Discussion & Conclusion + Screenshot PDF

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Arriola, Patrick Jayson M.

COE119L / E02


The machine language for each instruction used in an assembly program is represented by
hexadecimal codes. This is the binary language of the machine. The assembly language, however, is
represented by word-like terms that mean something to us. Putting groups of these word-like
instructions together is how a program is constructed. Assembly language consists of statements that
use short mnemonics such as ADD, MOV, SUB, and CALL. Assembly language has a one-to-one
relationship with machine language, meaning that one assembly language instruction corresponds to
one machine language instruction.

When a reference to source and destination operands is made, we use the natural order of
operands in all Intel 80x86 instructions, in which the first operand is the destination and the second is
the source. In the MOY instruction, for example, the destination will be assigned a copy of the data in
the source operand: MOV destination, source. There are instructions that require no operands (such as
STC), and those that require one or more operands. For the succeeding exercises, search for the
necessary instructions in Appendix B, specifically the ADD, SUB, and MUL instruction. It is to be noted
that one may identify the operation of an instruction by just looking at its mnemonic.



1. To be able to use the DEBUG program in assembling and disassembling Assembly language
program and examining the content of registers

2. To be able to use the DEBUG program in accessing, modifying and redirecting data

3. To be able to create a new program using Assembly Language

In line with the objectives, we therefore conclude that, DEBUG program in assembling and
disassembling Assembly language program primarily analyzes binary executable code. Instead of
displaying this code in raw format, the debugger disassembles this code. That is, the debugger converts
the code from machine language to assembly language. The disassembly display appears in four
columns: address offset, binary code, assembly language mnemonic, and assembly language details. The
following example shows this display. We can also use the .asm (Change Disassembly Options)
command to change how the disassembled instructions are displayed. The debugger has two different
operating modes: assembly mode and source mode. Lastly, to create a new program using Assembly
language is to use an executable instructions or simply instructions tell the processor what to do. Each
instruction consists of an operation code (opcode). Each executable instruction generates one machine
language instruction.

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