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Agrupamento de Escolas de Anadia


Anadia Group of Schools (AEAnadia) offers a diverse
educational network, from kindergarten, primary, junior,
secondary and adult education. Its aims are to promote equity,
Address social inclusion and citizenship among our students/learners;
Rua Almas das
Domingas, n.º 4
3780-299 Anadia

00351 231 519 050
Fax: 00351231 519 059

Activities and experience of the school in the areas relevant for Erasmus+?

What are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in the European

Anadia has a vivid youth community, and our school has the aim of raising the awareness in this youth
community about European policies and, at the same time, to boost the cooperation with the public
authorities. The board of teachers would like to implement several learning circles to foster critical
thinking and empowerment of our citizens.
Improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions as a contribution to the global, national and local
targets and ambitions are a huge challenge for us and we are actively engaged in projects which foster
environmental friendly behaviours and sustainability, such as Eco-School program (farming,
gardening, recycling, reusing, food sustainability, waste, consumption, energy saving, water, pollution
and a healthy lifestyle), Clair City project and the project Education for Health.

We also foster Eco-Citizen inclusive policies.

In terms of well-being extra-curricular activities for students and for teachers/staff are promoted such
as yoga, gymnastics, theatre, dance, etc. Workshops and training of specific themes related to learning
effectively, managing difficulties and other Phsycological-Pedagogical issues.

Key persons of the projects:

- Coordinator of the European projects, with a long experience in projects, including management and
Budget, as well as dissemination;
- Teachers that have taken part in all types of projects, including e-twinning;
- Former European projects’ coordinator and Eco-Schools program teacher;
- Expert teachers in ICT responsible for the ICT tools, workshops and creating OER’s
- SPO (Psychology and Orientation) office to prepare students and teachers and also psychological and
Pedagogical expert meetings;
- Teachers and students that want new challenges.

There’s a strong connection with local authorities and institutions regarding local policies about
environment protection and Sustainability and a Healthy lifestyle.

As we are a big school there are a big number of teachers' trainers that can prepare specific workshops
and training sessions for both teachers and students, and together with the
training Centre of Agueda to certificate those training sessions.

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