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Week 7


1.Question 1
Which of the following statements about the property entropy is not true?

1 point

The units of specific entropy are kJ/kg K.

Entropy is an extensive property

It measures the amount of heat of a substance.

2.Question 2
Consider a Rankine power plant that has uses no reheat with water as the working fluid. The steam
generator operates at 100 bar and the condenser operates at 10 bar (absolute). The water enters
the turbine at a temperature of 775 degrees Celsius. Assume no losses in the system. What is the
specific enthalpy and the specific entropy of the water as it enters the turbine?

1 point

enthalpy- 3930 kJ/kg, entropy- 7.35 kJ/(kg*K)

entropy- 4053 kJ/kg, enthalpy- 7.18 kJ/(kg*K)

enthalpy- 4053 kJ/kg, entropy- 7.35 kJ/(kg*K)

enthalpy- 3930 kJ/kg, entropy- 7.18 kJ/(kg*K)

3.Question 3
Assume the turbine is ideal and adiabatic. What is the specific entropy of the steam as it exits the
turbine and enters the condenser? Hint: you need to use the results from the previous problem.

1 point
Cannot be determined.

4053 kJ/kg

specific entropy = 7.35 kJ/(kg*K)

2.503 kJ/kg

4.Question 4
What is the specific enthalpy at the exit state of the condenser? Assume the steam leaves the
condenser as a saturated liquid at 10 bar (absolute).

1 point

763 kJ/kg

1500 kJ/kg

405 kJ/kg

2700 kJ/kg

5.Question 5
What is the specific entropy of the water as it exits the condenser?

1 point

1.3 kJ/(kg*K)

2.1 kJ/(kg*K)
1.2 kJ/(kg*K)

1.8 kJ(kg*K)

6.Question 6
As you move from the inlet state to the exit state of the pump, which of the following is true?

1 point

The pump is isentropic.

The change in specific enthalpy will be the same as the turbine.

The specific enthalpy will remain the same.

The entropy will be the same as it was at the inlet state to the turbine.

7.Question 7
If the specific enthalpy at the exit of the turbine is 2700 kJ/kg, what is the heat rejected from this
Rankine Cycle in units of kJ/kg?

1 point

2750 kJ/kg

3219 kJ/kg

1335 kJ/kg

1940 kJ/kg

8.Question 8
Using the heat output in the previous problem and the heat input is 3630, what is the efficiency?
1 point

24.5 %

60.8 %

64.4 %

46.6 %

9.Question 9
Which of the following statements about cycle efficiency is false?

1 point

Real boilers and real condensers are not isobaric.

Superheaters do not affect cycle efficiency.

Real turbines and real pumps are not isentropic.

10.Question 10
Determine the q_h and q_l of a Rankine cycle using steam as the working fluid in which the
condenser pressure is 10 kPa. The boiler pressure is 2000 kPa and the steam leaving the boiler is a
saturated vapor.

Given: State 1 is the state of the fluid entering the pump, state 2 is state of the fluid entering the
boiler, state 3 is state of the fluid entering the turbine and state 4 is the state entering the condenser,
and h1 = 191.8 kJ/kg, h2 = 193.8 kJ/kg, h3 = 2799.5 kJ/kg, h4 = 2007.5 kJ/kg

1 point

q_h=1813.7 kJ/kg, q_l=2.0 kJ/kg

q_h=2605.7 kJ/kg, q_l=1815.7 kJ/kg

q_h=1915.7 kJ/kg, q_l=598.2 kJ/kg

11.Question 11
Calculate the efficiency of Rankine cycle for previous problem.

1 point




12.Question 12
Consider a heat engine with the heat input of 900 kJ at a temperature of 500 °C. The heat engines
rejects heat to the the surroundings at a temperature of 25 °C. The engine produces 375 kJ of work.
How much heat is rejected to the surroundings?

1 point

1250 kJ

150 kJ

525 kJ

850 kJ

13.Question 13
Consider a heat engine with heat input of 900 kJ at a temperature of 500 °C. The heat engines
rejects heat to the the surroundings at a temperature of 25 °C, and produces 375 kJ of work. What is
the engine efficiency?

1 point

33 %



14.Question 14
Consider a heat engine with the heat input of 900 kJ at a temperature of 500 °C. The heat engines
rejects heat to the the surroundings at a temperature of 25 °C, and produces 375 kJ of work. What is
the Carnot efficiency?

1 point





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