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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

1. Learning Competency #1 Analyses art elements and principles in the production of work following a specific art style:

Example: 10 questions were allotted (5 Knowledge,5 Understanding)

Level of Domain Question Choices Answer

1. What type of wall a. Encaustic
painting best describes
where color pigments are b. Fresco
mixed with water and b
c. Mural
applied to wet plaster?
d. Tempera
2. Which painting a. Chiaroscuro
technique involves
blending the edge b. Trompe l'oeil
between colors so that c
c. Sfumato
there is a soft transition?
KNOWLEDGE d. Tubernism
3 Which of the following a. Chiaroscuro
Techniques was not
introduced during the b. Mannerism
Baroque Period? a
c. Sfumato
d. .Trompe l'oeil
4. Identify which of the a. Action
following is a characteristic
of Baroque arts. b. Balance and symmetry
c. Rich material
d. Local color
5. What kind of painting a. Chiaroscuro c

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Department of Education

technique is used by
Caravaggio’s where some b. Mannerism
areas of painting are
totally black? c. Tenebrism

d. Curvilinear
1. Choose what artwork in a Bust- Relief
which shapes and figure
protrude from a flat b. Relief
background? b
c .Pre-standing
e. d .Terra-cotta
a.Highly pectoral effects
2. Which of the following is
NOT a feature of a b.Technical mastery
baroque sculpture? a
c.Uniform repetition
d. Stark realism
a. Mixing pigment with oil
3. Select which mixture is
made of Tempera? b. Mixing pigment with water
c. Mixing pigment with egg yolk
d. Mixing pigment with vegetable oil

a. Bronze
4, Can you identify what d
material is used by b. Clay

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Department of Education

Michelangelo‘s in his c. Gold

sculptural artwork David?
d. Marble
5. Tell which of these a. Color
elements of arts where
Baroque artists particularly b. Natural forms
focused on EXCEPT ONE. c
c. Lines
d. Spaces

Buffer Question

a. Animals
1. What was the common
theme used during the B Humanism
Renaissance arts? b
c. Landscape
d. Religious
KNOWLEDGE 2. Renaissance a. Symmetry and balance
architecture is
characterized by the b. Utilized Mannerism
following EXCEPT ONE.
c. Geometry and the regularity of parts d

d. Excessive use of colour and ornamentation

3 What was Baroque a. Animals

favourite subject in their
paintings? b. Human form d
c. Landscape

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Department of Education

d. Saints and well-known Bible stories

1. Identify the reason a. Revival in Math and proportion

which led to the
innovations of two major b. Introduction of columns in churches
systems: the use of linear
c. Geometric figures were highly developed
perspective and the
d. New artists from different European countries introduced new a
introduction of the
vanishing point as presentation of arts.
UNDERSTANDING revolutionary
characteristics in
Renaissance art.
a. Aerial
2. Describe the type of
linear perspective used by b. Angular
Leonardo da Vinci in his a
c. Frontal
artwork the Last Supper.
d. Oblique
3 The x-shape
a. Baroque
composition is
characteristic of what art b. Gothic
c. Neo-Classical

e. Renaissance

2. Learning Competency #2: Identifies distinct characteristics of arts during Renaissance and Baroque periods.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Example: 10 questions were allotted (5 Knowledge, 5 Understanding)

Level of Domain Question Choices Answer

1. It was a period of artistic
a. Baroque
styles in exaggerated
motion, drama, tension and b. Medieval
grandeur. a
c. Neo-Classical
d. Renaissance
2. What style of art in a. Impressionism
painting is applied by the
artists during the b. Expressionism
Renaissance period? c
c. Realism
d. Surrealism
KNOWLEDGE 3. Which of these is the a. Emphasize artwork
best definition of Baroque?
b. Full of creativity
c. Magnified pearl d
d. Pearl of irregular shaped

4.Which of the following

Renaissance artwork is an a. David
example of bust-
relief sculpture?
b La Pieta
c. Moses d

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d. Tom of Lorenzo de Missi

5. In what aspects the a. Emotional ,Intellectual
Baroque artists tend the
viewers to examine their b .Emotional ,Spiritual
works? c .Emotional, Physical a

d .Emotional, Social

1. Identify the important a. Independence

factor that contributed to
the Baroque art? b. Economic Progress
c. Reformation
UNDERSTANDING d. Expressed Triumph power and control
2. How will you compare a. Medieval art was exclusively religious in nature unlike the
the Medieval art with the Renaissance art
Renaissance art? b. Both have interested in archaeology to rediscover their history and
c. Medieval art viewed themselves in any artworks unlike the
d. d. Both the Medieval and the Renaissance believed that there are no
appropriate subject in arts
3. Defend why the a. To dramatize their paintings
Baroque artist used the
backdrop concept to their b. To make their paintings unique
advantage in painting? a
c. To experiment a new concept in painting
d. To prove that backdrop is important in artwork
4. How will you distinguish a. The use of very black color c

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Department of Education

Tenebrism or dramatic b. The use of highly pronounced chiaroscuro

illumination in Baroque
paintings? c. The use of black color and a highly chiaroscuro

d .The use of combined man and animal figure as subjects

5. How will you describe a. It has figure of animals familiar to its place in Europe
the Baroque landscape
used in painting according b. It has figure of the monarch ruler and warriors
to its purposes? d
c. It has the figure of the gods and goddesses in mythology
d. It has figure in them and told some kind of tale and had a purpose of
showing nature’s beauty

Buffer Questions

KNOWLEDGE a. Fresco a
1. What principle of art in
painting is applied by b. Encaustic
the artists during the
c. Murals
Renaissance Period?
d. Trompe-L oeil

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Department of Education

2. Which of the following a. Dramatic, Exuberant, Ornate

describe some of the most
important characteristics of b. Balance and symmetry
Baroque Art? a
c. Rich materials
d. Local color
a. Naturalism and extreme drama
3. What were the
characteristics of b .Emotional responses and portraits t that emphasize individual
Rembrandt’s works? psyche a
c Still-life subjects
D mythical and figurative
1. The following were A .David
baroque sculptures
showing characteristics of b. Ecstasy of Saint Theresa
movement and provoking d
emotion to surprise the .c Fountain of the four rivers
audience EXCEPT ONE d. Tomb of Urban VIII
2. Identify the Main a. Complex composition
feature of the
Renaissance Painting b. foreshortened figure
. c
c..Depicted real life figure
d. Exaggerated motion, drama, and grandeur
3. Select which Baroque a. Curvilinear c
art was developed in
France? b. Illusionism

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Department of Education

c. Rococo
a. Tenebrism

3. Learning Competency #3: Identifies representative artists from Renaissance and Baroque Period.

Example: 10 questions were allotted: (7 Knowledge, 3 Thinking)

Level of Domain Question Choices Answer

1.He is an Italian painter, a. Donnato di Niccolo de Betto Bardi
sculptor ,architect, and
poet and is considered as b Leonardo de ser Pierro Da Vinci
the Ultimate Renaissance b
c. Michaelangelo De Ludivico Simoni
d. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
2. Who were this Italian a Donnato di Niccolo de Betto Bardi
painter and architect of the
High Renaissance Period b. Leonardo de ser Pierro Da Vinci d
who worked on his famous
KNOWLEDGE c. Michaelangelo De Ludivico Simoni
painting up to his death?
d. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
3 What is Leonardo De a, Adoration of the Magi
Ser Pierro Da Vinci known
for and famous parodied b. Last Supper
portrait? c
c .Mona Lisa
d .Virgin of the Rock
4.Which of the following a .Adoration of the Magi b

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Department of Education

artworks of Leonardo da b .The Last suffer

Vinci acclaimed produced
paintings of all times c .Mona Lisa

d. Virgin of the Rock

5. He is known as the a .Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velasquez

Dutch Realist painter and
etcher and considered as b. Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio
one of the greatest artist
c. Rembrandth Hermensoonz Van Rijn c
and printmakers in
European arts and most
important in Dutch history? d. Peter Paul Rubens

6. He is a Flemish. a. Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velasquez

Baroque painter and a
proponent of extravagant b. Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio
Baroque style. d
c. Rembrandth Hermensoonz Van Rijn
d. Peter Paul Rubens

a. Leonardo di ser Da Vinci

7 An Italian painter and c
architect of the High b. Michelangelo di LodivicoBuonarroti Simoni
Renaissance Period and
c. Raphaelo Sansio da Urbino

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Department of Education

was admired for its clarity d. Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi

of form and ease of

1. Which of the following a. It shows Velasquez painting and eating

statements about
Velasquez painting Las b. Velasquez portrays himself working at a large canvas
Minas is false? c. In the background there is a mirror that reflects the body of the king a
and queen
d. Velasquez looks outward beyond the pictorial space to where a
viewer of the painting would stand
2. Tell which of the a. Slender women with flying draperies
statements describe the oil
canvas of Ruben known b. Fleshy sumptuous female nude, plump women
THINKING as Rubenesque. b
c. Chubby nude women with frontal pose showing her body

d. Old women surround with her grandchildren while playing

3. One of the artworks of a. Mona Lisa
Michelangelo which
skilfully expressed the b. Pieta
classical ideas of beauty, c
serenity and harmony. c. Sistine Chapel

d. The Judgement

Buffer Questions

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a. . Donnato di Niccolo de Betto Bardi

1. Pieta depicts the body
of Jesus on the lap of his b. Leonardo de ser Pierro Da Vinci
mother Mary after the c
c. Michaelangelo De Ludivico Simoni
crucifixion is one of the
outstanding art work of this
d. Raffaelo Sansio da Urbino
KNOWLEDGE artist. Who is He?
2. He started out as a. Diego Velasquez
specialist in his paintings
of still life .The conversion b. .Peter Paul Rubens
of St Paul is his famous c
c. .Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio
d. .Peter Rubens
3 .Which of the following A .Ecstasy of St Theresa
architectural design is
one of the greatest b. Vatican City
achievements of Gian d
C .Piazza of St Peter’s Rome
Lorenzo Bernini?
d. St Peter Basilica
4.This Italian artist became a.Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio
popular in his sculpture
artwork ”Ecstasy of St. b.Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Teresa” b
c.Peter Paul Rubens
d.Rembrandt Hermenszoon Van Rejn
1. What is the main feature a. Paintings which were suitable for private home display
of Baroque art painting by
THINKING the middle of the 17th b. Paintings which are honouring the political leaders a
century which emerged in c. Painting which depicts values and morality of the society

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the new market to meet d. Paintings which commemorate the life of the country’s heroes
the artistic taste in
2. Point out through his a. Bronze door for Florence Baptistery
artwork that Lorenzo
Gilberti has an interest in b. The Baptism of Christ
Ancient past sculpture. a
c. Madonna and Child
d. The Sacrifice of Isaac

4. Learning Competency #4: Uses artworks to derive the traditions,/history of an art.

Example: 10 questions were allotted (5 Knowledge, 5 Thinking)

Level of Domain Question Choices Answer

KNOWLEDGE 1. What order of the a. Jesuits
Catholic church in Spain
has the driving force of b. Augustinians
Spanish Baroque a
c. Recollects
d. Regular
2. What did the artists’ a. Art Materials b
Guild asked to the
candidates to submit in b. Masterpiece
order to examine their
c. Money
artworks and to maintain
its quality before the d. Resume
candidate win the status of
a master?

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3. Which architectural a. Arch

structure signifies powerful
political statement, b. Aqueduct
propaganda of government
c. Fountain
demonstrating how it
brought water to its citizens d. Wishing Well c

4. One of the functions of a. Illiterate

Renaissance arts is to
spread the gospel and to b. Merchants
teach people to live good
c. Wealthy
Christian lives. Who were
these people they wanted d. Travellers
to teach during that time?
5. In what period the great a. Baroque
artistic and philosophical
movement produced in b. Medieval
Europe at the end of 15th
c. Neo-Classical
century in Italy?
d. Renaissance
1. How will you relate art a. He considered it as something unique in art
with the way Leonardo Da
Vinci performed the b. He tried to find out how he can use the internal organ for his artwork
autopsies and observe d
THINKING c. He wants to introduce innovation in art using the human body
cadavers being dissected
and draw what he found d. He considered the human body as beautiful thing and model for
inside the human body? God’s universe
2. Match the idea of the a. They formulated ideas using it rather than focused on details a

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artists why they used b. Papers are abundant, economical and easy to use by the artists
papers instead of other
materials in paintings and c. Papers can be erased easily once the artist sketch committed errors
sculptures during the late d. Some artists were not yet skilled in paintings and sculpture and
14th century. need to practice first using paper
3. How will you relate the a. The Baroque art was used as propaganda campaign against
role of the Baroque art paganism
during the counter b. The Baroque art was used as educational tool for students’
Reformation of the development
Catholic church? c. The Baroque art was used to describe the history and tradition in
d. The Baroque art was used as religious themes with direct and
emotional involvement
4. Explain why the a. They used it during Counter Reformation
Catholic church have more
religious art made during b. They were recognized as the highest authority during that time
the Renaissance Period? a
c. They commissioned some artist to build more churches for
honouring the saints
d. They used the churches as patron of arts for cultural preservation
5. Which of these explain a. Women were perceived as imperfect
why males are mostly
depicted in dominant and b. Women are created inferior to men
central position in d
Renaissance and Baroque c. Women’s place in contemporary culture
d. Women have limited talents than men in the name of arts

Buffer Questions
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1. What art revival in which a. Humanism

the figure of man is
paramount? b. Naturalism
c. Realism
d. Surrealism
2. Which of these helps a. Signing of artist works
the history of art to
recognize and classify b. Displaying of artist works
their works from the points a
c. Preserving artist works in museum
onward more easily?
d. Recording of artist works to be easily recalled
3. Which ruins gave rise to a. Byzantine
the desire to know the
civilization that had set up b. Greek
magnificent monuments? c
c. Romans
d. Romanesque
1. Identify the function of a. A form of cultural status
art as consumption during
the Renaissance Period? b. A form of Christian education
c. A form of recreation for health purposes
THINKING d. A form of competition for social and political status
2. Analyze why art market a. Italian regions were divided into a city-states
flourished during the
Renaissance Period? b. Great leaders from the oligarch ruled the city -states c
c. Development of commerce, industry and banking system

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d. Influx of foreigners coming from different countries of Europe

3. How were arts been a. Increase in the demand and production of art
affected by the
consumption of man for b. Increase in tax and prices of commodities related to arts
personal desire like a
c. Increase for more artist who will fill the works in art production
adornment and celebration
in Renaissance Period? d. Increase number of oligarch who will commission artist for their
personal needs

5.Learning Competency #5: Compares the characteristics of artworks produced in the different art periods.

Example: 10 questions were allotted (7 Knowledge, 3 Thinking)

Level of Domain Question Choices Answer

KNOWLEDGE 1. Renaissance art works a. True
did not completely depict
human emotion, b. False
while Baroque art focused a
c. Slightly true
more on showing them.
d. Slightly False
4 Michelangelo’s sculpture a. Materialism that overcomes the world a
shows the power of love
and where love comes b. Wealth and glory by the oligarch leaders in Europe
from. In Bernini’s art
c. Flourishing culture and politics in city –states in Europe
piece what does the
coins under his feet d. Lavish living and grandeur structural buildings in the city

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5 Rembrandt: The a. Conversion of Saint Paul

Return of the Prodigal
Son; b. Madonna and Child
Raphaelo: ______ b
c. Monalisa
d. The judgement
4. What is the different a. Baroque painting expose male nude body
between the
characteristics of Baroque b. Baroque painting is characterized by linear perspective
painting given by the c. Painting from the Protestant of the North is characterized by c
Catholic Reformation to everyday secular world.
the Protestant of the d. Painting from the Protestant of the North focused on mythological
North? creatures
5. Baroque art is a. Movement
characterized by ornate
details while Renaissance b. Sensuous riches
art is characterized by d
c. Emotional exuberance
d. Fusion of Christianity and Science
6. Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s a. Bronze
sculpture “Apollo and
KNOWLEDGE Daphne” is carved from. b. Clay
What medium of material c
c. Marble
d. Wax
7. Compare the materials a. Donatello used marble to his artwork David
used by Donatello and
Michelangelo to their b. Michelangelo used bronze to his artwork David c
sculptural work David.
c. Donatello used bronze and Michelangelo used marble to their

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artwork David
d. Donatello and Michelangelo used the same materials in their
artwork David

1. Why do you think the a. A new Italian leader ordered and introduced the Biblical art
grand Baroque style
declined by the end of the b. People during that time were no more interested with the Baroque
17th century? style
c. Artists come and go and different perspective in arts were d
d. France new decorative style is beginning to emerge contrasting the
Baroque style
2. As epitome in the work a. They are more emotional
of Caravaggio, many
human figures in Baroque b. They are less engaged with the viewer
THINKING religious paintings differ d
from Renaissance human c. They are suffused with a greater sense of otherworldliness
figures in which important
d. They are more down to earth and real- to the point of being
3. What is one way in a. Spanish sculpture was inferior to Italian sculpture
which Spanish Baroque
sculpture differed from b. Spanish sculpture never depicted religious subject matter
Italian Baroque sculpture? c
c. Spanish sculpture is often made of wood and then painted

d. Spanish sculpture eschewed realism in favour of idealized ,

ephemeral beauty
Buffer Questions

KNOWLEDGE 1. How would you a. Baroque art completely depict human emotion c

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recognize the Baroque art b. Tries to draw the viewer in to participate in the scene
from the Renaissance art
EXCEPT ONE? c. Baroque art lacks energy, contrast of light and shadow
d. Baroque artist would portray the figure as individual having their
own personalities
2. People Paul Rubens a. Rococo
used dramatic chiaroscuro
in painting. What did Diego b. Tenebrism
Velasquez used in his d
c. Trompe ‘l oem
d. Venetian colors
3. The painting of A Girl a. Humility
with A Pearl Earring by
Johannes Vermeer b. Kindness
symbolizes woman’s
c. Purity
chastity. What does his
painting A lady and Two
Gentlemen symbolizes on
the other hand? d. Temperance

4. Nicholas Poussin was a. Gustave Courbet

the main exponent of the
Classical style in France b. Leonardo Da Vinci
while the proponent of a
c. Monet Manet
Realism in France was
______ d. Scrovegni Chapel

1. What is one reason why a .Dutch Baroque paintings needed to be easily transportable.
THINKING Dutch Baroque paintings d
tended to be smaller than b. Art patrons in the Netherlands could not afford larger paintings. 

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other Baroque paintings? c. Paintings were illegal and therefore needed to be small enough to
be easily hidden
d. Smaller paintings were commissioned. were better suited to the
private homes for which they
2. In what way do the a. They are full of violence
paintings of Georges de
La Tour resemble the b. They use stark of contrast light and dark
paintings of Caravaggio?
c. They depict extremely un idealized figure
d. They extremely focused on the different genre in painting

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