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Natalia Volkovova

Oblakovska, 22/78

Prague, Czech Republic

e-mail: +42-858-66589


Dear Madam, Sir,

I am writing to apply for the Erasmus student exchange programme at you

University. I would like to spend next semester of my study course at the University of
Algarve in Portugal. Currently, I am student of Charles University in Prague, at the study
programme of Environmental Chemistry. - prezentarea ta şi a intenţiei tale

 I would honor the opportunity if you accept me for the Erasmus programme,
because it will mean a lot for me and my future career prospective. Firstly, it would
definitely be a very efficient and successfully method to improve my English and
Chemistry skills. I have been learning English as my first foreign language since age of
seven, and I believe that this experience at your University will improve a lot my
knowledge because I will get a chance to communicate with students in similar
circumstances. Moreover, I will cherish the opportunity to enhance my lab experience at
your facilities, since your University has a great reputation in that field. – argumentarea
exactă cum te ajută această experienţă la dezvoltarea profesională, informaţii despre
instituţia gazdă

I would like to emphasize that I am eager to benefit from this programme, as I

will get to know better Erasmus students from the whole Europe, exchanging
experiences and practices. I advocate the opinion that Erasmus programme is excellent
opportunity to meet various groups of young people, spend quality time with them and
get to know their habits, attitudes, lifestyle, etc. Also, living, studying and having fun
within international scholars would broaden my horizons and enable me to build strong
social network with people through our continent. – dezvoltarea personală (abia în
partea a II-a scrisorii)

 Studying at your University I would have a chance to compare the Portuguese

higher education system and Czech one. If I become your student I will use this
comparison to promote the Portuguese educational system not only in my homeland,
but in the whole EU also. –

ce vei face după încheierea stagiului, cum vei fructifica cele învăţate

The reasons for choosing your University are:

–          Learning another foreign language, and get familiar with Portuguese culture and

–          To get practice in modern laboratories and work in different environment that at
Charles University;

–          Enhance my chances to find a better employment, as I will get a truly

multicultural experience, highly valuated nowadays among employers.

I would be very grateful if you consider my application and give me a chance to

participate in the Erasmus programme at your University, which would mark my future
professional and personal development.

Thank you very much in advanced for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Natalia Volkovova

Motivation letter for Erasmus Internship

Dear Sir/Madam,

 I am an undergraduate student at the department of mechanical engineering of

Munich Technical University in Germany. I am perusing my bachelor degree with double
major, so I am also studying electrical engineering. With this motivation letter I would
like to express my interest and motivation in doing a traineeship at Catalonia
Polytechnic University in the Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering as an
Erasmus student for this summer.

 At Munich Technical University, I got 1.6 GPA in 200 ECTSs in mechanical
engineering and 2.1/4 GPA in 20 ECTS in electrical and electronic engineering. This
makes me among best 5 % students within department of mechanical engineering. – ce
te recomandă

 As especially interesting subject during my studies I would like to point out the
System Dynamics and Control course I have attended during last semester.  The course
has given me a solid theoretical background in control engineering and made me eager
to improve my skills in this particular scientific field.  I think that Catalonia Polytechnic
University is an excellent environment for reaching this goal. Therefore I would like to do
summer internship, for which I believe it can help me to learn something new and
broaden my skill set. -de ce doreşti să îţi dezvolţi profesional în această direcţie?, de ce
crezi că această instituție e cea potrivită?
With this letter I would also like to express my intention to apply for this
internship within Erasmus program. Thanks to the special cooperation agreement my
current University has with Catalonia Polytechnic University I think this will not be a

I believe that I am a quick learner, and I don’t give up easily when faced with
difficult challenges. I like to think of myself as a cool-headed person who can keep his
wits about him under pressure. – competenţe personale

I have enclosed my resume and transcript of grades for your kind consideration,
and I look forward to meeting with you and discussing my application in more detail if
you believe that I am qualified for the internship program.

 Yours faithfully,


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