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St. Dominic Academy of Pulilan, Inc.

(PAASCU Accredited)
Pulilan, Bulacan
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
S.Y. 2019-2020
Human Mosaic
Quiz No. ____
Name:________________________________________ Score:____________
Year & Section:_________________________________ Date:_____________
Starting Points for the Understanding of Culture, Society, and Politics
Learning Competency 1: Articulate observations on human cultural variation, social
differences, social change, and political identities through an introspective learning activity.

Concept Map: Cultural Variation and Social Differences

Direction: What do you remember when you hear the words, “Cultural Variation” and “Social
Differences”. Complete the concept map below by writing on boxes all the terms or concepts
that you can relate to the 2 key terms (Cultural Variation and Social Differences).
Concept Map

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