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Starting, Extending, Closing a Conversation

Starting a Conversation :

 Excuse me, .....

 Nice day, isn't it ?
 How long have you been waiting ?
 How are you ?
 Hi / Hello !
 I hope you don't mind if .......

Extending a Conversation : 

 By the way, .....

 Well, ........
 Really ?
 Tell me more about it
 And then ?

Ending a Conversation :

 It's been a pleasure talking to you

 Well, have a nice day
 I think I have to go now
 Nice meeting you
 I must be off now
 Take care
 See you
 Bye

Example :
  1. Vira : Nice day, isn't it ?
      Cindy : Yeah. The sky's so clear. I love this weather
  2. Cindy : I heard the rain will come soon this evening
      Aurel : Really? Well, it's the season
      Cindy : You're right
  3. Tia : How long have you been waiting for me ?
      Lana : Hmm.. About Thirty minutes
      Tia : I'm sorry. Let's go
  4. Vira : Well, I have to go now. Nice meeting you
      Cindy : Bye

Activity 1

Expression Starting Expression Extending  Expression Ending  Conversation

Conversation Conversation

Excuse me, ..... By the way, ..... Well, have a nice day

Nice day, isn't it ? Well, ........ I think I have to go now

How long have you been Really ? It's been a pleasure talking to
waiting ? you

How are you ? Tell me more about it Nice meeting you

And then ? I must be off now

Text 2
Melanie           :  nice day, isn’t it?
Tuti                  : yeah. The sky is so clear. I love this weather
Meanie             : so do i. We can go everywhere.
Tuti                   : but I heard the rain will come soon this week.
Melanie            : really? Well. It is the season
Tuti                  : you are right. Anyway The bus seems to be running late.
Melanie           : I think so. How long have you been waiting?
Tuti                  : about twenty minutes.
Melanie           : are you in hurry?
Tuti                  : yeah. I’m in hurry. I must reach the hospital before evening.
Melanie           : ooh, here is my bus. Well, I have to go now. Nice to meet you.
Tuti                  : Nice to meet you too.

Clara               : hello. It’s hot day today, isn’t it?
Trisha             : right. That’s what I like about Indonesia.
Clara               : do you?
Trisha             : yeah. I can sunbath anytime I want.
Clara                : by the way, is this your first time here?
Trisha             : no, it is my second visit. I like Indonesia.
Clara                : well, I bet you do.
Trisha             : sorry, I have to go now. Nice talking to you.
Clara               : nice talking to you. Good bye.

Trisha              : good bye.

Examples expression  opening conversation

·         Hello
·         How Are You ?
·         How do you do ?
·         Hi
Examples expression extended conversation
·         By the way
·         Anyway
·         What do you think about………………..?
Examples expression closing conversation
·         See you
·         Bye
·         Thanks

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