1.5 Ideal I-V Curve - Exam 1 - Recap Week 1, 2 and 3 - ET3034x Courseware - Edx

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5 Ideal I-V Curve | Exam 1: Recap Week 1, 2 and 3 | ET3034x Courseware | edX

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1.5 Ideal I-V Curve

EQ1.5.1 Ideal I-V Curve
1/1 point (graded)
John has used a solar simulator setup to measure the relation between the voltage and
the current of a small photovoltaic module (40 cm long and 40 cm wide). The
measurement setup maintains the standard measurement conditions: the temperature is
controlled to 25 C , the incident spectrum is the AM1.5 spectrum and the incident power

density is 1000W /m2 . The result is illustrated in the gure below.

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5/14/2020 1.5 Ideal I-V Curve | Exam 1: Recap Week 1, 2 and 3 | ET3034x Courseware | edX

Calculate the short-circuit current density (in mA/cm2 ).

25.6 

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EQ1.5.2 Ideal I-V Curve

1/1 point (graded)
John determined that the maximum power he could get out of this module is 19.5 W.
Calculate the ll factor of the module (in %).

79.2 

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EQ1.5.3 Ideal I-V Curve

1/1 point (graded)
What is the e ciency of the module (in %)?

12.1 

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EQ1.5.4 Ideal I-V Curve

1/1 point (graded)

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5/14/2020 1.5 Ideal I-V Curve | Exam 1: Recap Week 1, 2 and 3 | ET3034x Courseware | edX

John decides to connect two of these modules with a cable in series. This results in an
additional 2 mΩ series resistance loss. What is the new ll factor (in %)? (Hint: use the
voltage drop at the maximum power point).

69.33 

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Topic: Week 3: Exam 1 / 1.5 Ideal I-V Curve: EQ1.5.1-1.5.4

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