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St. Dominic Academy of Pulilan, Inc.

(PAASCU Accredited)
Pulilan, Bulacan

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

S.Y. 2019-2020

Food on the Crossroad: Global Connections

Worksheet no. ____
Name:________________________________________ Score:____________
Year & Section:_________________________________ Date:_____________
Learning Competency 2: Demonstrate curiosity and an openness to explore the origins and
dynamics of culture and society and political identities

A. Performance-Task (Application)

The class will be divided into 6. Consider the situation below:

You are a chef in a world food exhibit that has the theme: “Food on the Crossroad: Global
Connections.” This aims to showcase how local cuisine has adapted the techniques of other
culinary traditions. As a delegate of the Philippine team, you will need to select a dish that
represents the fusion of local delicacy with a foreign cuisine. You will need to produce a visual
representation (picture) of the dish and discuss the influences it accommodated in class. The
presentation will be graded using the rubric.

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