawa Trrles * Komerta - +erhol sadeave (Abotuginals Ragetahoniss * Towa = - nea of Nicobarase + LitHe Andaman - Qseo of Onge The A451 © Pao Achve anc Responsive faeltater bay Inienachve and ViAfous tnvisonmental lindlews Hub Wels Undies envisenmant Protech Act 14@6(Moerec) A@C/b) Manas- One Larned Rhino Qik - Lien PA7/9) Higher amount 6 Co, w the atmasphoxe Loads to bughor gebat Jempexatuces, shih absorbed) by cetoutan Caadline to ts expansion Aq@|9) Cotasina Popfush - Wetlands Mexico (‘Neckton) 099] ©) Buffer between tus ecosystems cs Cemtong Aron}@) Avexoye Net Pumasy Produchvity ( eat [ost] y) tstuasuss Crtanprooves) 2 Tropiead Rass [erat 3 Temperate fercat Test Series Programme 2020 See ORD clam at) Test Booklet Series TEST BOOKLET TEST -4 Physical Geography of India INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UN PRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. ENCODE CLEARLY THE TEST BOOKLET SERIES A, B, C OR D AS THE CASE MAY BE IN THE APPROPRIATE PLACE IN THE ANSWER SHEET. ‘You have to enter your Roll Number/Serial No. on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. OO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. tn case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. in any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. All items carry equal marks. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have {o fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admission Cestificate ‘After you have completed filing in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has con- ‘cluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. Penalty for wrong answers: ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. (@ There are fouraternatves forthe answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, 13 (One Third) of the macs assigned to that question wll be deducted 3s penalty (Ifa candid gives more than one arswer, it wil be treated asa wrong answer even ifone of regen answers happens ‘obe cocrect and there willbe same perl as above to that question, (ip ita question et blank eno answer's given by the candidate there wll be ma penalty for that question Ultimate Learning Experience (P) Ltd. e DIRECTION eR eer E CULO) HARI BHAWAN : 144/103 WEA, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 05 Ph : 0112- 5719872, 5719862, 5752444 9810362303 DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO 1. Consider the given pairs of ports and rivers: 1 Haldia—River Hooghly 2. Paradip— River Baitarani 3.NewMarmagoa —RiverMandovi Corrects pairs isare (@Only1 (©) 1, 2and3 (Only3 @1and3 2. Consider the following statements: 1 Itis world’s largest riverine island 2. Itis the first island to be made district in India, 3.Ithas Phumdis—the series of floating islands. Correct ones for Majuli Island is/are {a)Only 1 (b) Land 2 (1, 2and3 @2and3 3. Rudraprayug is situated at the confluence of River Alaknanda and (@) Bhagirathi (b) Mandakini (c)Nandakini (@)Dhauliganga 4. The Kashmir region in India receives precipitation during winter due to 1. North East Monson 2. South West Monsoon 3. Western Disturbances 4, Temperate Cyclone Correct ones is/are ()1,2,3and4 (©) Only3 (b)2 and 3 (d) 2,3 and4 GS- Geography of India a ‘5. Consider the following of Koradi thermal powerstation: 1. Itis located in Mumbai 2. It is based on coal supplied from Western Coalfield Limited, 3. It draws water from reservoir on Pench river. Codes: (a) 1,2and3 (©) Land3 (b)2and3 (d) Land 2 6. Which ofthe following States in India has longest shoreline? (@) Odisha (©) Tamil Nadu (©)Kamataka (@ West Bengal 7. Consider the given pairs of river and tributary: 1. Godavari ~ Indravati 2. Kaveri-Shimsha 3. Luni~Sukri Correct ones are (a) Land 2 (b)2and3 (© 1and3 (@)1,2and3 8. Consider the following sea routes: 1. Kolkata to Port Blair 2. Vizagto Port Blair 3. Chennai to Port Blair 4, Paradip to Port Blair Which among the following is correct decreasing order of distance by sea route? TEST- 4.2020) ———s DIRECTION — (4312 (1234 4321 (1324 9. Consider the given pairs: 1. Marwar Upland — Sandstone, Limestone 2, Meghalaya Upland —Granite,Gneiss 3. Maharashtra Upland— Shales, Schists Correct pair of landform and predominant rock is/are (@)1,2and3 (b)2and3 (© Land 2 @ Land3 10. Jawahar tunnel on Jammu-Srinagar highway passes through (© PirPanjal range (b)Karakoram range (©) Zaskarrange (@Dhauladhar range 11. Consider the following statements: 1. Itdrains in Rohilkhand plains 2. Itis tributary of River Ghagara. 3.Iisalso called River Kali Correct ones for River Sarda includes (@) Land2 (b) 1, 2and 3 (©)2and3 (@) Land3 12. Consider the following States of proved coal reserves in India: GS- Geography of India ae 1. Jharkhand 2. Chhattisgarh 3.Odisha 4, West Bengal Correct sequence is (1234 (3412 (b) 1324 @3241 13, Consider the given pairs: 1. Ross Island — Shaheed Dweep 2. Neil Island — Netaji Bose Dweep 3. Havelock Island — Swaraj Dweep Correct pair of old and new names of islands include (a) 1, 2and 3 (© Land2 (b) Only3. (@2and3 14. Consider the following statements: 1. Langely governed by topographical features 2. Regional and seasonal variations in rainfall 3, Remains effective for three to four months 4, Beginnings and end time is regularand on time Correct ones for Indian Monsoon rainfall includes @Allofthem (6)2,3 and 4 (b) 1, 2and3 (@1,3and4 15, Consider the given pairs: 1. Monsoonal with short dry season — Coastal Kerala 2, Monsoonal with dry summers— Coastal Tamil Nadu TesT--4 2020) 3, Monsoonal with dry winter ~Bihar Correct pairs of climate type and region includes ()1,2and3 (©) Land 3 (b)2and3 (@) Land2 16. Consider the following rivers: 1 ‘iver Indus 2. River Brahmaputra 3. River Sutlej 4. River Subansiri Which among these represents antecedent drainage? (@)1,2and3 (b) 1,3 and 4 ()1,2,3and4 —(a)2,3and 4 17, Consider the given statements: 1. Glacial terraces called Karewas are found in Jhelum basin 2. These are Pleistocene deposits. 3. These are principally known for apple production, Correct ones are (@) 1, 2and3 (©) land 2 (b)2and 3 (1 and 3 18, Structurally Meghalaya plateau and hills of ‘Assam are partof (@)Shiwalik Range (b) Deccan Plateau (© Greater Himalayas (@Aravalti Range 19. Consider the given statements: | Rajmahal highlands consist of lava flow deposits. 2. Baghelkhand belongs to oldest Archean rocks. Correct ones isvare (@Only1 (b) Both 1 and (Neither I nor2 @ Only2 20. Consider the given pairs of reservoirs and rivers: 1. Balimela reservoir—River Sabari 2. Nizam Sagar— River Manjara 3. Nagarjuna Sagar —River Krishna Correct ones is/are (@) 1, 2and3 (b)2and 3 (©) Land 2. (@ 1 and3 21. The Amarkantak is source of which of the following rivers? 1. Narmada 2. Mahanadi 3. Tapi 4.Son Correct ones are (@)1,3and4 (b) Land 4 (©) 1, 2and3 (@)2,3and4 (3) GS - Geography of India TesT- 4 2020) 22. Consider the following pairs: 1 Dharians -Marusthali 2. Banni Plain—Kutch 3. Shola—Westem Ghats Correct ones is/are (a)Only 1 (b) 1, Zand 3 (c) land 2 (@2and3 23, Consider the given statements inregards to Konkan plainofindia: 1 Itisnarrow coastal plain, 2. Itisan example of retreating shoreline. 3.Itdevelops excellent harbour, 4.Ithas well-developed deltas. Correct ones are (@Allofthem (b) 1, 2and 3 ()2,3.and4 (O)1,3and4 24. Consider the following pairs of passes and ranges: 25. Consider the following statements: 1 Itincludes floating gardens called Raad 2.Itis small part of erstwhile local base level. 3. tis important source for commercial fishing. Correct one for Dal Lake includes (@) Land2 (b)2.and 3 (6) 1,2and 3 (@) Land 3 26, Consider the following pairs of Lakes and States: 1.Carambolim—Goa 2. Deepor Bel — Assam 3. Khabartal— Bihar 4.Naini—Uttarakhand Which of these are correct? (@Allofthem (®)1,2and 4 (©)2,3and4 @1,3and4 27. Which of the following cities is not located on river banks? 1. Fotu La~Zaskar range LAgra 2. Bhardung La—Ladakh range 2. Bhagalpur 3. Banihal —Himadri 3. Bhopal Correct ones isvare 4, Kanpur (a) 1and2 Correct one isvare (b)2and3 (=) Only2 (Only3 (@)Land3 (©)1,2and3 (@)2,3and4 (d@)1,2and3 GS - Geography of India o TEST - 4 (2020) 28, Mandar Hills and Jhumri Telaiya are located inwhich ofthe following State/States? 1. Jharkhand 2. Bihar 3.Assam 4, West Bengal Codes: (@) Land 2 (Only! (®)2and4 @Only2 29, South India isnot characterized with extreme climatic conditions primarily due to (a) ts location in tropical latitude (b)|ts physiography dominated by upland (©)ltsmaritime location (@tshigher amount of precipitation 30. Given are the pairs of peaks and hills: L.Anaimudi -Anaimalai 2.Kudremukh - Baba Budan 3.Dhupgarh - Satpura 4.Meghasoni_-Eastem Ghats Which of these are correct? (a) 1, 2and 4 (b)2,3.and 4 ()1,2and3 (@1,3and4 31. South Areot and Ramanathapuram receive over 50% of their annual rainfall by which ofthe following weather mechanism? (2) South West Monsoon (b) North East Monsoon (©) Tropical Cyclone @ Wester Disturbances (8) GS - Geography of india 32, Consider the following passes: 1. Lanak La 2.Burzil 3. Babusar 4. Khyber Which one among these links Lhasa with Ladakh? (@) Only 1 (© Land3 (b) Only 3 @1,3and4 33. Which of the following lakes is/are located in Ladakh? 1. Ts0 Kar 2. Pangong Tso 3. Tsomgo 4.50 Moriri Select the answer from given code: (a) Only 1 (b)2and3 (© 1,2and4 @2and4 34. Consider the given pairs of lakes and their type: 1. Bhimtal—Landslide 2. Gohna-Teetonie 3.Asthamudi—Kayal 4.Lonar— Crater Correct pairs isvare ()Only3 (b)3 and 4 (©) 1,3and4 (@2,3and4 TEST. 4 2020) 35. Consider the given statements: | Himalayan rivershave high regime fluctuations, 2.Peninsular rivers have attained mature stage in cycle oferosion. 3. Himalayan rivers depicts all three stages of cycle of erosion. Correct ones isvare (a)2and 3, (©) land 3 (b)1,2and3 (@) Land 2 36. Which among the following rivers is/are not the tributary of River Ganga? 1 RiverTista 2. River Mahananda 3.River Barak 4.River South Koel Code: (@Allofthem ()1,2and3 (b) 1,3 and 4 ()2and3 '37.Consider the following: 1. Location 2. Thermal contrast 3.Upperair circulation 4, Himalayas Which among these are major factors responsible for monsoonal climate in India? (@)land4 () 1, 2,3 and 4 (@)2,3and4 (d)1,2and3 38, Consider the following Indian States: 1.Chhattisgarh 2. Telangana 3. Andhra Pradesh 4, Uttarakhand 5. Tamil Nadu Interms of geographical area, which among these are largest and smallest respectively? (a) 3 and4 (b)3 and 2 (© Land 4 (@2and4 39. Consider the natural regions: 1. Rath 2. Duars 3. Kuttanad 4. Terai Which among these are in State of West Bengal? ()1,2,3and4 ()1,3.and 4 (b) 1, 2and4 (@) 1, 2and3 40. Consider the following: 1. Bhundetkhand 2. Bastar 3. Singhbhurn 4. Dharwar Which among these are considered 10 be ‘major cratonic nuclei of Peninsular India? @Allofthem (b) 2, 3 and 4 (©) 1,2and3 @1,3and4 GS - Geography of India itd TEST 4 2020) 41. Consider the following statements: 1. Winters intensity in Northem India would have increased, 2. River systems in Northem plain would have been sparser, 3. Sutlej Yamuna Plain would not been receiving advancing monsoonal rain. Whick among these would have happened if Himalayas would not be there? (a1, 2and3 (b) Land 2 (©)2and3 @1and3 42. Consider the following rivers: 1. Damodar 2. Brahman 3. Mahanadi 4,Indravati Which will be the correct sequence of these rivers from north to south? (a) 1234 (1243 (1342 @2134 43. Consider the following places: 1 Jaisalmer 2.Leh 3.Chennai 4.Guwahati Correct order of air pressure as developed in Jow sun season will be @1243 (1234 (©2143 (2134 wy GS- Geography of india DIRECTION 44, Consider the following tributaries of River Ganga: 1. River Gandak 2.RiverKosi 3. River Ghaghara 4. River Gomati Which among the following is correct order of the rivers from east to west? @)3412 (b)2134 (2314 (1243 45, Consider the following rivers: 1. Krishna 2..Penneru 3. Godavari 4. Mahanadi 5. Subernrekha Which will be correct sequence of occurrence of rives from Chennai to Kolkata when travelled by road (shortest distance)? (12345 (0)21345 (12354 (23154 46, Darjeeling hills, Mri hills, Mussoorie range in Himalayas are part of (@ Shiwaliks (b) Trans Himalayas (©) Lesser Himalayas (@ Greater Himalayas Test-4 2020) 47, Consider the following statements: 1. Most of ferrous group of minerals occur in peninsula south of Vindhyas. 2. The peninsular India forms part of Gondwanaland in geological past. Which of these is/are correct? (@)Both | and2 (b)Only1 (©)Only2 (Neither I nor2 48.Consider the following: 1.GulfofKutch 2. Mahatma Gandhi National Park 3. Gahinmatha Wildlife Sanctuary 4.GulfofMannar Which among these are country’s maritime National Park? DIRECTION ‘50, Consider the following: 1.Long length of shoreline 2. Long hot dry climatic conditions 3. Presencecofiinland gulf. Which among these forms the reason for salt production in Gujarat? (@ 1,2and 3 (b)2and3 (©) Land 2 @ Land3 ‘51. Northem Plains of India experiences cold ‘wave conditions during winters due to (@)itscontinentality (b) westem disturbances (©)cold polar air masses (@) generally dry winters (@Allofthem ) 1,2and3 ‘52, Consider the following local storms of hot (©)2,3and4 @1,3.and4 weather season: 1. Norwesters 49. Consider the following: 2. Bardoli Cheerha 1. Mussoorie 3. Cherry Blossom 2.Shimla Which among these relates to Kal Baisakhi? 3. Ooty (a) 1,2 and3 (b) Land 2 4. Darjeeling (©) Land3 (@)2and3 What will be the correct order of these ‘popular hill stations in terms of their height | — 53.Considerthe following: Srom highest to lowest? 1. Sahyadris (3241 (b)3142 2. Vindhyas (2341 2413 3. Satpura 4.Aravallis GS - Geography of India is TEST - 4 (2020) es OEECTION Which among these are considered to be National Water divide? (@Allofthem (b) 1,2 and 3 (©)2,3.and 4 (@)1,3and4 ‘54, Consider the given statements: 1 .GyongLais the highest mountain pass of India 2. DungriLa Pasisthe highest motorable mountain pass of India. Correct ones ivare (a)Both 1 and 2 (b)Only 1 ()Only2 (@Neither | nor2 ‘55. Among the following places, the average ‘annual rainfall ishighest at (@ Chennai (b)Kolkata (Shillong (@ Thinwananthapuram 56. Consider the following: 1.Continentality 2. Onshore trade wind 3. Bigger braided streams Which among these factors influences more frequent characteristics of tropical eyclones in Bay of Bengal? (@)Allofthem (b) | and ()2and3 (@ 1 and3 GS Geography of india 57. Consider the following rivers: 1. Amravati 2. Bhavani 3. Hemavati 4,Kabini Which among these are tributaries of Kaveri river? (@Allofthem (©) 2and3 (b) 1, 2and3 (d)2,3 and 4 ‘58, Consider the following places: 1 Jaisalmer 2. Pune 3.Allahabad 4. Cherrapunji What will be the correct sequence of places in descending order of average advancing ‘monsoonal rainfall? (1234 (4123 (3214 (4321 59, Consider the given pairs: 1. Flood prone area Mithila Plain 2. Drought prone area — Basar Plateau 3. Barthquake prone area — Purvanchal 4, Landslide prone area ~ Chottanagpur Plateau Which among these are correct pairs of hazard and areas? @Allofthem (b)1,2and3 (©)1,3and4 @2,3and4 Test 4.2020) (60. Consider the following statements and which ofthese is incorrect?” (a) Krishna drains in Kemataka and Andhra Pradesh, (b) Godavari drains in Maharashtra and ‘Telangana. (©) Mahanadi drains in Odisha and Chhattisgarh (@Penneru drains in Telangana and Tamil Nadu. 61. Why is Himalayan region poor in mineral resources? (@ Displacement of rock strata has disturbed the arrangement of rocks making itcomplex. (b)Itis made up of crystalline rocks. (©)ltsphysiography makes it difficult for exploitation. (@ Theclimate is not suitable for mineral exploitation. 62. Which ofthe following is called junction of ‘Westem and Eastern Ghats? (@) Javadi Hills (b)Sheveroy hills (Nigiri hills (€)Cardamom hills 63, The Chilka lagoon lake lies between the deltas of (@) Ganga —Mahanadi (b) Godavari—Krishna (©) Mahanadi—Godavari (@Krishna—Kaveri 64. Consider the following statements: 1. Lies between Tamil Nadu in India and Sri Lanka 2.Ithas Adam’s Bridge. 3. tis not favourable for ship navigation Correct ones for Palk Strait is/are (@Only1 (b) Land 3 (©) 1,2and3 (d) Land2 65. Consider the given pairs of rivers and waterfalls: 1. Jog Falls River Sharavati 2, Hundru Falls River Subernarekha 3. Dhudsagar Falls River Mandovi 4, Chitrakoot Falls — River Indravati Correct ones are (@)1,2and3 (b) 1,2, 3and4. (©2,3and4 (@)1,3 and 4 (66. Consider the following statements: 1 Abdul Kalam Island is located off the coast of Odisha. 2. Sriharikota Island is in Andhra Pradesh. 3. Cattle sland isin continental part of Odisha. Correct ones are (@)1,2and3 ()2and3 (© land2 (@) Land3 GS- Geography of india (10) TEST-4 2020) 67. Consider the reverse faults: 1. Himalayan Frontal Fault 2. Main Boundary Thrust 3. Main Central Thrust 4. Indus Tsangpo Suture Zone What is the correct sequence of these from north to south? (1234 (1243 (0)4321 4231 68.A typical characteristics of south west ‘monsoon of Indian subcontinentis ‘breaks’, the dry spells. These are caused due to (@) Interruptions caused by local weather (b) Discontinuation of monsoonal winds (© Inflow of tropical depressions (@ Weakness in the flow of winds 69. Consider the following statements: 1. Transits in Somalia, Kenya and Sahel. 2..Fed by airstream developed due to Mascarene high. 3. Significantly aidsto advancing monsoons in India, Correct ones for Findlater Jet is/are (a)Allofthem (b) Land 2 (Only 1 @ Land 3 70. Consider the given statements: 1, Shorter eycles of Madden Julian Oscillation is better for Indian monsoon, 2. Positive mode of Indian Ocean Dipole relates towarmer east. 3. Madden Julian Oscillation is linked with traversing phenomena, Correct ones are (a) Land 2 (b)2and3 (©) 1and3 @1,2and3 ‘71. Consider the following: 1. Reappearance of westerly jet 2. Development ofsubtropical high pressure over landmass 3, Disappearance of easterly jet Which among these relates to withdrawal of ‘monsoons in India? (@) Land2 (b)2 and3 (©)1,2and3 @ 1 and3 72. Consider the following statements: 1. Divides into two streams and develops island of Srirangam, 2. tis the only river in peninsular India with least 3. Its delta is called garden of southern India, Which river is being referred in these Statements? @)River Hemavati ()RiverKaveri (©) River Palar (River Vaigai GS- Geography of tndia TEST-4 2020) 73. Both Andaman & Nicobar Islands are continental islands formed dueto submergence ‘of mountains. Consider the given pairs: 1. Saddle Peak —Northem Andaman 2. Thullier Peak — Great Nicobar 3. Harriet Peak South Andaman Which of these high peaks and islands are correctly paired? (a) 1, 2and3 (b)2and3 (©) Land 3 @ 1 and2 74, Apart from location, which ofthe following can be considered as the difference between Westen and Eastem Ghats? 1. Height 2.Continuity 3. Proximity tocoast 4. Negetation type Codes: (@Allofthem (0)2,3and4 @)1,2and3 @1,3 and 4 75. Consider the following: |. Himalayas 2. Deccan Trap 3. Vindhyans 4. Western Ghats Which among the following makes correct sequence of age of formation from youngest 10 oldest? (1234 ©1342 (1243 1432 GS- Geography of india 76. The Kullu Valley situated atthe banks of River Beas is located between (@) Ladakh and Pir Panjal Ranges (b) Rangeet and Nag Tibba Ranges (c)Dhauladhar and Pir Panjal Ranges (d) Shiwalik and Dhauladhar Ranges 77. Consider the following: 1.Duncan Passage—Rutland and Little Andaman 2. 10Channel —Little Andaman and Car Nicobar 3, Sombrero Channel Car Nicobar and Little Nicobar 4, Pryce Channel — Little Nicobar and Great Nicobar Correct ones are @Allofthem (b)1,2and3 ()2,3and4 (d) 1,2 and 4 78. Consider the following statements for Chotanagpur Plateau: 1 Itincludes Kodarma, Hazaribagh and Ranchi plateau. 2. tis largely dissected into peneplains. 3. tisdominantly Dharwar construct. Correct ones are (@Allofthem (b) 1 and 2 (©)2and3 (@ Land 3 TEST -4 2020) 79. Which i the most important mega tectonic continental rifting zone ofndian shield? (@)SONATA (b)Aravalli-Delhi (©) Mahanadi Rift (@KutchRift 80. Consider the given statements: 1 Kargil 2.Gilgit 3.Baltstan 4. Mirpur Union Territory of Ladakh is @Allofthem (b) 1, 2and 3 (©) land 2 (@2,3and4 81, The Kathiawar peninsula is example of (@) Emerged shoreline (b) Submerged shoreline (Ria shoreline (@ Dalmatian shoreline 82. Which among the following states in India has the broadest continental shelf? (@) Andhra Pradesh (b) Gujarat (©) Karnataka (@) Tamil Nadu ‘83, Consider the following: 1. Nature and structure of rocks 2. Topography and gradient 3. Volume of discharge 4, Geological time Which among these regulate the development of drainage pattern? (@)Allofthem (b) 1,2and3 (©2,3and4 (@1,3.and4 84, Consider the following statements: 1. Formed by confluence of River Chandra and RiverBhaga 2. Forms largest river of Himachal Pradesh by volume 3, Drains in structural trough between Himadri and Pirpanjal ranges Which river is been mentioned in above ‘statements? (@ River Beas (b) River Sutle} (River Jhelum (@River Chenab 85. The monsoons retreat firs from Sutlej Yamuna plains. Whichamongthe following best explains this phenomenon? (a) Theregion receives least amount of advancing ‘monsoon rains. (b) The region has lowest pressure development, GS- Geography of India TesT- 4 2020) (© Theregion is continental most region (@) The region is located at foot of Himalayas. 86.Consider the following: 1. There are 7 intensity based categories of tropical cyclone. 2. There are four stages of waming for tropical eyclones. 3.IMD functions under Ministry of Earth Sciences. Correct ones for Indian cyclone risk mitigation ivare (@)Only 1 (©)1,2and3 (b) Land 2 (@) 1 and3 87, Consider the given pairs of passes and location: 1. Pin Parvati Pass Jammu & Kashmir 2. Khardung La Pass—Ladakh 3. Kunzum Pass —Himachal Pradesh Correct ones is/are (@)1,2and3 (b)2and 3 (©) Land2 (1 and 3 88. Consider the following: 1. Mitigation 2. Preparedness 3.Revonstruction 4. Rehabilitation Which among these are included in disaster management? @Allofthem (b)1,2and3 ()1,3 and 4 (@)2,3.and 4 GS- Geography of india ‘89. Consider the given statement: 1. Centripetal drainage isbest depicted in Maikala range. 2. Trellis pattem is well-developed in extra peninsula Correct ones is/are (@)Both | and 2 (Only (©)Only2 (@Neither | nor2 90, EINino influences Indian monsoons adversely. Consider the following: 1 Itrepresents vast pool of warm water in tropical Pacific, 2. Itaffects flow of moisture bearing winds to Indian Ocean region. 3. Ittends to modify Walker Cell development. Correct ones are (a) Land 2 (b)2 and 3 (©) Land3 (1,2and3 91. Consider the following: 1. Located at the windward slope of Khansiills. 2. Maximum amount of rain is experienced in mominghours. 3. WMO recognizes itas wettest place of world. Correct ones for Cherrapunji are (@) 1,2and3 (b) Land 2 (6)2and3 (@) Land 3 TEST-4 2020) 92. Consider the following in regards to vulnerability profile of India: 1.Outof7516km of coastline, 5700 kms prone tocyclone and tsunamis. 2, 58.6% of landmass is prone to intense earthquake. 3. National Disaster Management Plan 2019 aims atbuildingresilience as its priority. Correct ones outlined by National Disaster Management Authority includes (@) 1, 2and3 (b)2and3 (©) land 3 (@ Land 2 93, Landslide hazards rank highest among the hydrogeological hazards. Consider the followingin this regards: 1 Susceptibility zoning 2. Hazard zoning 3. Risk zoning Which of these are correct constituent of landslide coning in India? (a) Land2 (b)2and3 ()1,2and3 (@ land 3 94, Lansdowne, Ranikhetand Almora like hill stations are located in (@) Himachal Range (0) Trans Himalayas (©)Shiwalik (@Himadsi GS- Geography of India 1.Kameng 2. Subansiri 3. Manas 4, Dhaleshwari Which of these are tributaries of River Brahmaputra? (@)Allofthem (b)2,3 and 4 (© 1,2and3 @1,2and4 96. Consider the given statements: 1. Bhaberis narrow belt ranging between 8-10 km parallel to Shiwaliks. 2. Terai is located north of Bhaber forming a marshy lowlands. Corrects ones are/is (Only 1 (6) Only2 (©) Both 1 and 2 (@Neither 1 nor2 97, Consider the following statements: 1 .Mikirand Baral ranges forms part of peninsular plateau, 2. Palamu, Malwa and Coimbatore plateaus are patland plateaus Correct ones isvare (a) Both 1 and 2 (©)Only2 (b) Only 1 (@Neither I nor2 ‘Test - 4 2020) DIRECTION 98, Which ofthese statements is correct for Rajmahal Garo gap? (@Itisa synctine filed with alluvium. (D)ltis fault filled with alluvium, (©)Itisa regional peneplain. (@lltis physiographically part ofnorthem mountain wall Space for Rough Work ‘99. consider the following: 1.Barchans 2. Ephemeral streams 3. Dhands 4. Brackish lakes Which among these relates to physiographic features of Marusthali? (a) 1, 2and3 () 1, 2,3 and 4 © 1,3and4 (@2,3and4 100. Consider the following statements: 1.Onthe basis of size of watershed drainage basins of India are grouped into3 categories. 2. Discharge of water forms the basis to classi drainage systems into two categories. Which among these are correct in Indian context? (Only 1 CoO Cnn (b) Only 2 erent (© Both | and 2 Wil be Held on : 5th, April (@Neither | nor 2 (16) GS- Geography of India Test-4 2020) At Az Ad TEST -4 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation ' + Haldea port / Haldia Dock complex has hoen bult at the confluence 9 River Hall and River Hooghly * Paxodép pert 1s 2 natural, dep calor pol Slate of Odusha. .J2 & Localed at mMahanadi River movoth * Max Lo Perk i Goa & anaturally protectent pen orboux localed at mouth ef River Zvaxi. b) Mayidt Jelond 4 crorlds sdvexine uland, with 980 tm* of axza. JL post clard dustict also. + Phumdis ane eunt of fwabng lands , exclusive b> foktak ole o Manipux slasa. b). Rudo prayog & lotatid at con|lvenes of Riven Maknanda. and River peaeent * 7 Praag Aenolas holy Conflvence 0[ fo or mone Ke + Panch P WG Uttaxakhand cncludes- —> River nanda - River Dhaubi ~ Mishnoprasar —> 2. Maknanda -R-Nandeluni - Nandaprayng > R-Matinada - Pindar - Kerncprauyas R- Makrada - R. Bhagirathy - Devp: = R. Maknada- 2. Mabdakin - Ru * Prayparo,- R Ganga- R. Yammuna. us Ute» Pradesh ©). klestean Distuabances Ge exhatropiial storms at bsungs winter Fouhs tn Kashar seagion. + Those Can carue exteme rroather events Like floods, Condatides , hasterm and cold wave Conduhons he At As TEST -4 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation 2 b)-Kerads Thermo Pour Plant & located neax Nagpuse * The Pench sught Canal dupplies wsalt & Hots Hormol peur plant. 6) Sndran Shoreline cg 7516km, encludung He land The States cerith Longest shoroline ncludes Gujarat, AndinaPradh, Tamd Nadu, Makaxasta Gnd koxola U5 Aeeroasing Ordor. d). Irdlnavah Haver ts Known Jer Chihakost falls Loft bank Hubviery 6 Godavasi * Srumgha Loft bank Fubsiasy | Kaver river » Subi Long Asvese Balotia urhorne as pnreeresnans 9 Via Sea route He appioumate hutaness are Kolkata — Port Bloui = - 1255km Vizag - Por Blasi - 1200kKm Chennai- Pork Blow - 1190 km Parodip- Portela - 1164km ©). Maxuiax [Mewar Plotear 1s made upen shale, dandstene and Luratone Of Vindhyan peried. “7 Plateau ws extension Of Shiold thus B Made upof Mefamarphié Sock, (feuds. * Mahaxastta Plottan 12 lave plahiau made up 6{ basalt. TEST -4 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation 3 A z= A s Az} AN As Ale @) Tawahox forrel also called Banthal tunnel cs On NHIA pagaos Hucough Pin Panjat range. Ib) River Kal, dlxacus cniexrahonal bo betwean Nepal and India . Jt Aeseondis tm ploun wy Roi ‘though cB Maximum flows && UW) Awadh ploun b)-The bituminous Cowal seosexves Uo Indo. incluces— Thoxkhand , Odisha, Chottisgaxh , West Bengal , ted Prades ,Telengana, Mahaxasta - 48-26% c + Thoxkhard and Odasha accounts fer rior So7- Coal susorves ) Thee Andaman Islands wow xenamed op Dec-2018 * Ross Setand- Subhash Chandra Besetslarof Ned Sstand- Saheod Dussep + Havelock Sstand- Seasoreay Dusgep- b)-Monsoenad scan Us Governed Holi {eatuxar Uuith cucttere deg Q aii ee seal * Mersoonad auns axa exxahe u) di Onaet, rotiat time as woll as gealded amount of prccprahen ‘Imp defences monsven dsason beturean (SDna- (SSepi @). Kereta has approxmataly 8-9 monte Of prociprlabe, * Tamil Nedurecroves retecabng Keonsoonal Pau) + Bihar donot xetLeve western Disturbances. Q) The tives that oxernatas Qeyond Greater Himalayas Gh Tibetan Plateau ana the diamambored parts of estorhile Indo Brahm River . DIRECTION TEST -4 Answer with Explanation A A 3 A20 + Rie Indus, River Satleg and Rivex Brahmapora (Teangpo) forms examples \eKareciuas Ate Povo qual Leposits of Plerstocene epoch. a St co Aeposited ch hoe OS Cakes frat a completly felled up neous ard is Pauned by River Talay * Kaneaags | Vudra axe best sued Sod fer dation cuthvation: b)- Mmeghalayan upland. tncludes Gaxo, khansi, Jasntio Shillong feau apes mikix, Rangma, Basa) + pssam Y pad pland cneludes fulls and Kaxbi anglong Plateau @). Ray mahal Trap Thaxthard Bo avolcanic (gnemus proviner + Baghatthand fern Madhipa Prodash ot Ceerostone ease feature ef Vindhyar purse ( Puxano Systen) b). Tho Balimela saserverk cs localed Maticangixe dushict Odssha. River Godavaser on River Sileru , Hibotaxy of + Nigam Jagan soscavore o{ Telangana & on River Mano , fi Nagaxyuna & ak eae Andhra. Pradlash. Perbuiasyy of Riven Gedavasu , On River Ieushna, dhe sosevonr. boundary 6/ Telengana and TEST -4 Azz A2y har ). Amaxkaniak seloles © Maikala Range and tost umporiant seadual Araosnage the county, Jt cs Souree Of River ra ae Rives Son River Hasdo « Rwex Tapi a souxeed from Gusalegarh As © River Makanads % sourced from Dandkanaya.- ) Paxigans- Shuyting Sand dunes of Gr2at Indian anni Plaud- part of (raat Rann basin u belt o/ aud land. Shela Veglahon-vegetahen of Westen ghaly tat eee a alee se seollang Grosses b)- Konkan plaus extends between Arabian deo and Sahyad + In Kaxnatake tase an called Kanaxa/kaxavals + Those ore submanged shoroling that provides + Smallox Cwanses of Liest Howing suveis do not davelop date. @). Folio. pass & on Sunagar Leh haghusay cn Zaskar songe at elevaheng 4108 mts + Khardung ta pass & enLedath xange ak Cake o| szcomts , ce gakrusay to Shyok and Nubaa VeLloys + Banihal pass @ on Pia Parga ange at the elevahen of 2B00mis , Connedls Tammy and DIRECTION Answer with Explanation 5 Aat | by TEST-4 DIRECTION Answer with Explanation A25 |¢y. Dal, & natunal wretland ushich covers ati dgkm It Mdludes poating cnown as Raad with Loftus duwung Tuby (mugust Jt & an vaban tole - tatu inland b duxface Widler suurounded by an Uxban coviionmett. A26 la) Lakes ch Urban axeos provides oppestunsties {ex seaeccahon , toususr and domastte i Naheonal Lake Conszavahoo Plan - dafnes Lake fo Ovex Marothan lohecians and having no or Littl @guohe vegelahen Aat|b) Agra.- Ruvex Yammung (UHax Pradesh) Bhagalpur. Riven Ganga. (Bthax) Kanpur - River Ganga CUttor Pradlash) Aaalc) Both Yhaso axe part of Singhbhum Craton. Aaq|¢) South India & @ penuuuta. bounded by maxginal crams Mrabiankea, Bengal and Open Indian ei ae Aad ey Me 1 Peak o/ Gaxjal bills paxt sans Fo ef tt pet Ax |b) Located ub Coromandel Coast Vhase placos sornsives Prociprahon dusto sa-estebluth Trades Hat attarns meisiuxe from warm Bau, of Bengal aiding Aah between jo0-2000m uh sroheahng Monseonal Season (1S Sept- (S Dec) be wot bedy having Minimum dopth o{ 3maos

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