Critical Thinking Syllabus

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1. Information about the program
1.1 Higher education institution “DANUBIUS” University of Galați
1.2 Faculty Communication and International Relations
1.3 Department Communication and Political Sciences
1.4 Study field International relations and European studies
1.5 Study cycle Bachelor
1.6 Study program/Qualification International relations and European studies

2. Information about the subject

2.1 Name of subject CRITICAL THINKING
2.2 Course coordinator Conf. univ.dr. Cristinel Munteanu
2.3 Seminar coordinator PhD university lecturer Cristinel Munteanu
2.4 Year I 2.5 Semester I 2.6 Type E 2.7 Type Co 2.8. Code RR
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study evaluatio lsor
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3. Total estimated time (teaching activities hours per semester)

3.1 Number of hours per week 4 of which: course 2 seminar / 2
3.4 Total hours in study plan 56 of which: course 28 seminar / 28
3.7 Time distribution hours
Study by handbook, course syllabus, bibliography and notes 25
Additional documentation in the library, on specialty electronic platforms and on the field 15
Preparation of seminars/laboratories, homework, reports, portfolios, and essays 15
Tutorship 2
Examinations 10
Other activities (participation in scientific communications sessions, research projects etc.) 5
3.8 Total hours of individual study 72
3.9 Total hours per semester 114
3.10 Number of credits 5

4. Preconditions (if applicable)(Specify disciplines to be previously studied.)

4.1 curriculum -
4.2 -

5. Conditions (if applicable)

5.1 course performance - course room, video-projector, laptop, e-learning platform Danubius
online, internet
5.2 seminar/laboratory - course room, video-projector, laptop, e-learning platform Danubius
performance online, internet

compulsory, optional, facultative
6. Specific competencies gained (Refers to the competences ensured by the study program of
which the subject is part of.)
- C1 Identification and use of language, methodologies, and special knowledge in
Professional competences

the field of communication sciences, by the following descriptors:

- efficiently grasping the general principles of thinking and the norms for elaborating
a correct speech from a logical point of view;
- knowledge of the main types of logical errors (fallacious reasoning or sophistry);
- competent analysis of the statements constructed defectively from the logical and
argumentative viewpoints;
- creation of coherent and clear scientific texts corresponding to their own field of
- the appropriate and responsible use of information sources.
- carrying out a project by a group of students in order to critically evaluate speeches

belonging to different languages and functional styles;


- self-assessment of the need for professional training in order to adapt the techniques
of argumentation and correct reasoning to the qualitative analyses of the
organizational discourse.

7. Subject objectives (issued from the list of specific competences gained)

7.1 Subject general objective The Critical Thinking discipline has as a general objective the
familiarization of students with the basic principles of the
critical examination of discourses (in oral and written form) of
other people as well as with the fundamental rules of producing
one's own discourse (written and oral) in a correct, clear and
consistent form.
7.2 Specific objectives - efficiently grasping the general principles of thinking and the
norms for elaborating a correct speech from a logical point of
- knowledge of the main types of logical errors (fallacious
reasoning or sophistry);
- competent analysis of the statements constructed defectively
from the logical and argumentative viewpoints;
- creation of coherent and clear scientific texts corresponding to
their own field of training;
- the appropriate and responsible use of information sources.

8. Contents
8.1 Course Teaching methods Observations
Critical thinking - definitions, characterization, lecture, analysis of texts in 2 hours
conceptual delimitations the bibliography
lecture, analysis of texts in 4 hours
The rules of language in general
the bibliography
Elements of logic (principles of correct thinking; lecture, analysis of texts in 4 hours
inductive reasoning; deductive reasoning; common the bibliography
Elements of rhetoric (parts of rhetoric; lecture, analysis of texts in 4 hours
argumentation, etc.) the bibliography
lecture, analysis of texts in 4 hours
The principles of research and interpretation
the bibliography
Facts and factual claims lecture, analysis of texts in 2 hours
the bibliography
lecture, analysis of texts in 2 hours
Critical reading
the bibliography
lecture, analysis of texts in 2 hours
Critical writing
the bibliography
lecture, analysis of texts in 4 hours
Critical speaking and listening
the bibliography
Minimal study bibliography for students

• Aristotel, Retorica, Traducere, studiu introductiv şi index de Maria-Cristina Andrieş, Note şi

comentarii de Ştefan-Sebastian Maftei, Editura Iri, Bucureşti, 2004.
• Ducrot, Oswald; Schaeffer, Jean-Marie, Noul dicţionar enciclopedic al ştiinţelor limbajului,
Traducere de Anca Măgureanu, Viorel Vişan, Marina Păunescu, Editura Babel, Bucureşti, 1996.
• Gavriliu, Leonard, Mic tratat de sofistică, Editura Iri, Bucureşti, 1996.
• Petreu, Marta, Jocurile manierismului logic, Ediţia a II-a, Polirom, Iaşi, 2013.
• Popelard, Marie-Dominique; Vernant, Denis, Elemente de logică, Traducere de Ion Vezeanu,
Institutul European, Iaşi, 2003.
• Sălăvăstru, Constantin, Discursul puterii. Încercare de retorică aplicată, Editura Tritonic,
Bucureşti, 2009.

Bibliography of course development

• Aristotel, Retorica, Traducere, studiu introductiv şi index de Maria-Cristina Andrieş, Note şi

comentarii de Ştefan-Sebastian Maftei, Editura Iri, Bucureşti, 2004.
• Botezatu, Petre, Introducere în logică, Ediţia a II-a, Ediţie îngrijită, prefaţă şi note de Teodor
Dima, Polirom, Iaşi, 1997.
• Cohen, Martin, Critical Thinking Skills for Dummies, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, 2015.
• Cohen, Morris R.; Nagel, Ernest, An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method, Routledge &
Kegan Paul, Ltd., London, 1964.
• Copi, Irving M., Introduction to Logic, Sixth Edition, Macmillan Publishing Co., New York,
• Cottrell, Stella, Critical Thinking Skills. Developing Effective Analysis and Argument, Palgrave
MacMillan, New York, 2005.
• Dewey, John, How We Think, Dover Publications, New York, 1997.
• Ducrot, Oswald; Schaeffer, Jean-Marie, Noul dicţionar enciclopedic al ştiinţelor limbajului,
Traducere de Anca Măgureanu, Viorel Vişan, Marina Păunescu, Editura Babel, Bucureşti, 1996.
• Gavriliu, Leonard, Mic tratat de sofistică, Editura Iri, Bucureşti, 1996.
• István, Ráth-Végh, Istoria culturală a prostiei omeneşti, Traducere de Doina Todoran, Editura
Garamond, Bucureşti, s.a.
• Petreu, Marta, Jocurile manierismului logic, Ediţia a II-a, Polirom, Iaşi, 2013.
• Popelard, Marie-Dominique; Vernant, Denis, Elemente de logică, Traducere de Ion Vezeanu,
Institutul European, Iaşi, 2003.
• Sălăvăstru, Constantin, Teoria şi practica argumentării, Polirom, Iaşi, 2003.
• Sălăvăstru, Constantin, Discursul puterii. Încercare de retorică aplicată, Editura Tritonic,
Bucureşti, 2009.
• Swatridge, Colin, The Oxford Guide to Effective Argument and Critical Thinking, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2014.
8.2 Seminar/laboratory Teaching methods Observations
- Thinking by analogy analysis of texts in the 2 hours
bibliography, explanation,
heuristic conversation,
debate, brainstorming
- The critical spirit in the Romanian culture analysis of texts in the 4 hours
(from the Cartesian methodical doubt to the bibliography, explanation,
inclination towards "quarrelling") heuristic conversation,
debate, brainstorming
- Values and principles Their recognition and analysis of texts in the 4 hours
use bibliography, explanation,
heuristic conversation,
debate, brainstorming
- Receiving results based on the interpretation of analysis of texts in the 2 hours
statistical data bibliography, explanation,
heuristic conversation,
debate, brainstorming
- Various discourses as examples of critical analysis of texts in the 4 hours
thinking practice (case studies) bibliography, explanation,
heuristic conversation,
debate, brainstorming
- Recognition of typical sophisms (formal and analysis of texts in the 2 hours
informal) bibliography, explanation,
heuristic conversation,
debate, brainstorming
- Arguments that changed the world analysis of texts in the 4 hours
bibliography, explanation,
heuristic conversation,
debate, brainstorming
- Propaganda and manipulation analysis of texts in the 4 hours
bibliography, explanation,
heuristic conversation,
debate, brainstorming
- Prejudices and inertia of thought (the "idols" of analysis of texts in the 2 hours
Fr. Bacon etc.) bibliography, explanation,
heuristic conversation,
debate, brainstorming
• Aristotel, Retorica, Traducere, studiu introductiv şi index de Maria-Cristina Andrieş, Note şi
comentarii de Ştefan-Sebastian Maftei, Editura Iri, Bucureşti, 2004.
• Botezatu, Petre, Introducere în logică, Ediţia a II-a, Ediţie îngrijită, prefaţă şi note de Teodor
Dima, Polirom, Iaşi, 1997.
• Ducrot, Oswald; Schaeffer, Jean-Marie, Noul dicţionar enciclopedic al ştiinţelor limbajului,
Traducere de Anca Măgureanu, Viorel Vişan, Marina Păunescu, Editura Babel, Bucureşti, 1996.
• Gavriliu, Leonard, Mic tratat de sofistică, Editura Iri, Bucureşti, 1996.
• István, Ráth-Végh, Istoria culturală a prostiei omeneşti, Traducere de Doina Todoran, Editura
Garamond, Bucureşti, s.a.
• Petreu, Marta, Jocurile manierismului logic, Ediţia a II-a, Polirom, Iaşi, 2013.
• Popelard, Marie-Dominique; Vernant, Denis, Elemente de logică, Traducere de Ion Vezeanu,
Institutul European, Iaşi, 2003.
• Sălăvăstru, Constantin, Discursul puterii. Încercare de retorică aplicată, Editura Tritonic,
Bucureşti, 2009.
• Swatridge, Colin, The Oxford Guide to Effective Argument and Critical Thinking, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2014.

9. Synchronization of subject contents with the expectations of the epistemic community,
professional associations and representative employers in the field of the program
 Participation in carrying out campaigns to promote the rules of reasoning and correct
argumentation in high schools and faculties.

10. Evaluation
10.2 Methods of 10.3 Weight
Type of activity 10.1 Evaluation criteria
evaluation in final grade
10.4 Course Attendance, reading the Written exam 70%
bibliography, knowledge of
the information taught at the
10.5 Attendance, elaboration of Continuous evaluation: 30%
Seminar/laboratory reports, homeworks, tests,
participation in debates at
the seminar
10.6 Minimum standard of performance

 60 % knowledge of the information taught at the course;

 40 % seminar activity.

Date of fill-in Signature of course coordinator Signature of seminar coordinator

__ / __ / ____ PhD university lecturer Cristinel
Date of department approval Signature of department manager
__ / __ / ____ __________________________

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