Formula SVP

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formula asli
Furosemid 10mg
II. Rancangan formula
Nama produk : Virosit®injektion
Jumlah produk : 100 Ampul
Tgl formulasi : 30 Mei 2020
Tgl Produksi : 30 Mei 2021
No registrasi : DKL 2000600368AI
No batch : F006003
Komposisi : Tiap 2 ml mengandung :
Furosemid 1%
Na2HPO4 0,06%
NaH2PO4 0,5%
Nacl 0,4942%
Api ad
III. Master Formula
Diproduksi oleh Tgl produksi Tgl formulasi Dibuat oleh Disetujui oleh
PT. One Farma 30 Mei 2021 30 Mei 2020 Klp satu Siti sahra
Kode bahan Nama Bahan Kegunaan Perbotol Perbatch
01- FRS Furosemid Zat aktif 0,02 gram 2 gram
02- HP04 Na2Hpo4 Pendapar 0,0012 gram 0,12 gram
03- H2PO4 NaH2po4 Pendapar 0,01 gram 1 gram
04- Nacl Natrium klorida Pengisotonis 0,0098 gram 0,98 gram
05- Api Aqua pro injeksi pembawa Ad 1,959ml Ad 195,9 ml
IV. Alasan pembuatan produk
small volume parenteral solution (svp) is an injection according to the label on the
package, volume of 100 or less
small volume injection is injection packaged in containers marked with a volume of 100
ml or less
injection preparations as much as possible made in accordance with the blood pH of 7.4
(isohydris). However, the main thing is the pH of the preparations made according to the pH
stability of the active ingredients
furosemide injection is used in the treatment of cardiac, pulmonary, renal, hepatic edema,
mild to moderate hypertension
the background in making ampoule injection is to provide assistance to patients who are in
an unconscious state that cannot be given morally. so given injection drug ampoules. on the
other hand using ampoule injection aims to provide a faster drug action, hence the desired
effect of giving a fast injection (Voight, rudolf, 1995; 1164)

V. Alasan pemilihan zat aktif

injection preparations with active substance furosemide used for the treatment of intra-
arterial hypertension, help prevent the occurrence of fluid retention by inhibiting anti-diuretic
hormones (Aris muttaqin. 2009: 254)
furosemide is a diuretic with very fast action, furosemide works to inhibit electrolyte
reabsorption, especially in thick assending of the henle arch and renal tubules in the kidney
(Mrtindale, 2009; 2341).
furosemide injection is a sterile solution of sodium furosemide, where the injection of
furosemide is prepared by dissolving furosemide with a number of NaOH

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